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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 /// \file usd/primData.h
29 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
30 #include "pxr/usd/usd/api.h"
31 #include "pxr/usd/usd/common.h"
32 #include "pxr/usd/usd/primFlags.h"
35 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/types.h"
39 #include "pxr/base/tf/token.h"
41 #include "pxr/usd/sdf/path.h"
43 #include <hboost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
44 #include <hboost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
45 #include <hboost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
47 #include <atomic>
48 #include <cstdint>
49 #include <vector>
55 // Private class that stores cached prim information and defines the prim tree
56 // on a UsdStage.
57 //
58 // Usd_PrimData objects are arranged in a tree structure, represented as a
59 // binary tree. See the _firstChild and _nextSiblingOrParent members.
60 //
61 // UsdStage builds and manages the tree structure of Usd_PrimData objects. The
62 // Usd_PrimData objects lifetimes are governed by an internal reference count
63 // (see _refCount). Two objects mutate this reference count: UsdStage owns
64 // references to all the Usd_PrimData objects that represent the scene graph,
65 // and UsdObject (and by inheritance its subclasses) owns a reference to its
66 // prim data object via Usd_PrimDataHandle.
67 //
68 // Usd_PrimData has a 'dead' flag (see _IsDead and _MarkDead). UsdStage sets
69 // this when a prim data object is removed from the scene graph.
70 // Usd_PrimDataHandle, which is a smart pointer to Usd_PrimData consults this
71 // dead flag to determine prim validity, and to issue informative crash messages
72 // on invalid use. See USD_CHECK_ALL_PRIM_ACCESSES.
73 //
75 {
76 public:
78  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
79  /// \name Prim Data & Behavior
80  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
82  /// Returns the composed path for the prim.
83  ///
84  /// This path is absolute with respect to the current stage and may require
85  /// translation when used in the context of individual layers of which the
86  /// current stage is composed.
87  /// This always returns a cached result.
88  const SdfPath &GetPath() const { return _path; }
90  const TfToken &GetName() const { return GetPath().GetNameToken(); }
92  UsdStage *GetStage() const { return _stage; }
94  /// Returns the prim definition for this prim.
96  return _primTypeInfo->GetPrimDefinition();
97  }
99  /// Returns the composed type name for the prim.
100  /// Note that this value is cached and is efficient to query.
101  const TfToken& GetTypeName() const {
102  return _primTypeInfo->GetTypeName();
103  }
105  /// Returns the full type info for the prim.
107  return *_primTypeInfo;
108  }
110  /// Returns true if this prim is the pseudoroot.
111  bool IsPseudoRoot() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimPseudoRootFlag]; }
113  /// Return true if this prim is active, meaning neither it nor any of its
114  /// ancestors have active=false. Return false otherwise.
115  bool IsActive() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimActiveFlag]; }
117  /// Return true if this prim is active, and \em either it is loadable and
118  /// it is loaded, \em or its nearest loadable ancestor is loaded, \em or it
119  /// has no loadable ancestor; false otherwise.
120  bool IsLoaded() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimLoadedFlag]; }
122  /// Return true if this prim is a model based on its kind metadata, false
123  /// otherwise.
124  bool IsModel() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimModelFlag]; }
126  /// Return true if this prim is a model group based on its kind metadata,
127  /// false otherwise. If this prim is a group, it is also necessarily a
128  /// model.
129  bool IsGroup() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimGroupFlag]; }
131  /// Return true if this prim or any of its ancestors is a class.
132  bool IsAbstract() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimAbstractFlag]; }
134  /// Return true if this prim and all its ancestors have defining specifiers,
135  /// false otherwise. \sa SdfIsDefiningSpecifier.
136  bool IsDefined() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimDefinedFlag]; }
138  /// Return true if this prim has a specifier of type SdfSpecifierDef
139  /// or SdfSpecifierClass.
140  bool HasDefiningSpecifier() const {
141  return _flags[Usd_PrimHasDefiningSpecifierFlag];
142  }
144  /// Return true if this prim has one or more payload composition arcs.
145  bool HasPayload() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimHasPayloadFlag]; }
147  /// Return true if attributes on this prim may have opinions in clips,
148  /// false otherwise. If true, the relevant clips will be examined for
149  /// opinions during value resolution.
150  bool MayHaveOpinionsInClips() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimClipsFlag]; }
152  /// Return this prim's composed specifier.
153  USD_API
154  SdfSpecifier GetSpecifier() const;
156  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
157  /// \name Parent & Stage
158  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
160  /// Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
161  USD_API
164  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
165  // PrimIndex access.
166  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
168  /// Return a const reference to the PcpPrimIndex for this prim.
169  ///
170  /// The prim's PcpPrimIndex can be used to examine the scene description
171  /// sites that contribute to the prim's property and metadata values in
172  /// minute detail.
173  ///
174  /// For prototype prims this prim index will be empty; this ensures
175  /// that these prims do not provide any attribute or metadata
176  /// values.
177  ///
178  /// For all other prims in prototypes, this is the prim index for the
179  /// instance that was chosen to serve as the prototype for all other
180  /// instances.
181  ///
182  /// In either of the above two cases, this prim index will not have the
183  /// same path as the prim's path.
184  USD_API
185  const class PcpPrimIndex &GetPrimIndex() const;
187  /// Return a const reference to the source PcpPrimIndex for this prim.
188  ///
189  /// For all prims in prototypes (which includes the prototype prim itself),
190  /// this is the prim index for the instance that was chosen to serve
191  /// as the prototype for all other instances. This prim index will not
192  /// have the same path as the prim's path.
193  USD_API
194  const class PcpPrimIndex &GetSourcePrimIndex() const;
196  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
197  // Tree Structure
198  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
200  // Return this prim data's first child if it has one, nullptr otherwise.
201  Usd_PrimDataPtr GetFirstChild() const { return _firstChild; }
203  // Return this prim data's next sibling if it has one, nullptr otherwise.
205  return !_nextSiblingOrParent.BitsAs<bool>() ?
206  _nextSiblingOrParent.Get() : nullptr;
207  }
209  // Return this prim data's parent if this prim data is the last in its chain
210  // of siblings. That is, if the _nextSiblingOrParent field is pointing to
211  // its parent. Return nullptr otherwise.
213  return _nextSiblingOrParent.BitsAs<bool>() ?
214  _nextSiblingOrParent.Get() : nullptr;
215  }
217  // Return the next prim data "to the right" of this one. That is, this
218  // prim's next sibling if it has one, otherwise the next sibling of the
219  // nearest ancestor with a sibling, if there is one, otherwise null.
220  inline Usd_PrimDataPtr GetNextPrim() const {
221  if (Usd_PrimDataPtr sibling = GetNextSibling())
222  return sibling;
223  for (Usd_PrimDataPtr p = GetParentLink(); p; p = p->GetParentLink()) {
224  if (Usd_PrimDataPtr sibling = p->GetNextSibling())
225  return sibling;
226  }
227  return nullptr;
228  }
230  // Return the prim data at \p path. If \p path indicates a prim
231  // beneath an instance, return the prim data for the corresponding
232  // prim in the instance's prototype.
236  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
237  // Instancing
238  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
240  /// Return true if this prim is an instance of a shared prototype prim,
241  /// false otherwise.
242  bool IsInstance() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimInstanceFlag]; }
244  /// Return true if this prim is a shared prototype prim, false otherwise.
245  bool IsPrototype() const {
246  return IsInPrototype() && GetPath().IsRootPrimPath();
247  }
249  /// Return true if this prim is a child of a shared prototype prim,
250  /// false otherwise.
251  bool IsInPrototype() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimPrototypeFlag]; }
253  /// If this prim is an instance, return the prim data for the corresponding
254  /// prototype. Otherwise, return nullptr.
257  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
258  // Private Members
259  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
260 private:
262  USD_API
263  Usd_PrimData(UsdStage *stage, const SdfPath& path);
264  USD_API
265  ~Usd_PrimData();
267  // Compute and store type info and cached flags.
268  void _ComposeAndCacheFlags(
269  Usd_PrimDataConstPtr parent, bool isPrototypePrim);
271  // Flags direct access for Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate.
273  const Usd_PrimFlagBits &_GetFlags() const {
274  return _flags;
275  }
277  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
278  // Prim Children
279  // --------------------------------------------------------------------- //
281  // Composes the prim children, reporting errors as they occur. Returns true
282  // on success false on failure.
283  bool _ComposePrimChildNames(TfTokenVector* nameOrder);
285  void _SetSiblingLink(Usd_PrimDataPtr sibling) {
286  _nextSiblingOrParent.Set(sibling, /* isParent */ false);
287  }
289  void _SetParentLink(Usd_PrimDataPtr parent) {
290  _nextSiblingOrParent.Set(parent, /* isParent */ true);
291  }
293  // Set the dead bit on this prim data object.
294  void _MarkDead() {
295  _flags[Usd_PrimDeadFlag] = true;
296  _stage = nullptr;
297  _primIndex = nullptr;
298  }
300  // Return true if this prim's dead flag is set, false otherwise.
301  bool _IsDead() const { return _flags[Usd_PrimDeadFlag]; }
303  // Set whether this prim or any of its namespace ancestors had clips
304  // specified.
305  void _SetMayHaveOpinionsInClips(bool hasClips) {
306  _flags[Usd_PrimClipsFlag] = hasClips;
307  }
309  typedef hboost::iterator_range<
310  class Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator> SiblingRange;
312  inline class Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator _ChildrenBegin() const;
313  inline class Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator _ChildrenEnd() const;
314  inline SiblingRange _GetChildrenRange() const;
316  typedef hboost::iterator_range<
317  class Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator> SubtreeRange;
319  inline class Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator _SubtreeBegin() const;
320  inline class Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator _SubtreeEnd() const;
321  inline SubtreeRange _GetSubtreeRange() const;
323  // Data members.
324  UsdStage *_stage;
325  const PcpPrimIndex *_primIndex;
326  SdfPath _path;
327  const UsdPrimTypeInfo *_primTypeInfo;
328  Usd_PrimData *_firstChild;
329  TfPointerAndBits<Usd_PrimData> _nextSiblingOrParent;
330  mutable std::atomic<int64_t> _refCount;
331  Usd_PrimFlagBits _flags;
333  // intrusive_ptr core primitives implementation.
334  friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(const Usd_PrimData *prim) {
335  prim->_refCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
336  }
337  friend void intrusive_ptr_release(const Usd_PrimData *prim) {
338  if (prim->_refCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release) == 1)
339  delete prim;
340  }
342  USD_API
343  friend void Usd_ThrowExpiredPrimAccessError(Usd_PrimData const *p);
344  friend std::string
345  Usd_DescribePrimData(const Usd_PrimData *p, SdfPath const &proxyPrimPath);
347  friend inline bool Usd_IsDead(Usd_PrimData const *p) {
348  return p->_IsDead();
349  }
351  friend class UsdPrim;
352  friend class UsdStage;
353 };
355 // Sibling iterator class.
356 class Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator : public hboost::iterator_adaptor<
357  Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator, // crtp.
358  Usd_PrimData *, // base iterator.
359  Usd_PrimData *, // value.
360  hboost::forward_traversal_tag, // traversal.
361  Usd_PrimData * // reference.
362  >
363 {
364 public:
365  // Default ctor.
368 private:
369  friend class Usd_PrimData;
371  // Constructor used by Prim.
372  Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator(const base_type &i)
373  : iterator_adaptor_(i) {}
375  // Core primitives implementation.
377  reference dereference() const { return base(); }
378  void increment() {
379  base_reference() = base_reference()->GetNextSibling();
380  }
381 };
383 // Sibling range.
384 typedef hboost::iterator_range<
387 // Inform TfIterator it should feel free to make copies of the range type.
388 template <>
390  Usd_PrimDataSiblingRange> : std::true_type {};
391 template <>
393  const Usd_PrimDataSiblingRange> : std::true_type {};
396 Usd_PrimData::_ChildrenBegin() const
397 {
398  return Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator(_firstChild);
399 }
402 Usd_PrimData::_ChildrenEnd() const
403 {
404  return Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator(0);
405 }
407 Usd_PrimData::SiblingRange
408 Usd_PrimData::_GetChildrenRange() const
409 {
410  return Usd_PrimData::SiblingRange(_ChildrenBegin(), _ChildrenEnd());
411 }
414 // Tree iterator class.
415 class Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator : public hboost::iterator_adaptor<
416  Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator, // crtp.
417  Usd_PrimData *, // base iterator.
418  Usd_PrimData *, // value.
419  hboost::forward_traversal_tag, // traversal.
420  Usd_PrimData * // reference.
421  >
422 {
423 public:
424  // Default ctor.
427 private:
428  friend class Usd_PrimData;
431  // Constructor used by Prim.
432  Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator(const base_type &i)
433  : iterator_adaptor_(i) {}
435  // Core primitives implementation.
437  reference dereference() const { return base(); }
438  void increment() {
439  base_type &b = base_reference();
440  b = b->GetFirstChild() ? b->GetFirstChild() : b->GetNextPrim();
441  }
442 };
444 // Tree range.
445 typedef hboost::iterator_range<
448 // Inform TfIterator it should feel free to make copies of the range type.
449 template <>
451  Usd_PrimDataSubtreeRange> : std::true_type {};
452 template <>
454  const Usd_PrimDataSubtreeRange> : std::true_type {};
457 Usd_PrimData::_SubtreeBegin() const
458 {
460  _firstChild ? _firstChild : GetNextPrim());
461 }
464 Usd_PrimData::_SubtreeEnd() const
465 {
467 }
469 Usd_PrimData::SubtreeRange
470 Usd_PrimData::_GetSubtreeRange() const
471 {
472  return Usd_PrimData::SubtreeRange(_SubtreeBegin(), _SubtreeEnd());
473 }
475 // Helpers for instance proxies.
477 // Return true if the prim with prim data \p p and proxy prim path
478 // \p proxyPrimPath represents an instance proxy.
479 template <class PrimDataPtr>
480 inline bool
481 Usd_IsInstanceProxy(const PrimDataPtr &p, const SdfPath &proxyPrimPath)
482 {
483  return !proxyPrimPath.IsEmpty();
484 }
486 // Helpers for subtree traversals.
488 // Create a predicate based on \p pred for use when traversing the
489 // siblings or descendants of the prim with prim data \p p and proxy
490 // prim path \p proxyPrimPath. This is used by prim traversal functions
491 // like UsdPrim::GetFilteredChildren, UsdPrim::GetFilteredDescendants,
492 // UsdPrim::GetFilteredNextSibling, and UsdPrimRange.
493 template <class PrimDataPtr>
495 Usd_CreatePredicateForTraversal(const PrimDataPtr &p,
496  const SdfPath &proxyPrimPath,
498 {
499  // Don't allow traversals beneath instances unless the client has
500  // explicitly requested it or the starting point is already beneath
501  // an instance (i.e., the starting point is an instance proxy).
502  if (!Usd_IsInstanceProxy(p, proxyPrimPath) &&
504  pred.TraverseInstanceProxies(false);
505  }
506  return pred;
507 }
509 // Move \p p to its parent. If \p proxyPrimPath is not empty, set it to
510 // its parent path. If after this \p p is a prototype prim, move \p p to
511 // the prim indicated by \p proxyPrimPath. If \p p's path is then equal
512 // to \p proxyPrimPath, set \p proxyPrimPath to the empty path.
513 template <class PrimDataPtr>
514 inline void
515 Usd_MoveToParent(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath)
516 {
517  p = p->GetParent();
519  if (!proxyPrimPath.IsEmpty()) {
520  proxyPrimPath = proxyPrimPath.GetParentPath();
522  if (p && p->IsPrototype()) {
523  p = p->GetPrimDataAtPathOrInPrototype(proxyPrimPath);
524  if (TF_VERIFY(p, "No prim at <%s>", proxyPrimPath.GetText()) &&
525  p->GetPath() == proxyPrimPath) {
526  proxyPrimPath = SdfPath();
527  }
528  }
529  }
530 }
532 // Search for the next sibling that matches \p pred (up to \p end). If such a
533 // sibling exists, move \p p to it and return false. If no such sibling exists
534 // then move \p p to its parent and return true. If \p end is reached while
535 // looking for siblings, move \p p to \p end and return false.
536 //
537 // If \p proxyPrimPath is not empty, update it based on the new value of \p p:
538 // - If \p p was moved to \p end, set \p proxyPrimPath to the empty path.
539 // - If \p p was moved to a sibling, set the prim name for \p proxyPrimPath
540 // to the sibling's name.
541 // - If \p p was moved to a parent, set \p proxyPrimPath and \p p the same
542 // way as Usd_MoveToParent.
543 template <class PrimDataPtr>
544 inline bool
545 Usd_MoveToNextSiblingOrParent(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath,
546  PrimDataPtr end,
547  const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
548 {
549  // Either all siblings are instance proxies or none are. We can just
550  // compute this once and reuse it as we scan for the next sibling.
551  const bool isInstanceProxy = Usd_IsInstanceProxy(p, proxyPrimPath);
553  PrimDataPtr next = p->GetNextSibling();
554  while (next && next != end &&
555  !Usd_EvalPredicate(pred, next, isInstanceProxy)) {
556  p = next;
557  next = p->GetNextSibling();
558  }
559  p = next ? next : p->GetParentLink();
561  if (!proxyPrimPath.IsEmpty()) {
562  if (p == end) {
563  proxyPrimPath = SdfPath();
564  }
565  else if (p == next) {
566  proxyPrimPath =
567  proxyPrimPath.GetParentPath().AppendChild(p->GetName());
568  }
569  else {
570  proxyPrimPath = proxyPrimPath.GetParentPath();
571  if (p && p->IsPrototype()) {
572  p = p->GetPrimDataAtPathOrInPrototype(proxyPrimPath);
573  if (TF_VERIFY(p, "No prim at <%s>", proxyPrimPath.GetText()) &&
574  p->GetPath() == proxyPrimPath) {
575  proxyPrimPath = SdfPath();
576  }
577  }
578  }
579  }
581  // Return true if we successfully moved to a parent, otherwise false.
582  return !next && p;
583 }
585 // Convenience method for calling the above with \p end = \c nullptr.
586 template <class PrimDataPtr>
587 inline bool
588 Usd_MoveToNextSiblingOrParent(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath,
589  const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
590 {
591  return Usd_MoveToNextSiblingOrParent(p, proxyPrimPath,
592  PrimDataPtr(nullptr), pred);
593 }
595 // Search for the first direct child of \p p that matches \p pred (up to
596 // \p end). If the given \p p is an instance, search for direct children
597 // on the corresponding prototype prim. If such a direct child exists,
598 // move \p p to it, and return true. Otherwise leave the iterator
599 // unchanged and return false.
600 template <class PrimDataPtr>
601 inline bool
602 Usd_MoveToChild(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath,
603  PrimDataPtr end,
604  const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
605 {
606  bool isInstanceProxy = Usd_IsInstanceProxy(p, proxyPrimPath);
608  PrimDataPtr src = p;
609  if (src->IsInstance()) {
610  src = src->GetPrototype();
611  isInstanceProxy = true;
612  }
614  if (PrimDataPtr child = src->GetFirstChild()) {
615  if (isInstanceProxy) {
616  proxyPrimPath = proxyPrimPath.IsEmpty() ?
617  p->GetPath().AppendChild(child->GetName()) :
618  proxyPrimPath.AppendChild(child->GetName());
619  }
621  p = child;
623  if (Usd_EvalPredicate(pred, p, isInstanceProxy) ||
624  !Usd_MoveToNextSiblingOrParent(p, proxyPrimPath, end, pred)) {
625  return true;
626  }
627  }
628  return false;
629 }
631 // Convenience method for calling the above with \p end = \c nullptr.
632 template <class PrimDataPtr>
633 inline bool
634 Usd_MoveToChild(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath,
635  const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
636 {
637  return Usd_MoveToChild(p, proxyPrimPath, PrimDataPtr(nullptr), pred);
638 }
642 #endif // PXR_USD_USD_PRIM_DATA_H
SDF_API const char * GetText() const
bool IsDefined() const
Definition: primData.h:136
bool IsModel() const
Definition: primData.h:124
void Usd_MoveToParent(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath)
Definition: primData.h:515
USD_API Usd_PrimDataConstPtr GetParent() const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
bool IsPseudoRoot() const
Returns true if this prim is the pseudoroot.
Definition: primData.h:111
USD_API const class PcpPrimIndex & GetPrimIndex() const
Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate Usd_CreatePredicateForTraversal(const PrimDataPtr &p, const SdfPath &proxyPrimPath, Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate pred)
Definition: primData.h:495
#define USD_API
Definition: api.h:40
Usd_PrimDataPtr GetFirstChild() const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:201
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glcorearb.h:814
Usd_PrimDataPtr GetParentLink() const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:212
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glcorearb.h:3341
USD_API SdfSpecifier GetSpecifier() const
Return this prim's composed specifier.
bool IsEmpty() const noexcept
Returns true if this is the empty path (SdfPath::EmptyPath()).
Definition: path.h:424
hboost::iterator_range< class Usd_PrimDataSubtreeIterator > Usd_PrimDataSubtreeRange
Definition: primData.h:446
Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate & TraverseInstanceProxies(bool traverse)
Definition: primFlags.h:172
const UsdPrimDefinition & GetPrimDefinition() const
Definition: primTypeInfo.h:82
constexpr T * Get() const noexcept
Retrieve the pointer.
const SdfPath & GetPath() const
Definition: primData.h:88
bool IsInPrototype() const
Definition: primData.h:251
bool IsGroup() const
Definition: primData.h:129
bool IsPrototype() const
Return true if this prim is a shared prototype prim, false otherwise.
Definition: primData.h:245
bool MayHaveOpinionsInClips() const
Definition: primData.h:150
Definition: token.h:87
USD_API const class PcpPrimIndex & GetSourcePrimIndex() const
USD_API Usd_PrimDataConstPtr GetPrimDataAtPathOrInPrototype(const SdfPath &path) const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
UsdStage * GetStage() const
Definition: primData.h:92
Usd_PrimDataPtr GetNextPrim() const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:220
bool IsInstance() const
Definition: primData.h:242
friend class hboost::iterator_core_access
Definition: primData.h:376
SDF_API SdfPath AppendChild(TfToken const &childName) const
friend void intrusive_ptr_add_ref(const Usd_PrimData *prim)
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:334
hboost::iterator_range< class Usd_PrimDataSiblingIterator > Usd_PrimDataSiblingRange
Definition: primData.h:385
bool Usd_IsInstanceProxy(const PrimDataPtr &p, const SdfPath &proxyPrimPath)
Definition: primData.h:481
friend std::string Usd_DescribePrimData(const Usd_PrimData *p, SdfPath const &proxyPrimPath)
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
GLuint GLuint end
Definition: glcorearb.h:475
bool IncludeInstanceProxiesInTraversal() const
Definition: primFlags.h:186
const UsdPrimDefinition & GetPrimDefinition() const
Returns the prim definition for this prim.
Definition: primData.h:95
constexpr Integral BitsAs() const noexcept
Retrieve the stored bits as the integral type Integral.
Definition: prim.h:135
Definition: types.h:122
std::vector< TfToken > TfTokenVector
Convenience types.
Definition: token.h:442
bool HasDefiningSpecifier() const
Definition: primData.h:140
friend class hboost::iterator_core_access
Definition: primData.h:436
Definition: path.h:291
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
SDF_API const TfToken & GetNameToken() const
bool Usd_MoveToChild(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath, PrimDataPtr end, const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
Definition: primData.h:602
bool IsAbstract() const
Return true if this prim or any of its ancestors is a class.
Definition: primData.h:132
USD_API friend void Usd_ThrowExpiredPrimAccessError(Usd_PrimData const *p)
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
void Set(T *ptr) noexcept
Set the pointer value to ptr.
friend bool Usd_IsDead(Usd_PrimData const *p)
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:347
bool HasPayload() const
Return true if this prim has one or more payload composition arcs.
Definition: primData.h:145
const TfToken & GetTypeName() const
Returns the concrete prim type name.
Definition: primTypeInfo.h:51
const TfToken & GetName() const
Definition: primData.h:90
Definition: path.h:1441
bool Usd_MoveToNextSiblingOrParent(PrimDataPtr &p, SdfPath &proxyPrimPath, PrimDataPtr end, const Usd_PrimFlagsPredicate &pred)
Definition: primData.h:545
SDF_API bool IsRootPrimPath() const
Definition: pxr.h:91
SDF_API SdfPath GetParentPath() const
bool IsLoaded() const
Definition: primData.h:120
USD_API Usd_PrimDataConstPtr GetPrototype() const
const TfToken & GetTypeName() const
Definition: primData.h:101
#define const
Definition: zconf.h:214
std::bitset< Usd_PrimNumFlags > Usd_PrimFlagBits
Definition: primFlags.h:110
bool IsActive() const
Definition: primData.h:115
Usd_PrimDataPtr GetNextSibling() const
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:204
const UsdPrimTypeInfo & GetPrimTypeInfo() const
Returns the full type info for the prim.
Definition: primData.h:106
friend void intrusive_ptr_release(const Usd_PrimData *prim)
Return this prim's parent prim. Return nullptr if this is a root prim.
Definition: primData.h:337
GLenum src
Definition: glcorearb.h:1793