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Deprecated List
Member ArAssetInfo::repoPath
The repository path corresponding to the resolved asset.
Member ArResolver::_IsRepositoryPath (const std::string &path) const
Return true if the given path is a repository path, false otherwise. Default implementation returns false.
Member ArResolver::IsRepositoryPath (const std::string &path) const
Returns true if the given path is a repository path.
Member GA_ElementGroup::operator&= (const GA_ElementGroup &g)
Use point/vertex/primitive group operator.
Member GA_ElementGroup::operator|= (const GA_ElementGroup &g)
Use combine or point/vertex/primitive group operator.
Member GA_Primitive::edgeApply (GA_EdgeApplyFunc apply, void *data=nullptr) const
Use iterateEdges instead.
Member GA_Primitive::edgeApplyIndex (GA_EdgeApplyIndexFunc apply, void *data=nullptr) const
Use iterateEdgesByVertex instead.
Member GA_Primitive::getPrimitiveId () const
This method is only for transitional backward compatibility for the HDK and will be removed in a future release. TODO: Should be pure virtual here, overwritten at GEO_Primitive.
Member GfRange1d::ExtendBy (double point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1d::ExtendBy (const GfRange1d &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1d::Intersection (const GfRange1d &a, const GfRange1d &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange1d::Intersection (const GfRange1d &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange1d::IsInside (double point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange1d::IsInside (const GfRange1d &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange1d::Union (const GfRange1d &a, const GfRange1d &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange1d::Union (const GfRange1d &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1d::Union (double b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1f::ExtendBy (float point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1f::ExtendBy (const GfRange1f &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1f::Intersection (const GfRange1f &a, const GfRange1f &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange1f::Intersection (const GfRange1f &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange1f::IsInside (float point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange1f::IsInside (const GfRange1f &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange1f::Union (const GfRange1f &a, const GfRange1f &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange1f::Union (const GfRange1f &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange1f::Union (float b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::ExtendBy (const GfVec2d &point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::ExtendBy (const GfRange2d &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::Intersection (const GfRange2d &a, const GfRange2d &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange2d::Intersection (const GfRange2d &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::IsInside (const GfVec2d &point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange2d::IsInside (const GfRange2d &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange2d::Union (const GfRange2d &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::Union (const GfVec2d &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2d::Union (const GfRange2d &a, const GfRange2d &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange2f::ExtendBy (const GfVec2f &point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2f::ExtendBy (const GfRange2f &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2f::Intersection (const GfRange2f &a, const GfRange2f &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange2f::Intersection (const GfRange2f &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange2f::IsInside (const GfVec2f &point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange2f::IsInside (const GfRange2f &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange2f::Union (const GfRange2f &a, const GfRange2f &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange2f::Union (const GfRange2f &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange2f::Union (const GfVec2f &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3d::ExtendBy (const GfVec3d &point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3d::ExtendBy (const GfRange3d &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3d::Intersection (const GfRange3d &a, const GfRange3d &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange3d::Intersection (const GfRange3d &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange3d::IsInside (const GfVec3d &point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange3d::IsInside (const GfRange3d &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange3d::Union (const GfRange3d &a, const GfRange3d &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange3d::Union (const GfRange3d &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3d::Union (const GfVec3d &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3f::ExtendBy (const GfVec3f &point)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3f::ExtendBy (const GfRange3f &range)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3f::Intersection (const GfRange3f &a, const GfRange3f &b)
Use GetIntersection() instead.
Member GfRange3f::Intersection (const GfRange3f &b)
Use IntersectWith() instead.
Member GfRange3f::IsInside (const GfVec3f &point) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange3f::IsInside (const GfRange3f &range) const
Use Contains() instead.
Member GfRange3f::Union (const GfRange3f &a, const GfRange3f &b)
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member GfRange3f::Union (const GfRange3f &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRange3f::Union (const GfVec3f &b)
Use UnionWith() instead.
Member GfRect2i::Intersect (const GfRect2i &that) const
Use GetIntersection() instead
Member GfRect2i::Union (const GfRect2i &that) const
Use GetUnion() instead.
Member HAPI_GeoInfo::hasMaterialChanged
This variable is deprecated and should no longer be used. Materials are now separate from parts. They are maintained at the asset level so you only need to check if the material itself has changed via HAPI_MaterialInfo::hasChanged instead of the material on the part.
Member HAPI_ObjectInfo::geoCount
No longer used. See HAPI_Geos
Member HAPI_ObjectInfo::objectInstancePathSH
This member is no longer used
Member HdCameraSchema::BuildRetained (const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &projection, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &horizontalAperture, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &verticalAperture, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &horizontalApertureOffset, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &verticalApertureOffset, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &focalLength, const HdVec2fDataSourceHandle &clippingRange, const HdVec4dArrayDataSourceHandle &clippingPlanes, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &fStop, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &focusDistance, const HdDoubleDataSourceHandle &shutterOpen, const HdDoubleDataSourceHandle &shutterClose, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &exposure, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &focusOn, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &dofAspect, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &splitDiopter, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &lensDistortion)
Use Builder instead.
Member HdImageShaderSchema::BuildRetained (const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &enabled, const HdIntDataSourceHandle &priority, const HdStringDataSourceHandle &filePath, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &constants)
Use Builder instead.
Member HdMaterialNetworkSchema::BuildRetained (const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &nodes, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &terminals, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &interfaceMappings)
Use Builder instead.
Member HdMaterialNodeSchema::BuildRetained (const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &parameters, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &inputConnections, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &nodeIdentifier, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &renderContextNodeIdentifiers, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &nodeTypeInfo)
Use Builder instead.
Member HdRenderDelegate::GetMaterialNetworkSelector () const
use GetMaterialRenderContexts()
Member HdRendererPluginRegistry::GetRendererPlugin (const TfToken &pluginId)
Use GetOrCreateRendererPlugin instead.
Member HdRenderPassState::GetViewport () const
Member HdRenderPassState::SetViewport (const GfVec4d &viewport)
Use the more expressive SetFraming instead.
Member HdRenderProductSchema::BuildRetained (const HdPathDataSourceHandle &path, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &type, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &name, const HdVec2iDataSourceHandle &resolution, const HdVectorDataSourceHandle &renderVars, const HdPathDataSourceHandle &cameraPrim, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &pixelAspectRatio, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &aspectRatioConformPolicy, const HdVec2fDataSourceHandle &apertureSize, const HdVec4fDataSourceHandle &dataWindowNDC, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableMotionBlur, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableDepthOfField, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &namespacedSettings)
Use Builder instead.
Member HdSceneDelegate::GetScenePrimPath (SdfPath const &rprimId, int instanceIndex, HdInstancerContext *instancerContext=nullptr)
use GetScenePrimPaths
Member HdxTaskController::SetRenderViewport (GfVec4d const &viewport)
Use SetFraming and SetRenderBufferSize instead.
Member IMG_Stat::getFPS () const
the FPS for frame playback.
Member IMG_Stat::getNumFrames () const
the number of frames in the file. Mostly for movie formats.
Member IMG_Stat::setFPS (fpreal fps)
the FPS for frame playback.
Member IMG_Stat::setNumFrames (int nf)
the number of frames in the file. Mostly for movie formats.
Member OP_Parameters::getVariableString (int index, UT_String &value, int thread)
Please override evalVariableValue() above instead
Member OP_Parameters::getVariableValue (int index, int thread)
Please override the evalVariableValue() above instead
Member Ort::detail::TensorTypeAndShapeInfoImpl< T >::GetDimensions (int64_t *values, size_t values_count) const
use GetShape() returning std::vector [[deprecated]] This interface is unsafe to use
Group Payload Authoring
This API is now deprecated. Please use the HasAuthoredPayloads and the UsdPayloads API returned from GetPayloads() to query and author payloads instead.
Member SdfLayer::GetExternalReferences () const
Use GetCompositionAssetDependencies instead.
Member SdfLayer::UpdateExternalReference (const std::string &oldAssetPath, const std::string &newAssetPath=std::string())
Use UpdateCompositionAssetDependency instead.
Member TfDiagnosticMgr::EraseError (ErrorIterator i)
Use TfErrorMark instead.
Member UsdAttribute::HasAuthoredValueOpinion () const
This method is deprecated because it returns true even when an attribute is blocked. Please use HasAuthoredValue() instead. If you truly need to know whether the attribute has any authored value opinions, including blocks, you can make the following query: attr.GetResolveInfo().HasAuthoredValueOpinion()
Member UsdAttributeQuery::HasAuthoredValueOpinion () const
This method is deprecated because it returns true even when an attribute is blocked. Please use HasAuthoredValue() instead. If you truly need to know whether the attribute has any authored value opinions, including blocks, you can make the following query: query.GetAttribute().GetResolveInfo().HasAuthoredValueOpinion()
Member UsdCollectionAPI::GetAllCollections (const UsdPrim &prim)
Use GetAll(prim) instead.
Class UsdGeomImageable
Imageable also provides API for accessing primvars, which has been moved to the UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI schema, because primvars can now be applied on non-Imageable prim types. This API is planned to be removed, UsdGeomPrimvarsAPI should be used directly instead.
Member UsdGeomMotionAPI::ComputeVelocityScale (UsdTimeCode time=UsdTimeCode::Default()) const
Member UsdGeomMotionAPI::GetVelocityScaleAttr () const
Member UsdGeomPointBased::ComputePointsAtTime (VtArray< GfVec3f > *points, UsdStageWeakPtr &stage, UsdTimeCode time, const VtVec3fArray &positions, const VtVec3fArray &velocities, UsdTimeCode velocitiesSampleTime, const VtVec3fArray &accelerations, float velocityScale=1.0)
Member UsdGeomPointInstancer::ComputeInstanceTransformsAtTime (VtArray< GfMatrix4d > *xforms, UsdStageWeakPtr &stage, UsdTimeCode time, const VtIntArray &protoIndices, const VtVec3fArray &positions, const VtVec3fArray &velocities, UsdTimeCode velocitiesSampleTime, const VtVec3fArray &accelerations, const VtVec3fArray &scales, const VtQuatfArray &orientations, const VtVec3fArray &angularVelocities, UsdTimeCode angularVelocitiesSampleTime, const SdfPathVector &protoPaths, const std::vector< bool > &mask, float velocityScale=1.0)
Member UsdGeomSubset::GetUnassignedIndices (const std::vector< UsdGeomSubset > &subsets, const size_t elementCount, const UsdTimeCode &time=UsdTimeCode::EarliestTime())
Please use GetUnassignedIndices(geom, elementType, familyName, time) instead. Utility for getting the list of indices that are not assigned to any of the GeomSubsets in subsets at the timeCode, time, given the element count (total number of indices in the array being subdivided), elementCount.
Member UsdGeomSubset::ValidateSubsets (const std::vector< UsdGeomSubset > &subsets, const size_t elementCount, const TfToken &familyType, std::string *const reason)
Please use UsdGeomSubset::ValidateFamily instead. Validates the data in the given set of GeomSubsets, subsets, given the total number of elements in the array being subdivided, elementCount and the familyType that the subsets belong to.
Member UsdGeomXformCommonAPI::GetRotationTransform (const GfVec3f &rotation, const UsdGeomXformCommonAPI::RotationOrder rotationOrder)
Please use the result of ConvertRotationOrderToOpType() along with UsdGeomXformOp::GetOpTransform() instead.
Member UsdImaging_GetUdimTiles (std::string const &basePath, int tileLimit, SdfLayerHandle const &layerHandle=SdfLayerHandle())
HdSceneDelegate no longer implements GetTextureResource.
Member UsdImagingGLEngine::_GetSceneDelegate () const
Existing instances of this call will be replaced with new APIs on this class, to support multiplexing between the scene delegate and scene index. This API is scheduled for deletion.
Member UsdImagingGLEngine::SetRenderViewport (GfVec4d const &viewport)
Use SetFraming and SetRenderBufferSize instead.
Member UsdImagingPrimAdapter::GetScenePrimPath (SdfPath const &cachePath, int instanceIndex, HdInstancerContext *instancerCtx) const
Call and implement GetScenePrimPaths instead.
Member UsdImagingUsdRenderProductSchema::BuildRetained (const HdVec2iDataSourceHandle &resolution, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &pixelAspectRatio, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &aspectRatioConformPolicy, const HdVec4fDataSourceHandle &dataWindowNDC, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableMotionBlur, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableDepthOfField, const HdPathDataSourceHandle &camera, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &productType, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &productName, const HdPathArrayDataSourceHandle &orderedVars, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &namespacedSettings)
Use Builder instead.
Member UsdImagingUsdRenderSettingsSchema::BuildRetained (const HdVec2iDataSourceHandle &resolution, const HdFloatDataSourceHandle &pixelAspectRatio, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &aspectRatioConformPolicy, const HdVec4fDataSourceHandle &dataWindowNDC, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableMotionBlur, const HdBoolDataSourceHandle &disableDepthOfField, const HdPathDataSourceHandle &camera, const HdTokenArrayDataSourceHandle &includedPurposes, const HdTokenArrayDataSourceHandle &materialBindingPurposes, const HdTokenDataSourceHandle &renderingColorSpace, const HdPathArrayDataSourceHandle &products, const HdContainerDataSourceHandle &namespacedSettings)
Use Builder instead.
Class UsdLuxGeometryLight
Light emitted outward from a geometric prim (UsdGeomGprim), which is typically a mesh.
Class UsdLuxListAPI
Use LightListAPI instead
Member UsdNotice::ObjectsChanged::PathRange::iterator::base () const
Use GetBase() instead.
Member UsdPrim::ClearPayload () const
Clears the payload at the current EditTarget for this prim. Return false if the payload could not be cleared.
Member UsdPrim::HasPayload () const
Return true if a payload is present on this prim.
Member UsdPrim::SetPayload (const std::string &assetPath, const SdfPath &primPath) const
Shorthand for SetPayload(SdfPayload(assetPath, primPath)).
Member UsdPrim::SetPayload (const SdfPayload &payload) const
Author payload metadata for this prim at the current edit target. Return true on success, false if the value could not be set.
Member UsdPrim::SetPayload (const SdfLayerHandle &layer, const SdfPath &primPath) const
Shorthand for SetPayload(SdfPayload(layer->GetIdentifier(), primPath)).
Member UsdPrimDefinition::GetSchemaAttributeSpec (const TfToken &attrName) const
Use GetAttributeDefinition instead.
Member UsdPrimDefinition::GetSchemaPropertySpec (const TfToken &propName) const
Use GetPropertyDefinition instead.
Member UsdPrimDefinition::GetSchemaRelationshipSpec (const TfToken &relName) const
Use GetRelationshipDefinition instead.
Class UsdRiMaterialAPI
Materials should use UsdShadeMaterial instead. This schema will be removed in a future release.
Class UsdRiSplineAPI
This API schema will be removed in a future release.
Member UsdSchemaBase::_GetSchemaType () const
This has been replace with _GetSchemaKind but is around for now for backwards compatibility while schemas are being updated.
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ClearSource (UsdAttribute const &shadingAttr)
This is the older version that only referenced a single source. Please use ClearSources instead.
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ClearSource (UsdShadeInput const &input)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ClearSource (UsdShadeOutput const &output)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource (UsdShadeOutput const &output, UsdShadeConnectableAPI const &source, TfToken const &sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType const sourceType=UsdShadeAttributeType::Output, SdfValueTypeName typeName=SdfValueTypeName())
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource (UsdShadeInput const &input, UsdShadeConnectableAPI const &source, TfToken const &sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType const sourceType=UsdShadeAttributeType::Output, SdfValueTypeName typeName=SdfValueTypeName())
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::ConnectToSource (UsdAttribute const &shadingAttr, UsdShadeConnectableAPI const &source, TfToken const &sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType const sourceType=UsdShadeAttributeType::Output, SdfValueTypeName typeName=SdfValueTypeName())
Please use the versions that take a UsdShadeConnectionSourceInfo to describe the upstream source
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetConnectedSource (UsdAttribute const &shadingAttr, UsdShadeConnectableAPI *source, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType)
Shading attributes can have multiple connections and so using GetConnectedSources is needed in general
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetConnectedSource (UsdShadeOutput const &output, UsdShadeConnectableAPI *source, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetConnectedSource (UsdShadeInput const &input, UsdShadeConnectableAPI *source, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetRawConnectedSourcePaths (UsdShadeOutput const &output, SdfPathVector *sourcePaths)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetRawConnectedSourcePaths (UsdShadeInput const &input, SdfPathVector *sourcePaths)
Member UsdShadeConnectableAPI::GetRawConnectedSourcePaths (UsdAttribute const &shadingAttr, SdfPathVector *sourcePaths)
Please us GetConnectedSources to retrieve multiple connections
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::ApplyAndBind (const TfToken &name, const SdfPath &path) const
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::Bind (const TfToken &name, const SdfPath &path) const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, adds a binding conforming to the new multi-apply UsdShadeCoordSysAPI schema. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to also bind to multi-apply API compliant relationship for the prim, along with backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::BlockBinding (const TfToken &name) const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, blocks binding conforming to the new multi-apply UsdShadeCoordSysAPI schema. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to also block binding for multi-apply API compliant relationship for the prim, along with backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::ClearBinding (const TfToken &name, bool removeSpec) const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, clears a binding conforming to the new multi-apply UsdShadeCoordSysAPI schema. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to also clear binding for multi-apply API compliant relationship for the prim, along with backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::FindBindingsWithInheritance () const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, returns bindings conforming to the new multi-apply UsdShadeCoordSysAPI schema. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to get multi-apply API compliant local bindings for the prim, if none fallback to backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::GetCoordSysRelationshipName (const std::string &coordSysName)
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::GetLocalBindings () const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, returns bindings conforming to the new multi-apply UsdShadeCoordSysAPI schema. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to get multi-apply API compliant local bindings for the prim, if none fallback to backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeCoordSysAPI::HasLocalBindings () const
This method is deprecated as it operates on the old non-applied UsdShadeCoordSysAPI If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to True, if prim has appropriate API applied, that is conforming to the new behavior. If USD_SHADE_COORD_SYS_IS_MULTI_APPLY is set to Warn, try to see if multi-apply API compliant local bindings are present for the prim, if not fallback to backward compatible deprecated behavior.
Member UsdShadeInput::ClearSource () const
Member UsdShadeInput::ConnectToSource (UsdShadeConnectableAPI const &source, TfToken const &sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType const sourceType=UsdShadeAttributeType::Output, SdfValueTypeName typeName=SdfValueTypeName()) const
Member UsdShadeInput::GetConnectedSource (UsdShadeConnectableAPI *source, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType) const
Member UsdShadeInput::GetRawConnectedSourcePaths (SdfPathVector *sourcePaths) const
Returns the "raw" (authored) connected source paths for this Input.
Member UsdShadeInput::GetValueProducingAttribute (UsdShadeAttributeType *attrType) const
in favor of calling GetValueProducingAttributes
Member UsdShadeMaterial::ComputeDisplacementSource (const TfToken &renderContext, TfToken *sourceName=nullptr, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType=nullptr) const
Use the form that takes a TfTokenVector or renderContexts
Member UsdShadeMaterial::ComputeSurfaceSource (const TfToken &renderContext, TfToken *sourceName=nullptr, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType=nullptr) const
Use the form that takes a TfTokenVector or renderContexts.
Member UsdShadeMaterial::ComputeVolumeSource (const TfToken &renderContext, TfToken *sourceName=nullptr, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType=nullptr) const
Use the form that takes a TfTokenVector or renderContexts
Member UsdShadeNodeGraph::ComputeOutputSource (const TfToken &outputName, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType) const
in favor of GetValueProducingAttributes on UsdShadeOutput Resolves the connection source of the requested output, identified by outputName to a shader output.
Member UsdShadeOutput::ClearSource () const
Member UsdShadeOutput::ConnectToSource (UsdShadeConnectableAPI const &source, TfToken const &sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType const sourceType=UsdShadeAttributeType::Output, SdfValueTypeName typeName=SdfValueTypeName()) const
Member UsdShadeOutput::GetConnectedSource (UsdShadeConnectableAPI *source, TfToken *sourceName, UsdShadeAttributeType *sourceType) const
Please use GetConnectedSources instead
Member UsdShadeOutput::GetRawConnectedSourcePaths (SdfPathVector *sourcePaths) const
Returns the "raw" (authored) connected source paths for this Output.
Member UsdSkelCache::GetAnimQuery (const UsdPrim &prim) const
Member UsdSkelComputeJointLocalTransforms (const UsdSkelTopology &topology, const VtMatrix4dArray &xforms, const VtMatrix4dArray &inverseXforms, VtMatrix4dArray *jointLocalXforms, const GfMatrix4d *rootInverseXform=nullptr)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelComputeJointLocalTransforms (const UsdSkelTopology &topology, const GfMatrix4d *xforms, const GfMatrix4d *inverseXforms, GfMatrix4d *jointLocalXforms, const GfMatrix4d *rootInverseXform=nullptr)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelComputeJointLocalTransforms (const UsdSkelTopology &topology, const VtMatrix4dArray &xforms, VtMatrix4dArray *jointLocalXforms, const GfMatrix4d *rootInverseXform=nullptr)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelComputeJointsExtent (const GfMatrix4d *xforms, size_t numXforms, VtVec3fArray *extent, float pad=0.0f, const GfMatrix4d *rootXform=nullptr)
Use form that takes a TfSpan.
Member UsdSkelComputeJointsExtent (const VtMatrix4dArray &joints, VtVec3fArray *extent, float pad=0.0f, const GfMatrix4d *rootXform=nullptr)
Use form that takes a TfSpan.
Member UsdSkelConcatJointTransforms (const UsdSkelTopology &topology, const VtMatrix4dArray &jointLocalXforms, VtMatrix4dArray *xforms, const GfMatrix4d *rootXform=nullptr)
Use the function form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelConcatJointTransforms (const UsdSkelTopology &topology, const GfMatrix4d *jointLocalXforms, GfMatrix4d *xforms, const GfMatrix4d *rootXform=nullptr)
Use the form that takes a TfSpan argument.
Member UsdSkelDecomposeTransforms (const GfMatrix4d *xforms, GfVec3f *translations, GfQuatf *rotations, GfVec3h *scales, size_t count)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelDecomposeTransforms (const VtMatrix4dArray &xforms, VtVec3fArray *translations, VtQuatfArray *rotations, VtVec3hArray *scales)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelMakeTransforms (const GfVec3f *translations, const GfQuatf *rotations, const GfVec3h *scales, GfMatrix4d *xforms, size_t count)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelMakeTransforms (const VtVec3fArray &translations, const VtQuatfArray &rotations, const VtVec3hArray &scales, VtMatrix4dArray *xforms)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelNormalizeWeights (VtFloatArray *weights, int numInfluencesPerComponent)
Use form that takes a TfSpan.
Member UsdSkelSkinningQuery::GetMapper () const
Use GetJointMapper.
Member UsdSkelSkinPoints (const TfToken &skinningMethod, const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const VtMatrix4dArray &jointXforms, const VtIntArray &jointIndices, const VtFloatArray &jointWeights, int numInfluencesPerPoint, VtVec3fArray *points)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSkinPoints (const TfToken &skinningMethod, const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const GfMatrix4d *jointXforms, size_t numJoints, const int *jointIndices, const float *jointWeights, size_t numInfluences, int numInfluencesPerPoint, GfVec3f *points, size_t numPoints, bool inSerial=false)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSkinPointsLBS (const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const VtMatrix4dArray &jointXforms, const VtIntArray &jointIndices, const VtFloatArray &jointWeights, int numInfluencesPerPoint, VtVec3fArray *points)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSkinPointsLBS (const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const GfMatrix4d *jointXforms, size_t numJoints, const int *jointIndices, const float *jointWeights, size_t numInfluences, int numInfluencesPerPoint, GfVec3f *points, size_t numPoints, bool inSerial=false)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSkinTransform (const TfToken &skinningMethod, const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const GfMatrix4d *jointXforms, size_t numJoints, const int *jointIndices, const float *jointWeights, size_t numInfluences, GfMatrix4d *xform)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSkinTransformLBS (const GfMatrix4d &geomBindTransform, const GfMatrix4d *jointXforms, size_t numJoints, const int *jointIndices, const float *jointWeights, size_t numInfluences, GfMatrix4d *xform)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.
Member UsdSkelSortInfluences (VtIntArray *indices, VtFloatArray *weights, int numInfluencesPerComponent)
Use form that takes TfSpan arguments.