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openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > Class Template Reference

Templated block class to hold specific data types and a fixed number of values determined by Log2Dim. The actual coordinate dimension of the block is 2^Log2Dim, i.e. Log2Dim=3 corresponds to a LeafNode that spans a 8^3 block. More...

#include <LeafNode.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >:


struct  ChildAll
struct  ChildIter
 Leaf nodes have no children, so their child iterators have no get/set accessors. More...
struct  ChildOff
struct  ChildOn
struct  DenseIter
struct  SameConfiguration
 SameConfiguration<OtherNodeType>::value is true if and only if OtherNodeType is the type of a LeafNode with the same dimensions as this node. More...
struct  ValueAll
struct  ValueConverter
 ValueConverter<T>::Type is the type of a LeafNode having the same dimensions as this node but a different value type, T. More...
struct  ValueIter
struct  ValueOff
struct  ValueOn

Public Types

using BuildType = T
using ValueType = T
using Buffer = LeafBuffer< ValueType, Log2Dim >
using LeafNodeType = LeafNode< ValueType, Log2Dim >
using NodeMaskType = util::NodeMask< Log2Dim >
using Ptr = SharedPtr< LeafNode >
using ValueOnIter = ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOn >
using ValueOnCIter = ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOn >
using ValueOffIter = ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOff >
using ValueOffCIter = ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOff >
using ValueAllIter = ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueAll >
using ValueAllCIter = ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, const LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueAll >
using ChildOnIter = ChildIter< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, ChildOn >
using ChildOnCIter = ChildIter< MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, ChildOn >
using ChildOffIter = ChildIter< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, ChildOff >
using ChildOffCIter = ChildIter< MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, ChildOff >
using ChildAllIter = DenseIter< LeafNode, ValueType, ChildAll >
using ChildAllCIter = DenseIter< const LeafNode, const ValueType, ChildAll >

Public Member Functions

 LeafNode ()
 Default constructor. More...
 LeafNode (const Coord &coords, const ValueType &value=zeroVal< ValueType >(), bool active=false)
 Constructor. More...
 LeafNode (PartialCreate, const Coord &coords, const ValueType &value=zeroVal< ValueType >(), bool active=false)
 "Partial creation" constructor used during file input More...
 LeafNode (const LeafNode &)
 Deep copy constructor. More...
LeafNodeoperator= (const LeafNode &)=default
 Deep assignment operator. More...
template<typename OtherValueType >
 LeafNode (const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other)
 Value conversion copy constructor. More...
template<typename OtherValueType >
 LeafNode (const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &offValue, const ValueType &onValue, TopologyCopy)
 Topology copy constructor. More...
template<typename OtherValueType >
 LeafNode (const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &background, TopologyCopy)
 Topology copy constructor. More...
 ~LeafNode ()
 Destructor. More...
void nodeCount (std::vector< Index32 > &) const
 no-op More...
Index64 onVoxelCount () const
 Return the number of voxels marked On. More...
Index64 offVoxelCount () const
 Return the number of voxels marked Off. More...
Index64 onLeafVoxelCount () const
Index64 offLeafVoxelCount () const
bool isEmpty () const
 Return true if this node has no active voxels. More...
bool isDense () const
 Return true if this node contains only active voxels. More...
bool isAllocated () const
 Return true if memory for this node's buffer has been allocated. More...
bool allocate ()
 Allocate memory for this node's buffer if it has not already been allocated. More...
Index64 memUsage () const
 Return the memory in bytes occupied by this node. More...
Index64 memUsageIfLoaded () const
void evalActiveBoundingBox (CoordBBox &bbox, bool visitVoxels=true) const
CoordBBox getNodeBoundingBox () const
 Return the bounding box of this node, i.e., the full index space spanned by this leaf node. More...
void setOrigin (const Coord &origin)
 Set the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin. More...
Coord offsetToGlobalCoord (Index n) const
 Return the global coordinates for a linear table offset. More...
Index32 transientData () const
 Return the transient data value. More...
void setTransientData (Index32 transientData)
 Set the transient data value. More...
std::string str () const
 Return a string representation of this node. More...
template<typename OtherType , Index OtherLog2Dim>
bool hasSameTopology (const LeafNode< OtherType, OtherLog2Dim > *other) const
 Return true if the given node (which may have a different ValueType than this node) has the same active value topology as this node. More...
bool operator== (const LeafNode &other) const
 Check for buffer, state and origin equivalence. More...
bool operator!= (const LeafNode &other) const
ValueOnCIter cbeginValueOn () const
ValueOnCIter beginValueOn () const
ValueOnIter beginValueOn ()
ValueOffCIter cbeginValueOff () const
ValueOffCIter beginValueOff () const
ValueOffIter beginValueOff ()
ValueAllCIter cbeginValueAll () const
ValueAllCIter beginValueAll () const
ValueAllIter beginValueAll ()
ValueOnCIter cendValueOn () const
ValueOnCIter endValueOn () const
ValueOnIter endValueOn ()
ValueOffCIter cendValueOff () const
ValueOffCIter endValueOff () const
ValueOffIter endValueOff ()
ValueAllCIter cendValueAll () const
ValueAllCIter endValueAll () const
ValueAllIter endValueAll ()
ChildOnCIter cbeginChildOn () const
ChildOnCIter beginChildOn () const
ChildOnIter beginChildOn ()
ChildOffCIter cbeginChildOff () const
ChildOffCIter beginChildOff () const
ChildOffIter beginChildOff ()
ChildAllCIter cbeginChildAll () const
ChildAllCIter beginChildAll () const
ChildAllIter beginChildAll ()
ChildOnCIter cendChildOn () const
ChildOnCIter endChildOn () const
ChildOnIter endChildOn ()
ChildOffCIter cendChildOff () const
ChildOffCIter endChildOff () const
ChildOffIter endChildOff ()
ChildAllCIter cendChildAll () const
ChildAllCIter endChildAll () const
ChildAllIter endChildAll ()
void swap (Buffer &other)
 Exchange this node's data buffer with the given data buffer without changing the active states of the values. More...
const Bufferbuffer () const
Bufferbuffer ()
void readTopology (std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)
 Read in just the topology. More...
void writeTopology (std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const
 Write out just the topology. More...
void readBuffers (std::istream &is, bool fromHalf=false)
 Read buffers from a stream. More...
void readBuffers (std::istream &is, const CoordBBox &bbox, bool fromHalf=false)
 Read buffers that intersect the given bounding box. More...
void writeBuffers (std::ostream &os, bool toHalf=false) const
 Write buffers to a stream. More...
size_t streamingSize (bool toHalf=false) const
const ValueTypegetValue (const Coord &xyz) const
 Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates. More...
const ValueTypegetValue (Index offset) const
 Return the value of the voxel at the given linear offset. More...
bool probeValue (const Coord &xyz, ValueType &val) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active. More...
bool probeValue (Index offset, ValueType &val) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active. More...
void setActiveState (const Coord &xyz, bool on)
 Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its value. More...
void setActiveState (Index offset, bool on)
 Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its value. More...
void setValueOnly (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its active state. More...
void setValueOnly (Index offset, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its active state. More...
void setValueOff (const Coord &xyz)
 Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as inactive but don't change its value. More...
void setValueOff (Index offset)
 Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don't change its value. More...
void setValueOff (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as inactive. More...
void setValueOff (Index offset, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as inactive. More...
void setValueOn (const Coord &xyz)
 Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as active but don't change its value. More...
void setValueOn (Index offset)
 Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don't change its value. More...
void setValueOn (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. More...
void setValue (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. More...
void setValueOn (Index offset, const ValueType &val)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename ModifyOp >
void modifyValue (Index offset, const ModifyOp &op)
 Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename ModifyOp >
void modifyValue (const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)
 Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename ModifyOp >
void modifyValueAndActiveState (const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op)
 Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates. More...
void setValuesOn ()
 Mark all voxels as active but don't change their values. More...
void setValuesOff ()
 Mark all voxels as inactive but don't change their values. More...
bool isValueOn (const Coord &xyz) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active. More...
bool isValueOn (Index offset) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active. More...
void clip (const CoordBBox &, const ValueType &background)
 Set all voxels that lie outside the given axis-aligned box to the background. More...
void fill (const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &, bool active=true)
 Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value and active state. More...
void denseFill (const CoordBBox &bbox, const ValueType &value, bool active=true)
 Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value and active state. More...
void fill (const ValueType &value)
 Set all voxels to the specified value but don't change their active states. More...
void fill (const ValueType &value, bool active)
 Set all voxels to the specified value and active state. More...
template<typename DenseT >
void copyToDense (const CoordBBox &bbox, DenseT &dense) const
 Copy into a dense grid the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box. More...
template<typename DenseT >
void copyFromDense (const CoordBBox &bbox, const DenseT &dense, const ValueType &background, const ValueType &tolerance)
 Copy from a dense grid into this node the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
const ValueTypegetValueAndCache (const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const
 Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
bool isValueOnAndCache (const Coord &xyz, AccessorT &) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
void setValueAndCache (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val, AccessorT &)
 Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as active. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
void setValueOnlyAndCache (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &val, AccessorT &)
 Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but preserve its state. More...
template<typename ModifyOp , typename AccessorT >
void modifyValueAndCache (const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)
 Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename ModifyOp , typename AccessorT >
void modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache (const Coord &xyz, const ModifyOp &op, AccessorT &)
template<typename AccessorT >
void setValueOffAndCache (const Coord &xyz, const ValueType &value, AccessorT &)
 Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as inactive. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
void setActiveStateAndCache (const Coord &xyz, bool on, AccessorT &)
 Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates without changing its value. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
bool probeValueAndCache (const Coord &xyz, ValueType &val, AccessorT &) const
 Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active and return the voxel value in val. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
const ValueTypegetValue (const Coord &xyz, bool &state, int &level, AccessorT &) const
 Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and return its active state and level (i.e., 0) in state and level. More...
const ValueTypegetFirstValue () const
 Return a const reference to the first value in the buffer. More...
const ValueTypegetLastValue () const
 Return a const reference to the last value in the buffer. More...
void resetBackground (const ValueType &oldBackground, const ValueType &newBackground)
 Replace inactive occurrences of oldBackground with newBackground, and inactive occurrences of -oldBackground with -newBackground. More...
void negate ()
void voxelizeActiveTiles (bool=true)
 No-op. More...
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void merge (const LeafNode &)
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void merge (const ValueType &tileValue, bool tileActive)
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void merge (const LeafNode &other, const ValueType &, const ValueType &)
template<typename OtherType >
void topologyUnion (const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const bool preserveTiles=false)
 Union this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active if either of the original voxels were active. More...
template<typename OtherType >
void topologyIntersection (const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)
 Intersect this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if both of the original voxels were active. More...
template<typename OtherType >
void topologyDifference (const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &other, const ValueType &)
 Difference this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if the original voxel is active in this LeafNode and inactive in the other LeafNode. More...
template<typename CombineOp >
void combine (const LeafNode &other, CombineOp &op)
template<typename CombineOp >
void combine (const ValueType &value, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &op)
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherType >
void combine2 (const LeafNode &other, const OtherType &, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &)
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherNodeT >
void combine2 (const ValueType &, const OtherNodeT &other, bool valueIsActive, CombineOp &)
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherNodeT >
void combine2 (const LeafNode &b0, const OtherNodeT &b1, CombineOp &)
void addTile (Index level, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)
void addTile (Index offset, const ValueType &, bool)
template<typename AccessorT >
void addTileAndCache (Index, const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool, AccessorT &)
bool isConstant (ValueType &firstValue, bool &state, const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
bool isConstant (ValueType &minValue, ValueType &maxValue, bool &state, const ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< ValueType >()) const
ValueType medianAll (ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
 Computes the median value of all the active AND inactive voxels in this node. More...
Index medianOn (ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
 Computes the median value of all the active voxels in this node. More...
Index medianOff (ValueType &value, ValueType *tmp=nullptr) const
 Computes the median value of all the inactive voxels in this node. More...
bool isInactive () const
 Return true if all of this node's values are inactive. More...
bool isValueMaskOn (Index n) const
bool isValueMaskOn () const
bool isValueMaskOff (Index n) const
bool isValueMaskOff () const
const NodeMaskTypegetValueMask () const
NodeMaskTypegetValueMask ()
const NodeMaskTypevalueMask () const
void setValueMask (const NodeMaskType &mask)
bool isChildMaskOn (Index) const
bool isChildMaskOff (Index) const
bool isChildMaskOff () const
const Coord & origin () const
 Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin. More...
void getOrigin (Coord &origin) const
 Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin. More...
void getOrigin (Int32 &x, Int32 &y, Int32 &z) const
 Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin. More...
void prune (const ValueType &=zeroVal< ValueType >())
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
void addLeaf (LeafNode *)
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
void addLeafAndCache (LeafNode *, AccessorT &)
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename NodeT >
NodeT * stealNode (const Coord &, const ValueType &, bool)
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename NodeT >
NodeT * probeNode (const Coord &)
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename NodeT >
const NodeT * probeConstNode (const Coord &) const
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename ArrayT >
void getNodes (ArrayT &) const
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
template<typename ArrayT >
void stealNodes (ArrayT &, const ValueType &, bool)
 This function exists only to enable template instantiation. More...
LeafNodetouchLeaf (const Coord &)
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
LeafNodetouchLeafAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &)
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename NodeT , typename AccessorT >
NodeT * probeNodeAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &)
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
LeafNodeprobeLeaf (const Coord &)
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
LeafNodeprobeLeafAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &)
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
const LeafNodeprobeConstLeaf (const Coord &) const
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
const LeafNodeprobeConstLeafAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
const LeafNodeprobeLeafAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
const LeafNodeprobeLeaf (const Coord &) const
 Return a pointer to this node. More...
template<typename NodeT , typename AccessorT >
const NodeT * probeConstNodeAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &) const
 Return a pointer to this node. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Index log2dim ()
 Return log2 of the dimension of this LeafNode, e.g. 3 if dimensions are 8^3. More...
static Index dim ()
 Return the number of voxels in each coordinate dimension. More...
static Index size ()
 Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode. More...
static Index numValues ()
 Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode. More...
static Index getLevel ()
 Return the level of this node, which by definition is zero for LeafNodes. More...
static void getNodeLog2Dims (std::vector< Index > &dims)
 Append the Log2Dim of this LeafNode to the specified vector. More...
static Index getChildDim ()
 Return the dimension of child nodes of this LeafNode, which is one for voxels. More...
static Index32 leafCount ()
 Return the leaf count for this node, which is one. More...
static Index32 nonLeafCount ()
 Return the non-leaf count for this node, which is zero. More...
static Index32 childCount ()
 Return the child count for this node, which is zero. More...
static Index64 onTileCount ()
static Index64 offTileCount ()
static Index coordToOffset (const Coord &xyz)
 Return the linear table offset of the given global or local coordinates. More...
static Coord offsetToLocalCoord (Index n)
 Return the local coordinates for a linear table offset, where offset 0 has coordinates (0, 0, 0). More...
static Index getValueLevel (const Coord &)
 Return the level (i.e., 0) at which leaf node values reside. More...
static bool hasActiveTiles ()
 Return false since leaf nodes never contain tiles. More...
template<typename AccessorT >
static Index getValueLevelAndCache (const Coord &, AccessorT &)
 Return the LEVEL (=0) at which leaf node values reside. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const Index LOG2DIM = Log2Dim
static const Index TOTAL = Log2Dim
static const Index DIM = 1 << TOTAL
static const Index NUM_VALUES = 1 << 3 * Log2Dim
static const Index NUM_VOXELS = NUM_VALUES
static const Index SIZE = NUM_VALUES
static const Index LEVEL = 0

Protected Types

using MaskOnIterator = typename NodeMaskType::OnIterator
using MaskOffIterator = typename NodeMaskType::OffIterator
using MaskDenseIterator = typename NodeMaskType::DenseIterator

Protected Member Functions

void setValueMask (Index n, bool on)
void setValueMaskOn (Index n)
void setValueMaskOff (Index n)
void skipCompressedValues (bool seekable, std::istream &, bool fromHalf)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void evalNodeOrigin (Coord &xyz)
 Compute the origin of the leaf node that contains the voxel with the given coordinates. More...


class ::TestLeaf
template<typename >
class ::TestLeafIO
template<typename , Index >
class LeafNode
struct ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >
struct ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >
struct ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >
struct ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >
struct ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >
struct ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >
class IteratorBase< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode >
class IteratorBase< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode >
class IteratorBase< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode >

Detailed Description

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
class openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >

Templated block class to hold specific data types and a fixed number of values determined by Log2Dim. The actual coordinate dimension of the block is 2^Log2Dim, i.e. Log2Dim=3 corresponds to a LeafNode that spans a 8^3 block.

Definition at line 37 of file LeafNode.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::Buffer = LeafBuffer<ValueType, Log2Dim>

Definition at line 42 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::BuildType = T

Definition at line 40 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildAllCIter = DenseIter<const LeafNode, const ValueType, ChildAll>

Definition at line 295 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildAllIter = DenseIter<LeafNode, ValueType, ChildAll>

Definition at line 294 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildOffCIter = ChildIter<MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, ChildOff>

Definition at line 293 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildOffIter = ChildIter<MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, ChildOff>

Definition at line 292 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildOnCIter = ChildIter<MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, ChildOn>

Definition at line 291 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ChildOnIter = ChildIter<MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, ChildOn>

Definition at line 290 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNodeType = LeafNode<ValueType, Log2Dim>

Definition at line 43 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::MaskDenseIterator = typename NodeMaskType::DenseIterator

Definition at line 206 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::MaskOffIterator = typename NodeMaskType::OffIterator

Definition at line 205 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::MaskOnIterator = typename NodeMaskType::OnIterator

Definition at line 204 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::NodeMaskType = util::NodeMask<Log2Dim>

Definition at line 44 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::Ptr = SharedPtr<LeafNode>

Definition at line 45 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueAllCIter = ValueIter<MaskDenseIterator,const LeafNode,const ValueType,ValueAll>

Definition at line 289 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueAllIter = ValueIter<MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueAll>

Definition at line 288 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueOffCIter = ValueIter<MaskOffIterator,const LeafNode,const ValueType,ValueOff>

Definition at line 287 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueOffIter = ValueIter<MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOff>

Definition at line 286 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueOnCIter = ValueIter<MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOn>

Definition at line 285 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueOnIter = ValueIter<MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, const ValueType, ValueOn>

Definition at line 284 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::ValueType = T

Definition at line 41 of file LeafNode.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 902 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( const Coord &  coords,
const ValueType value = zeroVal<ValueType>(),
bool  active = false 


coordsthe grid index coordinates of a voxel
valuea value with which to fill the buffer
activethe active state to which to initialize all voxels

Definition at line 911 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( PartialCreate  ,
const Coord &  coords,
const ValueType value = zeroVal<ValueType>(),
bool  active = false 

"Partial creation" constructor used during file input

coordsthe grid index coordinates of a voxel
valuea value with which to fill the buffer
activethe active state to which to initialize all voxels

This constructor does not allocate memory for voxel values.

Definition at line 921 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other)

Deep copy constructor.

Definition at line 931 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherValueType >
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &  other)

Value conversion copy constructor.

Consider using a value conversion functor passed as an argument instead.

Definition at line 944 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherValueType >
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &  other,
const ValueType offValue,
const ValueType onValue,

Topology copy constructor.

Definition at line 976 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherValueType >
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LeafNode ( const LeafNode< OtherValueType, Log2Dim > &  other,
const ValueType background,

Topology copy constructor.

Definition at line 963 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::~LeafNode ( )


Definition at line 990 of file LeafNode.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::addLeaf ( LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > *  )

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 696 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::addLeafAndCache ( LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > *  ,
AccessorT &   

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 698 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::addTile ( Index  level,
const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val,
bool  active 

Definition at line 1580 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::addTile ( Index  offset,
const ValueType val,
bool  active 

Definition at line 1587 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::addTileAndCache ( Index  level,
const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val,
bool  active,
AccessorT &   

Definition at line 1597 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::allocate ( )

Allocate memory for this node's buffer if it has not already been allocated.

Definition at line 154 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildAll ( ) const

Definition at line 326 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildAll ( )

Definition at line 327 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildOff ( ) const

Definition at line 323 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildOff ( )

Definition at line 324 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildOn ( ) const

Definition at line 320 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginChildOn ( )

Definition at line 321 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueAll ( ) const

Definition at line 304 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueAll ( )

Definition at line 305 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueOff ( ) const

Definition at line 301 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueOff ( )

Definition at line 302 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueOn ( ) const

Definition at line 298 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::beginValueOn ( )

Definition at line 299 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Buffer& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::buffer ( ) const

Definition at line 345 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Buffer& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::buffer ( )

Definition at line 346 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginChildAll ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginChildOff ( ) const

Definition at line 322 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginChildOn ( ) const

Definition at line 319 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginValueAll ( ) const

Definition at line 303 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginValueOff ( ) const

Definition at line 300 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cbeginValueOn ( ) const

Definition at line 297 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendChildAll ( ) const

Definition at line 335 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendChildOff ( ) const

Definition at line 332 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendChildOn ( ) const

Definition at line 329 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendValueAll ( ) const

Definition at line 313 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendValueOff ( ) const

Definition at line 310 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::cendValueOn ( ) const

Definition at line 307 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index32 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::childCount ( )

Return the child count for this node, which is zero.

Definition at line 137 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::clip ( const CoordBBox &  clipBBox,
const ValueType background 

Set all voxels that lie outside the given axis-aligned box to the background.

Definition at line 1121 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename CombineOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::combine ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other,
CombineOp &  op 

Definition at line 1720 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename CombineOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::combine ( const ValueType value,
bool  valueIsActive,
CombineOp &  op 

Definition at line 1739 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::combine2 ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other,
const OtherType &  value,
bool  valueIsActive,
CombineOp &  op 

Definition at line 1760 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherNodeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::combine2 ( const ValueType value,
const OtherNodeT &  other,
bool  valueIsActive,
CombineOp &  op 

Definition at line 1779 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename CombineOp , typename OtherNodeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::combine2 ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  b0,
const OtherNodeT &  b1,
CombineOp &  op 

Definition at line 1798 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::coordToOffset ( const Coord &  xyz)

Return the linear table offset of the given global or local coordinates.

Definition at line 1010 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename DenseT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::copyFromDense ( const CoordBBox &  bbox,
const DenseT &  dense,
const ValueType background,
const ValueType tolerance 

Copy from a dense grid into this node the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box.

Only values that are different (by more than the given tolerance) from the background value will be active. Other values are inactive and truncated to the background value.

bboxinclusive bounding box of the voxels to be copied into this node
densedense grid with a stride in z of one (see tools::Dense in tools/Dense.h for the required API)
backgroundbackground value of the tree that this node belongs to
tolerancetolerance within which a value equals the background value
bbox is assumed to be identical to or contained in the coordinate domains of both the dense grid and this node, i.e., no bounds checking is performed.
Consider using tools::CopyFromDense in tools/Dense.h instead of calling this method directly.

Definition at line 1231 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename DenseT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::copyToDense ( const CoordBBox &  bbox,
DenseT &  dense 
) const

Copy into a dense grid the values of the voxels that lie within a given bounding box.

bboxinclusive bounding box of the voxels to be copied into the dense grid
densedense grid with a stride in z of one (see tools::Dense in tools/Dense.h for the required API)
bbox is assumed to be identical to or contained in the coordinate domains of both the dense grid and this node, i.e., no bounds checking is performed.
Consider using tools::CopyToDense in tools/Dense.h instead of calling this method directly.

Definition at line 1204 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::denseFill ( const CoordBBox &  bbox,
const ValueType value,
bool  active = true 

Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value and active state.

Definition at line 488 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::dim ( )

Return the number of voxels in each coordinate dimension.

Definition at line 119 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildAll ( ) const

Definition at line 336 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildAllIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildAll ( )

Definition at line 337 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildOff ( ) const

Definition at line 333 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOffIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildOff ( )

Definition at line 334 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildOn ( ) const

Definition at line 330 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ChildOnIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endChildOn ( )

Definition at line 331 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueAll ( ) const

Definition at line 314 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueAllIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueAll ( )

Definition at line 315 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueOff ( ) const

Definition at line 311 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOffIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueOff ( )

Definition at line 312 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnCIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueOn ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
ValueOnIter openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::endValueOn ( )

Definition at line 309 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::evalActiveBoundingBox ( CoordBBox &  bbox,
bool  visitVoxels = true 
) const

Expand the given bounding box so that it includes this leaf node's active voxels. If visitVoxels is false this LeafNode will be approximated as dense, i.e. with all voxels active. Else the individual active voxels are visited to produce a tight bbox.

Definition at line 1449 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::evalNodeOrigin ( Coord &  xyz)

Compute the origin of the leaf node that contains the voxel with the given coordinates.

Definition at line 869 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::fill ( const CoordBBox &  bbox,
const ValueType value,
bool  active = true 

Set all voxels within an axis-aligned box to the specified value and active state.

Definition at line 1161 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::fill ( const ValueType value)

Set all voxels to the specified value but don't change their active states.

Definition at line 1184 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::fill ( const ValueType value,
bool  active 

Set all voxels to the specified value and active state.

Definition at line 1191 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getChildDim ( )

Return the dimension of child nodes of this LeafNode, which is one for voxels.

Definition at line 129 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const ValueType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getFirstValue ( ) const

Return a const reference to the first value in the buffer.

Though it is potentially risky you can convert this to a non-const pointer by means of const_case<ValueType*>&.

Definition at line 625 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const ValueType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getLastValue ( ) const

Return a const reference to the last value in the buffer.

Definition at line 627 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getLevel ( )

Return the level of this node, which by definition is zero for LeafNodes.

Definition at line 125 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
CoordBBox openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getNodeBoundingBox ( ) const

Return the bounding box of this node, i.e., the full index space spanned by this leaf node.

Definition at line 167 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getNodeLog2Dims ( std::vector< Index > &  dims)

Append the Log2Dim of this LeafNode to the specified vector.

Definition at line 127 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ArrayT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getNodes ( ArrayT &  ) const

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 705 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getOrigin ( Coord &  origin) const

Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.

Definition at line 174 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getOrigin ( Int32 x,
Int32 y,
Int32 z 
) const

Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.

Definition at line 175 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename ValueT , Index Log2Dim>
const ValueT & openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< ValueT, Log2Dim >::getValue ( const Coord &  xyz) const

Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.

Definition at line 1045 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename ValueT , Index Log2Dim>
const ValueT & openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< ValueT, Log2Dim >::getValue ( Index  offset) const

Return the value of the voxel at the given linear offset.

Definition at line 1052 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
const ValueType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValue ( const Coord &  xyz,
bool &  state,
int level,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and return its active state and level (i.e., 0) in state and level.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 609 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
const ValueType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValueAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return the value of the voxel at the given coordinates.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 535 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValueLevel ( const Coord &  )

Return the level (i.e., 0) at which leaf node values reside.

Definition at line 394 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValueLevelAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   

Return the LEVEL (=0) at which leaf node values reside.

Used internally by ValueAccessor (note last argument is a dummy).

Definition at line 620 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const NodeMaskType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValueMask ( ) const

Definition at line 854 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
NodeMaskType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::getValueMask ( )

Definition at line 855 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::hasActiveTiles ( )

Return false since leaf nodes never contain tiles.

Definition at line 480 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherType , Index OtherLog2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::hasSameTopology ( const LeafNode< OtherType, OtherLog2Dim > *  other) const

Return true if the given node (which may have a different ValueType than this node) has the same active value topology as this node.

Definition at line 1467 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isAllocated ( ) const

Return true if memory for this node's buffer has been allocated.

Definition at line 152 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isChildMaskOff ( Index  ) const

Definition at line 859 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isChildMaskOff ( ) const

Definition at line 860 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isChildMaskOn ( Index  ) const

Definition at line 858 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isConstant ( ValueType firstValue,
bool &  state,
const ValueType tolerance = zeroVal<ValueType>() 
) const

Return true if all of this node's values have the same active state and are in the range this->getFirstValue() +/- tolerance.

firstValueIs updated with the first value of this leaf node.
stateIs updated with the state of all values IF method returns true. Else the value is undefined!
toleranceThe tolerance used to determine if values are approximately equal to the for value.

Definition at line 1475 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isConstant ( ValueType minValue,
ValueType maxValue,
bool &  state,
const ValueType tolerance = zeroVal<ValueType>() 
) const

Return true if all of this node's values have the same active state and the range (maxValue - minValue) < tolerance.

minValueIs updated with the minimum of all values IF method returns true. Else the value is undefined!
maxValueIs updated with the maximum of all values IF method returns true. Else the value is undefined!
stateIs updated with the state of all values IF method returns true. Else the value is undefined!
toleranceThe tolerance used to determine if values are approximately constant.

Definition at line 1489 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isDense ( ) const

Return true if this node contains only active voxels.

Definition at line 150 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isEmpty ( ) const

Return true if this node has no active voxels.

Definition at line 148 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isInactive ( ) const

Return true if all of this node's values are inactive.

Definition at line 825 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueMaskOff ( Index  n) const

Definition at line 852 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueMaskOff ( ) const

Definition at line 853 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueMaskOn ( Index  n) const

Definition at line 850 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueMaskOn ( ) const

Definition at line 851 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueOn ( const Coord &  xyz) const

Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.

Definition at line 475 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueOn ( Index  offset) const

Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active.

Definition at line 477 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::isValueOnAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 543 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index32 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::leafCount ( )

Return the leaf count for this node, which is one.

Definition at line 131 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::log2dim ( )

Return log2 of the dimension of this LeafNode, e.g. 3 if dimensions are 8^3.

Definition at line 117 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
T openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::medianAll ( ValueType tmp = nullptr) const

Computes the median value of all the active AND inactive voxels in this node.

The median value of all values in this node.
tmpOptional temporary storage that can hold at least NUM_VALUES values Use of this temporary storage can improve performance when this method is called multiple times.
If tmp = this->buffer().data() then the median value is computed very efficiently (in place) but the voxel values in this node are re-shuffled!
If tmp != nullptr then it is the responsibility of the client code that it points to enough memory to hold NUM_VALUES elements of type ValueType.

Definition at line 1511 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::medianOff ( ValueType value,
ValueType tmp = nullptr 
) const

Computes the median value of all the inactive voxels in this node.

The number of inactive voxels.
valueIf the return value is non zero value is updated with the median value.
tmpOptional temporary storage that can hold at least as many values as there are inactive voxels in this node. Use of this temporary storage can improve performance when this method is called multiple times.
If tmp != nullptr then it is the responsibility of the client code that it points to enough memory to hold the number of inactive voxels of type ValueType.

Definition at line 1553 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::medianOn ( ValueType value,
ValueType tmp = nullptr 
) const

Computes the median value of all the active voxels in this node.

The number of active voxels.
valueIf the return value is non zero value is updated with the median value.
tmpOptional temporary storage that can hold at least as many values as there are active voxels in this node. Use of this temporary storage can improve performance when this method is called multiple times.
If tmp != nullptr then it is the responsibility of the client code that it points to enough memory to hold the number of active voxels of type ValueType.

Definition at line 1529 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::memUsage ( ) const

Return the memory in bytes occupied by this node.

Definition at line 1429 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::memUsageIfLoaded ( ) const

Definition at line 1439 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::merge ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other)

Definition at line 1630 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::merge ( const ValueType tileValue,
bool  tileActive 

Definition at line 1659 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<MergePolicy Policy>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::merge ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other,
const ValueType ,
const ValueType  

Definition at line 1650 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ModifyOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::modifyValue ( Index  offset,
const ModifyOp &  op 

Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active.

Definition at line 435 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ModifyOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::modifyValue ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ModifyOp &  op 

Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.

Definition at line 449 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ModifyOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::modifyValueAndActiveState ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ModifyOp &  op 

Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates.

Definition at line 456 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ModifyOp , typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::modifyValueAndActiveStateAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ModifyOp &  op,
AccessorT &   

Apply a functor to the voxel at the given coordinates.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 574 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ModifyOp , typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::modifyValueAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ModifyOp &  op,
AccessorT &   

Apply a functor to the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 566 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::negate ( )

Definition at line 1704 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::nodeCount ( std::vector< Index32 > &  ) const


Definition at line 133 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index32 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::nonLeafCount ( )

Return the non-leaf count for this node, which is zero.

Definition at line 135 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::numValues ( )

Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode.

Definition at line 123 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::offLeafVoxelCount ( ) const

Definition at line 144 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Coord openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::offsetToGlobalCoord ( Index  n) const

Return the global coordinates for a linear table offset.

Definition at line 1034 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
Coord openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::offsetToLocalCoord ( Index  n)

Return the local coordinates for a linear table offset, where offset 0 has coordinates (0, 0, 0).

Definition at line 1020 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::offTileCount ( )

Definition at line 146 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::offVoxelCount ( ) const

Return the number of voxels marked Off.

Definition at line 142 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::onLeafVoxelCount ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::onTileCount ( )

Definition at line 145 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::onVoxelCount ( ) const

Return the number of voxels marked On.

Definition at line 140 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::operator!= ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other) const

Definition at line 201 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
LeafNode& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::operator= ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  )

Deep assignment operator.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::operator== ( const LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  other) const

Check for buffer, state and origin equivalence.

Definition at line 1419 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Coord& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::origin ( ) const

Return the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.

Definition at line 173 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeConstLeaf ( const Coord &  ) const

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 733 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
const LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeConstLeafAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 735 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename NodeT >
const NodeT* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeConstNode ( const Coord &  ) const

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 704 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename NodeT , typename AccessorT >
const NodeT* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeConstNodeAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 740 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeLeaf ( const Coord &  )

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 727 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeLeaf ( const Coord &  ) const

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 738 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeLeafAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 729 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
const LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeLeafAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 737 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename NodeT >
NodeT* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeNode ( const Coord &  )

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 702 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename NodeT , typename AccessorT >
NodeT* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeNodeAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 720 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeValue ( const Coord &  xyz,
ValueType val 
) const

Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active.

xyzthe coordinates of the voxel to be probed
[out]valthe value of the voxel at the given coordinates

Definition at line 1061 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeValue ( Index  offset,
ValueType val 
) const

Return true if the voxel at the given offset is active.

offsetthe linear offset of the voxel to be probed
[out]valthe value of the voxel at the given coordinates

Definition at line 1068 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::probeValueAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
ValueType val,
AccessorT &   
) const

Return true if the voxel at the given coordinates is active and return the voxel value in val.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 600 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::prune ( const ValueType = zeroVal<ValueType>())

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 695 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::readBuffers ( std::istream &  is,
bool  fromHalf = false 

Read buffers from a stream.

isthe stream from which to read
fromHalfif true, floating-point input values are assumed to be 16-bit

Definition at line 1304 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::readBuffers ( std::istream &  is,
const CoordBBox &  bbox,
bool  fromHalf = false 

Read buffers that intersect the given bounding box.

isthe stream from which to read
bboxan index-space bounding box
fromHalfif true, floating-point input values are assumed to be 16-bit

Definition at line 1312 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::readTopology ( std::istream &  is,
bool  fromHalf = false 

Read in just the topology.

isthe stream from which to read
fromHalfif true, floating-point input values are assumed to be 16-bit

Definition at line 1268 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::resetBackground ( const ValueType oldBackground,
const ValueType newBackground 

Replace inactive occurrences of oldBackground with newBackground, and inactive occurrences of -oldBackground with -newBackground.

Definition at line 1609 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setActiveState ( const Coord &  xyz,
bool  on 

Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its value.

Definition at line 1095 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setActiveState ( Index  offset,
bool  on 

Set the active state of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its value.

Definition at line 399 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setActiveStateAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
bool  on,
AccessorT &   

Set the active state of the voxel at the given coordinates without changing its value.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 591 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setOrigin ( const Coord &  origin)

Set the grid index coordinates of this node's local origin.

Definition at line 170 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setTransientData ( Index32  transientData)

Set the transient data value.

Definition at line 189 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValue ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.

Definition at line 425 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val,
AccessorT &   

Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as active.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 548 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueMask ( const NodeMaskType mask)

Definition at line 857 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueMask ( Index  n,
bool  on 

Definition at line 862 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueMaskOff ( Index  n)

Definition at line 864 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueMaskOn ( Index  n)

Definition at line 863 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOff ( const Coord &  xyz)

Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as inactive but don't change its value.

Definition at line 407 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOff ( Index  offset)

Mark the voxel at the given offset as inactive but don't change its value.

Definition at line 409 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOff ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as inactive.

Definition at line 1078 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOff ( Index  offset,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as inactive.

Definition at line 1085 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOffAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType value,
AccessorT &   

Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark it as inactive.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 582 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOn ( const Coord &  xyz)

Mark the voxel at the given coordinates as active but don't change its value.

Definition at line 417 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOn ( Index  offset)

Mark the voxel at the given offset as active but don't change its value.

Definition at line 419 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOn ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates and mark the voxel as active.

Definition at line 421 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOn ( Index  offset,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given offset and mark the voxel as active.

Definition at line 427 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOnly ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but don't change its active state.

Definition at line 1103 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOnly ( Index  offset,
const ValueType val 

Set the value of the voxel at the given offset but don't change its active state.

Definition at line 1110 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValueOnlyAndCache ( const Coord &  xyz,
const ValueType val,
AccessorT &   

Change the value of the voxel at the given coordinates but preserve its state.

Used internally by ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 557 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValuesOff ( )

Mark all voxels as inactive but don't change their values.

Definition at line 472 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::setValuesOn ( )

Mark all voxels as active but don't change their values.

Definition at line 470 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
static Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::size ( void  )

Return the total number of voxels represented by this LeafNode.

Definition at line 121 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::skipCompressedValues ( bool  seekable,
std::istream &  is,
bool  fromHalf 

Definition at line 1288 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename NodeT >
NodeT* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::stealNode ( const Coord &  ,
const ValueType ,

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 700 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename ArrayT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::stealNodes ( ArrayT &  ,
const ValueType ,

This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 706 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
std::string openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::str ( ) const

Return a string representation of this node.

Definition at line 997 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
size_t openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::streamingSize ( bool  toHalf = false) const
template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::swap ( Buffer other)

Exchange this node's data buffer with the given data buffer without changing the active states of the values.

Definition at line 344 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::topologyDifference ( const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &  other,
const ValueType  

Difference this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if the original voxel is active in this LeafNode and inactive in the other LeafNode.

The last dummy argument is required to match the signature for InternalNode::topologyDifference.

This operation modifies only active states, not values. Also, because it can deactivate all of this node's voxels, consider subsequently calling prune.

Definition at line 1696 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::topologyIntersection ( const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &  other,
const ValueType  

Intersect this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active only if both of the original voxels were active.

The last dummy argument is required to match the signature for InternalNode::topologyIntersection.

This operation modifies only active states, not values. Also note that this operation can result in all voxels being inactive so consider subsequently calling prune.

Definition at line 1687 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
template<typename OtherType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::topologyUnion ( const LeafNode< OtherType, Log2Dim > &  other,
const bool  preserveTiles = false 

Union this node's set of active values with the active values of the other node, whose ValueType may be different. So a resulting voxel will be active if either of the original voxels were active.

This operation modifies only active states, not values.

Definition at line 1679 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::touchLeaf ( const Coord &  )

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 716 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename AccessorT >
LeafNode* openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::touchLeafAndCache ( const Coord &  ,
AccessorT &   

Return a pointer to this node.

Definition at line 718 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
Index32 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::transientData ( ) const

Return the transient data value.

Definition at line 187 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const NodeMaskType& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::valueMask ( ) const

Definition at line 856 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::voxelizeActiveTiles ( bool  = true)


This function exists only to enable template instantiation.

Definition at line 637 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::writeBuffers ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  toHalf = false 
) const

Write buffers to a stream.

osthe stream to which to write
toHalfif true, output floating-point values as 16-bit half floats

Definition at line 1402 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::writeTopology ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  toHalf = false 
) const

Write out just the topology.

osthe stream to which to write
toHalfif true, output floating-point values as 16-bit half floats

Definition at line 1276 of file LeafNode.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend class ::TestLeaf

Definition at line 828 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename >
friend class ::TestLeafIO

Definition at line 829 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend class IteratorBase< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode >

Definition at line 846 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend class IteratorBase< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode >

Definition at line 845 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend class IteratorBase< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode >
Make mask accessors public?

Definition at line 844 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
template<typename , Index >
friend class LeafNode

Definition at line 833 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >

Definition at line 840 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskDenseIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueAll >

Definition at line 837 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >

Definition at line 839 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskOffIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOff >

Definition at line 836 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, const LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >

Definition at line 838 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
friend struct ValueIter< MaskOnIterator, LeafNode, ValueType, ValueOn >

Definition at line 835 of file LeafNode.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::DIM = 1 << TOTAL

Definition at line 50 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LEVEL = 0

Definition at line 54 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::LOG2DIM = Log2Dim

Definition at line 48 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::NUM_VALUES = 1 << 3 * Log2Dim

Definition at line 51 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::NUM_VOXELS = NUM_VALUES

Definition at line 52 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::SIZE = NUM_VALUES

Definition at line 53 of file LeafNode.h.

template<typename T, Index Log2Dim>
const Index openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim >::TOTAL = Log2Dim

Definition at line 49 of file LeafNode.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: