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GfMatrix3f Class Reference

#include <matrix3f.h>

Public Types

typedef float ScalarType

Public Member Functions

 GfMatrix3f ()=default
 Default constructor. Leaves the matrix component values undefined. More...
 GfMatrix3f (float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
 GfMatrix3f (const float m[3][3])
 GfMatrix3f (float s)
 GfMatrix3f (int s)
 GfMatrix3f (const GfVec3f &v)
GF_API GfMatrix3f (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &v)
GF_API GfMatrix3f (const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &v)
GF_API GfMatrix3f (const GfRotation &rot)
 Constructor. Initialize matrix from rotation. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3f (const GfQuatf &rot)
 Constructor. Initialize matrix from a quaternion. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3f (const class GfMatrix3d &m)
 This explicit constructor converts a "double" matrix to a "float" matrix. More...
void SetRow (int i, const GfVec3f &v)
 Sets a row of the matrix from a Vec3. More...
void SetColumn (int i, const GfVec3f &v)
 Sets a column of the matrix from a Vec3. More...
GfVec3f GetRow (int i) const
 Gets a row of the matrix as a Vec3. More...
GfVec3f GetColumn (int i) const
 Gets a column of the matrix as a Vec3. More...
GfMatrix3fSet (float m00, float m01, float m02, float m10, float m11, float m12, float m20, float m21, float m22)
GfMatrix3fSet (const float m[3][3])
GfMatrix3fSetIdentity ()
 Sets the matrix to the identity matrix. More...
GfMatrix3fSetZero ()
 Sets the matrix to zero. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetDiagonal (float s)
 Sets the matrix to s times the identity matrix. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetDiagonal (const GfVec3f &)
 Sets the matrix to have diagonal (v[0], v[1], v[2]). More...
GF_API floatGet (float m[3][3]) const
floatdata ()
const floatdata () const
floatGetArray ()
 Returns vector components as an array of float values. More...
const floatGetArray () const
 Returns vector components as a const array of float values. More...
floatoperator[] (int i)
const floatoperator[] (int i) const
GF_API bool operator== (const GfMatrix3d &m) const
GF_API bool operator== (const GfMatrix3f &m) const
bool operator!= (const GfMatrix3d &m) const
bool operator!= (const GfMatrix3f &m) const
GF_API GfMatrix3f GetTranspose () const
 Returns the transpose of the matrix. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3f GetInverse (double *det=NULL, double eps=0) const
GF_API double GetDeterminant () const
 Returns the determinant of the matrix. More...
GF_API bool Orthonormalize (bool issueWarning=true)
GF_API GfMatrix3f GetOrthonormalized (bool issueWarning=true) const
 Returns an orthonormalized copy of the matrix. More...
GF_API double GetHandedness () const
bool IsRightHanded () const
bool IsLeftHanded () const
GF_API GfMatrix3foperator*= (const GfMatrix3f &m)
 Post-multiplies matrix m into this matrix. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3foperator*= (double)
 Multiplies the matrix by a float. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3foperator+= (const GfMatrix3f &m)
 Adds matrix m to this matrix. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3foperator-= (const GfMatrix3f &m)
 Subtracts matrix m from this matrix. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetScale (float scaleFactor)
 Sets matrix to specify a uniform scaling by scaleFactor. More...
3D Transformation Utilities
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetRotate (const GfQuatf &rot)
 Sets the matrix to specify a rotation equivalent to rot. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetRotate (const GfRotation &rot)
 Sets the matrix to specify a rotation equivalent to rot. More...
GF_API GfMatrix3fSetScale (const GfVec3f &scaleFactors)
GF_API GfRotation ExtractRotation () const
GF_API GfVec3f DecomposeRotation (const GfVec3f &axis0, const GfVec3f &axis1, const GfVec3f &axis2) const
GF_API GfQuaternion ExtractRotationQuaternion () const

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t numRows = 3
static const size_t numColumns = 3


class GfMatrix3d
size_t hash_value (GfMatrix3f const &m)
 Hash. More...
GfMatrix3f operator* (const GfMatrix3f &m1, double d)
 Returns the product of a matrix and a float. More...
GfMatrix3f operator* (double d, const GfMatrix3f &m)
GF_API friend GfMatrix3f operator- (const GfMatrix3f &m)
 Returns the unary negation of matrix m. More...
GfMatrix3f operator+ (const GfMatrix3f &m1, const GfMatrix3f &m2)
 Adds matrix m2 to m1. More...
GfMatrix3f operator- (const GfMatrix3f &m1, const GfMatrix3f &m2)
 Subtracts matrix m2 from m1. More...
GfMatrix3f operator* (const GfMatrix3f &m1, const GfMatrix3f &m2)
 Multiplies matrix m1 by m2. More...
GfMatrix3f operator/ (const GfMatrix3f &m1, const GfMatrix3f &m2)
 Divides matrix m1 by m2 (that is, m1 * inv(m2)). More...
GfVec3f operator* (const GfMatrix3f &m, const GfVec3f &vec)
 Returns the product of a matrix m and a column vector vec. More...
GfVec3f operator* (const GfVec3f &vec, const GfMatrix3f &m)
 Returns the product of row vector vec and a matrix m. More...

Detailed Description

Stores a 3x3 matrix of float elements. A basic type.

Matrices are defined to be in row-major order, so matrix[i][j] indexes the element in the i th row and the j th column.

3D Transformations

Three methods, SetRotate(), SetScale(), and ExtractRotation(), interpret a GfMatrix3f as a 3D transformation. By convention, vectors are treated primarily as row vectors, implying the following:

  • Transformation matrices are organized to deal with row vectors, not column vectors.
  • Each of the Set() methods in this class completely rewrites the matrix; for example, SetRotate() yields a matrix which does nothing but rotate.
  • When multiplying two transformation matrices, the matrix on the left applies a more local transformation to a row vector. For example, if R represents a rotation matrix and S represents a scale matrix, the product R*S will rotate a row vector, then scale it.

Definition at line 81 of file matrix3f.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 84 of file matrix3f.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( )

Default constructor. Leaves the matrix component values undefined.

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( float  m00,
float  m01,
float  m02,
float  m10,
float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m20,
float  m21,
float  m22 

Constructor. Initializes the matrix from 9 independent float values, specified in row-major order. For example, parameter m10 specifies the value in row 1 and column 0.

Definition at line 95 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const float  m[3][3])

Constructor. Initializes the matrix from a 3x3 array of float values, specified in row-major order.

Definition at line 105 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( float  s)

Constructor. Explicitly initializes the matrix to s times the identity matrix.

Definition at line 111 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( int  s)

This explicit constructor initializes the matrix to s times the identity matrix.

Definition at line 117 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const GfVec3f v)

Constructor. Explicitly initializes the matrix to diagonal form, with the i th element on the diagonal set to v[i].

Definition at line 123 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  v)

Constructor. Initialize the matrix from a vector of vectors of double. The vector is expected to be 3x3. If it is too big, only the first 3 rows and/or columns will be used. If it is too small, uninitialized elements will be filled in with the corresponding elements from an identity matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &  v)

Constructor. Initialize the matrix from a vector of vectors of float. The vector is expected to be 3x3. If it is too big, only the first 3 rows and/or columns will be used. If it is too small, uninitialized elements will be filled in with the corresponding elements from an identity matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const GfRotation rot)

Constructor. Initialize matrix from rotation.

GF_API GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const GfQuatf rot)

Constructor. Initialize matrix from a quaternion.

GF_API GfMatrix3f::GfMatrix3f ( const class GfMatrix3d m)

This explicit constructor converts a "double" matrix to a "float" matrix.

Member Function Documentation

float* GfMatrix3f::data ( )

Returns raw access to components of matrix as an array of float values. Components are in row-major order.

Definition at line 233 of file matrix3f.h.

const float* GfMatrix3f::data ( ) const

Returns const raw access to components of matrix as an array of float values. Components are in row-major order.

Definition at line 239 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfVec3f GfMatrix3f::DecomposeRotation ( const GfVec3f axis0,
const GfVec3f axis1,
const GfVec3f axis2 
) const

Decompose the rotation corresponding to this matrix about 3 orthogonal axes. If the axes are not orthogonal, warnings will be spewed.

This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling ExtractRotation().Decompose().

GF_API GfRotation GfMatrix3f::ExtractRotation ( ) const

Returns the rotation corresponding to this matrix. This works well only if the matrix represents a rotation.

For good results, consider calling Orthonormalize() before calling this method.

GF_API GfQuaternion GfMatrix3f::ExtractRotationQuaternion ( ) const

Returns the quaternion corresponding to this matrix. This works well only if the matrix represents a rotation.

For good results, consider calling Orthonormalize() before calling this method.

GF_API float* GfMatrix3f::Get ( float  m[3][3]) const

Fills a 3x3 array of float values with the values in the matrix, specified in row-major order.

float* GfMatrix3f::GetArray ( )

Returns vector components as an array of float values.

Definition at line 244 of file matrix3f.h.

const float* GfMatrix3f::GetArray ( ) const

Returns vector components as a const array of float values.

Definition at line 249 of file matrix3f.h.

GfVec3f GfMatrix3f::GetColumn ( int  i) const

Gets a column of the matrix as a Vec3.

Definition at line 177 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API double GfMatrix3f::GetDeterminant ( ) const

Returns the determinant of the matrix.

GF_API double GfMatrix3f::GetHandedness ( ) const

Returns the sign of the determinant of the matrix, i.e. 1 for a right-handed matrix, -1 for a left-handed matrix, and 0 for a singular matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f GfMatrix3f::GetInverse ( double *  det = NULL,
double  eps = 0 
) const

Returns the inverse of the matrix, or FLT_MAX * SetIdentity() if the matrix is singular. (FLT_MAX is the largest value a float can have, as defined by the system.) The matrix is considered singular if the determinant is less than or equal to the optional parameter eps. If det is non-null, *det is set to the determinant.

GF_API GfMatrix3f GfMatrix3f::GetOrthonormalized ( bool  issueWarning = true) const

Returns an orthonormalized copy of the matrix.

GfVec3f GfMatrix3f::GetRow ( int  i) const

Gets a row of the matrix as a Vec3.

Definition at line 172 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f GfMatrix3f::GetTranspose ( ) const

Returns the transpose of the matrix.

bool GfMatrix3f::IsLeftHanded ( ) const

Returns true if the vectors in matrix form a left-handed coordinate system.

Definition at line 345 of file matrix3f.h.

bool GfMatrix3f::IsRightHanded ( ) const

Returns true if the vectors in the matrix form a right-handed coordinate system.

Definition at line 339 of file matrix3f.h.

bool GfMatrix3f::operator!= ( const GfMatrix3d m) const

Tests for element-wise matrix inequality. All elements must match exactly for matrices to be considered equal.

Definition at line 290 of file matrix3f.h.

bool GfMatrix3f::operator!= ( const GfMatrix3f m) const

Tests for element-wise matrix inequality. All elements must match exactly for matrices to be considered equal.

Definition at line 296 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::operator*= ( const GfMatrix3f m)

Post-multiplies matrix m into this matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::operator*= ( double  )

Multiplies the matrix by a float.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::operator+= ( const GfMatrix3f m)

Adds matrix m to this matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::operator-= ( const GfMatrix3f m)

Subtracts matrix m from this matrix.

GF_API bool GfMatrix3f::operator== ( const GfMatrix3d m) const

Tests for element-wise matrix equality. All elements must match exactly for matrices to be considered equal.

GF_API bool GfMatrix3f::operator== ( const GfMatrix3f m) const

Tests for element-wise matrix equality. All elements must match exactly for matrices to be considered equal.

float* GfMatrix3f::operator[] ( int  i)

Accesses an indexed row i of the matrix as an array of 3 float values so that standard indexing (such as m[0][1]) works correctly.

Definition at line 256 of file matrix3f.h.

const float* GfMatrix3f::operator[] ( int  i) const

Accesses an indexed row i of the matrix as an array of 3 float values so that standard indexing (such as m[0][1]) works correctly.

Definition at line 261 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API bool GfMatrix3f::Orthonormalize ( bool  issueWarning = true)

Makes the matrix orthonormal in place. This is an iterative method that is much more stable than the previous cross/cross method. If the iterative method does not converge, a warning is issued.

Returns true if the iteration converged, false otherwise. Leaves any translation part of the matrix unchanged. If issueWarning is true, this method will issue a warning if the iteration does not converge, otherwise it will be silent.

GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::Set ( float  m00,
float  m01,
float  m02,
float  m10,
float  m11,
float  m12,
float  m20,
float  m21,
float  m22 

Sets the matrix from 9 independent float values, specified in row-major order. For example, parameter m10 specifies the value in row 1 and column 0.

Definition at line 184 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::Set ( const float  m[3][3])

Sets the matrix from a 3x3 array of float values, specified in row-major order.

Definition at line 195 of file matrix3f.h.

void GfMatrix3f::SetColumn ( int  i,
const GfVec3f v 

Sets a column of the matrix from a Vec3.

Definition at line 165 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetDiagonal ( float  s)

Sets the matrix to s times the identity matrix.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetDiagonal ( const GfVec3f )

Sets the matrix to have diagonal (v[0], v[1], v[2]).

GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetIdentity ( )

Sets the matrix to the identity matrix.

Definition at line 209 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetRotate ( const GfQuatf rot)

Sets the matrix to specify a rotation equivalent to rot.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetRotate ( const GfRotation rot)

Sets the matrix to specify a rotation equivalent to rot.

void GfMatrix3f::SetRow ( int  i,
const GfVec3f v 

Sets a row of the matrix from a Vec3.

Definition at line 158 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetScale ( float  scaleFactor)

Sets matrix to specify a uniform scaling by scaleFactor.

GF_API GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetScale ( const GfVec3f scaleFactors)

Sets the matrix to specify a nonuniform scaling in x, y, and z by the factors in vector scaleFactors.

GfMatrix3f& GfMatrix3f::SetZero ( )

Sets the matrix to zero.

Definition at line 214 of file matrix3f.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class GfMatrix3d

Definition at line 487 of file matrix3f.h.

size_t hash_value ( GfMatrix3f const &  m)


Definition at line 264 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f operator* ( const GfMatrix3f m1,
double  d 

Returns the product of a matrix and a float.

Definition at line 358 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f operator* ( double  d,
const GfMatrix3f m 

Definition at line 366 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f operator* ( const GfMatrix3f m1,
const GfMatrix3f m2 

Multiplies matrix m1 by m2.

Definition at line 400 of file matrix3f.h.

GfVec3f operator* ( const GfMatrix3f m,
const GfVec3f vec 

Returns the product of a matrix m and a column vector vec.

Definition at line 414 of file matrix3f.h.

GfVec3f operator* ( const GfVec3f vec,
const GfMatrix3f m 

Returns the product of row vector vec and a matrix m.

Definition at line 421 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f operator+ ( const GfMatrix3f m1,
const GfMatrix3f m2 

Adds matrix m2 to m1.

Definition at line 384 of file matrix3f.h.

GF_API friend GfMatrix3f operator- ( const GfMatrix3f m)

Returns the unary negation of matrix m.

GfMatrix3f operator- ( const GfMatrix3f m1,
const GfMatrix3f m2 

Subtracts matrix m2 from m1.

Definition at line 392 of file matrix3f.h.

GfMatrix3f operator/ ( const GfMatrix3f m1,
const GfMatrix3f m2 

Divides matrix m1 by m2 (that is, m1 * inv(m2)).

Definition at line 408 of file matrix3f.h.

Member Data Documentation

const size_t GfMatrix3f::numColumns = 3

Definition at line 87 of file matrix3f.h.

const size_t GfMatrix3f::numRows = 3

Definition at line 86 of file matrix3f.h.

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