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onnxruntime::Node Class Reference

#include <graph.h>


class  Definitions
class  EdgeEnd
struct  EdgeEndCompare
class  NodeConstIterator
class  Relationships

Public Types

enum  Type { Type::Primitive = 0, Type::Fused = 1 }
using EdgeSet = std::set< EdgeEnd, EdgeEndCompare >
using EdgeConstIterator = EdgeSet::const_iterator

Public Member Functions

 Node ()=default
 Node (std::string_view name, std::string_view op_type, std::string_view description, gsl::span< NodeArg *const > input_args, gsl::span< NodeArg *const > output_args, const NodeAttributes *attributes, std::string_view domain)
 ~Node ()=default
NodeIndex Index () const noexcept
const std::stringName () const noexcept
const std::stringOpType () const noexcept
const std::stringDomain () const noexcept
const Path & ModelPath () const noexcept
int Priority () const noexcept
void SetPriority (int priority) noexcept
const std::stringDescription () const noexcept
Node::Type NodeType () const noexcept
int SinceVersion () const noexcept
void SetSinceVersion (int since_version) noexcept
const ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema * Op () const noexcept
bool TryGetFunctionProto (ONNX_NAMESPACE::FunctionProto &func_proto) const
bool CanBeInlined () const
const FunctionGetFunctionBody () const noexcept
const std::vector< int > & InputArgCount () const noexcept
< std::vector< NodeArg * > > 
InputDefs () const noexcept
< std::vector< NodeArg * > > 
ImplicitInputDefs () const noexcept
< std::vector< NodeArg * > > 
OutputDefs () const noexcept
std::vector< NodeArg * > & MutableImplicitInputDefs () noexcept
std::vector< int > & MutableInputArgsCount ()
std::vector< NodeArg * > & MutableInputDefs () noexcept
std::vector< NodeArg * > & MutableOutputDefs () noexcept
NodeConstIterator InputNodesBegin () const noexcept
NodeConstIterator InputNodesEnd () const noexcept
NodeConstIterator OutputNodesBegin () const noexcept
NodeConstIterator OutputNodesEnd () const noexcept
EdgeConstIterator InputEdgesBegin () const noexcept
EdgeConstIterator InputEdgesEnd () const noexcept
EdgeConstIterator OutputEdgesBegin () const noexcept
EdgeConstIterator OutputEdgesEnd () const noexcept
const std::set< std::string > & ControlInputs () const noexcept
size_t GetInputEdgesCount () const noexcept
size_t GetOutputEdgesCount () const noexcept
void AddAttributeProto (ONNX_NAMESPACE::AttributeProto value)
void AddAttribute (std::string attr_name, int64_t value)
void AddAttribute (std::string attr_name, gsl::span< const int64_t > values)
 ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES (std::string)
template<size_t N>
void AddAttribute (std::string attr_name, const char(&value)[N])
const NodeAttributesGetAttributes () const noexcept
bool ClearAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
NodeAttributesGetMutableAttributes () noexcept
int PruneRemovableAttributes (gsl::span< const std::string > removable_attributes)
const GraphGetGraphAttribute (const std::string &attr_name) const
GraphGetMutableGraphAttribute (const std::string &attr_name)
bool ContainsSubgraph () const
std::vector< gsl::not_null
< const Graph * > > 
GetSubgraphs () const
const std::unordered_map
< std::string, gsl::not_null
< Graph * > > & 
GetAttributeNameToMutableSubgraphMap ()
< std::string, gsl::not_null
< Graph * > > & 
GetMutableMapOfAttributeNameToSubgraph ()
< std::string, gsl::not_null
< const Graph * > > 
GetAttributeNameToSubgraphMap () const
ProviderType GetExecutionProviderType () const noexcept
void SetExecutionProviderType (ProviderType execution_provider_type)
void ForEachDef (std::function< void(const onnxruntime::NodeArg &, bool is_input)> func, bool include_missing_optional_defs=false) const
void ReplaceDefs (const std::map< const onnxruntime::NodeArg *, onnxruntime::NodeArg * > &replacements)
void ToProto (ONNX_NAMESPACE::NodeProto &proto, bool update_subgraphs=false) const
Status SaveToOrtFormat (flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &builder, flatbuffers::Offset< onnxruntime::fbs::Node > &fbs_node) const
< onnxruntime::fbs::NodeEdge > 
SaveEdgesToOrtFormat (flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &builder) const
void SetFunctionTemplate (const FunctionTemplate &func_template)
Status LoadFromOrtFormat (const onnxruntime::fbs::Node &fbs_node, const OrtFormatLoadOptions &load_options, const logging::Logger &logger)
Status LoadEdgesFromOrtFormat (const onnxruntime::fbs::NodeEdge &fbs_node_edgs, const Graph &graph)
 Node (NodeIndex index, Graph &graph)

Static Public Member Functions

static common::Status ForEachWithIndex (const ConstPointerContainer< std::vector< NodeArg * >> &node_args, std::function< common::Status(const NodeArg &arg, size_t index)> func)
static common::Status ForEachMutableWithIndex (std::vector< NodeArg * > &node_args, std::function< common::Status(NodeArg &arg, size_t index)> func)
static Status LoadFromOrtFormat (const onnxruntime::fbs::Node &fbs_node, Graph &graph, const OrtFormatLoadOptions &load_options, const logging::Logger &logger, std::unique_ptr< Node > &node)


class Graph

Detailed Description

Class representing a node in the graph.

Definition at line 69 of file graph.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

using onnxruntime::Node::EdgeConstIterator = EdgeSet::const_iterator

Definition at line 290 of file graph.h.

Definition at line 289 of file graph.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Node types


The node refers to a primitive operator.


The node refers to a function.

Definition at line 72 of file graph.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

onnxruntime::Node::Node ( )
onnxruntime::Node::Node ( std::string_view  name,
std::string_view  op_type,
std::string_view  description,
gsl::span< NodeArg *const >  input_args,
gsl::span< NodeArg *const >  output_args,
const NodeAttributes attributes,
std::string_view  domain 

Definition at line 80 of file graph.h.

onnxruntime::Node::~Node ( )
onnxruntime::Node::Node ( NodeIndex  index,
Graph graph 

Definition at line 570 of file graph.h.

Member Function Documentation

onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES ( float  )
onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES ( std::string  )
onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::TensorProto  )
onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::SparseTensorProto  )
onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_INTERFACES ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::TypeProto  )
onnxruntime::Node::ADD_ATTR_SINGLE_INTERFACE ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::GraphProto  )
void onnxruntime::Node::AddAttribute ( std::string  attr_name,
int64_t  value 

Adds an attribute to this Node with the specified attribute name and value.

void onnxruntime::Node::AddAttribute ( std::string  attr_name,
gsl::span< const int64_t >  values 

Adds an attribute to this Node with the specified attribute name and values.

template<size_t N>
void onnxruntime::Node::AddAttribute ( std::string  attr_name,
const char(&)  value[N] 

Definition at line 390 of file graph.h.

void onnxruntime::Node::AddAttributeProto ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::AttributeProto  value)

Adds an AttributeProto to this Node.

The attribute name is used as the key in the attribute map.
bool onnxruntime::Node::CanBeInlined ( ) const
bool onnxruntime::Node::ClearAttribute ( const std::string attr_name)

Remove the specified attribute from this Node

bool onnxruntime::Node::ContainsSubgraph ( ) const

Checks if the Node contains at least one subgraph (this is the case for control flow operators, such as If, Scan, Loop).

true if the Node contains a subgraph.

Definition at line 430 of file graph.h.

const std::set<std::string>& onnxruntime::Node::ControlInputs ( ) const

Gets the Node's control inputs.

Definition at line 343 of file graph.h.

const std::string& onnxruntime::Node::Description ( ) const

Gets the node description.

Definition at line 161 of file graph.h.

const std::string& onnxruntime::Node::Domain ( ) const

Gets the domain of the OperatorSet that specifies the operator returned by OpType.

If this is an ONNX operator the value will be kOnnxDomain not kOnnxDomainAlias

Definition at line 147 of file graph.h.

void onnxruntime::Node::ForEachDef ( std::function< void(const onnxruntime::NodeArg &, bool is_input)>  func,
bool  include_missing_optional_defs = false 
) const

Call the provided function for all explicit inputs, implicit inputs, and outputs of this Node. If the NodeArg is an explicit or implicit input, is_input will be true when func is called.

include_missing_optional_defsInclude NodeArgs that are optional and were not provided i.e. NodeArg::Exists() == false.
static common::Status onnxruntime::Node::ForEachMutableWithIndex ( std::vector< NodeArg * > &  node_args,
std::function< common::Status(NodeArg &arg, size_t index)>  func 

Helper to iterate through the container returned by MutableInputDefs() or MutableOutputDefs() and call the provided function.

node_argsCollection of NodeArgs returned by MutableInputDefs() or MutableOutputDefs()
funcFunction to call for each valid NodeArg in the node_args. The function is called with the NodeArg and the index number in the container.
common::Status with success or error information.
Returns immediately on error.

Definition at line 242 of file graph.h.

static common::Status onnxruntime::Node::ForEachWithIndex ( const ConstPointerContainer< std::vector< NodeArg * >> &  node_args,
std::function< common::Status(const NodeArg &arg, size_t index)>  func 

Helper to iterate through the container returned by InputDefs() or OutputDefs() and call the provided function.

node_argsCollection of NodeArgs returned by InputDefs() or OutputDefs()
funcFunction to call for each valid NodeArg in the node_args. The function is called with the NodeArg and the index number in the container.
common::Status with success or error information.
Returns immediately on error.

Definition at line 200 of file graph.h.

const std::unordered_map<std::string, gsl::not_null<Graph*> >& onnxruntime::Node::GetAttributeNameToMutableSubgraphMap ( )

Gets a map of attribute name to the mutable Graph instances for all subgraphs of the Node.

Map of the attribute name that defines the subgraph to the subgraph's Graph instance. nullptr if the Node has no subgraphs.

Definition at line 442 of file graph.h.

std::unordered_map<std::string, gsl::not_null<const Graph*> > onnxruntime::Node::GetAttributeNameToSubgraphMap ( ) const

Gets a map of attribute name to the const Graph instances for all subgraphs of the Node.

Map of the attribute name that defines the subgraph to the subgraph's Graph instance. nullptr if the Node has no subgraphs.
const NodeAttributes& onnxruntime::Node::GetAttributes ( ) const

Gets the Node's attributes.

Definition at line 395 of file graph.h.

ProviderType onnxruntime::Node::GetExecutionProviderType ( ) const

Gets the execution ProviderType that this node will be executed by.

Definition at line 460 of file graph.h.

const Function* onnxruntime::Node::GetFunctionBody ( ) const

Gets the function body if applicable otherwise nullptr.

Definition at line 189 of file graph.h.

const Graph* onnxruntime::Node::GetGraphAttribute ( const std::string attr_name) const

Gets the Graph instance that is instantiated from a GraphProto attribute during Graph::Resolve.

attr_nameAttribute name for the GraphProto attribute.
nullptr if the Graph instance has not been instantiated or attribute does not contain a GraphProto.
size_t onnxruntime::Node::GetInputEdgesCount ( ) const

Gets the number of input edges to this Node

Definition at line 346 of file graph.h.

NodeAttributes& onnxruntime::Node::GetMutableAttributes ( )

Gets the Node's mutable attributes.

Definition at line 402 of file graph.h.

Graph* onnxruntime::Node::GetMutableGraphAttribute ( const std::string attr_name)

Gets the mutable Graph instance that is instantiated from a GraphProto attribute during Graph::Resolve.

attr_nameAttribute name for the GraphProto attribute.
nullptr if the Graph instance has not been instantiated or attribute does not contain a GraphProto.
std::unordered_map<std::string, gsl::not_null<Graph*> >& onnxruntime::Node::GetMutableMapOfAttributeNameToSubgraph ( )

Gets a map of attribute name to the mutable Graph instances for all subgraphs of the Node.

a mutable map of mutable subgraphs.

Definition at line 449 of file graph.h.

size_t onnxruntime::Node::GetOutputEdgesCount ( ) const

Gets the number of output edges from this Node

Definition at line 349 of file graph.h.

std::vector<gsl::not_null<const Graph*> > onnxruntime::Node::GetSubgraphs ( ) const

Get the const subgraphs from a node.

Creates a new vector so calling ContainsSubgraphs first is preferred.
ConstPointerContainer<std::vector<NodeArg*> > onnxruntime::Node::ImplicitInputDefs ( ) const

Gets the implicit inputs to this Node. If this Node contains a subgraph, these are the NodeArg's that are implicitly consumed by Nodes within that subgraph. e.g. If and Loop operators.

Definition at line 223 of file graph.h.

NodeIndex onnxruntime::Node::Index ( ) const

Gets the Node's NodeIndex.

Definition at line 136 of file graph.h.

const std::vector<int>& onnxruntime::Node::InputArgCount ( ) const

Gets the count of arguments for each of the Node's explicit inputs.

Definition at line 212 of file graph.h.

ConstPointerContainer<std::vector<NodeArg*> > onnxruntime::Node::InputDefs ( ) const

Gets the Node's input definitions.

requires ConstPointerContainer wrapper to apply const to the NodeArg pointers so access is read-only.

Definition at line 216 of file graph.h.

EdgeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::InputEdgesBegin ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the beginning of the input edges to this Node.

There are no nullptr entries in this collection.

Definition at line 330 of file graph.h.

EdgeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::InputEdgesEnd ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the end of the input edges to this Node.

Definition at line 333 of file graph.h.

NodeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::InputNodesBegin ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the beginning of the input nodes to this Node.

Definition at line 316 of file graph.h.

NodeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::InputNodesEnd ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the end of the input nodes to this Node.

Definition at line 318 of file graph.h.

Status onnxruntime::Node::LoadEdgesFromOrtFormat ( const onnxruntime::fbs::NodeEdge &  fbs_node_edgs,
const Graph graph 
static Status onnxruntime::Node::LoadFromOrtFormat ( const onnxruntime::fbs::Node &  fbs_node,
Graph graph,
const OrtFormatLoadOptions &  load_options,
const logging::Logger logger,
std::unique_ptr< Node > &  node 
Status onnxruntime::Node::LoadFromOrtFormat ( const onnxruntime::fbs::Node &  fbs_node,
const OrtFormatLoadOptions &  load_options,
const logging::Logger logger 
const Path& onnxruntime::Node::ModelPath ( ) const

Gets the path of the owning model if any.

std::vector<NodeArg*>& onnxruntime::Node::MutableImplicitInputDefs ( )

Gets a modifiable collection of the Node's implicit input definitions.

Definition at line 254 of file graph.h.

std::vector<int>& onnxruntime::Node::MutableInputArgsCount ( )

Gets a modifiable count of arguments for each of the Node's explicit inputs.

This should be removed in favor of a method that updates the input args and the count. Currently these operations are separate which is not a good setup.

Definition at line 263 of file graph.h.

std::vector<NodeArg*>& onnxruntime::Node::MutableInputDefs ( )

Gets a modifiable collection of the Node's input definitions.

Definition at line 266 of file graph.h.

std::vector<NodeArg*>& onnxruntime::Node::MutableOutputDefs ( )

Gets a modifiable collection of the Node's output definitions.

Definition at line 271 of file graph.h.

const std::string& onnxruntime::Node::Name ( ) const

Gets the Node's name.

Definition at line 139 of file graph.h.

Node::Type onnxruntime::Node::NodeType ( ) const

Gets the Node's Node::Type.

Definition at line 164 of file graph.h.

const ONNX_NAMESPACE::OpSchema* onnxruntime::Node::Op ( ) const

Gets the Node's OpSchema.

The graph containing this node must be resolved, otherwise nullptr will be returned.

Definition at line 181 of file graph.h.

const std::string& onnxruntime::Node::OpType ( ) const

Gets the Node's operator type.

Definition at line 142 of file graph.h.

ConstPointerContainer<std::vector<NodeArg*> > onnxruntime::Node::OutputDefs ( ) const

Gets the Node's output definitions.

requires ConstPointerContainer wrapper to apply const to the NodeArg pointers so access is read-only.

Definition at line 229 of file graph.h.

EdgeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::OutputEdgesBegin ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the beginning of the output edges from this Node.

There are no nullptr entries in this collection.

Definition at line 337 of file graph.h.

EdgeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::OutputEdgesEnd ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the end of the output edges from this Node.

Definition at line 340 of file graph.h.

NodeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::OutputNodesBegin ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the beginning of the output nodes from this Node.

Definition at line 321 of file graph.h.

NodeConstIterator onnxruntime::Node::OutputNodesEnd ( ) const

Gets an iterator to the end of the output nodes from this Node.

Definition at line 326 of file graph.h.

int onnxruntime::Node::Priority ( ) const

Gets the Node's execution priority.

Lower value means higher priority

Definition at line 154 of file graph.h.

int onnxruntime::Node::PruneRemovableAttributes ( gsl::span< const std::string removable_attributes)

Clears removable attributes. These are no longer needed after the initialization of the session. The function returns the number of removed attributes.

void onnxruntime::Node::ReplaceDefs ( const std::map< const onnxruntime::NodeArg *, onnxruntime::NodeArg * > &  replacements)

Replaces any matching definitions in the Node's explicit inputs or explicit outputs.

replacementsMap of current NodeArg to replacement NodeArg.
flatbuffers::Offset<onnxruntime::fbs::NodeEdge> onnxruntime::Node::SaveEdgesToOrtFormat ( flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &  builder) const
Status onnxruntime::Node::SaveToOrtFormat ( flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &  builder,
flatbuffers::Offset< onnxruntime::fbs::Node > &  fbs_node 
) const
void onnxruntime::Node::SetExecutionProviderType ( ProviderType  execution_provider_type)

Sets the execution ProviderType that this Node will be executed by.

Definition at line 463 of file graph.h.

void onnxruntime::Node::SetFunctionTemplate ( const FunctionTemplate &  func_template)
void onnxruntime::Node::SetPriority ( int  priority)

Sets the execution priority of a node.

Lower value means higher priority
void onnxruntime::Node::SetSinceVersion ( int  since_version)

Sets the since version (opset version that the Node's operator was first defined in.) for this node.

Used during layout transformation for setting since version for layout transformed nodes with domain kMSNHWC.

Definition at line 176 of file graph.h.

int onnxruntime::Node::SinceVersion ( ) const

Gets the opset version that the Node's operator was first defined in.

Opset version. If -1 the Node's operator has not been set.
Prefer over Op()->SinceVersion() as Op() is disabled in a minimal build

Definition at line 170 of file graph.h.

void onnxruntime::Node::ToProto ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::NodeProto &  proto,
bool  update_subgraphs = false 
) const

Gets the NodeProto representation of this Node.

update_subgraphsUpdate the GraphProto values for any subgraphs in the returned NodeProto. If graph optimization has been run this is most likely required to ensure the complete Graph is valid.
bool onnxruntime::Node::TryGetFunctionProto ( ONNX_NAMESPACE::FunctionProto &  func_proto) const

Create a copy of the called op's FunctionProto if it has one. Returns true if successful.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Graph

Definition at line 569 of file graph.h.

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