On this page


  • The HQueue server and clients now run on Python 3. See Upgrading HQueue for how to upgrade existing HQueue Python 2 farms to Python 3.

  • The HQueue server now uses Django 3.1.5.

  • The web interface now uses jQuery 3.6.0.

  • The HQueue Client service on Windows has been replaced by a scheduled task to manage the launch of the client after a machine reboot. Eliminating the service fixes the issue where the HQueue client did not recognize mapped drive letters and could only access network files via UNC paths.


  • The macOS installer now includes an option to install the HQueue client.

  • On macOS, the HQueue server installs to /Library/HQueueServer and the client to /Library/HQueueClient. The server and client log outputs have moved to /Library/Logs/HQueueServer and /Library/Logs/HQueueClient.


  • The HQueue server configuration is now simpler. See Server Configuration Options.

  • The option to automatically mount network drives on the client is no longer supported.

  • The Network folder configuration is now simpler. The server-side configuration is now stored in a file, network_folders.ini, making it more accessible and easier to manage through automation.


  • The new getNetworkFolders() function returns a list of the network folders registered in HQueue.

  • The getEnvRoot() and getHQRoot() functions are deprecated. Use getNetworkFolders() instead.

  • The availability rules returned by getClients() no longer include localStartHour, localStartMinute, localEndHour or localEndMinute keys.

What’s new in Houdini 19.5