Houdini 20.0 Shelf tools

Attach to Bones shelf tool

Connects muscles, muscle rigs, and pin anchors to other objects in your scene.

On this page


The object-level Muscle tools are now deprecated pending the release of the new SOP-based Muscles & Tissue system.


This shelf tool allows you to quickly connect multiple muscles to common end point parents as a group rather than muscle by muscle.

Using Attach to Bones

  1. Click the Attach to Bones tool on the Muscles shelf tab.

  2. Select the muscles, muscle rigs, and muscle pins to attach to the character rig and press Enter. If you had any muscle components already selected before clicking this tool, you will skip this step.

  3. Select the head anchor parent and press Enter. All selected muscles will share this common parent.

  4. Select the tail anchor parent and press Enter. All selected muscles will share this common parent.


The Keep Position When Parenting toggle will compensate for a parent’s transform when attaching or detaching an anchor to/from its parent.

For more information, the muscle workflow help page.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
