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1 // Copyright Contributors to the OpenVDB Project
2 // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
4 /// @author Ken Museth
5 ///
6 /// @file tools/LevelSetTracker.h
7 ///
8 /// @brief Performs multi-threaded interface tracking of narrow band
9 /// level sets. This is the building-block for most level set
10 /// computations that involve dynamic topology, e.g. advection.
15 #include <openvdb/Types.h>
16 #include <openvdb/Grid.h>
17 #include <openvdb/math/Math.h>
19 #include <openvdb/math/Operators.h>
20 #include <openvdb/math/Stencils.h>
21 #include <openvdb/math/Transform.h>
26 #include "ChangeBackground.h"// for changeLevelSetBackground
27 #include "Morphology.h"//for dilateActiveValues
28 #include "Prune.h"// for pruneLevelSet
30 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
32 #include <functional>
33 #include <type_traits>
35 namespace openvdb {
38 namespace tools {
40 namespace lstrack {
42 /// @brief How to handle voxels that fall outside the narrow band
43 /// @sa @link LevelSetTracker::trimming() trimming@endlink,
44 /// @link LevelSetTracker::setTrimming() setTrimming@endlink
45 enum class TrimMode {
46  kNone, ///< Leave out-of-band voxels intact
47  kInterior, ///< Set out-of-band interior voxels to the background value
48  kExterior, ///< Set out-of-band exterior voxels to the background value
49  kAll ///< Set all out-of-band voxels to the background value
50 };
52 } // namespace lstrack
55 /// @brief Performs multi-threaded interface tracking of narrow band level sets
56 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT = util::NullInterrupter>
58 {
59 public:
62  using GridType = GridT;
63  using TreeType = typename GridT::TreeType;
64  using LeafType = typename TreeType::LeafNodeType;
65  using ValueType = typename TreeType::ValueType;
66  using LeafManagerType = typename tree::LeafManager<TreeType>; // leafs + buffers
67  using LeafRange = typename LeafManagerType::LeafRange;
68  using BufferType = typename LeafManagerType::BufferType;
69  using MaskTreeType = typename TreeType::template ValueConverter<ValueMask>::Type;
71  "LevelSetTracker requires a level set grid with floating-point values");
73  /// Lightweight struct that stores the state of the LevelSetTracker
74  struct State {
77  int n = static_cast<int>(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), int g = 1)
81  int normCount;// Number of iterations of normalization
82  int grainSize;
83  };
85  /// @brief Main constructor
86  /// @throw RuntimeError if the grid is not a level set
87  LevelSetTracker(GridT& grid, InterruptT* interrupt = nullptr);
89  virtual ~LevelSetTracker() { delete mLeafs; }
91  /// @brief Iterative normalization, i.e. solving the Eikonal equation
92  /// @note The mask it optional and by default it is ignored.
93  template <typename MaskType>
94  void normalize(const MaskType* mask);
96  /// @brief Iterative normalization, i.e. solving the Eikonal equation
97  void normalize() { this->normalize<MaskTreeType>(nullptr); }
99  /// @brief Track the level set interface, i.e. rebuild and normalize the
100  /// narrow band of the level set.
101  void track();
103  /// @brief Set voxels that are outside the narrow band to the background value
104  /// (if trimming is enabled) and prune the grid.
105  /// @details Pruning is done automatically as a step in tracking.
106  /// @sa @link setTrimming() setTrimming@endlink, @link trimming() trimming@endlink
107  void prune();
109  /// @brief Fast but approximate dilation of the narrow band - one
110  /// layer at a time. Normally we recommend using the resize method below
111  /// which internally calls dilate (or erode) with the correct
112  /// number of @a iterations to achieve the desired half voxel width
113  /// of the narrow band (3 is recommended for most level set applications).
114  ///
115  /// @note Since many level set applications perform
116  /// interface-tracking, which in turn rebuilds the narrow-band
117  /// accurately, this dilate method can often be used with a
118  /// single iterations of low-order re-normalization. This
119  /// effectively allows very narrow bands to be created from points
120  /// or polygons (e.g. with a half voxel width of 1), followed by a
121  /// fast but approximate dilation (typically with a half voxel
122  /// width of 3). This can be significantly faster than generating
123  /// the final width of the narrow band from points or polygons.
124  void dilate(int iterations = 1);
126  /// @brief Erodes the width of the narrow-band and update the background values
127  /// @throw ValueError if @a iterations is larger than the current half-width.
128  void erode(int iterations = 1);
130  /// @brief Resize the width of the narrow band, i.e. perform
131  /// dilation and renormalization or erosion as required.
132  bool resize(Index halfWidth = static_cast<Index>(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH));
134  /// @brief Return the half width of the narrow band in floating-point voxel units.
135  ValueType getHalfWidth() const { return mGrid->background()/mDx; }
137  /// @brief Return the state of the tracker (see struct defined above)
138  State getState() const { return mState; }
140  /// @brief Set the state of the tracker (see struct defined above)
141  void setState(const State& s) { mState = s; }
143  /// @return the spatial finite difference scheme
146  /// @brief Set the spatial finite difference scheme
149  /// @return the temporal integration scheme
152  /// @brief Set the spatial finite difference scheme
155  /// @return The number of normalizations performed per track or
156  /// normalize call.
157  int getNormCount() const { return mState.normCount; }
159  /// @brief Set the number of normalizations performed per track or
160  /// normalize call.
161  void setNormCount(int n) { mState.normCount = n; }
163  /// @return the grain-size used for multi-threading
164  int getGrainSize() const { return mState.grainSize; }
166  /// @brief Set the grain-size used for multi-threading.
167  /// @note A grainsize of 0 or less disables multi-threading!
168  void setGrainSize(int grainsize) { mState.grainSize = grainsize; }
170  /// @brief Return the trimming mode for voxels outside the narrow band.
171  /// @details Trimming is enabled by default and is applied automatically prior to pruning.
172  /// @sa @link setTrimming() setTrimming@endlink, @link prune() prune@endlink
173  TrimMode trimming() const { return mTrimMode; }
174  /// @brief Specify whether to trim voxels outside the narrow band prior to pruning.
175  /// @sa @link trimming() trimming@endlink, @link prune() prune@endlink
176  void setTrimming(TrimMode mode) { mTrimMode = mode; }
178  ValueType voxelSize() const { return mDx; }
180  void startInterrupter(const char* msg);
182  void endInterrupter();
184  /// @return false if the process was interrupted
185  bool checkInterrupter();
187  const GridType& grid() const { return *mGrid; }
189  LeafManagerType& leafs() { return *mLeafs; }
191  const LeafManagerType& leafs() const { return *mLeafs; }
193 private:
194  // disallow copy construction and copy by assignment!
195  LevelSetTracker(const LevelSetTracker&);// not implemented
196  LevelSetTracker& operator=(const LevelSetTracker&);// not implemented
198  // Private class to perform multi-threaded trimming of
199  // voxels that are too far away from the zero-crossing.
200  template<TrimMode Trimming>
201  struct Trim
202  {
203  Trim(LevelSetTracker& tracker) : mTracker(tracker) {}
204  void trim();
205  void operator()(const LeafRange& r) const;
206  LevelSetTracker& mTracker;
207  };// Trim
209  // Private struct to perform multi-threaded normalization
210  template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
211  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
212  typename MaskT>
213  struct Normalizer
214  {
215  using SchemeT = math::BIAS_SCHEME<SpatialScheme>;
216  using StencilT = typename SchemeT::template ISStencil<GridType>::StencilType;
217  using MaskLeafT = typename MaskT::LeafNodeType;
218  using MaskIterT = typename MaskLeafT::ValueOnCIter;
219  using VoxelIterT = typename LeafType::ValueOnCIter;
221  Normalizer(LevelSetTracker& tracker, const MaskT* mask);
222  void normalize();
223  void operator()(const LeafRange& r) const {mTask(const_cast<Normalizer*>(this), r);}
224  void cook(const char* msg, int swapBuffer=0);
225  template <int Nominator, int Denominator>
226  void euler(const LeafRange& range, Index phiBuffer, Index resultBuffer);
227  inline void euler01(const LeafRange& r) {this->euler<0,1>(r, 0, 1);}
228  inline void euler12(const LeafRange& r) {this->euler<1,2>(r, 1, 1);}
229  inline void euler34(const LeafRange& r) {this->euler<3,4>(r, 1, 2);}
230  inline void euler13(const LeafRange& r) {this->euler<1,3>(r, 1, 2);}
231  template <int Nominator, int Denominator>
232  void eval(StencilT& stencil, const ValueType* phi, ValueType* result, Index n) const;
233  LevelSetTracker& mTracker;
234  const MaskT* mMask;
235  const ValueType mDt, mInvDx;
236  typename std::function<void (Normalizer*, const LeafRange&)> mTask;
237  }; // Normalizer struct
239  template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme, typename MaskT>
240  void normalize1(const MaskT* mask);
242  template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
243  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme, typename MaskT>
244  void normalize2(const MaskT* mask);
246  // Throughout the methods below mLeafs is always assumed to contain
247  // a list of the current LeafNodes! The auxiliary buffers on the
248  // other hand always have to be allocated locally, since some
249  // methods need them and others don't!
250  GridType* mGrid;
251  LeafManagerType* mLeafs;
252  InterruptT* mInterrupter;
253  const ValueType mDx;
254  State mState;
255  TrimMode mTrimMode = TrimMode::kAll;
256 }; // end of LevelSetTracker class
258 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
260 LevelSetTracker(GridT& grid, InterruptT* interrupt):
261  mGrid(&grid),
262  mLeafs(new LeafManagerType(grid.tree())),
263  mInterrupter(interrupt),
264  mDx(static_cast<ValueType>(grid.voxelSize()[0])),
265  mState()
266 {
267  if ( !grid.hasUniformVoxels() ) {
268  OPENVDB_THROW(RuntimeError,
269  "The transform must have uniform scale for the LevelSetTracker to function");
270  }
271  if ( grid.getGridClass() != GRID_LEVEL_SET) {
272  OPENVDB_THROW(RuntimeError,
273  "LevelSetTracker expected a level set, got a grid of class \""
274  + grid.gridClassToString(grid.getGridClass())
275  + "\" [hint: Grid::setGridClass(openvdb::GRID_LEVEL_SET)]");
276  }
277 }
279 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
280 void
283 {
284  this->startInterrupter("Pruning Level Set");
286  // Set voxels that are too far away from the zero crossing to the background value.
287  switch (mTrimMode) {
288  case TrimMode::kNone: break;
289  case TrimMode::kInterior: Trim<TrimMode::kInterior>(*this).trim(); break;
290  case TrimMode::kExterior: Trim<TrimMode::kExterior>(*this).trim(); break;
291  case TrimMode::kAll: Trim<TrimMode::kAll>(*this).trim(); break;
292  }
294  // Remove inactive nodes from tree
295  tools::pruneLevelSet(mGrid->tree());
297  // The tree topology has changes so rebuild the list of leafs
298  mLeafs->rebuildLeafArray();
299  this->endInterrupter();
300 }
302 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
303 void
306 {
307  // Dilate narrow-band (this also rebuilds the leaf array!)
310  // Compute signed distances in dilated narrow-band
311  this->normalize();
313  // Remove voxels that are outside the narrow band
314  this->prune();
315 }
317 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
318 void
320 dilate(int iterations)
321 {
322  if (this->getNormCount() == 0) {
323  for (int i=0; i < iterations; ++i) {
325  tools::changeLevelSetBackground(this->leafs(), mDx + mGrid->background());
326  }
327  } else {
328  for (int i=0; i < iterations; ++i) {
329  MaskTreeType mask0(mGrid->tree(), false, TopologyCopy());
331  tools::changeLevelSetBackground(this->leafs(), mDx + mGrid->background());
332  MaskTreeType mask(mGrid->tree(), false, TopologyCopy());
333  mask.topologyDifference(mask0);
334  this->normalize(&mask);
335  }
336  }
337 }
339 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
340 void
342 erode(int iterations)
343 {
345  tools::pruneLevelSet(mLeafs->tree());
346  mLeafs->rebuildLeafArray();
347  const ValueType background = mGrid->background() - ValueType(iterations) * mDx;
348  tools::changeLevelSetBackground(this->leafs(), background);
349 }
351 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
352 bool
354 resize(Index halfWidth)
355 {
356  const int wOld = static_cast<int>(math::RoundDown(this->getHalfWidth()));
357  const int wNew = static_cast<int>(halfWidth);
358  if (wOld < wNew) {
359  this->dilate(wNew - wOld);
360  } else if (wOld > wNew) {
361  this->erode(wOld - wNew);
362  }
363  return wOld != wNew;
364 }
366 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
367 inline void
369 startInterrupter(const char* msg)
370 {
371  if (mInterrupter) mInterrupter->start(msg);
372 }
374 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
375 inline void
378 {
379  if (mInterrupter) mInterrupter->end();
380 }
382 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
383 inline bool
386 {
387  if (util::wasInterrupted(mInterrupter)) {
388  thread::cancelGroupExecution();
389  return false;
390  }
391  return true;
392 }
394 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
395 template<typename MaskT>
396 void
398 normalize(const MaskT* mask)
399 {
400  switch (this->getSpatialScheme()) {
401  case math::FIRST_BIAS:
402  this->normalize1<math::FIRST_BIAS , MaskT>(mask); break;
403  case math::SECOND_BIAS:
404  this->normalize1<math::SECOND_BIAS, MaskT>(mask); break;
405  case math::THIRD_BIAS:
406  this->normalize1<math::THIRD_BIAS, MaskT>(mask); break;
407  case math::WENO5_BIAS:
408  this->normalize1<math::WENO5_BIAS, MaskT>(mask); break;
409  case math::HJWENO5_BIAS:
410  this->normalize1<math::HJWENO5_BIAS, MaskT>(mask); break;
411  case math::UNKNOWN_BIAS:
412  default:
413  OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "Spatial difference scheme not supported!");
414  }
415 }
417 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
418 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme, typename MaskT>
419 void
421 normalize1(const MaskT* mask)
422 {
423  switch (this->getTemporalScheme()) {
424  case math::TVD_RK1:
425  this->normalize2<SpatialScheme, math::TVD_RK1, MaskT>(mask); break;
426  case math::TVD_RK2:
427  this->normalize2<SpatialScheme, math::TVD_RK2, MaskT>(mask); break;
428  case math::TVD_RK3:
429  this->normalize2<SpatialScheme, math::TVD_RK3, MaskT>(mask); break;
430  case math::UNKNOWN_TIS:
431  default:
432  OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "Temporal integration scheme not supported!");
433  }
434 }
436 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
437 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
438  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
439  typename MaskT>
440 void
441 LevelSetTracker<GridT, InterruptT>::
442 normalize2(const MaskT* mask)
443 {
444  Normalizer<SpatialScheme, TemporalScheme, MaskT> tmp(*this, mask);
445  tmp.normalize();
446 }
449 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
452 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
453 template<lstrack::TrimMode Trimming>
454 void
456 {
458  if (Trimming != TrimMode::kNone) {
459  const int grainSize = mTracker.getGrainSize();
460  const LeafRange range = mTracker.leafs().leafRange(grainSize);
462  if (grainSize>0) {
463  tbb::parallel_for(range, *this);
464  } else {
465  (*this)(range);
466  }
467  }
469 }
472 /// Trim away voxels that have moved outside the narrow band
473 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
474 template<lstrack::TrimMode Trimming>
475 inline void
476 LevelSetTracker<GridT, InterruptT>::Trim<Trimming>::operator()(const LeafRange& range) const
477 {
478  mTracker.checkInterrupter();
479  const ValueType gamma = mTracker.mGrid->background();
482  for (auto leafIter = range.begin(); leafIter; ++leafIter) {
483  auto& leaf = *leafIter;
484  for (auto iter = leaf.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
485  const auto val = *iter;
486  switch (Trimming) { // resolved at compile time
487  case TrimMode::kNone:
488  break;
489  case TrimMode::kInterior:
490  if (val <= -gamma) { leaf.setValueOff(iter.pos(), -gamma); }
491  break;
492  case TrimMode::kExterior:
493  if (val >= gamma) { leaf.setValueOff(iter.pos(), gamma); }
494  break;
495  case TrimMode::kAll:
496  if (val <= -gamma) {
497  leaf.setValueOff(iter.pos(), -gamma);
498  } else if (val >= gamma) {
499  leaf.setValueOff(iter.pos(), gamma);
500  }
501  break;
502  }
503  }
504  }
506 }
509 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
511 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
512 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
513  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
514  typename MaskT>
515 inline
516 LevelSetTracker<GridT, InterruptT>::
517 Normalizer<SpatialScheme, TemporalScheme, MaskT>::
518 Normalizer(LevelSetTracker& tracker, const MaskT* mask)
519  : mTracker(tracker)
520  , mMask(mask)
521  , mDt(tracker.voxelSize()*(TemporalScheme == math::TVD_RK1 ? 0.3f :
522  TemporalScheme == math::TVD_RK2 ? 0.9f : 1.0f))
523  , mInvDx(1.0f/tracker.voxelSize())
524  , mTask(nullptr)
525 {
526 }
528 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
529 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
530  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
531  typename MaskT>
532 inline void
535 normalize()
536 {
537  namespace ph = std::placeholders;
539  /// Make sure we have enough temporal auxiliary buffers
540  mTracker.mLeafs->rebuildAuxBuffers(TemporalScheme == math::TVD_RK3 ? 2 : 1);
542  for (int n=0, e=mTracker.getNormCount(); n < e; ++n) {
545  switch(TemporalScheme) {//switch is resolved at compile-time
546  case math::TVD_RK1:
547  // Perform one explicit Euler step: t1 = t0 + dt
548  // Phi_t1(0) = Phi_t0(0) - dt * VdotG_t0(1)
549  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler01, ph::_1, ph::_2);
551  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 1 such that Phi_t1(0) and Phi_t0(1)
552  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK1", 1);
553  break;
554  case math::TVD_RK2:
555  // Perform one explicit Euler step: t1 = t0 + dt
556  // Phi_t1(1) = Phi_t0(0) - dt * VdotG_t0(1)
557  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler01, ph::_1, ph::_2);
559  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 1 such that Phi_t1(0) and Phi_t0(1)
560  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK1 (step 1 of 2)", 1);
562  // Convex combine explicit Euler step: t2 = t0 + dt
563  // Phi_t2(1) = 1/2 * Phi_t0(1) + 1/2 * (Phi_t1(0) - dt * V.Grad_t1(0))
564  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler12, ph::_1, ph::_2);
566  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 1 such that Phi_t2(0) and Phi_t1(1)
567  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK1 (step 2 of 2)", 1);
568  break;
569  case math::TVD_RK3:
570  // Perform one explicit Euler step: t1 = t0 + dt
571  // Phi_t1(1) = Phi_t0(0) - dt * VdotG_t0(1)
572  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler01, ph::_1, ph::_2);
574  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 1 such that Phi_t1(0) and Phi_t0(1)
575  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK3 (step 1 of 3)", 1);
577  // Convex combine explicit Euler step: t2 = t0 + dt/2
578  // Phi_t2(2) = 3/4 * Phi_t0(1) + 1/4 * (Phi_t1(0) - dt * V.Grad_t1(0))
579  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler34, ph::_1, ph::_2);
581  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 2 such that Phi_t2(0) and Phi_t1(2)
582  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK3 (step 2 of 3)", 2);
584  // Convex combine explicit Euler step: t3 = t0 + dt
585  // Phi_t3(2) = 1/3 * Phi_t0(1) + 2/3 * (Phi_t2(0) - dt * V.Grad_t2(0)
586  mTask = std::bind(&Normalizer::euler13, ph::_1, ph::_2);
588  // Cook and swap buffer 0 and 2 such that Phi_t3(0) and Phi_t2(2)
589  this->cook("Normalizing level set using TVD_RK3 (step 3 of 3)", 2);
590  break;
591  case math::UNKNOWN_TIS:
592  default:
593  OPENVDB_THROW(ValueError, "Temporal integration scheme not supported!");
594  }
596  }
597  mTracker.mLeafs->removeAuxBuffers();
598 }
600 /// Private method to perform the task (serial or threaded) and
601 /// subsequently swap the leaf buffers.
602 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
603 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
604  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
605  typename MaskT>
606 inline void
607 LevelSetTracker<GridT, InterruptT>::
608 Normalizer<SpatialScheme, TemporalScheme, MaskT>::
609 cook(const char* msg, int swapBuffer)
610 {
611  mTracker.startInterrupter( msg );
613  const int grainSize = mTracker.getGrainSize();
614  const LeafRange range = mTracker.leafs().leafRange(grainSize);
616  grainSize>0 ? tbb::parallel_for(range, *this) : (*this)(range);
618  mTracker.leafs().swapLeafBuffer(swapBuffer, grainSize==0);
620  mTracker.endInterrupter();
621 }
623 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
624 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
625  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
626  typename MaskT>
627 template <int Nominator, int Denominator>
628 inline void
631 eval(StencilT& stencil, const ValueType* phi, ValueType* result, Index n) const
632 {
633  using GradientT = typename math::ISGradientNormSqrd<SpatialScheme>;
634  static const ValueType alpha = ValueType(Nominator)/ValueType(Denominator);
635  static const ValueType beta = ValueType(1) - alpha;
637  const ValueType normSqGradPhi = GradientT::result(stencil);
638  const ValueType phi0 = stencil.getValue();
639  ValueType v = phi0 / ( math::Sqrt(math::Pow2(phi0) + normSqGradPhi) +
641  v = phi0 - mDt * v * (math::Sqrt(normSqGradPhi) * mInvDx - 1.0f);
642  result[n] = Nominator ? alpha * phi[n] + beta * v : v;
643 }
645 template<typename GridT, typename InterruptT>
646 template<math::BiasedGradientScheme SpatialScheme,
647  math::TemporalIntegrationScheme TemporalScheme,
648  typename MaskT>
649 template <int Nominator, int Denominator>
650 inline void
651 LevelSetTracker<GridT,InterruptT>::
652 Normalizer<SpatialScheme, TemporalScheme, MaskT>::
653 euler(const LeafRange& range, Index phiBuffer, Index resultBuffer)
654 {
655  mTracker.checkInterrupter();
657  StencilT stencil(mTracker.grid());
659  for (typename LeafRange::Iterator leafIter = range.begin(); leafIter; ++leafIter) {
660  const ValueType* phi = leafIter.buffer(phiBuffer).data();
661  ValueType* result = leafIter.buffer(resultBuffer).data();
662  if (mMask == nullptr) {
663  for (auto iter = leafIter->cbeginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
664  stencil.moveTo(iter);
665  this->eval<Nominator, Denominator>(stencil, phi, result, iter.pos());
666  }//loop over active voxels in the leaf of the level set
667  } else if (const MaskLeafT* mask = mMask->probeLeaf(leafIter->origin())) {
668  const ValueType* phi0 = leafIter->buffer().data();
669  for (MaskIterT iter = mask->cbeginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
670  const Index i = iter.pos();
671  stencil.moveTo(iter.getCoord(), phi0[i]);
672  this->eval<Nominator, Denominator>(stencil, phi, result, i);
673  }//loop over active voxels in the leaf of the mask
674  }
675  }//loop over leafs of the level set
676 }
679 ////////////////////////////////////////
682 // Explicit Template Instantiation
688 #endif
690 OPENVDB_INSTANTIATE_CLASS LevelSetTracker<FloatGrid, util::NullInterrupter>;
691 OPENVDB_INSTANTIATE_CLASS LevelSetTracker<DoubleGrid, util::NullInterrupter>;
696 } // namespace tools
697 } // namespace OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME
698 } // namespace openvdb
void parallel_for(int64_t start, int64_t end, std::function< void(int64_t index)> &&task, parallel_options opt=parallel_options(0, Split_Y, 1))
Definition: parallel.h:127
Temporal integration schemes.
GLenum GLint * range
Definition: glcorearb.h:1925
void prune()
Set voxels that are outside the narrow band to the background value (if trimming is enabled) and prun...
void setTemporalScheme(math::TemporalIntegrationScheme s)
Set the spatial finite difference scheme.
Type Pow2(Type x)
Return x2.
Definition: Math.h:548
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glcorearb.h:837
typename TreeType::template ValueConverter< ValueMask >::Type MaskTreeType
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glcorearb.h:824
GLboolean GLboolean g
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
void changeLevelSetBackground(TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &halfWidth, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=32)
Replace the background value in all the nodes of a floating-point tree containing a symmetric narrow-...
void track()
Track the level set interface, i.e. rebuild and normalize the narrow band of the level set...
GLdouble s
Definition: glad.h:3009
Definition: version.h:239
void setTrimming(TrimMode mode)
Specify whether to trim voxels outside the narrow band prior to pruning.
void erodeActiveValues(TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const int iterations=1, const NearestNeighbors nn=NN_FACE, const TilePolicy mode=PRESERVE_TILES, const bool threaded=true)
Topologically erode all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three neare...
Definition: Morphology.h:1133
**But if you need a or simply need to know when the task has note that the like this
Definition: thread.h:617
MaskT< LOG2DIM > mMask
Definition: NanoVDB.h:5924
**But if you need a result
Definition: thread.h:613
float RoundDown(float x)
Return x rounded down to the nearest integer.
Definition: Math.h:803
ValueType getHalfWidth() const
Return the half width of the narrow band in floating-point voxel units.
Performs multi-threaded interface tracking of narrow band level sets.
math::TemporalIntegrationScheme getTemporalScheme() const
Biased Gradients are limited to non-centered differences.
State(math::BiasedGradientScheme s=math::HJWENO5_BIAS, math::TemporalIntegrationScheme t=math::TVD_RK1, int n=static_cast< int >(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), int g=1)
void dilateActiveValues(TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const int iterations=1, const NearestNeighbors nn=NN_FACE, const TilePolicy mode=PRESERVE_TILES, const bool threaded=true)
Topologically dilate all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three near...
Definition: Morphology.h:1056
void setNormCount(int n)
Set the number of normalizations performed per track or normalize call.
Lightweight struct that stores the state of the LevelSetTracker.
void erode(int iterations=1)
Erodes the width of the narrow-band and update the background values.
GLdouble n
Definition: glcorearb.h:2008
GLfloat f
Definition: glcorearb.h:1926
How to handle voxels that fall outside the narrow band.
math::BiasedGradientScheme getSpatialScheme() const
ValueAccessors are designed to help accelerate accesses into the OpenVDB Tree structures by storing c...
ImageBuf OIIO_API dilate(const ImageBuf &src, int width=3, int height=-1, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
General-purpose arithmetic and comparison routines, most of which accept arbitrary value types (or at...
Efficient multi-threaded replacement of the background values in tree.
ImageBuf OIIO_API erode(const ImageBuf &src, int width=3, int height=-1, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
float Sqrt(float x)
Return the square root of a floating-point value.
Definition: Math.h:761
GLint GLuint mask
Definition: glcorearb.h:124
Defined various multi-threaded utility functions for trees.
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
Definition: glcorearb.h:112
void setSpatialScheme(math::BiasedGradientScheme s)
Set the spatial finite difference scheme.
HUSD_API bool eval(VtValue &val, T &ret_val)
LevelSetTracker(GridT &grid, InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
Main constructor.
bool resize(Index halfWidth=static_cast< Index >(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
Resize the width of the narrow band, i.e. perform dilation and renormalization or erosion as required...
void trim(std::string &s)
Definition: Name.h:83
GridType::Ptr normalize(const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
Normalize the vectors of the given vector-valued grid.
Definition: Platform.h:140
GLdouble t
Definition: glad.h:2397
GLenum mode
Definition: glcorearb.h:99
TrimMode trimming() const
Return the trimming mode for voxels outside the narrow band.
void setGrainSize(int grainsize)
Set the grain-size used for multi-threading.
typename tree::LeafManager< TreeType > LeafManagerType
State getState() const
Return the state of the tracker (see struct defined above)
typename LeafManagerType::BufferType BufferType
GLuint GLfloat * val
Definition: glcorearb.h:1608
Implementation of morphological dilation and erosion.
Set out-of-band exterior voxels to the background value.
Definition: Platform.h:141
Tag dispatch class that distinguishes topology copy constructors from deep copy constructors.
Definition: Types.h:683
A LeafManager manages a linear array of pointers to a given tree's leaf nodes, as well as optional au...
typename LeafManagerType::LeafRange LeafRange
GLboolean r
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
void prune(TreeT &tree, typename TreeT::ValueType tolerance=zeroVal< typename TreeT::ValueType >(), bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with tiles any nodes whose values are all the same...
Definition: Prune.h:335
GLint GLfloat GLint stencil
Definition: glcorearb.h:1278
void normalize()
Iterative normalization, i.e. solving the Eikonal equation.
void pruneLevelSet(TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing nodes whose values are all inactive with inactive ...
Definition: Prune.h:390
void setState(const State &s)
Set the state of the tracker (see struct defined above)
bool wasInterrupted(T *i, int percent=-1)
Set all out-of-band voxels to the background value.
The version namespace name for this library version.
Definition: version.h:119
bool ValueType
Definition: NanoVDB.h:5729
void dilate(int iterations=1)
Fast but approximate dilation of the narrow band - one layer at a time. Normally we recommend using t...
#define OPENVDB_THROW(exception, message)
Definition: Exceptions.h:74
Set out-of-band interior voxels to the background value.