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1 //
2 // Copyright 2019 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
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9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
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12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
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23 //
28 /// \file usd/stageLoadRules.h
30 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
31 #include "pxr/usd/usd/api.h"
32 #include "pxr/usd/usd/common.h"
33 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/path.h"
35 #include <iosfwd>
36 #include <vector>
40 /// \class UsdStageLoadRules
41 ///
42 /// This class represents rules that govern payload inclusion on UsdStages.
43 ///
44 /// Rules are represented as pairs of SdfPath and a Rule enum value, one of
45 /// AllRule, OnlyRule, and NoneRule. To understand how rules apply to
46 /// particular paths, see UsdStageLoadRules::GetEffectiveRuleForPath().
47 ///
48 /// Convenience methods for manipulating rules by typical 'Load' and 'Unload'
49 /// operations are provided in UsdStageLoadRules::LoadWithoutDescendants(),
50 /// UsdStageLoadRules::LoadWithDescendants(), UsdStageLoadRules::Unload().
51 ///
52 /// For finer-grained rule crafting, see AddRule().
53 ///
54 /// Remove redundant rules that do not change the effective load state with
55 /// UsdStageLoadRules::Minimize().
57 {
58 public:
59  /// \enum Rule
60  ///
61  /// These values are paired with paths to govern payload inclusion on
62  /// UsdStages.
63  enum Rule {
64  /// Include payloads on the specified prim and all descendants.
66  /// Include payloads on the specified prim but no descendants.
68  /// Exclude payloads on the specified prim and all descendants.
70  };
72  /// Construct rules that load all payloads.
73  UsdStageLoadRules() = default;
75  /// Return rules that load all payloads. This is equivalent to
76  /// default-constructed UsdStageLoadRules.
77  static inline UsdStageLoadRules LoadAll() {
78  return UsdStageLoadRules();
79  }
81  /// Return rules that load no payloads.
83  static UsdStageLoadRules LoadNone();
85  UsdStageLoadRules(UsdStageLoadRules const &) = default;
87  UsdStageLoadRules &operator=(UsdStageLoadRules const &) = default;
90  /// Add a rule indicating that \p path, all its ancestors, and all its
91  /// descendants shall be loaded.
92  ///
93  /// Any previous rules created by calling LoadWithoutDescendants() or
94  /// Unload() on this path or descendant paths are replaced by this rule.
95  /// For example, calling LoadWithoutDescendants('/World/sets/kitchen')
96  /// followed by LoadWithDescendants('/World/sets') will effectively remove
97  /// the rule created in the first call. See AddRule() for more direct
98  /// manipulation.
100  void LoadWithDescendants(SdfPath const &path);
102  /// Add a rule indicating that \p path and all its ancestors but none of its
103  /// descendants shall be loaded.
104  ///
105  /// Any previous rules created by calling LoadWithDescendants() or Unload()
106  /// on this path or descendant paths are replaced or restricted by this
107  /// rule. For example, calling LoadWithDescendants('/World/sets') followed
108  /// by LoadWithoutDescendants('/World/sets/kitchen') will cause everything
109  /// under '/World/sets' to load except for those things under
110  /// '/World/sets/kitchen'. See AddRule() for more direct manipulation.
111  USD_API
112  void LoadWithoutDescendants(SdfPath const &path);
114  /// Add a rule indicating that \p path and all its descendants shall be
115  /// unloaded.
116  ///
117  /// Any previous rules created by calling LoadWithDescendants() or
118  /// LoadWithoutDescendants() on this path or descendant paths are replaced
119  /// or restricted by this rule. For example, calling
120  /// LoadWithDescendants('/World/sets') followed by
121  /// Unload('/World/sets/kitchen') will cause everything under '/World/sets'
122  /// to load, except for '/World/sets/kitchen' and everything under it.
123  USD_API
124  void Unload(SdfPath const &path);
126  /// Add rules as if Unload() was called for each element of \p unloadSet
127  /// followed by calls to either LoadWithDescendants() (if \p policy is
128  /// UsdLoadPolicy::LoadWithDescendants) or LoadWithoutDescendants() (if
129  /// \p policy is UsdLoadPolicy::LoadWithoutDescendants) for each element of
130  /// \p loadSet.
131  USD_API
132  void LoadAndUnload(const SdfPathSet &loadSet,
133  const SdfPathSet &unloadSet, UsdLoadPolicy policy);
135  /// Add a literal rule. If there's already a rule for \p path, replace it.
136  USD_API
137  void AddRule(SdfPath const &path, Rule rule);
139  /// Set literal rules, must be sorted by SdfPath::operator<.
140  USD_API
141  void SetRules(std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule>> const &rules);
143  /// Set literal rules, must be sorted by SdfPath::operator<.
144  inline void SetRules(std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule>> &&rules) {
145  _rules = std::move(rules);
146  }
148  /// Remove any redundant rules to make the set of rules as small as possible
149  /// without changing behavior.
150  USD_API
151  void Minimize();
153  /// Return true if the given \p path is considered loaded by these rules, or
154  /// false if it is considered unloaded. This is equivalent to
155  /// GetEffectiveRuleForPath(path) != NoneRule.
156  USD_API
157  bool IsLoaded(SdfPath const &path) const;
159  /// Return true if the given \p path and all descendants are considered
160  /// loaded by these rules; false otherwise.
161  USD_API
162  bool IsLoadedWithAllDescendants(SdfPath const &path) const;
164  /// Return true if the given \p path and is considered loaded, but none of
165  /// its descendants are considered loaded by these rules; false otherwise.
166  USD_API
167  bool IsLoadedWithNoDescendants(SdfPath const &path) const;
169  /// Return the "effective" rule for the given \p path. For example, if the
170  /// closest ancestral rule of \p path is an \p AllRule, return \p AllRule.
171  /// If the closest ancestral rule of \p path is for \p path itself and it is
172  /// an \p OnlyRule, return \p OnlyRule. Otherwise if there is a closest
173  /// descendant rule to \p path this is an \p OnlyRule or an \p AllRule,
174  /// return \p OnlyRule. Otherwise return \p NoneRule.
175  USD_API
178  /// Return all the rules as a vector.
179  inline std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule>> const &GetRules() const {
180  return _rules;
181  }
183  /// Return true if \p other has exactly the same set of rules as this. Note
184  /// that this means rules that are functionally equivalent may compare
185  /// inequal. If this is not desired, ensure both sets of rules are reduced
186  /// by Minimize() first.
187  USD_API
188  bool operator==(UsdStageLoadRules const &other) const;
190  /// Return false if \p other has exactly the same set of rules as this. See
191  /// operator==().
192  inline bool operator!=(UsdStageLoadRules const &other) const {
193  return !(*this == other);
194  }
196  /// Swap the contents of these rules with \p other.
197  inline void swap(UsdStageLoadRules &other) {
198  _rules.swap(other._rules);
199  }
201 private:
202  friend USD_API std::ostream &
203  operator<<(std::ostream &, std::pair<SdfPath, Rule> const &);
205  friend USD_API std::ostream &
206  operator<<(std::ostream &, UsdStageLoadRules const &);
208  friend USD_API
209  size_t hash_value(UsdStageLoadRules const &);
211  USD_API
212  std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule> >::const_iterator
213  _LowerBound(SdfPath const &path) const;
215  USD_API
216  std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule> >::iterator
217  _LowerBound(SdfPath const &path);
219  std::vector<std::pair<SdfPath, Rule>> _rules;
221 };
223 /// Swap the contents of rules \p l and \p r.
225 {
226  l.swap(r);
227 }
229 /// Stream a text representation of a UsdStageLoadRules object.
231 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, UsdStageLoadRules const &);
233 /// Stream a text representation of a pair of SdfPath and
234 /// UsdStageLoadRules::Rule.
236 std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &,
237  std::pair<SdfPath, UsdStageLoadRules::Rule> const &);
239 /// Return the hash code for a UsdStageLoadRules object.
241 size_t hash_value(UsdStageLoadRules const &);
void swap(ArAssetInfo &lhs, ArAssetInfo &rhs)
Definition: assetInfo.h:74
Definition: common.h:116
#define USD_API
Definition: api.h:40
hboost::math::policies::policy< hboost::math::policies::domain_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::pole_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::overflow_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::underflow_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::denorm_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::rounding_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::evaluation_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error >, hboost::math::policies::indeterminate_result_error< hboost::math::policies::ignore_error > > policy
Definition: SYS_MathCbrt.h:35
USD_API void LoadAndUnload(const SdfPathSet &loadSet, const SdfPathSet &unloadSet, UsdLoadPolicy policy)
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glcorearb.h:3341
USD_API void Unload(SdfPath const &path)
USD_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, UsdStageLoadRules const &)
Stream a text representation of a UsdStageLoadRules object.
USD_API void LoadWithDescendants(SdfPath const &path)
UsdStageLoadRules & operator=(UsdStageLoadRules const &)=default
friend USD_API std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, std::pair< SdfPath, Rule > const &)
USD_API void LoadWithoutDescendants(SdfPath const &path)
friend USD_API size_t hash_value(UsdStageLoadRules const &)
Return the hash code for a UsdStageLoadRules object.
USD_API bool IsLoaded(SdfPath const &path) const
USD_API bool operator==(UsdStageLoadRules const &other) const
USD_API void SetRules(std::vector< std::pair< SdfPath, Rule >> const &rules)
Set literal rules, must be sorted by SdfPath::operator<.
std::vector< std::pair< SdfPath, Rule > > const & GetRules() const
Return all the rules as a vector.
static USD_API UsdStageLoadRules LoadNone()
Return rules that load no payloads.
Definition: path.h:290
Construct rules that load all payloads.
USD_API void AddRule(SdfPath const &path, Rule rule)
Add a literal rule. If there's already a rule for path, replace it.
Include payloads on the specified prim and all descendants.
std::set< class SdfPath > SdfPathSet
A set of SdfPaths.
Definition: path.h:209
void SetRules(std::vector< std::pair< SdfPath, Rule >> &&rules)
Set literal rules, must be sorted by SdfPath::operator<.
USD_API bool IsLoadedWithAllDescendants(SdfPath const &path) const
Definition: path.h:1432
USD_API void Minimize()
Definition: pxr.h:91
void swap(UsdStageLoadRules &other)
Swap the contents of these rules with other.
Exclude payloads on the specified prim and all descendants.
Include payloads on the specified prim but no descendants.
USD_API bool IsLoadedWithNoDescendants(SdfPath const &path) const
GLboolean r
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
static UsdStageLoadRules LoadAll()
bool operator!=(UsdStageLoadRules const &other) const
USD_API Rule GetEffectiveRuleForPath(SdfPath const &path) const
USD_API size_t hash_value(UsdStageLoadRules const &)
Return the hash code for a UsdStageLoadRules object.