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About this tutorial

In Houdini, HDAs (Houdini digital assets) let you package complex scene components, tools, and even extra files into special nodes with custom controls that you can then easily install and distribute.

With PDG, you can use the HDA Processor TOP node to configure an HDA’s parameters, generate work items (tasks) for an HDA, and cook an HDA.

In this tutorial you will learn how to wedge out an HDA, use HDA processors to run jobs for the wedges using multiple cook methods, filter out the versions of the HDA’s geometry you do not want to keep, and then lower the quality of the final output geometry.


To learn more about about TOPs & PDG, see Intro to TOPs.


  • Basic understanding of TOP network set-up.

  • Some experience with the PDG workflow.


You can learn the basics of PDG by stepping through the FX Workflow beginner tutorial.

What you will learn

  • Specify HDA parameter settings.

  • Create variations of an HDA.

  • Cook an HDA with three different cook modes.

  • Visualize PDG outputs.

  • Set-up PDG services.

Before you begin

Copy over the HDA files

Before you begin, please copy over the HDA files that you will be working with in this tutorial:

  1. Open a file browser window and then navigate to your Houdini install directory.

  2. In the install directory, navigate to the $HH\help\files\pdg_tutorials\intro_to_hdaprocessor folder.

  3. In the \intro_to_hdaprocessor folder, copy the he_polyreduce.hda and SideFX_spaceship.hda files.

  4. Navigate to your PDG working directory and then create a new folder named \PDG_TUTORIAL_FILES.

  5. In the \PDG_TUTORIAL_FILES folder, paste the HDA files.


Step 1 - Inspect the HDA

In the first step of this tutorial you will install the SideFX_spaceship.hda and become familiar with its contents.

  1. Run Houdini and start a new session.

  2. Import the SideFX_spaceship.hda tutorial file, and then install and create the spaceship HDA.

    For more information about installing HDAs, see Install and manage digital assets.

  3. Look at the Controls parameters on the spaceship HDA.

    Later on in this tutorial, you will be referencing these parameters from PDG.

  4. Adjust the values of some of the Controls parameters.

    Notice how your changes affect the spaceship HDA’s geometry in the viewport.

    Later on in this tutorial, you will use various TOP nodes to adjust the spaceship HDA’s settings and then output the modified versions of its geometry.

Step 2 - Set up PDG output visualization

In the second step of this tutorial you will set up a special File SOP node that will allow you to see your adjustments to the spaceship HDA in the viewport.

  1. Start a new Houdini session.

  2. Save your new scene.

    • Name your scene file hdaprocessorpt1tutorial.hip.

    • Save your .hip to the \PDG_TUTORIAL_FILES folder directory.

    This will be your working project file for the rest of the tutorial.

  3. In the Network Editor, navigate to the Object context if you are not already in that context.

  4. Create a new Geometry SOP node and then dive into the geo1 node.

  5. Create a File node.

  6. In the File node’s parameters, click in the Geometry File parameter field and then type the following expression:



    The @pdg_output attribute must be in back ticks. This is necessary to escape the expression since the Geometry File path is a string parameter. For more information, see Using attributes in expressions.

    @pdg_output tells Houdini to display the current, selected PDG work item’s output geometry in the viewport.

    Later on in this tutorial, you will now be able to visualize the spaceship HDA geometry variants in the viewport by clicking its work items in your TOP network.

  7. Save your tutorial scene.

Step 3 - Define the properties for the HDA variations

In the third step of this tutorial you will use three Wedge TOP nodes to set-up a series of variations for the SideFX_spaceship.hda file by defining which PDG attributes (that correlate to the controls on the HDA) to create variations of and the number of variations to create.

The wedges that these nodes create will allow you to generate and compare multiple versions of your spaceship HDA in step 4 of this tutorial.

  1. In the Network Editor, navigate to the Tasks context and then dive into the topnet1 network.

  2. Create a Wedge node and then rename it to smoothness.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find Wedge in the Data category.

    The parameters on this Wedge node will specify the amount of smoothness to apply to its wedges as well as the number of wedges to generate.

  3. Select the smoothness node and then configure its parameters:

    • Set Wedge Count to 2.

      This determines the number of variations or wedges to generate.

    • Set Wedge Attributes to 1.

      This determines the number of attributes to vary.

    • In the Wedge Attributes multiparm, do the following:

      • In the Attribute Name parameter field, type smoothness.

        This allows you to vary the smoothness attribute in your wedges.

        This attribute directly correlates to the Smoothness control on the spaceship HDA.

      • In the Attribute Type parameter drop-down menu, select Integer.

        This makes sure that the smoothness value is always a whole number percentage.

      • In the Wedge Type parameter drop-down menu, select Range and leave the Start/End parameters set to their default values of 0 and 1 respectively.

        This tells the node to use a binary range (either zero or one) for the smoothness attribute in its wedges.

        These values also reflect the minimum (0) and maximum (1) Smoothness control values on the spaceship HDA.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  4. Cook the smoothness node.

    2 work items appear on the smoothness node representing the 2 wedges and then cook.

    The smoothness node generates 2 wedged versions of the spaceship HDA, one with a 0 smoothness value (0% smooth) and the other with a 1 smoothness value (100% smooth).

    smoothness node work items in the Task Graph Table


    You can open the PDG Task Graph Table by clicking the task graph table icon located in the bottom right-hand corner of the node or by selecting Tasks > Task Graph Table from the tasks toolbar.

  5. Create a Wedge node, rename it to bodylength, and then connect its input to the output of the smoothness Wedge node.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find Wedge in the Data category.

    The parameters on this Wedge node will specify the bodylength values to apply to its wedges as well as the number of wedges to generate.

  6. Select the bodylength node and then configure its parameters:

    • Set Wedge Count to 10.

      This determines the number of variations or wedges to generate.

    • Set Wedge Attributes to 1.

      This determines the number of attributes to vary.

    • In the Wedge Attributes multiparm, do the following:

      • In the Attribute Name parameter field, type bodylength.

        This allows you to vary the bodylength attribute in your wedges.

        This attribute directly correlates to the Body Length control on the spaceship HDA.

      • In the Attribute Type parameter drop-down menu, select Float.

        This specifies that the bodylength value is a fractional percentage.

      • In the Wedge Type parameter drop-down menu, select Range.

        This allows you to set a value range for the bodylength attribute for each wedge.

      • In the Start field type 0.5, and in the End field type 2.

        This tells the node to pick values that are uniformly distributed between the Start and End field values for the bodylength attribute in its wedges.

        These values also reflect the minimum (0.5) and maximum (2) Body Length control values on the spaceship HDA.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  7. Cook the bodylength node.

    20 work items appear on the bodylength node representing 10 wedges of bodylength for each of the 2 smoothness wedges and then cook.

    The bodylength node creates 20 wedges for the spaceship HDA, 10 smooth and 10 not smooth, with 20 value variations of the bodylength attribute.

    bodylength node work items in the Task Graph Table
  8. Create a Wedge node, rename it to wingslength, and then connect its input to the output of the bodylength Wedge node.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find Wedge in the Data category.

    The parameters on this Wedge node will specify the wingslength values to apply to its wedges as well as the number of wedges to generate.

  9. Select the wingslength node and then configure its parameters:

    • Set Wedge Count to 10.

      This determines the number of variations or wedges to generate.

    • Set Wedge Attributes to 1.

      This determines the number of attributes to vary.

    • In the Wedge Attributes multiparm, do the following:

      • In the Attribute Name parameter field, type wingslength.

        This allows you to vary the wingslength attribute in your wedges.

        This attribute directly correlates to the Wings Length control on the spaceship HDA.

      • In the Attribute Type parameter drop-down menu, select Float.

        This specifies that the wingslength value is a fractional percentage.

      • In the Wedge Type parameter drop-down menu, select Range.

        This allows you to set a value range for the wingslength attribute for each wedge.

      • In the Start field type 0.5, and in the End field type 2.

        This tells the node to pick values, between the Start and End field values, for the wingslength attribute.

        These values also reflect the minimum (0.5) and maximum (2) Wings Length control values on the spaceship HDA.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  10. Cook the wingslength node.

    200 work items appear on the wingslength node representing 10 wedges of bodylength for each of the 2 smoothness wedges and then cook.

    The wingslength node creates 200 wedges for the spaceship HDA, 100 smooth and 100 not smooth, with 200 value variations of the bodylength and wingslength attributes.

    wingslength node work items in the Task Graph Table
  11. Click on some of the work item dots inside the wingslength node.

    Notice the lines that appear between the work items on the smoothness and bodylength nodes and their associated tasks on the wingslength node. These lines and their corresponding dot highlights indicate the dependencies between the work items.

    Work item dependency connections between nodes


    You can use the [ and ] keys to step through work items on a node.

  12. Save your tutorial scene.

Step 4 - Create the HDA geometry variants

In the fourth step of this tutorial you will use a series of HDA Processor TOP nodes to generate the variant geometry for the SideFX_spaceship.hda file using the settings from its Wedge TOP node inputs. This process is helpful in situations where you want to create and visually compare different versions of an HDA.

Each HDA Processor node will output the spaceship HDA geometry variants using a different cook method: regular cook, batch cook, and service cook. These different cook methods can save you a lot of time when cooking your own HDA-based TOP networks outside this tutorial.

  1. Create a HDA Processor node, rename it to regular_cook, and then connect its input to the output of the wingslength Wedge node.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find HDA Processor in the Geometry category.

    The parameters on this HDA Processor node will specify which HDA file to bring in and which of the Wedge node’s attributes it will reference.

  2. Select the regular_cook node and then configure its parameters:

    • In the Generation tab, click the file chooser button next to the HDA File parameter.

      • In the Choose File browser window that appears, locate the SideFX__spaceship.hda file in your $HIP directory, select the file, and then click Accept.

        This tells the node which HDA file to use as its input asset.

        The following occurs:

        • The node automatically detects and sets the operator and HDA types as well as how many outputs the HDA has.

        • All the HDA’s parameters are created on the node as if you actually instantiated the HDA.

    • In the Work Items > Cache Mode parameter drop-down menu, select Write Files.

      This tells the node to always overwrite the cache files.

      For this tutorial, you want to always write out new cache files on cook in case you changed any of the parameter values on your Wedge nodes. Otherwise, you will not see any of your changes to the spaceship variations in the viewport.

    • In the HDA Parameters tab > Controls tab, use @ attribute referencing to point the Smoothness, Body Length, and Wings Length parameters to their corresponding attributes on the Wedge nodes.

      • In the Smoothness parameter field, type @smoothness.

      • In the Body Length parameter field, type @bodylength.

      • In the Wings Length parameter field, type @wingslength.

      Now the values of these parameters are determined by the attribute settings on the Wedge nodes.


      Using @ attribute referencing to create these kinds of relationships is called pull-style wedging. To learn more about the different kinds of TOPs wedging techniques, see Pull vs. push.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.


      In your own set-ups outside this tutorial, you may need to troubleshoot the behavior of your HDA Processor node.

      To help with this process, we recommend that you do the following:

      1. Turn on the Asset Outputs > Save Debug .hip File parameter in the Generation tab on your HDA Processor node to configure it to output a debug HIP file on cook.

      2. Navigate to your Local Scheduler node and then set its Temp Directory > Location parameter to Working Directory to make the debug HIP file easy to find on your local drive.

  3. Cook the regular_cook node.

    200 work items appear on the regular_cook node representing the spaceship HDA variations and then cook.

    regular_cook starts up a process for each work item and then cooks each task individually. regular_cook uses the HDA Processor node’s default cook method, which is also its slowest. Typically for this cook method, the time it takes to start its processes is longer than the time it takes to actually cook the node.

    Cooked regular_cook node

    The regular_cook node creates and outputs 200 versions of the spaceship HDA’s geometry, 100 smooth and 100 not smooth, with 200 value variations of the bodylength and wingslength attributes.

  4. Click on some of the work item dots inside the regular_cook node.

    In the Network Editor, notice the lines that appear between the work items on the smoothness, bodylength, and wingslength nodes and their associated tasks on the regular_cook node. These lines and their corresponding dot highlights indicate the dependencies between the work items.

    In the viewport, notice the variations of the spaceship HDA that appear. This visualization is made possible through a combination of the File SOP node (with the Geometry File @pdg_output parameter value) you set up in step 2 of this tutorial and the @ attribute referencing you used in the regular_cook node’s Control parameters.

    Work item dependency connections between nodes and HDA variations in the viewport


    • You can also use the [ and ] keys to step through work items on a node.

    • You can view the results of an individual regular_cook work item in GPlay by double-clicking on the work item and then clicking the Output link in the work item details window that appears.

  5. -click on some of the work item dots inside the regular_cook node and examine their values.

    Notice how the values of the smoothness, bodylength, and wingslength attributes change from work item to work item. It is these values that contribute to the shape, length, and smoothness of the spaceship HDA variants in the viewport.

  6. Save your tutorial scene.

    Now that you have created the first HDA Processor node and understand how it works, you can try out the other, faster cook methods with the next two HDA Processor nodes you will create.

  7. Select the regular_cook node, press ⌃ Ctrl + c, and then press ⌃ Ctrl + v.

    A new duplicate HDA Processor node named regular_cook1 appears in the Network Editor, and its input is already connected to the output of the wingslength node.

    • Select the regular_cook1 node and rename it to batch_cook.

    This will be the HDA Processor node that uses the batch cook method.

  8. Select the batch_cook node and then configure the following parameters:

    • Select the Generation tab and then select All Items in One Batch from the Work Items > Batch Mode parameter drop-down menu.

      This tells the node to cook all the spaceship HDA geometry variants in one job. This will save a lot of cook time as the overhead of starting up individual processes is overwhelmingly larger than the time it takes to cook the actual tasks in the job.


      In your own set-ups outside this tutorial, we recommend the following:

      • Batch your HDA Processor’s work items when it has a large number of little tasks that cook quickly.

      • Do not batch your HDA Processor’s work items when its tasks take a long time to cook as this makes the start-up cost of the processes irrelevant.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  9. Cook the batch_cook node.

    200 work items appear on the batch_cook node representing the spaceship HDA variations and then cook.

    batch_cook starts up a single process and cooks all its work items at the same time. In many cases, this cook method is faster than the cook method used by regular_cook. For this tutorial, the batch cook method is definitely the faster of the two cook modes.

    regular_cook and batch_cook cook speeds compared

    The batch_cook node creates and outputs 200 versions of the spaceship HDA’s geometry, 100 smooth and 100 not smooth, with 200 value variations of the bodylength and wingslength attributes.

    Cooked batch_cook node
  10. Save your tutorial scene.

    Now that you have created the second HDA Processor node and understand how batching works, you can now try out the fastest cook method with the next HDA Processor node you will create.

  11. Select the regular_cook node, press ⌃ Ctrl + c, and then press ⌃ Ctrl + v.

    A new duplicate HDA Processor node named regular_cook1 appears in the Network Editor, and its input is already connected to the output of the wingslength node.

    • Select the regular_cook1 node and rename it to service_cook.

    This will be the HDA Processor node that uses the service cook method.

  12. Select the service_cook node and then configure the following parameters:

    • Select the Job Options tab and then turn on Use HDA Processor Service.

    • Click in the Connection Timeout (ms) field and type 10000 (10 seconds).

      This tells the processor service that if the job does not complete in 10 seconds, then it should fail. This is a fail safe so that the job does not continue to process indefinitely if there is a disruption (for example, like if you are experiencing a network outage).

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  13. In the Network Editor’s tasks menu bar, select Tasks > PDG Service Menu.

    For more information about the PDG Service Menu, see PDG Service Manager.

  14. In the PDG Service Menu, click Add Service.

  15. In the Register PDG Service window that appears, do the following:

    • Set the Service Type to HDA Processor Service.

    • Leave Scheduler Type set to the default Local Scheduler setting.

    • Click in the Pool Size field and then type 10.

      This tells the PDG Service Manager to create ten instances for the HDA Processor Service’s pool.

    • Click Register.

    The new service is now available for you to use.

  16. In the PDG Service Menu, click Start.

    The HDA Processor Service starts with ten instances in its service pool.

    You can now see all the HDA Processor Service instances listed (as multiple hython.exe processes) in your system’s running processes under your current Houdini session.

  17. Cook the service_cook node.

    200 work items appear on the service_cook node representing the spaceship HDA variations and then cook.

    service_cook uses the 10 running HDA Processor Service instances (processes) to cook each of its work items. For this tutorial, the service cook method is definitely the fastest cook mode. However, in scenarios outside this tutorial where you need to process a job that will take a long time to cook, you are probably better off using the regular cook or batch cook methods.

    regular_cook, batch_cook, and service_cook cook speeds compared

    The service_cook node creates and outputs 200 versions of the spaceship HDA’s geometry, 100 smooth and 100 not smooth, with 200 value variations of the bodylength and wingslength attributes.

    Cooked service_cook node
  18. In the PDG Service Menu, stop the HDA Processor Service and then close the window.

  19. Save your tutorial scene.

Now that you have created the third HDA Processor node and understand how to set up PDG services, you can now filter out the HDA geometry variants that you do not want to keep.

Step 5 - Filter out the HDA geometry variants you do not want

In the fifth step of this tutorial you will use a Filter by Expression TOP node to filter out the non-smooth versions of the spaceship HDA geometry variants and keep only the smooth spaceships.

This process is helpful when you want remove HDA geometry variants from the output of your own production workflows.

  1. Create a Filter by Expression node, rename it to smooth_only, and then connect its input to the output of the batch_cook HDA Processor node.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find Filter by Expression in the Data category.

    The parameters on this Filter by Expression node will determine which of the spaceship HDA geometry variants output by batch_cook will be kept and which will be filtered out.

  2. Select the smooth_only node and then configure the following parameters:

    • Click in its Filter Expression parameter field and type the following expression text:

      @smoothness != 1

      This expression tells the node to remove any spaceship HDA geometry variant that has a smoothness Wedge attribute value other than 1 from its output.


      For this tutorial, the @smoothness != 1 expression is equivalent to the @smoothness = 0 expression when Operation > Remove Matching Items is selected and the @smoothness = 1 expression when Operation > Keep Matching Items is selected.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  3. Cook the smooth_only node.

    100 work items appear on the smooth_only node representing the smooth spaceship HDA variations and then cook.

    The smooth_only node filters out the 100 non-smooth versions of the spaceship HDA geometry variants, and outputs the 100 smooth versions of the spaceship HDA geometry variants.

    Cooked smooth_only node
  4. Click on some of the work item dots inside the smooth_only node.

    Notice the lines that appear between the work items on the smooth_only node and their associated tasks on the upstream nodes. These lines and their corresponding dot highlights indicate the dependencies between the work items.

    Work item dependency connections between nodes

    Notice how these lines only connect to the second smoothness work item, the bottom row of bodylength work times, the bottom half of the wingslength work items, and the bottom half of the batch_cook work items. These are all the work items that have a smoothness Wedge attribute value of 1.


    You can use the [ and ] keys to step through work items on a node.

  5. Save your tutorial scene.

Now that you only have the versions of the spaceship HDA variant geometry that you want to keep, you can can make additional modifications to that geometry.

Step 6 - Reduce the quality of the final HDA output

In the final step of this tutorial you will use another HDA Processor TOP node to bring in a setting from a different input HDA asset file and apply it to the smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants.

With this HDA Processor, you will reduce the number of polygons in the smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants. This process is helpful when you want to create LOD geometry in your own production workflows.

  1. Create a HDA Processor node, rename it to reduce_polygons, and then connect its input to the output of the smooth_only Filter by Expression node.

    In the TOPs ⇥ Tab menu, you can find HDA Processor in the Geometry category.

    The parameters on this HDA Processor node will specify which HDA file to bring in and how to use its attributes to modify the smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants.

  2. Select the reduce_polygons node and then configure its parameters:

    • In the Generation tab, click the file chooser button next to the HDA File parameter.

      • In the Choose File browser window that appears, locate the he_polyreduce.hda file in your $HIP directory, select the file, and then click Accept.

        This tells the node which HDA file to use as its input asset.

        The following occurs:

        • The node automatically detects and sets the Operator Type, HDA Type, and Number of Outputs.

        • All the HDA’s parameters are created on the node as if you actually instantiated the HDA.

    • Select All Items in One Batch from the Batch Mode parameter drop-down menu.

      This tells the node to cook all its tasks in one job.

    • Turn on Asset Inputs > Create File Inputs.

      This tells the node to take in the smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants as its inputs.

    • In the HDA Parameters tab, set Percent To Keep to 50.

      This tells the node to reduce the number of polygons in its inputs by 50%.

      This attribute directly correlates to the Percent To Keep parameter on the poly reduce HDA.

    • Leave all the other parameters at their default values.

  3. Cook the reduce_polygons node.

    100 work items appear on the reduce_polygons node representing the 100 smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants and then cook.

    The reduce_polygons node reduces the polygon count of the smooth spaceship HDA geometry variants by 50% and outputs the reduced polygon versions of the spaceship HDA geometry variants to disk.

    Cooked reduce_polygons node
  4. Click on some of the work item dots inside the reduce_polygons node.

    Notice the lines that appear between the work items on the reduce_polygons node and their associated tasks on the upstream nodes. These lines and their corresponding dot highlights indicate the dependencies between the work items.

    Also notice the reduced polygon versions of the spaceship HDA geometry variants in the viewport.

    Smooth spaceship HDA variations with and without reduced polygons


    You can use the [ and ] keys to step through work items on a node.

  5. Save your tutorial scene.


Congratulations! You have completed part 1 of the HDA Processor PDG tutorial series.

If you would like to see what your final TOP network should look like, see the hdaprocessor_part1_tutorial.hip example file located in your Houdini example file directory ($HH\help\files\pdg_tutorials\intro_to_hdaprocessor).

To continue learning about PDG workflows, you can step through the other beginner tutorials in this Houdini docs series or visit the Pipeline|PDG Learning Path on our website.

Executing tasks with PDG/TOPs


Beginner Tutorials

Next steps

  • Running external programs

    How to wrap external functionality in a TOP node.

  • File tags

    Work items track the results created by their work. Each result is tagged with a type.

  • PDG Path Map

    The PDG Path Map manages the mapping of paths between file systems.

  • Feedback loops

    You can use for-each blocks to process looping, sequential chains of operations on work items.

  • Service Blocks

    Services blocks let you define a section of work items that should run using a shared Service process

  • PDG Services

    PDG services manages pools of persistent Houdini sessions that can be used to reduce work item cooking time.

  • Integrating PDG with render farm schedulers

    How to use different schedulers to schedule and execute work.

  • Visualizing work item performance

    How to visualize the relative cook times (or file output sizes) of work items in the network.

  • Event handling

    You can register a Python function to handle events from a PDG node or graph

  • Tips and tricks

    Useful general information and best practices for working with TOPs.

  • Troubleshooting PDG scheduler issues on the farm

    Useful information to help you troubleshoot scheduling PDG work items on the farm.

  • PilotPDG

    Standalone application or limited license for working with PDG-specific workflows.


  • All TOPs nodes

    TOP nodes define a workflow where data is fed into the network, turned into work items and manipulated by different nodes. Many nodes represent external processes that can be run on the local machine or a server farm.

  • Processor Node Callbacks

    Processor nodes generate work items that can be executed by a scheduler

  • Partitioner Node Callbacks

    Partitioner nodes group multiple upstream work items into single partitions.

  • Scheduler Node Callbacks

    Scheduler nodes execute work items

  • Custom File Tags and Handlers

    PDG uses file tags to determine the type of an output file.

  • Python API

    The classes and functions in the Python pdg package for working with dependency graphs.

  • Job API

    Python API used by job scripts.

  • Utility API

    The classes and functions in the Python pdgutils package are intended for use both in PDG nodes and scripts as well as out-of-process job scripts.