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UsdImagingPrimAdapter Class Referenceabstract

#include <primAdapter.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for UsdImagingPrimAdapter:

Public Member Functions

 UsdImagingPrimAdapter ()
virtual USDIMAGING_API ~UsdImagingPrimAdapter ()
Parallel Setup and Resolve
virtual void TrackVariability (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, HdDirtyBits *timeVaryingBits, UsdImagingInstancerContext const *instancerContext=nullptr) const =0
virtual void UpdateForTime (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time, HdDirtyBits requestedBits, UsdImagingInstancerContext const *instancerContext=nullptr) const =0
Change Processing
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits ProcessPrimChange (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfTokenVector const &changedFields)
virtual HdDirtyBits ProcessPropertyChange (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &propertyName)=0
virtual USDIMAGING_API void ProcessPrimResync (SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void ProcessPrimRemoval (SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual void MarkDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, HdDirtyBits dirty, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)=0
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkRefineLevelDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkReprDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkCullStyleDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkRenderTagDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkTransformDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkVisibilityDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkMaterialDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkLightParamsDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkWindowPolicyDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void MarkCollectionsDirty (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
virtual USDIMAGING_API void InvokeComputation (SdfPath const &cachePath, HdExtComputationContext *context)
std::vector< VtArray< TfToken > > 
GetInstanceCategories (UsdPrim const &prim)
 Return an array of the categories used by each instance. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d GetInstancerTransform (UsdPrim const &instancerPrim, SdfPath const &instancerPath, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t SampleInstancerTransform (UsdPrim const &instancerPrim, SdfPath const &instancerPath, UsdTimeCode time, size_t maxNumSamples, float *sampleTimes, GfMatrix4d *sampleValues)
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath GetInstancerId (UsdPrim const &usdPrim, SdfPath const &cachePath) const
 Return the instancerId for this prim. More...
GetInstancerPrototypes (UsdPrim const &usdPrim, SdfPath const &cachePath) const
 Return the list of known prototypes of this prim. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t SamplePrimvar (UsdPrim const &usdPrim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &key, UsdTimeCode time, size_t maxNumSamples, float *sampleTimes, VtValue *sampleValues, VtIntArray *sampleIndices)
GetSubdivTags (UsdPrim const &usdPrim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
 Get the subdiv tags for this prim. More...
Nested instancing support
virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d GetRelativeInstancerTransform (SdfPath const &instancerPath, SdfPath const &protoInstancerPath, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath GetScenePrimPath (SdfPath const &cachePath, int instanceIndex, HdInstancerContext *instancerCtx) const
GetScenePrimPaths (SdfPath const &cachePath, std::vector< int > const &instanceIndices, std::vector< HdInstancerContext > *instancerCtxs) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath GetDataSharingId (SdfPath const &cachePath) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool PopulateSelection (HdSelection::HighlightMode const &highlightMode, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdPrim const &usdPrim, int const hydraInstanceIndex, VtIntArray const &parentInstanceIndices, HdSelectionSharedPtr const &result) const
Volume field information
GetVolumeFieldDescriptors (UsdPrim const &usdPrim, SdfPath const &id, UsdTimeCode time) const
Light Params
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue GetLightParamValue (const UsdPrim &prim, const SdfPath &cachePath, const TfToken &paramName, UsdTimeCode time) const
USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d GetRootTransform () const
 The root transform provided by the delegate. More...
USDIMAGING_API void SetDelegate (UsdImagingDelegate *delegate)
 A thread-local XformCache provided by the delegate. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool IsChildPath (SdfPath const &path) const
 The root transform provided by the delegate. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool GetVisible (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API TfToken GetPurpose (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &instanceInheritablePurpose) const
USDIMAGING_API TfToken GetInheritablePurpose (UsdPrim const &prim) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d GetTransform (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time, bool ignoreRootTransform=false) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t SampleTransform (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time, size_t maxNumSamples, float *sampleTimes, GfMatrix4d *sampleValues)
 Samples the transform for the given prim. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue Get (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &key, UsdTimeCode time, VtIntArray *outIndices) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdCullStyle GetCullStyle (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
 Gets the cullstyle of a specific path in the scene graph. More...
USDIMAGING_API SdfPath GetMaterialUsdPath (UsdPrim const &prim) const
USDIMAGING_API TfToken GetModelDrawMode (UsdPrim const &prim)
USDIMAGING_API HdModelDrawMode GetFullModelDrawMode (UsdPrim const &prim)
< VtIntArray > 
GetPerPrototypeIndices (UsdPrim const &prim, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue GetTopology (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API GfRange3d GetExtent (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool GetDoubleSided (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
 Reads double-sided from the given prim. If not authored, returns false. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath GetMaterialId (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
 The root transform provided by the delegate. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue GetMaterialResource (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
 The root transform provided by the delegate. More...
virtual USDIMAGING_API const
GetExtComputationSceneInputNames (SdfPath const &cachePath) const
GetExtComputationInputs (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext) const
GetExtComputationOutputs (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext) const
GetExtComputationPrimvars (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, HdInterpolation interpolation, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue GetExtComputationInput (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &name, UsdTimeCode time, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t SampleExtComputationInput (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &name, UsdTimeCode time, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext, size_t maxSampleCount, float *sampleTimes, VtValue *sampleValues)
virtual USDIMAGING_API std::string GetExtComputationKernel (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, const UsdImagingInstancerContext *instancerContext) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue GetInstanceIndices (UsdPrim const &instancerPrim, SdfPath const &instancerCachePath, SdfPath const &prototypeCachePath, UsdTimeCode time) const
Render Index Compatibility
virtual bool IsSupported (UsdImagingIndexProxy const *index) const
 Returns true if the adapter can be populated into the target index. More...

Scene Index Support

enum  PopulationMode { RepresentsSelf, RepresentsSelfAndDescendents, RepresentedByAncestor }
GetImagingSubprims (UsdPrim const &prim)
virtual USDIMAGING_API TfToken GetImagingSubprimType (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &subprim)
GetImagingSubprimData (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &subprim, const UsdImagingDataSourceStageGlobals &stageGlobals)
InvalidateImagingSubprim (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &subprim, TfTokenVector const &properties, UsdImagingPropertyInvalidationType invalidationType)
GetPopulationMode ()
InvalidateImagingSubprimFromDescendent (UsdPrim const &prim, UsdPrim const &descendentPrim, TfToken const &subprim, TfTokenVector const &properties, UsdImagingPropertyInvalidationType invalidationType)


virtual SdfPath Populate (UsdPrim const &prim, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index, UsdImagingInstancerContext const *instancerContext=nullptr)=0
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool ShouldCullChildren () const
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool ShouldIgnoreNativeInstanceSubtrees () const
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool IsInstancerAdapter () const
virtual USDIMAGING_API bool CanPopulateUsdInstance () const
static USDIMAGING_API bool ShouldCullSubtree (UsdPrim const &prim)


using Keys = UsdImagingPrimvarDescCache::Key
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
static USDIMAGING_API UsdAttribute LookupLightParamAttribute (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &paramName)
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
template<typename T >
T _Get (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &attrToken, UsdTimeCode time) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
template<typename T >
void _GetPtr (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &key, UsdTimeCode time, T *out) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetPrimvarDescCache () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
UsdImaging_NonlinearSampleCountCache_GetNonlinearSampleCountCache () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
UsdImaging_BlurScaleCache_GetBlurScaleCache () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API UsdPrim _GetPrim (SdfPath const &usdPath) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetPrimAdapter (UsdPrim const &prim, bool ignoreInstancing=false) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetAdapter (TfToken const &adapterKey) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API SdfPath _GetPrimPathFromInstancerChain (SdfPathVector const &instancerChain) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API UsdTimeCode _GetTimeWithOffset (float offset) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API SdfPath _ConvertCachePathToIndexPath (SdfPath const &cachePath) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API SdfPath _ConvertIndexPathToCachePath (SdfPath const &indexPath) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API TfToken _GetMaterialBindingPurpose () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector _GetMaterialRenderContexts () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector _GetRenderSettingsNamespaces () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _GetSceneMaterialsEnabled () const
 Returns whether custom shading of prims is enabled. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _GetSceneLightsEnabled () const
 Returns whether lights found in the usdscene are enabled. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _IsPrimvarFilteringNeeded () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector _GetShaderSourceTypes () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _IsInInvisedPaths (SdfPath const &usdPath) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _IsVarying (UsdPrim prim, TfToken const &attrName, HdDirtyBits dirtyFlag, TfToken const &perfToken, HdDirtyBits *dirtyFlags, bool isInherited, bool *exists=nullptr) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _IsTransformVarying (UsdPrim prim, HdDirtyBits dirtyFlag, TfToken const &perfToken, HdDirtyBits *dirtyFlags) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API void _MergePrimvar (HdPrimvarDescriptorVector *vec, TfToken const &name, HdInterpolation interp, TfToken const &role=TfToken(), bool indexed=false) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API void _RemovePrimvar (HdPrimvarDescriptorVector *vec, TfToken const &name) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API void _ComputeAndMergePrimvar (UsdPrim const &prim, UsdGeomPrimvar const &primvar, UsdTimeCode time, HdPrimvarDescriptorVector *primvarDescs, HdInterpolation *interpOverride=nullptr) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits _ProcessNonPrefixedPrimvarPropertyChange (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &propertyName, TfToken const &primvarName, HdInterpolation const &primvarInterp, HdDirtyBits valueChangeDirtyBit=HdChangeTracker::DirtyPrimvar) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits _ProcessPrefixedPrimvarPropertyChange (UsdPrim const &prim, SdfPath const &cachePath, TfToken const &propertyName, HdDirtyBits valueChangeDirtyBit=HdChangeTracker::DirtyPrimvar, bool inherited=true) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
virtual void _RemovePrim (SdfPath const &cachePath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)=0
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API void _ResyncDependents (SdfPath const &usdPath, UsdImagingIndexProxy *index)
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetCollectionCache () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API UsdStageRefPtr _GetStage () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetCoordSysBindings (UsdPrim const &prim) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetInheritedPrimvars (UsdPrim const &prim) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API UsdGeomPrimvar _GetInheritedPrimvar (UsdPrim const &prim, TfToken const &primvarName) const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API GfInterval _GetCurrentTimeSamplingInterval ()
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetDisplayPredicate () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
_GetDisplayPredicateForPrototypes () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
USDIMAGING_API bool _DoesDelegateSupportCoordSys () const
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...
static USDIMAGING_API bool _HasPrimvarsPrefix (TfToken const &propertyName)
 Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for all PrimAdapters.

Definition at line 68 of file primAdapter.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

Definition at line 707 of file primAdapter.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Returns the prim's behavior with regard to population and invalidation. See PopulationMode for possible values.


The adapter is responsible only for USD prims of its registered type. Any descendent USD prims are managed independently.


The adapter is responsible for USD prims of its registered type as well as any descendents of those prims. No population occurs for descendent prims. USD changes to descendent prims whose own PopulationMode is set to RepresentedByAncestor will be send to this adapter.


Changes to prims of this adapter's registered type are sent to the first ancestor prim whose adapter's PopulationMode value is RepresentsSelfAndDescendents.

This value alone does not prevent population as it is expected that such prims appear beneath another prim whose own PopulationMode value prevents descendents from being populated.

Definition at line 108 of file primAdapter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UsdImagingPrimAdapter::UsdImagingPrimAdapter ( )

Definition at line 73 of file primAdapter.h.

virtual USDIMAGING_API UsdImagingPrimAdapter::~UsdImagingPrimAdapter ( )

Member Function Documentation

USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ComputeAndMergePrimvar ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
UsdGeomPrimvar const &  primvar,
UsdTimeCode  time,
HdPrimvarDescriptorVector primvarDescs,
HdInterpolation interpOverride = nullptr 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ConvertCachePathToIndexPath ( SdfPath const &  cachePath) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ConvertIndexPathToCachePath ( SdfPath const &  indexPath) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_DoesDelegateSupportCoordSys ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

template<typename T >
T UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_Get ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
TfToken const &  attrToken,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

Definition at line 710 of file primAdapter.h.

USDIMAGING_API const UsdImagingPrimAdapterSharedPtr& UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetAdapter ( TfToken const &  adapterKey) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

UsdImaging_BlurScaleCache* UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetBlurScaleCache ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdImaging_CollectionCache& UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetCollectionCache ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdImaging_CoordSysBindingStrategy::value_type UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetCoordSysBindings ( UsdPrim const &  prim) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API GfInterval UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetCurrentTimeSamplingInterval ( )

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API Usd_PrimFlagsConjunction UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetDisplayPredicate ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API Usd_PrimFlagsConjunction UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetDisplayPredicateForPrototypes ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdGeomPrimvar UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetInheritedPrimvar ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
TfToken const &  primvarName 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdImaging_InheritedPrimvarStrategy::value_type UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetInheritedPrimvars ( UsdPrim const &  prim) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API TfToken UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetMaterialBindingPurpose ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetMaterialRenderContexts ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

UsdImaging_NonlinearSampleCountCache* UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetNonlinearSampleCountCache ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdPrim UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetPrim ( SdfPath const &  usdPath) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API const UsdImagingPrimAdapterSharedPtr& UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetPrimAdapter ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
bool  ignoreInstancing = false 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetPrimPathFromInstancerChain ( SdfPathVector const &  instancerChain) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdImagingPrimvarDescCache* UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetPrimvarDescCache ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

template<typename T >
void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetPtr ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
TfToken const &  key,
UsdTimeCode  time,
T out 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

Definition at line 718 of file primAdapter.h.

USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetRenderSettingsNamespaces ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetSceneLightsEnabled ( ) const

Returns whether lights found in the usdscene are enabled.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetSceneMaterialsEnabled ( ) const

Returns whether custom shading of prims is enabled.

USDIMAGING_API TfTokenVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetShaderSourceTypes ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdStageRefPtr UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetStage ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API UsdTimeCode UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_GetTimeWithOffset ( float  offset) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

static USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_HasPrimvarsPrefix ( TfToken const &  propertyName)

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_IsInInvisedPaths ( SdfPath const &  usdPath) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_IsPrimvarFilteringNeeded ( ) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_IsTransformVarying ( UsdPrim  prim,
HdDirtyBits  dirtyFlag,
TfToken const &  perfToken,
HdDirtyBits dirtyFlags 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_IsVarying ( UsdPrim  prim,
TfToken const &  attrName,
HdDirtyBits  dirtyFlag,
TfToken const &  perfToken,
HdDirtyBits dirtyFlags,
bool  isInherited,
bool *  exists = nullptr 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_MergePrimvar ( HdPrimvarDescriptorVector vec,
TfToken const &  name,
HdInterpolation  interp,
TfToken const &  role = TfToken(),
bool  indexed = false 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ProcessNonPrefixedPrimvarPropertyChange ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  propertyName,
TfToken const &  primvarName,
HdInterpolation const &  primvarInterp,
HdDirtyBits  valueChangeDirtyBit = HdChangeTracker::DirtyPrimvar 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ProcessPrefixedPrimvarPropertyChange ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  propertyName,
HdDirtyBits  valueChangeDirtyBit = HdChangeTracker::DirtyPrimvar,
bool  inherited = true 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_RemovePrimvar ( HdPrimvarDescriptorVector vec,
TfToken const &  name 
) const

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::_ResyncDependents ( SdfPath const &  usdPath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::CanPopulateUsdInstance ( ) const

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, and UsdSkelImagingSkelRootAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::Get ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  key,
UsdTimeCode  time,
VtIntArray *  outIndices 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdCullStyle UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetCullStyle ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Gets the cullstyle of a specific path in the scene graph.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetDataSharingId ( SdfPath const &  cachePath) const
Call and implement GetScenePrimPaths instead.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetDoubleSided ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Reads double-sided from the given prim. If not authored, returns false.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationInput ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  name,
UsdTimeCode  time,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdExtComputationInputDescriptorVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationInputs ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API std::string UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationKernel ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdExtComputationOutputDescriptorVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationOutputs ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdExtComputationPrimvarDescriptorVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationPrimvars ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
HdInterpolation  interpolation,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API const TfTokenVector& UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtComputationSceneInputNames ( SdfPath const &  cachePath) const

Reimplemented in UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API GfRange3d UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetExtent ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Reads the extent from the given prim. If the extent is not authored, an empty GfRange3d is returned, the extent will not be computed.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

USDIMAGING_API HdModelDrawMode UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetFullModelDrawMode ( UsdPrim const &  prim)

Gets the model draw mode object for the given prim, walking up the namespace if necessary.

USDIMAGING_API TfToken UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInheritablePurpose ( UsdPrim const &  prim) const

Returns the purpose token for prim, but only if it is inheritable by child prims (i.e. it is an explicitly authored purpose on the prim itself or one of the prim's ancestors), otherwise it returns the empty token.

virtual USDIMAGING_API std::vector<VtArray<TfToken> > UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInstanceCategories ( UsdPrim const &  prim)

Return an array of the categories used by each instance.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInstanceIndices ( UsdPrim const &  instancerPrim,
SdfPath const &  instancerCachePath,
SdfPath const &  prototypeCachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInstancerId ( UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath 
) const

Return the instancerId for this prim.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPathVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInstancerPrototypes ( UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath 
) const

Return the list of known prototypes of this prim.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetInstancerTransform ( UsdPrim const &  instancerPrim,
SdfPath const &  instancerPath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Get the instancer transform for the given prim.

See Also

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetLightParamValue ( const UsdPrim prim,
const SdfPath cachePath,
const TfToken paramName,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetMaterialId ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetMaterialResource ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetMaterialUsdPath ( UsdPrim const &  prim) const

Gets the material path for the given prim, walking up namespace if necessary.

USDIMAGING_API TfToken UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetModelDrawMode ( UsdPrim const &  prim)

Gets the model:drawMode attribute for the given prim, walking up the namespace if necessary.

USDIMAGING_API VtArray<VtIntArray> UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetPerPrototypeIndices ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Computes the per-prototype instance indices for a UsdGeomPointInstancer. XXX: This needs to be defined on the base class, to have access to the delegate, but it's a clear violation of abstraction. This call is only legal for prims of type UsdGeomPointInstancer; in other cases, the returned array will be empty and the computation will issue errors.

virtual USDIMAGING_API PopulationMode UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetPopulationMode ( )

Returns the prim's behavior with regard to population and invalidation. See PopulationMode for possible values.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingMaterialAdapter, and UsdImagingRepresentedByAncestorPrimAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API TfToken UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetPurpose ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  instanceInheritablePurpose 
) const

Returns the purpose token for prim. If a non-empty instanceInheritablePurpose is specified and the prim doesn't have an explicitly authored or inherited purpose, it may inherit the instancer's purpose if the instance has an explicit purpose.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, and UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetRelativeInstancerTransform ( SdfPath const &  instancerPath,
SdfPath const &  protoInstancerPath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Returns the transform of protoInstancerPath relative to instancerPath. instancerPath must be managed by this adapter.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetRootTransform ( ) const

The root transform provided by the delegate.

virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetScenePrimPath ( SdfPath const &  cachePath,
int  instanceIndex,
HdInstancerContext instancerCtx 
) const
Call and implement GetScenePrimPaths instead.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API SdfPathVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetScenePrimPaths ( SdfPath const &  cachePath,
std::vector< int > const &  instanceIndices,
std::vector< HdInstancerContext > *  instancerCtxs 
) const
Call and implement GetScenePrimPaths instead.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API PxOsdSubdivTags UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetSubdivTags ( UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API VtValue UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetTopology ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API GfMatrix4d UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetTransform ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time,
bool  ignoreRootTransform = false 
) const

Fetches the transform for the given prim at the given time from a pre-computed cache of prim transforms. Requesting transforms at incoherent times is currently inefficient.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetVisible ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const

Returns true if the given prim is visible, taking into account inherited visibility values. Inherited values are strongest, Usd has no notion of "super vis/invis".

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API HdVolumeFieldDescriptorVector UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetVolumeFieldDescriptors ( UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
SdfPath const &  id,
UsdTimeCode  time 
) const
virtual USDIMAGING_API HdDataSourceLocatorSet UsdImagingPrimAdapter::InvalidateImagingSubprimFromDescendent ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
UsdPrim const &  descendentPrim,
TfToken const &  subprim,
TfTokenVector const &  properties,
UsdImagingPropertyInvalidationType  invalidationType 

This is called (for each result of GetImagingSubprims) when this adapter's GetScope() result is RepresentsSelfAndDescendents and USD properties have changed on a descendent prim whose adapter's GetScope() result is RepresentedByAncestor.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingMaterialAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::InvokeComputation ( SdfPath const &  cachePath,
HdExtComputationContext context 

Reimplemented in UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter.

USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::IsChildPath ( SdfPath const &  path) const

The root transform provided by the delegate.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::IsInstancerAdapter ( ) const

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

static USDIMAGING_API UsdAttribute UsdImagingPrimAdapter::LookupLightParamAttribute ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
TfToken const &  paramName 

Provides to paramName->UsdAttribute value mappings.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkCollectionsDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, and UsdImagingLightAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkCullStyleDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingGprimAdapter.

virtual void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
HdDirtyBits  dirty,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 
pure virtual

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Implemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingMaterialAdapter, UsdImagingRenderProductAdapter, UsdImagingRenderVarAdapter, UsdImagingRenderSettingsAdapter, UsdImagingCameraAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingDisplayFilterAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingIntegratorAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingSampleFilterAdapter, UsdImagingLightAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, UsdProcImagingGenerativeProceduralAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkelRootAdapter, UsdImagingFieldAdapter, UsdImagingCoordSysAdapter, UsdImagingLightFilterAdapter, and UsdImagingRepresentedByAncestorPrimAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkLightParamsDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, and UsdImagingLightAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkMaterialDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingMaterialAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkRefineLevelDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingGprimAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkRenderTagDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingGprimAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkReprDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingGprimAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkTransformDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingCameraAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, UsdImagingLightAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, UsdProcImagingGenerativeProceduralAdapter, UsdImagingFieldAdapter, UsdImagingCoordSysAdapter, and UsdImagingLightFilterAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkVisibilityDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingGprimAdapter, UsdImagingLightAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, UsdProcImagingGenerativeProceduralAdapter, UsdImagingFieldAdapter, and UsdImagingLightFilterAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::MarkWindowPolicyDirty ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingCameraAdapter.

virtual SdfPath UsdImagingPrimAdapter::Populate ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index,
UsdImagingInstancerContext const *  instancerContext = nullptr 
pure virtual

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

Implemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingMaterialAdapter, UsdImagingSphereAdapter, UsdImagingCapsuleAdapter, UsdImagingCylinderAdapter, UsdImagingRenderProductAdapter, UsdImagingConeAdapter, UsdImagingMeshAdapter, UsdImagingRenderVarAdapter, UsdImagingCameraAdapter, UsdImagingCubeAdapter, UsdImagingRenderSettingsAdapter, UsdImagingBasisCurvesAdapter, UsdImagingNurbsCurvesAdapter, UsdImagingPointsAdapter, UsdImagingNurbsPatchAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingDisplayFilterAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingIntegratorAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingSampleFilterAdapter, UsdImagingVolumeAdapter, UsdImagingLightAdapter, UsdProcImagingGenerativeProceduralAdapter, UsdImagingSphereLightAdapter, UsdImagingRectLightAdapter, UsdImagingDiskLightAdapter, UsdImagingDistantLightAdapter, UsdImagingPluginLightAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingRepresentedByAncestorPrimAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkelRootAdapter, UsdImagingTetMeshAdapter, UsdImagingHermiteCurvesAdapter, UsdImagingFieldAdapter, UsdImagingLightFilterAdapter, UsdImagingCylinderLightAdapter, UsdImagingGeometryLightAdapter, UsdImagingPluginLightFilterAdapter, UsdImagingPortalLightAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingBarnLightFilterAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingIntMultLightFilterAdapter, UsdRiPxrImagingRodLightFilterAdapter, UsdImagingPlaneAdapter, UsdImagingCoordSysAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::PopulateSelection ( HdSelection::HighlightMode const &  highlightMode,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
int const  hydraInstanceIndex,
VtIntArray const &  parentInstanceIndices,
HdSelectionSharedPtr const &  result 
) const
Call and implement GetScenePrimPaths instead.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API HdDirtyBits UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ProcessPrimChange ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfTokenVector const &  changedFields 

Returns a bit mask of attributes to be updated, or HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if the entire prim must be resynchronized.

changedFields contains a list of changed scene description fields for this prim. This may be empty in certain cases, like the addition of an inert prim spec for the given prim.

The default implementation returns HdChangeTracker::AllDirty if any of the changed fields are plugin metadata fields, HdChangeTracker::Clean otherwise.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ProcessPrimRemoval ( SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

Removes all associated Rprims and dependencies from the render index without scheduling them for repopulation.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, and UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ProcessPrimResync ( SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdImagingIndexProxy index 

When a PrimResync event occurs, the prim may have been deleted entirely, adapter plug-ins should override this method to free any per-prim state that was accumulated in the adapter.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingMaterialAdapter, UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter, UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, and UsdImagingCoordSysAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t UsdImagingPrimAdapter::SampleExtComputationInput ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  name,
UsdTimeCode  time,
const UsdImagingInstancerContext instancerContext,
size_t  maxSampleCount,
float sampleTimes,
VtValue sampleValues 

Reimplemented in UsdSkelImagingSkeletonAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t UsdImagingPrimAdapter::SampleInstancerTransform ( UsdPrim const &  instancerPrim,
SdfPath const &  instancerPath,
UsdTimeCode  time,
size_t  maxNumSamples,
float sampleTimes,
GfMatrix4d sampleValues 

Sample the instancer transform for the given prim.

See Also

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t UsdImagingPrimAdapter::SamplePrimvar ( UsdPrim const &  usdPrim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
TfToken const &  key,
UsdTimeCode  time,
size_t  maxNumSamples,
float sampleTimes,
VtValue sampleValues,
VtIntArray *  sampleIndices 

Sample the primvar for the given prim. If *sampleIndices is not nullptr and the primvar has indices, it will sample the unflattened primvar and set *sampleIndices to the primvar's sampled indices.

See Also
HdSceneDelegate::SamplePrimvar() and HdSceneDelegate::SampleIndexedPrimvar()

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

virtual USDIMAGING_API size_t UsdImagingPrimAdapter::SampleTransform ( UsdPrim const &  prim,
SdfPath const &  cachePath,
UsdTimeCode  time,
size_t  maxNumSamples,
float sampleTimes,
GfMatrix4d sampleValues 

Samples the transform for the given prim.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

USDIMAGING_API void UsdImagingPrimAdapter::SetDelegate ( UsdImagingDelegate delegate)

A thread-local XformCache provided by the delegate.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ShouldCullChildren ( ) const

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

Reimplemented in UsdImagingInstanceAdapter, UsdImagingDrawModeAdapter, and UsdImagingPointInstancerAdapter.

static USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ShouldCullSubtree ( UsdPrim const &  prim)

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

virtual USDIMAGING_API bool UsdImagingPrimAdapter::ShouldIgnoreNativeInstanceSubtrees ( ) const

Called to populate the RenderIndex for this UsdPrim. The adapter is expected to create one or more prims in the render index using the given proxy.

Reimplemented in UsdSkelImagingSkelRootAdapter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: