Houdini 20.5 Unreal


Explains each of the items in the Houdini Engine menu.

On this page

The Houdini Engine menu is displayed in Unreal Engine’s main menu bar.


Create Session

Starts a new Houdini Engine session.

Connect Session

Connects to an existing Houdini Engine session.

Stop Session

Stops the current session.

Restart Session

Stops current session and starts a new one.

Open Houdini Session Sync

Stops the current session, opens Houdini, and starts a Session Sync session. See Session sync for more information.

Close Houdini Session Sync

Stops Session Sync session and closes Houdini.

Sync Viewport

This submenu contains menu items to control the viewport sync between Houdini and Unreal.


Do not sync viewports.

Sync Houdini to Unreal

Sync Houdini’s viewport to Unreal’s viewport.

Sync Unreal to Houdini

Sync Unreal’s viewport to Houdini’s viewport.


Sync both viewports when you make changes on Houdini or Unreal.

Houdini Node Sync

Opens the Houdini Node Sync menu. See Node Sync for mroe information.

Houdini Tools

Opens the Houdini Tools menu. See Houdini Tools for more information.


Work Item Import Settings

This submenu contains menu items to control PDG Asset Link options. The PDG Asset Link uses an asynchronous commandlet importer.

Enable Async Importer

Turns on the PDG Asset Link importer.

Start Async Importer

Starts the PDG Asset Link importer.

Stop Async Importer

Stops the PDG Asset Link importer.


Installation Info

Displays information about the Houdini Engine installation.

Plugin Settings

Displays the Houdini Engine plugin settings. See Plugin Settings for more information.

Plugin Editor Preferences

Displays the Plugin Editor Preferences. See Editor Preferences for more information.


Open Scene in Houdini

Opens the current level with Houdini assets in a new Houdini.

Save Houdini Scene (HIP)

Saves current Houdini scene as a .hip file.

Clean Houdini Engine Tem Folder

Deletes the temporary files in the temp folder.

Help and Support

Online Documentation

Opens the Houdini Engine for Unreal documentation in a browser.

Online Forum

Opens the Houdini Engine for Unreal forum in a browser.

Report Bugs

Opens a browser to submit bugs or request for enhancements.


Recook All

Recooks all Houdini Asset Actors in the current level.

Recook Selection

Recooks selected Houdini Asset Actors.

Rebuild All

Rebuilds all Houdini Asset Actors in the current level.

Rebuild Selection

Rebuilds selected Houdini Asset Actors.

Bake and Replace All Houdini Assets

Bakes and replaces all Houdini Asset Actors with blueprints in the current level.

Bake and Replace Selection

Bakes and replaces selected Houdini Asset Actors with blueprints.

Refine All Houdini Proxy Meshes to Static Meshes

Replaces all Houdini proxy meshes with UStaticMesh instances.

Refine Selected Houdini Proxy Meshes to Static Meshes

Replaces selected Houdini proxy meshes with UStaticMesh instances.

Pause Houdini Engine Cooking

When on, prevents Houdini Engine from cooking assets.


Getting started


Using Houdini Engine

