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PDG_AttributeFile Class Reference

#include <PDG_AttributeFile.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PDG_AttributeFile:

Public Types

enum  QueryType { eQueryAny, eQueryReal, eQueryExpected }
using Base = PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
- Public Types inherited from PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
using Self = PDG_AttributeArray< AttribType, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
using Data = PDG_File
using Array = PDG_File::Array
using Map = UT_StringMap< PDG_File::Array >

Public Member Functions

 ~PDG_AttributeFile () override
int64 getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const override
 Returns the total memory usage of all data on this attribute. More...
PDG_AttributeDataclone () const override
bool saveData (UT_JSONWriter &writer) const override
void saveData (const UT_StringHolder &key, UT_OptionsHolder &dict) const override
bool loadData (const UT_JSONValue &value) override
bool loadData (const UT_StringHolder &key, const UT_OptionsHolder &dict) override
 Reads the file data from the dict. More...
bool clearExpected ()
 Removes all expected files from the array. More...
void clearMatching (const PDG_File::Set &file_set)
 Removes all files that match the input filter set. More...
const DataappendValue (const PDG_WorkItem *work_item, const UT_StringHolder &path, const UT_StringHolder &tag, PDG_File::Hash hash, PDG_File::FileType file_type, bool own, bool replace_expected)
const DataappendValue (const Data &, bool replace_expected)
void values (Array &values, QueryType query=eQueryReal) const
 Returns all file paths that match the query type. More...
void valuesForTag (Array &values, const UT_StringHolder &tag, QueryType query=eQueryReal) const
PDG_AttributeCast valueForTag (Data &value, int index, const UT_StringHolder &tag, QueryType query=eQueryReal) const
PDG_AttributeCast valuesForEvaluator (UT_WorkBuffer &buffer, const PDG_AttributeEvaluator &evaluator, QueryType query=eQueryReal) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
 PDG_AttributeArray ()
 PDG_AttributeArray (const PDG_File::Array &data)
 ~PDG_AttributeArray () override
bool hasData () const
int size () const
bool valid (int component) const
bool value (PDG_File &data, int component) const
const PDG_Filevalue (int component) const
PDG_Filevalue (int component)
void setValue (const PDG_File::Array &data)
void setValue (const PDG_File::Array &&data)
void setValue (const PDG_File &value, int component)
void setValues (const PDG_File::Array &data)
const PDG_FileappendValue (const PDG_File &value)
const PDG_File::Arrayvalues () const
PDG_File::Arrayvalues ()
void clear ()
void truncate (int length)
bool concat (const Self *other)
bool adjustSize (int offset)
bool setSize (int size)
bool hash (SYS_HashType &hash_value, UT_WorkBuffer &errors) const override
 Return a hash value derived from the attribute data. More...
void swap (Self *other)
void copy (const Self *other)
bool compare (const PDG_AttributeData *other) const override
 Compares this data object with another data object. More...
PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride) override
 Applies a merge op to the data in this attribute. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PDG_AttributeData
 PDG_AttributeData ()
virtual ~PDG_AttributeData ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PDG_AttributeData
static PDG_AttributeDatafromType (PDG_AttributeType type)
static PDG_EventType eventType (PDG_AttributeType type)
 Static utility for returnign an event from type from an attribute type. More...
static PDG_AttributeType typeFromString (const UT_StringHolder &type_name)
 Returns an attribute type enum from the specified string name. More...
static PDG_AttributeIntrinsic intrinsicFromName (const UT_StringRef &name)
 Returns an intrinsic type from an attribue name. More...
static UT_StringHolder nameFromIntrinsic (PDG_AttributeIntrinsic attrib_type, const UT_StringHolder &name)
 Returns an attribute name from a intrinsic type a name string. More...
static bool validName (const UT_StringHolder &str, bool allow_internal=false)
static bool makeValidName (UT_StringHolder &name, const UT_StringHolder &str, bool allow_internal=false)
static UT_StringHolder typeName (PDG_AttributeType type)
 Returns the string name for the specififed attribute type. More...
static UT_StringHolder mergeName (PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge)
 Returns the string name for the specified merge op. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
static constexpr PDG_AttributeType TypeEnum
- Static Public Attributes inherited from PDG_AttributeData
static constexpr PDG_AttributeType TypeEnum = PDG_AttributeType::eUndefined
 Attribute data version number. More...
static const UT_StringHolder theFlagKey
static const UT_StringHolder theTypeKey
static const UT_StringHolder theRuntimeKey
static const UT_StringHolder theConcatKey
static const UT_StringHolder theOwnKey
static const UT_StringHolder theValueKey
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
void expand (const PDG_File &value, int component)
void expandIfNeeded (const PDG_File &default_value, int component)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from PDG_AttributeData
static PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (UT_StringArray &data, PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride)
 Merge op utility for string array data. More...
static PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (PDG_File::Array &data, PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride)
 Merge op utility for file array data. More...
static PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (UT_ValArray< fpreal > &data, PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride)
 Merge op utility for float array data. More...
static PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (UT_ValArray< exint > &data, PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride)
 Merge op utility for int array data. More...
static PDG_AttributeMergeError merge (UT_Array< UT_OptionsHolder > &data, PDG_AttributeMergeOp merge_op, int stride)
 Merge op utility for dict array data. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from PDG_AttributeArray< PDG_AttributeType::eFileArray, PDG_File, PDG_File::Array >
PDG_File::Array myData

Detailed Description

File array attribute type

Definition at line 27 of file PDG_AttributeFile.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enumeration of different file types that can be queried from the attribute


Return any file type (real or expected)


Only return actual files that have been reported back to the task, not including any pending expected outputs


Only return expected outputs, and skip real files.

Definition at line 42 of file PDG_AttributeFile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PDG_AttributeFile::~PDG_AttributeFile ( )

Member Function Documentation

const Data& PDG_AttributeFile::appendValue ( const PDG_WorkItem work_item,
const UT_StringHolder path,
const UT_StringHolder tag,
PDG_File::Hash  hash,
PDG_File::FileType  file_type,
bool  own,
bool  replace_expected 

Appends a file to the array, given the specified work item, path, file tag, hash, file type, owernship flag. Optionally replaces any matching expected outputs if they're found in the array

const Data& PDG_AttributeFile::appendValue ( const Data ,
bool  replace_expected 

Appends a file to the array using a reference to a file object. Optionally replaces any expected outputs if they're found in the array

bool PDG_AttributeFile::clearExpected ( )

Removes all expected files from the array.

void PDG_AttributeFile::clearMatching ( const PDG_File::Set file_set)

Removes all files that match the input filter set.

PDG_AttributeData* PDG_AttributeFile::clone ( ) const

Constructs a new file attribute that copies the data from this attribute

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

int64 PDG_AttributeFile::getMemoryUsage ( bool  inclusive) const

Returns the total memory usage of all data on this attribute.

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

bool PDG_AttributeFile::loadData ( const UT_JSONValue value)

Reads the file data from the json value, using the deserialization logic on PDG_File itself

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

bool PDG_AttributeFile::loadData ( const UT_StringHolder key,
const UT_OptionsHolder dict 

Reads the file data from the dict.

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

bool PDG_AttributeFile::saveData ( UT_JSONWriter writer) const

Writes the file data to the json writer, using the JSON serialization logic from PDG_File itself

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

void PDG_AttributeFile::saveData ( const UT_StringHolder key,
UT_OptionsHolder dict 
) const

Writes the file data to the UT_OptionsHolder, using the serialization logic from PDG_File itself

Implements PDG_AttributeData.

PDG_AttributeCast PDG_AttributeFile::valueForTag ( Data value,
int  index,
const UT_StringHolder tag,
QueryType  query = eQueryReal 
) const

Returns the first matching file, starting from the specified index, that has the requested tag and type

void PDG_AttributeFile::values ( Array values,
QueryType  query = eQueryReal 
) const

Returns all file paths that match the query type.

PDG_AttributeCast PDG_AttributeFile::valuesForEvaluator ( UT_WorkBuffer buffer,
const PDG_AttributeEvaluator evaluator,
QueryType  query = eQueryReal 
) const

Returns all file values using the configuration of the attribute evaluator object, filtered by the query type

void PDG_AttributeFile::valuesForTag ( Array values,
const UT_StringHolder tag,
QueryType  query = eQueryReal 
) const

Returns all file paths with the specified tag that match the query type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: