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HdContainerDataSource Class Referenceabstract

#include <dataSource.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for HdContainerDataSource:

Public Member Functions

virtual TfTokenVector GetNames ()=0
virtual HdDataSourceBaseHandle Get (const TfToken &name)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from HdDataSourceBase
virtual HD_API ~HdDataSourceBase ()=0

Static Public Member Functions

static HD_API
Get (const Handle &container, const HdDataSourceLocator &locator)

Detailed Description

A datasource representing structured (named, hierarchical) data, for example a geometric primitive or a sub-object like a material definition. Note that implementations are responsible for providing cache invalidation, if necessary.

Definition at line 115 of file dataSource.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual HdDataSourceBaseHandle HdContainerDataSource::Get ( const TfToken name)
pure virtual
static HD_API HdDataSourceBaseHandle HdContainerDataSource::Get ( const Handle &  container,
const HdDataSourceLocator locator 

A convenience function: given container, return the descendant identified by locator, which may be at any depth. Returns container itself on an empty locator, or null if locator doesn't identify a valid descendant.

virtual TfTokenVector HdContainerDataSource::GetNames ( )
pure virtual
HdContainerDataSource::HD_DECLARE_DATASOURCE_ABSTRACT ( HdContainerDataSource  )

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