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1 //
2 // Copyright 2017 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
24 #ifndef __GUSD_PRIMWRAPPER_H__
25 #define __GUSD_PRIMWRAPPER_H__
27 #include <GT/GT_Primitive.h>
29 #include <UT/UT_Function.h>
30 #include <UT/UT_Optional.h>
32 #include "gusd/api.h"
34 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
35 #include "pxr/usd/usd/prim.h"
36 #include "pxr/usd/usd/timeCode.h"
39 #include "GT_Utils.h"
40 #include "purpose.h"
42 class GU_DetailHandle;
43 class GU_PackedImpl;
47 class GusdGT_AttrFilter;
48 class UsdGeomXformCache;
49 class GusdContext;
51 /// \class GusdPrimWrapper
52 /// \brief A GT_Primitive that wraps a USD Prim.
53 ///
54 /// A GusdPrimWrapper is responsible for copying attribute data between
55 /// USD and GT.
56 ///
57 /// To write USD geometry, the following steps are taken:
58 ///
59 /// The ROP uses GusdRefiner to refine the cooked geometry to GT primitive types
60 /// that have a matching USD type.
61 ///
62 /// For each GT primitive we create a primWrapper by calling the defineForWrite
63 /// method. This will create a usd prim on the current stage.
64 ///
65 /// On each frame updateFromGTPrim is called to copy attribtutes from the
66 /// GT prim to the USD prim.
67 ///
68 /// We support:
69 /// Writing a sequence of frames from one process.
70 /// Writing each frame of a sequence to a seperate file from a seperate process.
71 /// Writing each frame of a sequence to a seperate file from one process.
72 ///
73 /// When writing all frames to a single file, we try and compress attribtute values.
74 /// The data we need to do this compression is kept in the prim wrapper.
75 ///
76 /// In the rare case where we want to sequentially write a sequence to per frame
77 /// files, we need the primWrapper to persist across the sequence so we can do
78 /// the attribute compression. However, we need to create the USD prim on each
79 /// per frame file. The "redefine" method is used for this.
80 ///
81 /// To read USD geometry we start with a GusdGU_PackedUSD prim. A GusdGT_PrimCollect
82 /// object has been registered to convert these prims to GT_Primitives for drawing
83 /// in the view port. This object will call the "fullGT" method of the GU prim
84 /// which in turn calls the "defineForRead" to create a GusdPrimWrapper. These
85 /// prims can be refined into native GT_Primitives that the viewport can draw.
88 typedef std::map<SdfPath,UT_Matrix4D> GusdSimpleXformCache;
91 {
92 public:
95  (const GT_PrimitiveHandle&, /* sourcePrim */
96  const UsdStagePtr&,
97  const SdfPath& /* path */,
98  const GusdContext&)>
102  (const UsdGeomImageable&,
103  UsdTimeCode,
107  typedef UT_Function<bool
108  (const GT_PrimitiveHandle&,
109  std::string &primName)>
113  ( const GT_DataArrayHandle & )>
116  /// \brief Given a GT_Primitive, create a USD prim of the proper type.
117  ///
118  /// When writing a USD file, we refine the geometry to a set of prims that we
119  /// can deal with then we call this method on each of those prims.
120  static GT_PrimitiveHandle
121  defineForWrite( const GT_PrimitiveHandle& sourcePrim,
122  const UsdStagePtr& stage,
123  const SdfPath& path,
124  const GusdContext& ctxt);
126  /// If prim type can generate a useful name for a prim, sets primName
127  /// and returns true.
128  /// So far only F3D volumes do this. They can derive a name from meta
129  /// data stored in the f3d file.
130  static bool
131  getPrimName( const GT_PrimitiveHandle &sourcePrim,
132  std::string &primName );
134  // When we write USD for the given type, we will use a name like $USDNAME_0.
135  // where USDNAME is the name registered for this type
136  static const char*
137  getUsdName( int gtPrimId );
139  // When we USD for an object that is marked as a group type, we write
140  // the object and then all its children.
141  static bool
142  isGroupType( int gtPrimId );
144  /// \brief Given a USD prim, create a GusdPrimWrapper of the proper type.
145  ///
146  /// When reading a USD file, we call this function to create a Gusd_GTPrimitive
147  /// for each USD prim, we then refine that to something that can be
148  /// used in a detail.
149  static GT_PrimitiveHandle
150  defineForRead( const UsdGeomImageable& sourcePrim,
152  GusdPurposeSet purposes );
154  /// \brief Is this gt prim a point instancer?
155  ///
156  /// This is used to know if we need to write the instance prototypes.
157  static bool
158  isPointInstancerPrim(const GT_PrimitiveHandle& prim,
159  const GusdContext& ctxt);
161  /// Register function for creating new USD prims from GT_Primitives and, optionally,
162  /// a function for giving these prims a name.
163  static bool registerPrimDefinitionFuncForWrite(int gtPrimId,
165  GetPrimNameFunction getNameFunction = NULL,
166  bool isGroupType = false,
167  const char* usdName = NULL );
169  /// Register function for creating new GusdPrimWrappers from USD prim.
170  static bool registerPrimDefinitionFuncForRead(const TfToken& usdTypeName,
171  DefinitionForReadFunction function);
173  /// Return true is the give prim can be supported directly in USD. This
174  /// is used by the refiner to know when to stop refining.
175  static bool isGTPrimSupported(const GT_PrimitiveHandle& prim);
177  GusdPrimWrapper();
178  GusdPrimWrapper( const UsdTimeCode &time, const GusdPurposeSet &purposes );
179  GusdPrimWrapper( const GusdPrimWrapper &in );
180  ~GusdPrimWrapper() override;
182  /// Return true if the underlying USD prim is valid
183  virtual bool isValid() const;
185  virtual const UsdGeomImageable getUsdPrim() const = 0;
187  virtual bool unpack(
188  UT_Array<GU_DetailHandle> &details,
189  const UT_StringRef& fileName,
190  const SdfPath& primPath,
191  const UT_Matrix4D* xform,
192  fpreal frame,
193  const char * viewportLod,
194  GusdPurposeSet purposes,
195  const GT_RefineParms &rparms) const;
197  /// \brief Create a new USD prim to match GT primitive.
198  ///
199  /// When writing per frame USD files, we need to recreate the stage
200  /// and all the primitives on it each frame. However, there is some
201  /// data we want to persist across frames. So we keep the GusdPrimWrappers
202  /// and ask them to redefine their USD prims on each frame.
203  virtual bool redefine(
204  const UsdStagePtr& stage,
205  const SdfPath& path,
206  const GusdContext& ctxt,
207  const GT_PrimitiveHandle& sourcePrim );
209  /// Fill a USD prim's attribute samples for a frame from the
210  /// attributes in a GT primitive.
211  ///
212  /// If \p sourcePrim is an instance, \p localXform is the instance transform
213  /// otherwise it is the primitive transform from the prim.
214  virtual bool updateFromGTPrim(
215  const GT_PrimitiveHandle& sourcePrim,
216  const UT_Matrix4D& houXform,
217  const GusdContext& ctxt,
218  GusdSimpleXformCache& xformCache );
220  /// Add a sample just before the current time that invises this prim.
221  /// For points and instances this means writing a empty point attribute.
222  /// Other prims set their visibility flag.
223  /// It might be possible to avoid this if we are on the first frame.
224  virtual void addLeadingBookend( double curFrame, double startFrame );
226  /// Add a sample at the current frame, invising this from.
227  virtual void addTrailingBookend( double curFrame );
229  /// Keep track of the visibility state of the prim for book marks.
230  void markVisible( bool in ) { m_visible = in; }
231  bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; }
233  virtual void setVisibility(const TfToken& visibility, UsdTimeCode time);
235  static GT_DataArrayHandle convertPrimvarData(
236  const UsdGeomPrimvar& primvar,
237  UsdTimeCode time );
239  static GT_DataArrayHandle convertAttributeData(
240  const UsdAttribute& attr,
241  const VtValue& val);
243  /// Import geometry subsets as either partition attributes or groups (face
244  /// sets).
245  /// @param uniform_element_type Specifies the element type (e.g. face or
246  /// tetrahedron) corresponding to attributes with uniform interpolation.
247  static void loadSubsets(const UsdGeomImageable &prim,
248  const UT_Optional<TfToken> &uniform_element_type,
249  GT_ElementSetMapPtr &uniform_sets,
250  GT_AttributeListHandle &uniform_attribs,
251  exint num_uniform,
252  GT_ElementSetMapPtr &point_sets,
253  GT_AttributeListHandle &point_attribs,
254  exint num_points,
255  const GT_RefineParms *parms,
256  UsdTimeCode time);
258  /// Load primvars for prim from USD.
259  /// remapIndicies is used to expand curve primvars into point attributes if
260  /// needed.
261  void loadPrimvars(
262  const UsdPrimDefinition& prim_defn,
264  const GT_RefineParms* rparms,
265  int minUniform,
266  int minPoint,
267  int minVertex,
268  const std::string& primPath,
270  GT_AttributeListHandle* point,
271  GT_AttributeListHandle* primitive,
272  GT_AttributeListHandle* constant,
273  const GT_DataArrayHandle& remapIndicies = GT_DataArrayHandle() ) const;
275  // Map to translate from GT_Owner enums to USD interpolation type tokens
276  static std::map<GT_Owner, TfToken> s_ownerToUsdInterp;
277  static std::map<GT_Owner, TfToken> s_ownerToUsdInterpCurve;
279 protected:
281  /// Look for "visible" attribute on sourcePrim. If it doesn't exist
282  /// set a visibility sample based on isVisible()
283  void updateVisibilityFromGTPrim( const GT_PrimitiveHandle& sourcePrim,
284  UsdTimeCode time,
285  bool forceWrite = true );
287  /// Look for a "usdactive" attribute on sourcePrim. UsdPrim::SetActive
288  /// based on this value. If attribute doesn't exist, do nothing.
289  void updateActiveFromGTPrim( const GT_PrimitiveHandle& sourcePrim,
290  UsdTimeCode time );
292  void updateTransformFromGTPrim( const GfMatrix4d &xform, UsdTimeCode time, bool force );
294  bool updateAttributeFromGTPrim( GT_Owner owner,
295  const std::string& name,
296  const GT_DataArrayHandle& houAttr,
297  UsdAttribute& usdAttr,
298  UsdTimeCode time );
300  bool updatePrimvarFromGTPrim(
301  const TfToken& name,
302  const GT_Owner& owner,
303  const TfToken& interpolation,
304  UsdTimeCode time,
305  const GT_DataArrayHandle& data );
307  /// Write primvar values from a GT attribute list to USD.
308  bool updatePrimvarFromGTPrim( const GT_AttributeListHandle& gtAttrs,
309  const GusdGT_AttrFilter& primvarFilter,
310  const TfToken& interpolation,
311  UsdTimeCode time );
313  void clearCaches();
315  /// Compute a USD transform from a Houdini transform.
316  ///
317  /// \p houXform is the transform from world to the prim's space in Houdini.
318  /// This includes the object node transformation and the transform of any
319  /// containing packed prim.
320  ///
321  /// \p xformCache is a map of the transforms of any groups that have been
322  /// written on the current frame.
323  static GfMatrix4d computeTransform(
324  const UsdPrim& prim,
325  UsdTimeCode time,
326  const UT_Matrix4D& houXform,
327  const GusdSimpleXformCache& xformCache );
329 protected:
334  bool m_visible;
336  //////////////
337  // Support for collapsing transform values across frames
343  //////////////
344  // Support from collapsing attribute values across frames
349  data = data_;
350  lastSet = time;
351  lastCompared = time;
352  }
357  };
359  typedef std::pair<GT_Owner, std::string> AttrLastValueKeyType;
364  //////////////
366 private:
368  struct GTTypeInfo {
369  DefinitionForWriteFunction writeFunc;
370  GetPrimNameFunction primNameFunc;
371  bool isGroupType;
372  const char * templateName;
374  GTTypeInfo() :
375  writeFunc( NULL ),
376  primNameFunc( NULL ),
377  isGroupType( false ),
378  templateName(NULL) {}
379  GTTypeInfo(
380  DefinitionForWriteFunction writeFunc_,
381  GetPrimNameFunction primNameFunc_,
382  bool isGroupType_,
383  const char * templateName_ ) :
384  writeFunc( writeFunc_ ),
385  primNameFunc( primNameFunc_ ),
386  isGroupType( isGroupType_ ),
387  templateName( templateName_ ) {}
388  };
390  struct TfTokenHashCmp {
391  static bool equal(const TfToken& a, const TfToken& b)
392  { return a == b; }
394  static size_t hash(const TfToken& key)
395  { return key.Hash(); }
396  };
398  typedef UT_Map<int64, GTTypeInfo> GTTypeInfoMap;
399  typedef UT_Set<int64> GTTypeSet;
400  typedef UT_ConcurrentHashMap<
401  TfToken, DefinitionForReadFunction, TfTokenHashCmp>
402  USDTypeToDefineFuncMap;
404  static GTTypeInfoMap s_gtTypeInfoMap;
405  static USDTypeToDefineFuncMap s_usdTypeToFuncMap;
406  static GTTypeSet s_supportedNativeGTTypes;
407 };
411 #endif // __GUSD_PRIMWRAPPER_H__
SIM_API const UT_StringHolder vertex
void markVisible(bool in)
Keep track of the visibility state of the prim for book marks.
Definition: primWrapper.h:230
A GT_Primitive that wraps a USD Prim.
Definition: primWrapper.h:90
Definition: UT_Set.h:58
UsdTimeCode m_lastXformSet
Definition: primWrapper.h:340
AttrLastValueDict m_lastAttrValueDict
Definition: primWrapper.h:362
UsdTimeCode m_time
Definition: primWrapper.h:331
GT_API const UT_StringHolder time
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
Definition: glcorearb.h:814
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glcorearb.h:3341
int64 exint
Definition: SYS_Types.h:125
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
AttrLastValueEntry(const UsdTimeCode &time, GT_DataArrayHandle data_)
Definition: primWrapper.h:348
std::pair< GT_Owner, std::string > AttrLastValueKeyType
Definition: primWrapper.h:359
IMATH_HOSTDEVICE constexpr bool equal(T1 a, T2 b, T3 t) IMATH_NOEXCEPT
Definition: ImathFun.h:105
static std::map< GT_Owner, TfToken > s_ownerToUsdInterp
Definition: primWrapper.h:276
UT_Function< GT_PrimitiveHandle(const UsdGeomImageable &, UsdTimeCode, GusdPurposeSet)> DefinitionForReadFunction
Definition: primWrapper.h:105
std::optional< T > UT_Optional
Definition: UT_Optional.h:26
GusdPurposeSet m_purposes
Definition: primWrapper.h:332
Definition: token.h:87
GT_DataArrayHandle data
Definition: primWrapper.h:354
UT_IntrusivePtr< GT_DataArray > GT_DataArrayHandle
Definition: GT_DataArray.h:32
UT_Function< GT_PrimitiveHandle(const GT_PrimitiveHandle &, const UsdStagePtr &, const SdfPath &, const GusdContext &)> DefinitionForWriteFunction
Definition: primWrapper.h:99
Definition: prim.h:133
UsdTimeCode lastSet
Definition: primWrapper.h:355
GLuint const GLchar * name
Definition: glcorearb.h:786
GfMatrix4d m_xformCache
Definition: primWrapper.h:339
Definition: path.h:290
std::function< T > UT_Function
Definition: UT_Function.h:37
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
The base class for all GT primitive types.
Definition: GT_Primitive.h:43
Definition: GT_Types.h:90
#define UT_ConcurrentHashMap
UsdTimeCode m_lastXformCompared
Definition: primWrapper.h:341
Definition: path.h:1432
SIM_API const UT_StringHolder force
UT_Function< bool(const GT_PrimitiveHandle &, std::string &primName)> GetPrimNameFunction
Definition: primWrapper.h:110
fpreal64 fpreal
Definition: SYS_Types.h:277
Definition: primWrapper.h:346
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition: glcorearb.h:1608
Definition: pxr.h:91
UsdTimeCode lastCompared
Definition: primWrapper.h:356
UT_Function< GT_DataArrayHandle(const GT_DataArrayHandle &)> ResampleArrayFunction
Definition: primWrapper.h:114
#define GUSD_API
Definition: api.h:40
bool isVisible() const
Definition: primWrapper.h:231
UT_IntrusivePtr< GT_Primitive > GT_PrimitiveHandle
Definition: GT_Handles.h:34
static std::map< GT_Owner, TfToken > s_ownerToUsdInterpCurve
Definition: primWrapper.h:277
Definition: purpose.h:39
size_t Hash() const
Return a size_t hash for this token.
Definition: token.h:432
std::map< SdfPath, UT_Matrix4D > GusdSimpleXformCache
Definition: primWrapper.h:88
Definition: value.h:164
Definition: format.h:895
UT_Map< AttrLastValueKeyType, AttrLastValueEntry > AttrLastValueDict
Definition: primWrapper.h:360