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CH_Channel Class Reference

#include <CH_Channel.h>


class  ConstIntervalIter
 Const iterator over an interval. More...
class  IntervalIter
 Iterator over an interval. More...

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 CH_Channel (CH_Collection *dad, const UT_StringHolder &name, fpreal default_value=0, const char *default_string=nullptr, bool temporary=false)
 CH_Channel (CH_Collection *dad, const CH_Channel &from)
 CH_Channel (CH_Collection *dad, const CH_Channel &from, bool temporary)
 ~CH_Channel ()
void initializeFirstSegment (const char *expr, CH_ExprLanguage language)
void initializeSegmentParents ()
void clear ()
void swap (CH_Channel &other)
const UT_StringHoldergetName () const
const UT_StringHoldergetAlias () const
void getFullPath (UT_String &path) const
void getFullPath (UT_StringHolder &path) const
void setName (const UT_StringHolder &s)
void setAlias (const UT_StringHolder &s)
CH_ManagergetManager () const
fpreal getTolerance () const
bool isTimeDependent () const
bool isTimeDependentSlow (int thread) const
bool isStringTimeDependentSlow (int thread) const
bool hasNonIntegerKeys () const
bool isDataDependent (fpreal gtime) const
bool hasOnlyOneSegment () const
bool isRotationChannel () const
bool getSurroundingSegs (fpreal gtime, CH_Segment *&left, CH_Segment *&right) const
CH_SegmentgetSegmentAfterKey (fpreal gtime) const
bool isAtKey (fpreal gtime) const
bool isAtHardKey (fpreal gtime) const
bool isAtHardKeyframe (int frame) const
fpreal findKey (fpreal gtime, fpreal direction) const
int findKeyframe (int frame, int direction) const
void sampleValueSlope (CH_Segment *seg, fpreal gtime, int thread, fpreal &v, fpreal &s)
bool sampleVSA (CH_Segment *seg, fpreal gtime, int thread, fpreal &v, fpreal &s, fpreal a[2])
void sampleKey (CH_Segment *seg, fpreal gtime, int thread, CH_Key &key)
bool getKey (fpreal gtime, CH_Key &key, bool accel_ratios=true, CH_GetKeyExtend extend=CH_GETKEY_EXTEND_NONE)
bool getFullKey (fpreal gtime, CH_FullKey &key, bool reverse=false, bool accel_ratios=true, CH_GetKeyExtend extend=CH_GETKEY_EXTEND_NONE)
bool getReversibleKey (fpreal gtime, CH_ReversibleKey &key)
void putKey (fpreal gtime, CH_Key const &key, bool accel_ratios, bool apply_auto_slope, bool update_fake_slope_accel_handles)
void putFullKey (fpreal gtime, CH_FullKey const &key, bool accel_ratios, bool apply_auto_slope, bool update_fake_slope_accel_handles)
void putKey (fpreal gtime, CH_Key const &key, bool accel_ratios=true, bool apply_auto_slope=true)
void putFullKey (fpreal gtime, CH_FullKey const &key, bool accel_ratios=true, bool apply_auto_slope=true)
void transferKey (fpreal to_time, CH_Channel *from_chp, fpreal from_time)
void applyPendingToKey (CH_Key &key, fpreal gtime)
void applyDefaultSlopeToKey (CH_Key &key)
void insertKeyFrame (fpreal global_t, bool use_auto_slope_pref=true)
 Insert key at given time. More...
void destroyKeyFrame (fpreal global_t)
 Delete key at given time. More...
void moveKeyFrame (fpreal old_gtime, fpreal new_gtime)
void saveKeyFrameForUndo (fpreal global_t)
void saveForUndo ()
int setKeyValue (fpreal val, fpreal gtime, bool set_pending=false, bool commit_keys=true, bool propagate=true)
int setKeyString (const UT_String &str, fpreal gtime, bool set_pending=false, bool commit_keys=true, bool propagate=true)
int setKeyString (const UT_String &str, fpreal gtime, CH_ExprLanguage language, bool set_pending=false, bool commit_keys=true, bool propagate=true)
void holdValue (fpreal gtime, int thread)
void getKeyFrames (const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, UT_Array< int > &frames, bool error_frames_only)
void getKeyTimes (const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, UT_Array< fpreal > &times, bool error_frames_only)
void getDisabledFrames (UT_Array< int > &frames, int minframe, int maxframe)
CH_SegmentgetExpressionSegment (fpreal gtime) const
const char * getExpression (fpreal gtime) const
bool changeExpression (fpreal gtime, const char *expr, CH_ExprLanguage language, bool convert_accels)
CH_ExprLanguage getCollectionExprLanguage () const
CH_ExprLanguage getExprLanguageAtTime (fpreal time) const
void setExprLanguage (CH_ExprLanguage language)
void setExprLanguageAtTime (CH_ExprLanguage language, fpreal time)
CH_StringMeaning getStringMeaning (fpreal time) const
void clearSegments ()
void deleteKeys (UT_SuperIntervalR const &range)
 Delete keys in given range. More...
void deleteKeys (const UT_Array< int > &ascending_sorted_key_indices)
void moveFrames (const UT_Array< int > &frames, int amount)
bool copyRangeOverwritesKeys (const CH_Channel &src, UT_SuperIntervalR const &range, UT_IntervalR const &to_range)
bool copyRangeOverwritesFrames (const CH_Channel &src, UT_SuperIntervalR const &range, UT_IntervalR const &to_range)
bool copyRangeOverwrites (const CH_Channel &src, UT_SuperIntervalR const &range, UT_IntervalR const &to_range)
void copyRange (const CH_Channel &src, UT_SuperIntervalR const &range, UT_IntervalR const &to_range, bool apply_auto_slope=true)
void copyRangeFrames (const CH_Channel &src, const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, const UT_IntervalR &to_range, const UT_Array< int > *frames=nullptr)
void deleteRangeFrames (UT_SuperIntervalR const &range, const UT_Array< int > *frames=nullptr)
void copyContents (const CH_Channel &from)
void swapContents (CH_Channel &other)
void copyRange (const CH_Channel &src, fpreal global_start, fpreal global_end)
void snapKeysInRange (const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, SnapType type=SNAP_SNAP, std::ostream *os=nullptr)
void scroll (fpreal new_start, bool update=true)
void stretch (fpreal new_start, fpreal new_end)
void reverse (fpreal gstart=0, fpreal gend=0, bool whole_chan=true)
bool increaseKeyValues (fpreal delta)
bool isAllDisabled () const
bool isAllEnabled () const
bool isDisabled (fpreal gtime) const
void disableAll (fpreal gtime)
void enableAll ()
void disable (fpreal gstart, fpreal gend)
void enable (fpreal gstart, fpreal gend)
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool isPending () const
bool isPending (fpreal gtime) const
bool isPendingLocal (fpreal ltime) const
void clearPending ()
void updatePending (fpreal gtime)
fpreal getPendingEvalTime () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool isPendingHold () const
void setPendingHold (bool state)
void save (std::ostream &os, bool binary, bool compiled, bool pending_state) const
template<typename FPREAL_TYPE >
bool load (UT_IStream &is)
void display () const
void displayAsKeys () const
void setDefaultValue (fpreal dv)
fpreal getDefaultValue () const
void setDefaultString (const UT_StringHolder &dv)
const UT_StringHoldergetDefaultString () const
void setChannelLeftType (CH_ChannelBehavior t)
void setChannelRightType (CH_ChannelBehavior t)
CH_ChannelBehavior getChannelLeftType () const
CH_ChannelBehavior getChannelRightType () const
void setCollection (CH_Collection *chp)
const CH_CollectiongetCollection () const
CH_CollectiongetCollection ()
void setIsTemporary (bool temp)
bool isTemporary () const
void setChangeActive (int state)
bool isChangeActive () const
bool getLocked () const
void setLocked (bool f)
int getChanged () const
void setChanged (bool on, CH_CHANGE_TYPE type=CH_CHANNEL_CHANGED)
void dirtyExprCache ()
int canAccess (uint mask) const
fpreal localTime (fpreal t) const
fpreal globalTime (fpreal t) const
fpreal getStart () const
fpreal getEnd () const
fpreal getLength () const
void unresolveLocalVars (int thread)
void buildOpDependencies (void *ref_id, int thread)
void changeOpRef (const char *new_fullpath, const char *old_fullpath, const char *old_cwd, const char *chan_name, const char *old_chan_name, int thread)
void cook (int state)
int setRawValues (fpreal from, fpreal to, fpreal *vals, int nsamples)
int setRawValues (fpreal *times, fpreal *vals, int n)
void setScope (bool on_off)
bool isScoped () const
bool isEditable ()
fpreal evaluate (fpreal t, bool no_disabling, int thread)
void evaluate (fpreal from, fpreal to, fpreal *vals, int nsamples, bool no_disabling, bool use_cache, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegment (CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, bool extend, int thread)
void evaluateString (UT_String &result, fpreal t, int thread)
void evaluateStringSegment (UT_String &result, CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, bool extend, int thread)
int findString (const char *str, bool fullword, bool usewildcards) const
int changeString (const char *from, const char *to, bool fullword, bool update, int thread)
const CH_SegmentgetEvaluationSegment (int thread) const
CH_SegmentgetEvaluationSegment (int thread)
const CH_SegmentgetPrevEvaluationSegment (int thread) const
CH_SegmentgetPrevEvaluationSegment (int thread)
const CH_SegmentgetNextEvaluationSegment (int thread) const
CH_SegmentgetNextEvaluationSegment (int thread)
fpreal getInTime (int thread) const
fpreal getOutTime (int thread) const
fpreal getPrevInTime (int thread) const
fpreal getNextOutTime (int thread) const
int match (const char *pattern) const
void setConstantValue (fpreal value)
bool fitToPointData (UT_Vector2R *data, int n_pts, bool preserve_extrema, fpreal error2=0.01f, bool delete_old_segments=false)
void refit (fpreal tolerance, bool preserve_extrema)
void refit (fpreal tolerance, bool preserve_extrema, fpreal from_gtime, fpreal to_gtime, bool delete_old_segments)
bool setKeys (fpreal *new_key_values, int num_keys, fpreal global_start, fpreal time_delta, bool smooth_slopes=true, bool clear=false, bool notify=true)
bool isEmpty () const
int getNSegments () const
int getNKeys () const
int getNKeysBefore (fpreal gtime) const
int getNKeysBeforeOrAt (fpreal gtime) const
fpreal getKeyTime (unsigned idx) const
unsigned getSegmentIdx (fpreal local_time) const
CH_SegmentgetSegment (unsigned idx) const
CH_SegmentgetSegment (fpreal local_time) const
CH_SegmentgetNextSegment (unsigned idx) const
CH_SegmentgetPrevSegment (unsigned idx) const
CH_SegmentgetFirstSegment () const
CH_SegmentgetLastSegment () const
int64 getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const
void changeSegLength (CH_Segment *seg, fpreal gtime, CH_SegmentScale how=CH_SCALE_ANY, bool adjust_and_update=true)
bool getHaveCompiledExpressions () const
bool verify ()
bool verify (bool verify_tied_values)
void saveSnapshot ()
void undoSnapshot (CH_Channel *previous, bool previous_snapshot_cleared)
bool loadSnapshot ()
bool swapSnapshot ()
bool clearSnapshot ()
CH_ChannelgetSnapshotChannel ()
void smoothAutoSlopesForSegments (UT_RLEBitArray &slope_flags, bool force=false, fpreal max_delta=-1)
void smoothAutoSlopes ()
void smoothAutoSlopes (fpreal global_time, fpreal delta=-1, bool value_changed=true)
void smoothAutoSlopes (CH_Segment *seg)
 Smooths slopes of keys at both ends of a segment. More...
void setLayerScope (bool on_off)
bool isLayerScoped () const
void setCaptureCopiedKeys (UT_Array< fpreal > *capture_array)
void putChFullKey (fpreal gtime, CH_FullKey const &key, bool accel_ratios=true)
fpreal evaluateSegment (CH_Segment &eval, fpreal localtime, bool extend, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegment (CH_Segment &eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegment (CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegmentExtend (CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegmentExtend (CH_Segment &eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegmentSlope (CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
fpreal evaluateSegmentSlopeApprox (CH_Segment *eval, fpreal localtime, int thread)
bool isSimpleChannel () const
CL_SimpleChannel asSimpleChannel () const
void fromSimpleChannel (const CL_SimpleChannel &sc)
 Clears this channel and sets it from the given simple channel. More...
IntervalIter intervalIter (const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, const bool ascending=true) const
ConstIntervalIter constIntervalIter (const UT_SuperIntervalR &range, const bool ascending=true) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * getChannelTypeName (CH_ChannelBehavior type)
static fpreal getGlueIV (int thread)
static void getGlueTime (fpreal &t, fpreal &t0, fpreal &t1, fpreal &v0, fpreal &v1, int thread)
static void getGlueSlope (fpreal *m0, fpreal *m1, fpreal *a0, fpreal *a1, int thread)

Public Attributes

class CH_API ConstIntervalIter
class CH_API IntervalIter


class CH_BatchModifyScope

Detailed Description

Definition at line 170 of file CH_Channel.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 173 of file CH_Channel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CH_Channel::CH_Channel ( CH_Collection dad,
const UT_StringHolder name,
fpreal  default_value = 0,
const char *  default_string = nullptr,
bool  temporary = false 
CH_Channel::CH_Channel ( CH_Collection dad,
const CH_Channel from 
CH_Channel::CH_Channel ( CH_Collection dad,
const CH_Channel from,
bool  temporary 
CH_Channel::~CH_Channel ( )

Member Function Documentation

void CH_Channel::applyDefaultSlopeToKey ( CH_Key key)
void CH_Channel::applyPendingToKey ( CH_Key key,
fpreal  gtime 
CL_SimpleChannel CH_Channel::asSimpleChannel ( ) const

Constructs and returns a simple channel from this channel Converts all the segments to CL_SimpleSegments

void CH_Channel::buildOpDependencies ( void ref_id,
int  thread 
int CH_Channel::canAccess ( uint  mask) const

Definition at line 524 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::changeExpression ( fpreal  gtime,
const char *  expr,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
bool  convert_accels 
void CH_Channel::changeOpRef ( const char *  new_fullpath,
const char *  old_fullpath,
const char *  old_cwd,
const char *  chan_name,
const char *  old_chan_name,
int  thread 
void CH_Channel::changeSegLength ( CH_Segment seg,
fpreal  gtime,
CH_SegmentScale  how = CH_SCALE_ANY,
bool  adjust_and_update = true 
int CH_Channel::changeString ( const char *  from,
const char *  to,
bool  fullword,
bool  update,
int  thread 
void CH_Channel::clear ( )
void CH_Channel::clearPending ( )
void CH_Channel::clearSegments ( )
bool CH_Channel::clearSnapshot ( )
CH_Channel::ConstIntervalIter CH_Channel::constIntervalIter ( const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
const bool  ascending = true 
) const

Return an iterator for keys within the given interval. If ascending is false, then the iterator is initialized at the end of the range instead of at the beginning of the range.

Definition at line 1183 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::cook ( int  state)
void CH_Channel::copyContents ( const CH_Channel from)
void CH_Channel::copyRange ( const CH_Channel src,
UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range,
UT_IntervalR const &  to_range,
bool  apply_auto_slope = true 
void CH_Channel::copyRange ( const CH_Channel src,
fpreal  global_start,
fpreal  global_end 
void CH_Channel::copyRangeFrames ( const CH_Channel src,
const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
const UT_IntervalR to_range,
const UT_Array< int > *  frames = nullptr 
bool CH_Channel::copyRangeOverwrites ( const CH_Channel src,
UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range,
UT_IntervalR const &  to_range 
bool CH_Channel::copyRangeOverwritesFrames ( const CH_Channel src,
UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range,
UT_IntervalR const &  to_range 
bool CH_Channel::copyRangeOverwritesKeys ( const CH_Channel src,
UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range,
UT_IntervalR const &  to_range 
void CH_Channel::deleteKeys ( UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range)

Delete keys in given range.

void CH_Channel::deleteKeys ( const UT_Array< int > &  ascending_sorted_key_indices)

Delete keys at the given key indices.

Must be sorted in ascending order!
void CH_Channel::deleteRangeFrames ( UT_SuperIntervalR const &  range,
const UT_Array< int > *  frames = nullptr 
void CH_Channel::destroyKeyFrame ( fpreal  global_t)

Delete key at given time.

void CH_Channel::dirtyExprCache ( )
void CH_Channel::disable ( fpreal  gstart,
fpreal  gend 
void CH_Channel::disableAll ( fpreal  gtime)
void CH_Channel::display ( ) const
void CH_Channel::displayAsKeys ( ) const
void CH_Channel::enable ( fpreal  gstart,
fpreal  gend 
void CH_Channel::enableAll ( )
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluate ( fpreal  t,
bool  no_disabling,
int  thread 
void CH_Channel::evaluate ( fpreal  from,
fpreal  to,
fpreal vals,
int  nsamples,
bool  no_disabling,
bool  use_cache,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegment ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
bool  extend,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegment ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
bool  extend,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegment ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegment ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegmentExtend ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegmentExtend ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegmentSlope ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::evaluateSegmentSlopeApprox ( CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
int  thread 
void CH_Channel::evaluateString ( UT_String result,
fpreal  t,
int  thread 
void CH_Channel::evaluateStringSegment ( UT_String result,
CH_Segment eval,
fpreal  localtime,
bool  extend,
int  thread 
fpreal CH_Channel::findKey ( fpreal  gtime,
fpreal  direction 
) const
int CH_Channel::findKeyframe ( int  frame,
int  direction 
) const
int CH_Channel::findString ( const char *  str,
bool  fullword,
bool  usewildcards 
) const
bool CH_Channel::fitToPointData ( UT_Vector2R data,
int  n_pts,
bool  preserve_extrema,
fpreal  error2 = 0.01f,
bool  delete_old_segments = false 
void CH_Channel::fromSimpleChannel ( const CL_SimpleChannel sc)

Clears this channel and sets it from the given simple channel.

const UT_StringHolder& CH_Channel::getAlias ( ) const

Definition at line 201 of file CH_Channel.h.

int CH_Channel::getChanged ( ) const

Definition at line 518 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_ChannelBehavior CH_Channel::getChannelLeftType ( ) const

Definition at line 492 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_ChannelBehavior CH_Channel::getChannelRightType ( ) const

Definition at line 493 of file CH_Channel.h.

static const char* CH_Channel::getChannelTypeName ( CH_ChannelBehavior  type)
const CH_Collection* CH_Channel::getCollection ( ) const

Definition at line 498 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_Collection* CH_Channel::getCollection ( )

Definition at line 499 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_ExprLanguage CH_Channel::getCollectionExprLanguage ( ) const
const UT_StringHolder& CH_Channel::getDefaultString ( ) const

Definition at line 488 of file CH_Channel.h.

fpreal CH_Channel::getDefaultValue ( ) const

Definition at line 483 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::getDisabledFrames ( UT_Array< int > &  frames,
int  minframe,
int  maxframe 
fpreal CH_Channel::getEnd ( ) const

Definition at line 540 of file CH_Channel.h.

const CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getEvaluationSegment ( int  thread) const

Definition at line 599 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getEvaluationSegment ( int  thread)

Definition at line 603 of file CH_Channel.h.

const char* CH_Channel::getExpression ( fpreal  gtime) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getExpressionSegment ( fpreal  gtime) const
CH_ExprLanguage CH_Channel::getExprLanguageAtTime ( fpreal  time) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getFirstSegment ( ) const

Definition at line 694 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::getFullKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_FullKey key,
bool  reverse = false,
bool  accel_ratios = true,
CH_GetKeyExtend  extend = CH_GETKEY_EXTEND_NONE 
void CH_Channel::getFullPath ( UT_String path) const

Definition at line 209 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::getFullPath ( UT_StringHolder path) const

Definition at line 213 of file CH_Channel.h.

fpreal CH_Channel::getGlueIV ( int  thread)

Definition at line 1216 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::getGlueSlope ( fpreal m0,
fpreal m1,
fpreal a0,
fpreal a1,
int  thread 

Definition at line 1290 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::getGlueTime ( fpreal t,
fpreal t0,
fpreal t1,
fpreal v0,
fpreal v1,
int  thread 

Definition at line 1234 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::getHaveCompiledExpressions ( ) const
fpreal CH_Channel::getInTime ( int  thread) const
bool CH_Channel::getKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_Key key,
bool  accel_ratios = true,
CH_GetKeyExtend  extend = CH_GETKEY_EXTEND_NONE 
void CH_Channel::getKeyFrames ( const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
UT_Array< int > &  frames,
bool  error_frames_only 
fpreal CH_Channel::getKeyTime ( unsigned  idx) const

Definition at line 980 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::getKeyTimes ( const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
UT_Array< fpreal > &  times,
bool  error_frames_only 

Similar to the above, but gets times of all keys in the channel in the specified range.

CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getLastSegment ( ) const

Definition at line 702 of file CH_Channel.h.

fpreal CH_Channel::getLength ( ) const

Definition at line 541 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::getLocked ( ) const

Definition at line 514 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_Manager* CH_Channel::getManager ( ) const

Definition at line 222 of file CH_Channel.h.

int64 CH_Channel::getMemoryUsage ( bool  inclusive) const
const UT_StringHolder& CH_Channel::getName ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file CH_Channel.h.

const CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getNextEvaluationSegment ( int  thread) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getNextEvaluationSegment ( int  thread)
fpreal CH_Channel::getNextOutTime ( int  thread) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getNextSegment ( unsigned  idx) const
int CH_Channel::getNKeys ( ) const

Definition at line 974 of file CH_Channel.h.

int CH_Channel::getNKeysBefore ( fpreal  gtime) const
int CH_Channel::getNKeysBeforeOrAt ( fpreal  gtime) const
int CH_Channel::getNSegments ( ) const

Definition at line 962 of file CH_Channel.h.

fpreal CH_Channel::getOutTime ( int  thread) const
fpreal CH_Channel::getPendingEvalTime ( ) const

Definition at line 467 of file CH_Channel.h.

const CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getPrevEvaluationSegment ( int  thread) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getPrevEvaluationSegment ( int  thread)
fpreal CH_Channel::getPrevInTime ( int  thread) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getPrevSegment ( unsigned  idx) const
bool CH_Channel::getReversibleKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_ReversibleKey key 
CH_Segment * CH_Channel::getSegment ( unsigned  idx) const

Definition at line 948 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getSegment ( fpreal  local_time) const
CH_Segment* CH_Channel::getSegmentAfterKey ( fpreal  gtime) const
unsigned CH_Channel::getSegmentIdx ( fpreal  local_time) const
CH_Channel* CH_Channel::getSnapshotChannel ( )
fpreal CH_Channel::getStart ( ) const

Definition at line 539 of file CH_Channel.h.

CH_StringMeaning CH_Channel::getStringMeaning ( fpreal  time) const
bool CH_Channel::getSurroundingSegs ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_Segment *&  left,
CH_Segment *&  right 
) const
fpreal CH_Channel::getTolerance ( ) const

Definition at line 224 of file CH_Channel.h.

fpreal CH_Channel::globalTime ( fpreal  t) const

Definition at line 536 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::hasNonIntegerKeys ( ) const
bool CH_Channel::hasOnlyOneSegment ( ) const

Definition at line 995 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::holdValue ( fpreal  gtime,
int  thread 
bool CH_Channel::increaseKeyValues ( fpreal  delta)
void CH_Channel::initializeFirstSegment ( const char *  expr,
CH_ExprLanguage  language 
void CH_Channel::initializeSegmentParents ( )
void CH_Channel::insertKeyFrame ( fpreal  global_t,
bool  use_auto_slope_pref = true 

Insert key at given time.

CH_Channel::IntervalIter CH_Channel::intervalIter ( const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
const bool  ascending = true 
) const

Return an iterator for keys within the given interval. If ascending is false, then the iterator is initialized at the end of the range instead of at the beginning of the range.

Definition at line 1177 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isAllDisabled ( ) const
bool CH_Channel::isAllEnabled ( ) const
bool CH_Channel::isAtHardKey ( fpreal  gtime) const
bool CH_Channel::isAtHardKeyframe ( int  frame) const
bool CH_Channel::isAtKey ( fpreal  gtime) const
bool CH_Channel::isChangeActive ( ) const

Definition at line 510 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isDataDependent ( fpreal  gtime) const
bool CH_Channel::isDisabled ( fpreal  gtime) const
bool CH_Channel::isEditable ( )
bool CH_Channel::isEmpty ( ) const

Definition at line 968 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isLayerScoped ( ) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool CH_Channel::isPending ( ) const

Definition at line 461 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isPending ( fpreal  gtime) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool CH_Channel::isPendingHold ( ) const

Definition at line 470 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isPendingLocal ( fpreal  ltime) const
bool CH_Channel::isRotationChannel ( ) const

Definition at line 1001 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isScoped ( ) const
bool CH_Channel::isSimpleChannel ( ) const

Check if all segment expressions are simple expressions such as linear(), bezier(), constant(). Note that you can still convert to a simple channel even if this returns false, but any custom segment expressions will be evaluated as beziers instead.

bool CH_Channel::isStringTimeDependentSlow ( int  thread) const
bool CH_Channel::isTemporary ( ) const

Definition at line 502 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isTimeDependent ( ) const

Definition at line 1315 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::isTimeDependentSlow ( int  thread) const
template<typename FPREAL_TYPE >
bool CH_Channel::load ( UT_IStream is)
bool CH_Channel::loadSnapshot ( )
fpreal CH_Channel::localTime ( fpreal  t) const

Definition at line 533 of file CH_Channel.h.

int CH_Channel::match ( const char *  pattern) const
void CH_Channel::moveFrames ( const UT_Array< int > &  frames,
int  amount 
void CH_Channel::moveKeyFrame ( fpreal  old_gtime,
fpreal  new_gtime 

Move key from old time to new time. Requires that a key exists at old_gtime and that there is no key at new_gtime.

void CH_Channel::putChFullKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_FullKey const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios = true 
void CH_Channel::putFullKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_FullKey const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios,
bool  apply_auto_slope,
bool  update_fake_slope_accel_handles 
void CH_Channel::putFullKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_FullKey const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios = true,
bool  apply_auto_slope = true 

Definition at line 307 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::putKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_Key const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios,
bool  apply_auto_slope,
bool  update_fake_slope_accel_handles 
void CH_Channel::putKey ( fpreal  gtime,
CH_Key const &  key,
bool  accel_ratios = true,
bool  apply_auto_slope = true 

Definition at line 302 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::refit ( fpreal  tolerance,
bool  preserve_extrema 
void CH_Channel::refit ( fpreal  tolerance,
bool  preserve_extrema,
fpreal  from_gtime,
fpreal  to_gtime,
bool  delete_old_segments 
void CH_Channel::reverse ( fpreal  gstart = 0,
fpreal  gend = 0,
bool  whole_chan = true 
void CH_Channel::sampleKey ( CH_Segment seg,
fpreal  gtime,
int  thread,
CH_Key key 
void CH_Channel::sampleValueSlope ( CH_Segment seg,
fpreal  gtime,
int  thread,
fpreal v,
fpreal s 
bool CH_Channel::sampleVSA ( CH_Segment seg,
fpreal  gtime,
int  thread,
fpreal v,
fpreal s,
fpreal  a[2] 
void CH_Channel::save ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  binary,
bool  compiled,
bool  pending_state 
) const
void CH_Channel::saveForUndo ( )
void CH_Channel::saveKeyFrameForUndo ( fpreal  global_t)
void CH_Channel::saveSnapshot ( )
void CH_Channel::scroll ( fpreal  new_start,
bool  update = true 
void CH_Channel::setAlias ( const UT_StringHolder s)

Definition at line 220 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setCaptureCopiedKeys ( UT_Array< fpreal > *  capture_array)
void CH_Channel::setChangeActive ( int  state)

Definition at line 505 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setChanged ( bool  on,
void CH_Channel::setChannelLeftType ( CH_ChannelBehavior  t)
void CH_Channel::setChannelRightType ( CH_ChannelBehavior  t)
void CH_Channel::setCollection ( CH_Collection chp)

Definition at line 497 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setConstantValue ( fpreal  value)
void CH_Channel::setDefaultString ( const UT_StringHolder dv)

Definition at line 485 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setDefaultValue ( fpreal  dv)

Definition at line 482 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setExprLanguage ( CH_ExprLanguage  language)
void CH_Channel::setExprLanguageAtTime ( CH_ExprLanguage  language,
fpreal  time 
void CH_Channel::setIsTemporary ( bool  temp)

Definition at line 501 of file CH_Channel.h.

bool CH_Channel::setKeys ( fpreal new_key_values,
int  num_keys,
fpreal  global_start,
fpreal  time_delta,
bool  smooth_slopes = true,
bool  clear = false,
bool  notify = true 

Overwrites segments and keys in the range [start, start + time_delta * (num_keys - 1)]

new_key_values- Array of size num_keys containing the values for the new keys
num_keys- Number of keys to set in the new range
global_start- Global start (in time) of the range to replace keys in. Must be at or after the global start of this channel
time_delta- Spacing between keys in time
smooth_slopes- Smooth the slopes of the new keys
clear- If true, will first clear all keys and segments keys in a partial region
notify- If true, emit a CH_CHANNELS_MAJOR_CHANGE event
true on success, false if failed
int CH_Channel::setKeyString ( const UT_String str,
fpreal  gtime,
bool  set_pending = false,
bool  commit_keys = true,
bool  propagate = true 
int CH_Channel::setKeyString ( const UT_String str,
fpreal  gtime,
CH_ExprLanguage  language,
bool  set_pending = false,
bool  commit_keys = true,
bool  propagate = true 
int CH_Channel::setKeyValue ( fpreal  val,
fpreal  gtime,
bool  set_pending = false,
bool  commit_keys = true,
bool  propagate = true 
void CH_Channel::setLayerScope ( bool  on_off)
void CH_Channel::setLocked ( bool  f)
void CH_Channel::setName ( const UT_StringHolder s)

Definition at line 219 of file CH_Channel.h.

void CH_Channel::setPendingHold ( bool  state)
int CH_Channel::setRawValues ( fpreal  from,
fpreal  to,
fpreal vals,
int  nsamples 
int CH_Channel::setRawValues ( fpreal times,
fpreal vals,
int  n 
void CH_Channel::setScope ( bool  on_off)
void CH_Channel::smoothAutoSlopes ( )
void CH_Channel::smoothAutoSlopes ( fpreal  global_time,
fpreal  delta = -1,
bool  value_changed = true 

Smooths slopes of key at time Can set up a max step based on delta if > 0

value_changed- true if delta refers to a value change, false if delta refers to a time change
void CH_Channel::smoothAutoSlopes ( CH_Segment seg)

Smooths slopes of keys at both ends of a segment.

void CH_Channel::smoothAutoSlopesForSegments ( UT_RLEBitArray slope_flags,
bool  force = false,
fpreal  max_delta = -1 

Smooth the specified auto slopes

slope_flags- bit array indicating which slopes are to be smoothed. Each slope (in and out) has a bit and they are arranged in left-right order. 0th bit is the in slope of the first seg, so for the ith seg, its in slope is at bit 2i and out slope at 2i+1
force- If true, smooths all selected slopes, even if not auto
max_step- If > 0, the maximum amount a slope may change from its existing value during this smoothing pass.
void CH_Channel::snapKeysInRange ( const UT_SuperIntervalR range,
SnapType  type = SNAP_SNAP,
std::ostream *  os = nullptr 
void CH_Channel::stretch ( fpreal  new_start,
fpreal  new_end 
void CH_Channel::swap ( CH_Channel other)
void CH_Channel::swapContents ( CH_Channel other)
bool CH_Channel::swapSnapshot ( )
void CH_Channel::transferKey ( fpreal  to_time,
CH_Channel from_chp,
fpreal  from_time 
void CH_Channel::undoSnapshot ( CH_Channel previous,
bool  previous_snapshot_cleared 
void CH_Channel::unresolveLocalVars ( int  thread)
void CH_Channel::updatePending ( fpreal  gtime)
bool CH_Channel::verify ( )
bool CH_Channel::verify ( bool  verify_tied_values)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class CH_BatchModifyScope

Definition at line 807 of file CH_Channel.h.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 264 of file CH_Channel.h.

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