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openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools Namespace Reference




class  ChangeBackgroundOp
class  ChangeLevelSetBackgroundOp
struct  CompReplaceOp
class  DenseBase
 Base class for Dense which is defined below. More...
class  DenseBase< ValueT, LayoutZYX >
 Partial template specialization of DenseBase. More...
class  DenseBase< ValueT, LayoutXYZ >
 Partial template specialization of DenseBase. More...
class  Dense
 Dense is a simple dense grid API used by the CopyToDense and CopyFromDense classes defined below. More...
class  CopyToDense
 Copy an OpenVDB tree into an existing dense grid. More...
class  CopyFromDense
 Copy the values from a dense grid into an OpenVDB tree. More...
struct  DSConverter
class  SparseExtractor
 Functor-based class used to extract data that satisfies some criteria defined by the embedded OpType functor. The extractSparseTree function wraps this class. More...
class  SparseMaskedExtractor
 Functor-based class used to extract data from a dense grid, at the index-space intersection with a supplied mask in the form of a sparse tree. The extractSparseTreeWithMask function wraps this class. More...
struct  ExtractAll
 a simple utility class used by extractSparseTreeWithMask More...
class  DenseTransformer
 Class that applies a functor to the index space intersection of a prescribed bounding box and the dense grid. NB: This class only supports DenseGrids with ZYX memory layout. More...
struct  ContiguousOp
 a wrapper struct used to avoid unnecessary computation of memory access from Coord when all offsets are guaranteed to be within the dense grid. More...
class  SparseToDenseCompositor
struct  CheckNan
 Checks NaN values. More...
struct  CheckInf
 Checks for infinite values, e.g. 1/0 or -1/0. More...
struct  CheckFinite
 Checks for both NaN and inf values, i.e. any value that is not finite. More...
struct  CheckMagnitude
 Check that the magnitude of a value, a, is close to a fixed magnitude, b, given a fixed tolerance c. That is | |a| - |b| | <= c. More...
struct  CheckRange
 Checks a value against a range. More...
struct  CheckMin
 Checks a value against a minimum. More...
struct  CheckMax
 Checks a value against a maximum. More...
struct  CheckNormGrad
 Checks the norm of the gradient against a range, i.e., |∇Φ| ∈ [min, max]. More...
struct  CheckEikonal
 Checks the norm of the gradient at zero-crossing voxels against a range. More...
struct  CheckDivergence
 Checks the divergence against a range. More...
class  Diagnose
 Performs multithreaded diagnostics of a grid. More...
class  CheckLevelSet
 Class that performs various types of checks on narrow-band level sets. More...
class  CheckFogVolume
 Class that performs various types of checks on fog volumes. More...
class  FastSweeping
 Computes signed distance values from an initial iso-surface and optionally performs velocity extension at the same time. This is done by means of a novel sparse and parallel fast sweeping algorithm based on a first order Godunov's scheme. More...
class  Filter
 Volume filtering (e.g., diffusion) with optional alpha masking. More...
struct  TileData
 Struct that encodes a bounding box, value and level of a tile. More...
class  FindActiveValues
 Finds the active values in a tree which intersects a bounding box. More...
struct  VectorToScalarConverter
 VectorToScalarConverter<VectorGridType>::Type is the type of a grid having the same tree configuration as VectorGridType but a scalar value type, T, where T is the type of the original vector components. More...
struct  ScalarToVectorConverter
 ScalarToVectorConverter<ScalarGridType>::Type is the type of a grid having the same tree configuration as ScalarGridType but value type Vec3<T> where T is ScalarGridType::ValueType. More...
class  Cpt
 Compute the closest-point transform of a scalar grid. More...
class  Curl
 Compute the curl of a vector grid. More...
class  Divergence
 Compute the divergence of a vector grid. More...
class  Gradient
 Compute the gradient of a scalar grid. More...
class  Laplacian
class  MeanCurvature
class  Magnitude
class  Normalize
class  GridResampler
class  GridTransformer
 A GridTransformer applies a geometric transformation to an input grid using one of several sampling schemes, and stores the result in an output grid. More...
class  ABTransform
 This class implements the Transformer functor interface (specifically, the isAffine(), transform() and invTransform() methods) for a transform that maps an A grid into a B grid's index space such that, after resampling, A's index space and transform match B's index space and transform. More...
struct  HalfWidthOp
struct  HalfWidthOp< bool >
struct  Sampler
 Provises a unified interface for sampling, i.e. interpolation. More...
struct  PointSampler
struct  BoxSampler
struct  QuadraticSampler
struct  StaggeredPointSampler
struct  StaggeredBoxSampler
struct  StaggeredQuadraticSampler
class  GridSampler
 Class that provides the interface for continuous sampling of values in a tree. More...
class  GridSampler< tree::ValueAccessor< TreeT >, SamplerType >
 Specialization of GridSampler for construction from a ValueAccessor type. More...
class  DualGridSampler
 This is a simple convenience class that allows for sampling from a source grid into the index space of a target grid. At construction the source and target grids are checked for alignment which potentially renders interpolation unnecessary. Else interpolation is performed according to the templated Sampler type. More...
class  DualGridSampler< tree::ValueAccessor< TreeT >, SamplerT >
 Specialization of DualGridSampler for construction from a ValueAccessor type. More...
class  AlphaMask
struct  Sampler< 0, false >
struct  Sampler< 1, false >
struct  Sampler< 2, false >
struct  Sampler< 0, true >
struct  Sampler< 1, true >
struct  Sampler< 2, true >
class  LevelSetAdvection
 Hyperbolic advection of narrow-band level sets in an external velocity field. More...
class  LevelSetFilter
 Filtering (e.g. diffusion) of narrow-band level sets. An optional scalar field can be used to produce a (smooth) alpha mask for the filtering. More...
class  LevelSetFracture
 Level set fracturing. More...
class  DiracDelta
 Smeared-out and continuous Dirac Delta function. More...
class  LevelSetMeasure
 Multi-threaded computation of surface area, volume and average mean-curvature for narrow band level sets. More...
class  LevelSetMorphing
 Shape morphology of level sets. Morphing from a source narrow-band level sets to a target narrow-band level set. More...
class  LevelSetSphere
 Generates a signed distance field (or narrow band level set) to a single sphere. More...
class  LevelSetTracker
 Performs multi-threaded interface tracking of narrow band level sets. More...
struct  TreeToMerge
 Convenience class that contains a pointer to a tree to be stolen or deep copied depending on the tag dispatch class used and a subset of methods to retrieve data from the tree. More...
struct  CsgUnionOrIntersectionOp
 DynamicNodeManager operator to merge trees using a CSG union or intersection. More...
struct  CsgDifferenceOp
 DynamicNodeManager operator to merge two trees using a CSG difference. More...
struct  SumMergeOp
 DynamicNodeManager operator to merge trees using a sum operation. More...
struct  QuadAndTriangleDataAdapter
 Contiguous quad and triangle data adapter class. More...
class  MeshToVoxelEdgeData
 Extracts and stores voxel edge intersection data from a mesh. More...
class  MultiResGrid
struct  DepthFirstNodeVisitor
 Visit all nodes that are downstream of a specific node in depth-first order and apply a user-supplied functor to each node. More...
struct  DepthFirstNodeVisitor< NodeT, 0 >
struct  ParticleAtlas
class  ParticlesToLevelSet
class  ClosestPointProjector
class  PointAdvect
class  ConstrainedPointAdvect
struct  PointIndexLeafNode
struct  PointIndexIterator
 Accelerated range and nearest-neighbor searches for point index grids. More...
struct  PointIndexFilter
class  PointPartitioner
class  BasePointScatter
 Forward declaration of base class. More...
class  UniformPointScatter
 The two point scatters UniformPointScatter and NonUniformPointScatter depend on the following two classes: More...
class  DenseUniformPointScatter
 Scatters a fixed (and integer) number of points in all active voxels and tiles. More...
class  NonUniformPointScatter
 Non-uniform scatters of point in the active voxels. The local point count is implicitly defined as a product of of a global density (called pointsPerVolume) and the local voxel (or tile) value. More...
class  PointsToMask
 Makes every voxel of a grid active if it contains a point. More...
struct  VectorToScalarGrid
 Metafunction to convert a vector-valued grid type to a scalar grid type. More...
class  InactivePruneOp
class  TolerancePruneOp
class  LevelSetPruneOp
class  LinearSearchImpl
 Implements linear iterative search for an iso-value of the level set along the direction of the ray. More...
class  LevelSetRayIntersector
 This class provides the public API for intersecting a ray with a narrow-band level set. More...
class  VolumeRayIntersector
 This class provides the public API for intersecting a ray with a generic (e.g. density) volume. More...
class  LevelSetRayTracer
 A (very) simple multithreaded ray tracer specifically for narrow-band level sets. More...
class  VolumeRender
 A (very) simple multithreaded volume render specifically for scalar density. More...
class  Film
 A simple class that allows for concurrent writes to pixels in an image, background initialization of the image, and PPM file output. More...
class  BaseCamera
 Abstract base class for the perspective and orthographic cameras. More...
class  PerspectiveCamera
class  OrthographicCamera
class  BaseShader
 Abstract base class for the shaders. More...
class  MatteShader
 Shader that produces a simple matte. More...
class  MatteShader< Film::RGBA, SamplerType >
class  NormalShader
 Color shader that treats the surface normal (x, y, z) as an RGB color. More...
class  NormalShader< Film::RGBA, SamplerType >
class  PositionShader
 Color shader that treats position (x, y, z) as an RGB color in a cube defined from an axis-aligned bounding box in world space. More...
class  PositionShader< Film::RGBA, SamplerType >
class  DiffuseShader
 Simple diffuse Lambertian surface shader. More...
class  DiffuseShader< Film::RGBA, SamplerType >
class  SignedFloodFillOp
struct  HomogeneousMatMul
struct  MatMul
struct  MatMulNormalize
class  DiscreteField
 Thin wrapper class for a velocity grid. More...
class  EnrightField
 Analytical, divergence-free and periodic velocity field. More...
class  VelocitySampler
class  VelocityIntegrator
 Performs Runge-Kutta time integration of variable order in a static velocity field. More...
class  VolumeAdvection
 Performs advections of an arbitrary type of volume in a static velocity field. The advections are performed by means of various derivatives of Semi-Lagrangian integration, i.e. backwards tracking along the hyperbolic characteristics followed by interpolation. More...
class  PolygonPool
 Collection of quads and triangles. More...
struct  VolumeToMesh
 Mesh any scalar grid that has a continuous isosurface. More...
class  ClosestSurfacePoint
 Accelerated closest surface point queries for narrow band level sets. More...


template<typename TreeT >
using CsgUnionOp = CsgUnionOrIntersectionOp< TreeT, true >
template<typename TreeT >
using CsgIntersectionOp = CsgUnionOrIntersectionOp< TreeT, false >
using ParticleIndexAtlas = ParticleAtlas< PointIndexGrid >
using PointIndexTree = tree::Tree< tree::RootNode< tree::InternalNode< tree::InternalNode< PointIndexLeafNode< PointIndex32, 3 >, 4 >, 5 >>>
 Point index tree configured to match the default OpenVDB tree configuration. More...
using PointIndexGrid = Grid< PointIndexTree >
 Point index grid. More...
using UInt32PointPartitioner = PointPartitioner< uint32_t, 3 >
using PointList = std::unique_ptr< openvdb::Vec3s[]>
 Point and primitive list types. More...
using PolygonPoolList = std::unique_ptr< PolygonPool[]>
 Point and primitive list types. More...


enum  MemoryLayout { LayoutXYZ, LayoutZYX }
enum  DSCompositeOp {
enum  FastSweepingDomain { FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL, FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE, FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE }
 Fast Sweeping update mode. This is useful to determine narrow-band extension or field extension in one side of a signed distance field. More...
 Mesh to volume conversion flags. More...
enum  InteriorTestStrategy { EVAL_EVERY_VOXEL = 0, EVAL_EVERY_TILE = 1 }
 Different staregies how to determine sign of an SDF when using interior test. More...
enum  NearestNeighbors { NN_FACE = 6, NN_FACE_EDGE = 18, NN_FACE_EDGE_VERTEX = 26 }
 Voxel topology of nearest neighbors. More...
 Different policies when dilating trees with active tiles. More...
 Polygon flags, used for reference based meshing. More...


template<typename GridOrTree >
void activate (GridOrTree &, const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &value, const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< typename GridOrTree::ValueType >(), const bool threaded=true)
 Mark as active any inactive tiles or voxels in the given grid or tree whose values are equal to value (optionally to within the given tolerance). More...
template<typename GridOrTree >
void deactivate (GridOrTree &, const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &value, const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &tolerance=zeroVal< typename GridOrTree::ValueType >(), const bool threaded=true)
 Mark as inactive any active tiles or voxels in the given grid or tree whose values are equal to value (optionally to within the given tolerance). More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void changeBackground (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &background, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=32)
 Replace the background value in all the nodes of a tree. More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void changeLevelSetBackground (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &halfWidth, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=32)
 Replace the background value in all the nodes of a floating-point tree containing a symmetric narrow-band level set. More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void changeAsymmetricLevelSetBackground (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &outsideWidth, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &insideWidth, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=32)
 Replace the background values in all the nodes of a floating-point tree containing a possibly asymmetric narrow-band level set. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr clip (const GridType &grid, const BBoxd &bbox, bool keepInterior=true)
 Clip the given grid against a world-space bounding box and return a new grid containing the result. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr clip (const GridType &grid, const math::NonlinearFrustumMap &frustum, bool keepInterior=true)
 Clip the given grid against a frustum and return a new grid containing the result. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskTreeType >
GridType::Ptr clip (const GridType &grid, const Grid< MaskTreeType > &mask, bool keepInterior=true)
 Clip a grid against the active voxels of another grid and return a new grid containing the result. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void csgUnion (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b, bool prune=true, bool pruneCancelledTiles=false)
 Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the union of A and B. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void csgIntersection (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b, bool prune=true, bool pruneCancelledTiles=false)
 Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the intersection of A and B. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void csgDifference (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b, bool prune=true, bool pruneCancelledTiles=false)
 Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the difference A / B. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr csgUnionCopy (const GridOrTreeT &a, const GridOrTreeT &b)
 Threaded CSG union operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr csgIntersectionCopy (const GridOrTreeT &a, const GridOrTreeT &b)
 Threaded CSG intersection operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr csgDifferenceCopy (const GridOrTreeT &a, const GridOrTreeT &b)
 Threaded CSG difference operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compMax (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b)
 Given grids A and B, compute max(a, b) per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compMin (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b)
 Given grids A and B, compute min(a, b) per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compSum (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b)
 Given grids A and B, compute a + b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compMul (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b)
 Given grids A and B, compute a * b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compDiv (GridOrTreeT &a, GridOrTreeT &b)
 Given grids A and B, compute a / b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void compReplace (GridOrTreeT &a, const GridOrTreeT &b)
 Copy the active voxels of B into A. More...
template<typename TreeT , typename OpT = composite::CopyOp<TreeT>>
void compActiveLeafVoxels (TreeT &srcTree, TreeT &dstTree, OpT op=composite::CopyOp< TreeT >())
 Composite the active values in leaf nodes, i.e. active voxels, of a source tree into a destination tree. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveVoxels (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of active voxels in the tree. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveVoxels (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of active voxels in the tree that intersects a bounding box. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveLeafVoxels (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of active voxels stored in leaf nodes. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveLeafVoxels (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of active voxels stored in leaf nodes that intersects a bounding box. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countInactiveVoxels (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of inactive voxels in the tree. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countInactiveLeafVoxels (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of inactive voxels stored in leaf nodes. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveTiles (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total number of active tiles in the tree. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 memUsage (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the total amount of memory in bytes occupied by this tree. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 memUsageIfLoaded (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the deserialized memory usage of this tree. This is not necessarily equal to the current memory usage (returned by tools::memUsage) if delay-loading is enabled. See File::open. More...
template<typename TreeT >
math::MinMax< typename
TreeT::ValueType > 
minMax (const TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true)
 Return the minimum and maximum active values in this tree. More...
template<typename DenseT , typename GridOrTreeT >
void copyToDense (const GridOrTreeT &sparse, DenseT &dense, bool serial=false)
 Populate a dense grid with the values of voxels from a sparse grid, where the sparse grid intersects the dense grid. More...
template<typename DenseT , typename GridOrTreeT >
void copyFromDense (const DenseT &dense, GridOrTreeT &sparse, const typename GridOrTreeT::ValueType &tolerance, bool serial=false)
 Populate a sparse grid with the values of all of the voxels of a dense grid. More...
template<typename OpType , typename DenseType >
OpType::ResultTreeType::Ptr extractSparseTree (const DenseType &dense, const OpType &functor, const typename OpType::ResultValueType &background, bool threaded=true)
 Selectively extract and transform data from a dense grid, producing a sparse tree with leaf nodes only (e.g. create a tree from the square of values greater than a cutoff.) More...
template<typename DenseType , typename MaskTreeType >
DSConverter< DenseType,
MaskTreeType >::Type::Ptr 
extractSparseTreeWithMask (const DenseType &dense, const MaskTreeType &mask, const typename DenseType::ValueType &background, bool threaded=true)
 Copy data from the intersection of a sparse tree and a dense input grid. The resulting tree has the same configuration as the sparse tree, but holds the data type specified by the dense input. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename OpType >
void transformDense (Dense< ValueT, openvdb::tools::LayoutZYX > &dense, const openvdb::CoordBBox &bbox, const OpType &op, bool parallel=true)
template<DSCompositeOp , typename TreeT >
void compositeToDense (Dense< typename TreeT::ValueType, LayoutZYX > &dense, const TreeT &source, const TreeT &alpha, const typename TreeT::ValueType beta, const typename TreeT::ValueType strength, bool threaded=true)
 Composite data from a sparse tree into a dense array of the same value type. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename PointwiseOpT >
void transformDense (Dense< ValueT, openvdb::tools::LayoutZYX > &dense, const openvdb::CoordBBox &bbox, const PointwiseOpT &functor, bool parallel)
 Apply a point-wise functor to the intersection of a dense grid and a given bounding box. More...
template<class GridType >
std::string checkLevelSet (const GridType &grid, size_t number=9)
 Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid symmetric, narrow-band level set. More...
template<class GridType >
std::string checkFogVolume (const GridType &grid, size_t number=6)
 Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid fog volume. More...
template<class GridType >
bool uniqueInactiveValues (const GridType &grid, std::vector< typename GridType::ValueType > &values, size_t numValues)
 Threaded method to find unique inactive values. More...
template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr fogToSdf (const GridT &fogGrid, typename GridT::ValueType isoValue, int nIter=1)
 Converts a scalar fog volume into a signed distance function. Active input voxels with scalar values above the given isoValue will have NEGATIVE distance values on output, i.e. they are assumed to be INSIDE the iso-surface. More...
template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr sdfToSdf (const GridT &sdfGrid, typename GridT::ValueType isoValue=0, int nIter=1)
 Given an existing approximate SDF it solves the Eikonal equation for all its active voxels. Active input voxels with a signed distance value above the given isoValue will have POSITIVE distance values on output, i.e. they are assumed to be OUTSIDE the iso-surface. More...
template<typename FogGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
ValueConverter< ExtValueT >
fogToExt (const FogGridT &fogGrid, const ExtOpT &op, const ExtValueT &background, typename FogGridT::ValueType isoValue, int nIter=1, FastSweepingDomain mode=FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL, const typename FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr extGrid=nullptr)
 Computes the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input FOG volume. More...
template<typename SdfGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
ValueConverter< ExtValueT >
sdfToExt (const SdfGridT &sdfGrid, const ExtOpT &op, const ExtValueT &background, typename SdfGridT::ValueType isoValue=0, int nIter=1, FastSweepingDomain mode=FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL, const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr extGrid=nullptr)
 Computes the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input SDF volume. More...
template<typename FogGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
std::pair< typename
FogGridT::Ptr, typename
ValueConverter< ExtValueT >
::Type::Ptr > 
fogToSdfAndExt (const FogGridT &fogGrid, const ExtOpT &op, const ExtValueT &background, typename FogGridT::ValueType isoValue, int nIter=1, FastSweepingDomain mode=FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL, const typename FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr extGrid=nullptr)
 Computes the signed distance field and the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input FOG volume. More...
template<typename SdfGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
std::pair< typename
SdfGridT::Ptr, typename
ValueConverter< ExtValueT >
::Type::Ptr > 
sdfToSdfAndExt (const SdfGridT &sdfGrid, const ExtOpT &op, const ExtValueT &background, typename SdfGridT::ValueType isoValue=0, int nIter=1, FastSweepingDomain mode=FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL, const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr extGrid=nullptr)
 Computes the signed distance field and the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input SDF volume. More...
template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr dilateSdf (const GridT &sdfGrid, int dilation, NearestNeighbors nn=NN_FACE, int nIter=1, FastSweepingDomain mode=FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL)
 Dilates the narrow band of an existing signed distance field by a specified number of voxels (like adding "onion-rings"). More...
template<typename GridT , typename MaskTreeT >
GridT::Ptr maskSdf (const GridT &sdfGrid, const Grid< MaskTreeT > &mask, bool ignoreActiveTiles=false, int nIter=1)
 Fills mask by extending an existing signed distance field into the active values of this input ree of arbitrary value type. More...
template<typename SdfGridT , typename OpT , typename ExtValueT >
ValueConverter< ExtValueT >
sdfToExt (const SdfGridT &sdfGrid, const OpT &op, const ExtValueT &background, typename SdfGridT::ValueType isoValue, int nIter, FastSweepingDomain mode, const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr extGrid)
template<typename TreeT >
bool anyActiveValues (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active values in a tree, i.e. either active voxels or active tiles. More...
template<typename TreeT >
bool anyActiveVoxels (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active voxels in a tree, i.e. ignores active tile values. More...
template<typename TreeT >
bool anyActiveTiles (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active tiles in a tree, i.e. ignores active leaf values. More...
template<typename TreeT >
bool noActiveValues (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Returns true if the bounding box intersects none of the active values in a tree, i.e. neither active voxels or active tiles. More...
template<typename TreeT >
Index64 countActiveValues (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Returns the number of active values that intersects a bounding box intersects, i.e. the count includes both active voxels and virtual voxels in active tiles. More...
template<typename TreeT >
std::vector< TileData
< typename TreeT::ValueType > > 
activeTiles (const TreeT &tree, const CoordBBox &bbox)
 Return a vector with bounding boxes that represents all the intersections between active tiles in the tree and the specified bounding box. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
cpt (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the Closest-Point Transform (CPT) from a distance field. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
cpt (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
cpt (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
cpt (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr curl (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the curl of the given vector-valued grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr curl (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr curl (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr curl (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
divergence (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the divergence of the given vector-valued grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
divergence (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
divergence (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
divergence (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
gradient (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the gradient of the given scalar grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
gradient (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
gradient (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
gradient (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr laplacian (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the Laplacian of the given scalar grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr laplacian (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr laplacian (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr laplacian (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr meanCurvature (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the mean curvature of the given grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr meanCurvature (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meanCurvature (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr meanCurvature (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
magnitude (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Compute the magnitudes of the vectors of the given vector-valued grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
magnitude (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
magnitude (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
< GridType >::Type::Ptr 
magnitude (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr normalize (const GridType &grid, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
 Normalize the vectors of the given vector-valued grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr normalize (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded, InterruptT *interrupt)
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr normalize (const GridType &grid, bool threaded=true)
template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr normalize (const GridType &grid, const MaskT &mask, bool threaded=true)
template<typename Sampler , typename Interrupter , typename GridType >
void resampleToMatch (const GridType &inGrid, GridType &outGrid, Interrupter &interrupter)
 Resample an input grid into an output grid of the same type such that, after resampling, the input and output grids coincide (apart from sampling artifacts), but the output grid's transform is unchanged. More...
template<typename Sampler , typename GridType >
void resampleToMatch (const GridType &inGrid, GridType &outGrid)
 Resample an input grid into an output grid of the same type such that, after resampling, the input and output grids coincide (apart from sampling artifacts), but the output grid's transform is unchanged. More...
template<typename Sampler , typename Interrupter , typename GridType >
void doResampleToMatch (const GridType &inGrid, GridType &outGrid, Interrupter &interrupter)
template<class GridType >
Real levelSetArea (const GridType &grid, bool useWorldSpace=true)
 Return the surface area of a narrow-band level set. More...
template<class GridType >
Real levelSetVolume (const GridType &grid, bool useWorldSpace=true)
 Return the volume of a narrow-band level set surface. More...
template<class GridType >
int levelSetEulerCharacteristic (const GridType &grid)
 Return the Euler Characteristics of a narrow-band level set surface (possibly disconnected). More...
template<class GridType >
int levelSetGenus (const GridType &grid)
 Return the genus of a narrow-band level set surface. More...
template<class GridT >
Real levelSetArea (const GridT &grid, bool useWorldUnits)
template<class GridT >
Real levelSetVolume (const GridT &grid, bool useWorldUnits)
template<class GridT >
int levelSetEulerCharacteristic (const GridT &grid)
template<class GridT >
int levelSetGenus (const GridT &grid)
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetPlatonic (int faceCount, float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a platonic solid. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetPlatonic (int faceCount, float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a platonic solid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetTetrahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a tetrahedron. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetTetrahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a tetrahedron. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetCube (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a cube. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetCube (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a cube. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetOctahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an octahedron. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetOctahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an octahedron. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetDodecahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a dodecahedron. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetDodecahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a dodecahedron. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetIcosahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an icosahedron. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetIcosahedron (float scale=1.0f, const Vec3f &center=Vec3f(0.0f), float voxelSize=0.1f, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an icosahedron. More...
template<class GridType >
GridType::Ptr levelSetRebuild (const GridType &grid, float isovalue=0, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), const math::Transform *xform=nullptr)
 Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid. More...
template<class GridType >
GridType::Ptr levelSetRebuild (const GridType &grid, float isovalue, float exBandWidth, float inBandWidth, const math::Transform *xform=nullptr)
 Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid. More...
template<class GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr levelSetRebuild (const GridType &grid, float isovalue, float exBandWidth, float inBandWidth, const math::Transform *xform=nullptr, InterruptT *interrupter=nullptr)
 Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid. More...
template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetSphere (float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f &center, float voxelSize, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), InterruptT *interrupt=nullptr, bool threaded=true)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a sphere. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetSphere (float radius, const openvdb::Vec3f &center, float voxelSize, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH), bool threaded=true)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a sphere. More...
template<class GridType >
void sdfToFogVolume (GridType &grid, typename GridType::ValueType cutoffDistance=lsutilGridMax< GridType >())
 Threaded method to convert a sparse level set/SDF into a sparse fog volume. More...
template<class GridOrTreeType >
ValueConverter< bool >
sdfInteriorMask (const GridOrTreeType &volume, typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType isovalue=lsutilGridZero< GridOrTreeType >())
 Threaded method to construct a boolean mask that represents interior regions in a signed distance field. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeType >
ValueConverter< bool >
extractEnclosedRegion (const GridOrTreeType &volume, typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType isovalue=lsutilGridZero< GridOrTreeType >(), const typename TreeAdapter< GridOrTreeType >::TreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type *fillMask=nullptr)
 Extracts the interior regions of a signed distance field and topologically enclosed (watertight) regions of value greater than the isovalue (cavities) that can arise as the result of CSG union operations between different shapes where at least one of the shapes has a concavity that is capped. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeType >
ValueConverter< bool >
extractIsosurfaceMask (const GridOrTreeType &volume, typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType isovalue)
 Return a mask of the voxels that intersect the implicit surface with the given isovalue. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void extractActiveVoxelSegmentMasks (const GridOrTreeType &volume, std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr > &masks)
 Return a mask for each connected component of the given grid's active voxels. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void segmentActiveVoxels (const GridOrTreeType &volume, std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::Ptr > &segments)
 Separates disjoint active topology components into distinct grids or trees. More...
template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void segmentSDF (const GridOrTreeType &volume, std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::Ptr > &segments)
 Separates disjoint SDF surfaces into distinct grids or trees. More...
template<class GridType >
OPENVDB_DOCS_INTERNAL void sdfToFogVolume (GridType &grid, typename GridType::ValueType cutoffDistance)
 Threaded method to convert a sparse level set/SDF into a sparse fog volume. More...
template<typename GridType >
ValueConverter< bool >
interiorMask (const GridType &grid, const double isovalue=0.0)
 Given an input grid of any type, return a new, boolean grid whose active voxel topology matches the input grid's or, if the input grid is a level set, matches the input grid's interior. More...
template<typename GridType , typename MeshDataAdapter , typename InteriorTest = std::nullptr_t>
GridType::Ptr meshToVolume (const MeshDataAdapter &mesh, const math::Transform &transform, float exteriorBandWidth=3.0f, float interiorBandWidth=3.0f, int flags=0, typename GridType::template ValueConverter< Int32 >::Type *polygonIndexGrid=nullptr, InteriorTest interiorTest=nullptr, InteriorTestStrategy interiorTestStrat=EVAL_EVERY_VOXEL)
template<typename GridType , typename MeshDataAdapter , typename Interrupter , typename InteriorTest = std::nullptr_t>
GridType::Ptr meshToVolume (Interrupter &interrupter, const MeshDataAdapter &mesh, const math::Transform &transform, float exteriorBandWidth=3.0f, float interiorBandWidth=3.0f, int flags=0, typename GridType::template ValueConverter< Int32 >::Type *polygonIndexGrid=nullptr, InteriorTest interiorTest=nullptr, InteriorTestStrategy interiorTestStrategy=EVAL_EVERY_VOXEL)
 Convert polygonal meshes that consist of quads and/or triangles into signed or unsigned distance field volumes. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Convert a triangle mesh to a level set volume. More...
template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (Interrupter &interrupter, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Convert a quad mesh to a level set volume. More...
template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (Interrupter &interrupter, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Convert a triangle and quad mesh to a level set volume. More...
template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr meshToLevelSet (Interrupter &interrupter, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float halfWidth=float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH))
 Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meshToSignedDistanceField (const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float exBandWidth, float inBandWidth)
 Convert a triangle and quad mesh to a signed distance field with an asymmetrical narrow band. More...
template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr meshToSignedDistanceField (Interrupter &interrupter, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float exBandWidth, float inBandWidth)
 Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion. More...
template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr meshToUnsignedDistanceField (const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float bandWidth)
 Convert a triangle and quad mesh to an unsigned distance field. More...
template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr meshToUnsignedDistanceField (Interrupter &interrupter, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, const std::vector< Vec3s > &points, const std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, const std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, float bandWidth)
 Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion. More...
template<typename GridType , typename VecType >
GridType::Ptr createLevelSetBox (const math::BBox< VecType > &bbox, const openvdb::math::Transform &xform, typename VecType::ValueType halfWidth=LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH)
 Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a box. More...
template<typename FloatTreeT >
void traceExteriorBoundaries (FloatTreeT &tree)
 Traces the exterior voxel boundary of closed objects in the input volume tree. Exterior voxels are marked with a negative sign, voxels with a value below 0.75 are left unchanged and act as the boundary layer. More...
template<typename T , Index Log2Dim, typename InteriorTest >
void floodFillLeafNode (tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &leafNode, const InteriorTest &interiorTest)
template<typename FloatTreeT , typename InteriorTest >
void evaluateInteriorTest (FloatTreeT &tree, InteriorTest interiorTest, InteriorTestStrategy interiorTestStrategy)
 Sets the sign of voxel values of tree based on the interiorTest More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData &rhs)
MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData Abs (const MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData &x)
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void dilateActiveValues (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const int iterations=1, const NearestNeighbors nn=NN_FACE, const TilePolicy mode=PRESERVE_TILES, const bool threaded=true)
 Topologically dilate all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three nearest neighbor connectivity patterns. More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void erodeActiveValues (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const int iterations=1, const NearestNeighbors nn=NN_FACE, const TilePolicy mode=PRESERVE_TILES, const bool threaded=true)
 Topologically erode all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three nearest neighbor connectivity patterns. More...
template<typename TreeT , typename OpT >
size_t visitNodesDepthFirst (TreeT &tree, OpT &op, size_t idx=0)
 Visit all nodes in the tree depth-first and apply a user-supplied functor to each node. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particlesToSdf (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with CSG-unioned level set spheres described by the given particle positions and radii. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particlesToSdf (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, Real radius, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with fixed-size, CSG-unioned level set spheres described by the given particle positions and the specified radius. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particleTrailsToSdf (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, Real delta=1, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with CSG-unioned trails of level set spheres with decreasing radius, where the starting position and radius and the direction of each trail is given by particle attributes. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particlesToMask (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects the spheres described by the given particle positions and radii. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particlesToMask (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, Real radius, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects the fixed-size spheres described by the given particle positions and the specified radius. More...
template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void particleTrailsToMask (const ParticleListT &, GridT &, Real delta=1, InterrupterT *=nullptr)
 Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects trails of spheres with decreasing radius, where the starting position and radius and the direction of each trail is given by particle attributes. More...
template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr createPointIndexGrid (const PointArrayT &points, double voxelSize)
 Partition points into a point index grid to accelerate range and nearest-neighbor searches. More...
template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr createPointIndexGrid (const PointArrayT &points, const math::Transform &xform)
 Partition points into a point index grid to accelerate range and nearest-neighbor searches. More...
template<typename PointArrayT , typename GridT >
bool isValidPartition (const PointArrayT &points, const GridT &grid)
 Return true if the given point index grid represents a valid partitioning of the given point array. More...
template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::ConstPtr getValidPointIndexGrid (const PointArrayT &points, const typename GridT::ConstPtr &grid)
 Repartition the points if needed, otherwise return the input grid. More...
template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr getValidPointIndexGrid (const PointArrayT &points, const typename GridT::Ptr &grid)
 Repartition the points if needed, otherwise return the input grid. More...
template<typename PointListT , typename GridT >
void maskPoints (const PointListT &points, GridT &grid)
 Makes every voxel of the grid active if it contains a point. More...
template<typename PointListT >
MaskGrid::Ptr createPointMask (const PointListT &points, const math::Transform &xform)
 Return a MaskGrid where each binary voxel value is on if the voxel contains one (or more) points (i.e. the 3D position of a point is closer to this voxel than any other voxels). More...
template<typename GridT , typename MaskT = typename GridT::template ValueConverter<ValueMask>::Type>
MaskT::Ptr createPotentialFlowMask (const GridT &grid, int dilation=5)
 Construct a mask for the Potential Flow domain. More...
template<typename Vec3T , typename GridT , typename MaskT >
GridT::template ValueConverter
< Vec3T >::Type::Ptr 
createPotentialFlowNeumannVelocities (const GridT &collider, const MaskT &domain, const typename GridT::template ValueConverter< Vec3T >::Type::ConstPtr boundaryVelocity, const Vec3T &backgroundVelocity)
 Create a Potential Flow velocities grid for the Neumann boundary. More...
template<typename Vec3GridT , typename MaskT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
VectorToScalarGrid< Vec3GridT >
computeScalarPotential (const MaskT &domain, const Vec3GridT &neumann, math::pcg::State &state, InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
 Compute the Potential on the domain using the Neumann boundary conditions on solid boundaries. More...
template<typename Vec3GridT >
Vec3GridT::Ptr computePotentialFlow (const typename VectorToScalarGrid< Vec3GridT >::Type &potential, const Vec3GridT &neumann, const typename Vec3GridT::ValueType backgroundVelocity=zeroVal< typename Vec3GridT::TreeType::ValueType >())
 Compute a vector Flow Field comprising the gradient of the potential with Neumann boundary conditions applied. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void prune (TreeT &tree, typename TreeT::ValueType tolerance=zeroVal< typename TreeT::ValueType >(), bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with tiles any nodes whose values are all the same (optionally to within a tolerance) and have the same active state. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void pruneTiles (TreeT &tree, typename TreeT::ValueType tolerance=zeroVal< typename TreeT::ValueType >(), bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with tiles any non-leaf nodes whose values are all the same (optionally to within a tolerance) and have the same active state. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void pruneInactive (TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with background tiles any nodes whose values are all inactive. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void pruneInactiveWithValue (TreeT &tree, const typename TreeT::ValueType &value, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing any nodes whose values are all inactive with tiles of the given value. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void pruneLevelSet (TreeT &tree, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing nodes whose values are all inactive with inactive tiles having a value equal to the first value encountered in the (inactive) child. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void pruneLevelSet (TreeT &tree, const typename TreeT::ValueType &outsideWidth, const typename TreeT::ValueType &insideWidth, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1)
 Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing nodes whose voxel values are all inactive with inactive tiles having the value -| insideWidth | if the voxel values are negative and | outsideWidth | otherwise. More...
template<typename GridT >
void rayTrace (const GridT &, const BaseShader &, BaseCamera &, size_t pixelSamples=1, unsigned int seed=0, bool threaded=true)
 Ray-trace a volume. More...
template<typename GridT , typename IntersectorT >
void rayTrace (const GridT &, const IntersectorT &, const BaseShader &, BaseCamera &, size_t pixelSamples=1, unsigned int seed=0, bool threaded=true)
 Ray-trace a volume using a given ray intersector. More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void signedFloodFill (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1, Index minLevel=0)
 Set the values of all inactive voxels and tiles of a narrow-band level set from the signs of the active voxels, setting outside values to +background and inside values to -background. More...
template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void signedFloodFillWithValues (TreeOrLeafManagerT &tree, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &outsideWidth, const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &insideWidth, bool threaded=true, size_t grainSize=1, Index minLevel=0)
 Set the values of all inactive voxels and tiles of a narrow-band level set from the signs of the active voxels, setting exterior values to outsideWidth and interior values to insideWidth. Set the background value of this tree to outsideWidth. More...
template<typename IterT >
math::Histogram histogram (const IterT &iter, double minVal, double maxVal, size_t numBins=10, bool threaded=true)
 Iterate over a scalar grid and compute a histogram of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute a histogram of the magnitudes of the vectors. More...
template<typename IterT >
math::Extrema extrema (const IterT &iter, bool threaded=true)
 Iterate over a scalar grid and compute extrema (min/max) of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute extrema of the magnitudes of the vectors. More...
template<typename IterT >
math::Stats statistics (const IterT &iter, bool threaded=true)
 Iterate over a scalar grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute statistics of the magnitudes of the vectors. More...
template<typename IterT , typename ValueOp >
math::Extrema extrema (const IterT &iter, const ValueOp &op, bool threaded)
 Iterate over a grid and compute extrema (min/max) of the values produced by applying the given functor at each voxel that is visited. More...
template<typename IterT , typename ValueOp >
math::Stats statistics (const IterT &iter, const ValueOp &op, bool threaded)
 Iterate over a grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values produced by applying the given functor at each voxel that is visited. More...
template<typename OperatorT , typename IterT >
math::Stats opStatistics (const IterT &iter, const OperatorT &op=OperatorT(), bool threaded=true)
 Iterate over a grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values produced by applying a given operator (see math/Operators.h) at each voxel that is visited. More...
template<typename OperatorT , typename IterT >
math::Extrema opExtrema (const IterT &iter, const OperatorT &op=OperatorT(), bool threaded=true)
 Same as opStatistics except it returns a math::Extrema vs a math::Stats. More...
template<typename GridT >
GridT::template ValueConverter
< float >::Type::Ptr 
topologyToLevelSet (const GridT &grid, int halfWidth=3, int closingSteps=1, int dilation=0, int smoothingSteps=0)
 Compute the narrow-band signed distance to the interface between active and inactive voxels in the input grid. More...
template<typename GridT , typename InterrupterT >
GridT::template ValueConverter
< float >::Type::Ptr 
topologyToLevelSet (const GridT &grid, int halfWidth=3, int closingSteps=1, int dilation=0, int smoothingSteps=0, InterrupterT *interrupt=nullptr)
 Compute the narrow-band signed distance to the interface between active and inactive voxels in the input grid. More...
template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void foreach (const IterT &iter, XformOp &op, bool threaded=true, bool shareOp=true)
template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void foreach (const IterT &iter, const XformOp &op, bool threaded=true, bool shareOp=true)
template<typename InIterT , typename OutGridT , typename XformOp >
void transformValues (const InIterT &inIter, OutGridT &outGrid, XformOp &op, bool threaded=true, bool shareOp=true, MergePolicy merge=MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES)
template<typename InIterT , typename OutGridT , typename XformOp >
void transformValues (const InIterT &inIter, OutGridT &outGrid, const XformOp &op, bool threaded=true, bool shareOp=true, MergePolicy merge=MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES)
template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void accumulate (const IterT &iter, XformOp &op, bool threaded=true)
template<typename TreeT >
void setValueOnMin (TreeT &tree, const Coord &xyz, const typename TreeT::ValueType &value)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the minimum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void setValueOnMax (TreeT &tree, const Coord &xyz, const typename TreeT::ValueType &value)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the maximum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void setValueOnSum (TreeT &tree, const Coord &xyz, const typename TreeT::ValueType &value)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the sum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename TreeT >
void setValueOnMult (TreeT &tree, const Coord &xyz, const typename TreeT::ValueType &value)
 Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the product of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active. More...
template<typename GridType >
void transformVectors (GridType &, const Mat4d &)
 Apply an affine transform to the voxel values of a vector-valued grid in accordance with the grid's vector type (covariant, contravariant, etc.). More...
template<typename GridType >
void volumeToMesh (const GridType &grid, std::vector< Vec3s > &points, std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, double isovalue=0.0)
 Uniformly mesh any scalar grid that has a continuous isosurface. More...
template<typename GridType >
void volumeToMesh (const GridType &grid, std::vector< Vec3s > &points, std::vector< Vec3I > &triangles, std::vector< Vec4I > &quads, double isovalue=0.0, double adaptivity=0.0, bool relaxDisorientedTriangles=true)
 Adaptively mesh any scalar grid that has a continuous isosurface. More...
Vec3d findFeaturePoint (const std::vector< Vec3d > &points, const std::vector< Vec3d > &normals)
 Given a set of tangent elements, points with corresponding normals, this method returns the intersection point of all tangent elements. More...
template<typename GridT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void fillWithSpheres (const GridT &grid, std::vector< openvdb::Vec4s > &spheres, const Vec2i &sphereCount=Vec2i(1, 50), bool overlapping=false, float minRadius=1.0, float maxRadius=std::numeric_limits< float >::max(), float isovalue=0.0, int instanceCount=10000, InterrupterT *interrupter=nullptr)
 Fill a closed level set or fog volume with adaptively-sized spheres. More...

Typedef Documentation

template<typename TreeT >
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::CsgIntersectionOp = typedef CsgUnionOrIntersectionOp<TreeT, false>

Definition at line 269 of file Merge.h.

template<typename TreeT >
using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::CsgUnionOp = typedef CsgUnionOrIntersectionOp<TreeT, true>

Definition at line 266 of file Merge.h.

Point index grid.

Definition at line 60 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

Point index tree configured to match the default OpenVDB tree configuration.

Definition at line 57 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

using openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::PointList = typedef std::unique_ptr<openvdb::Vec3s[]>

Point and primitive list types.

Definition at line 160 of file VolumeToMesh.h.

Point and primitive list types.

Definition at line 161 of file VolumeToMesh.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

Polygon flags, used for reference based meshing.


Definition at line 98 of file VolumeToMesh.h.

We currrently support the following operations when compositing sparse data into a dense grid.


Definition at line 149 of file DenseSparseTools.h.

Fast Sweeping update mode. This is useful to determine narrow-band extension or field extension in one side of a signed distance field.


Update all voxels affected by the sweeping algorithm.


Definition at line 66 of file FastSweeping.h.

Different staregies how to determine sign of an SDF when using interior test.


Evaluates interior test at every voxel. This is usefull when we rebuild already existing SDF where evaluating previous grid is cheap


Evaluates interior test at least once per tile and flood fills within the tile.

Definition at line 83 of file MeshToVolume.h.

We currently support the following two 3D memory layouts for dense volumes: XYZ, i.e. x is the fastest moving index, and ZYX, i.e. z is the fastest moving index. The ZYX memory layout leads to nested for-loops of the order x, y, z, which we find to be the most intuitive. Hence, ZYX is the layout used throughout VDB. However, other data structures, e.g. Houdini and Maya, employ the XYZ layout. Clearly a dense volume with the ZYX layout converts more efficiently to a VDB, but we support both for convenience.


Definition at line 68 of file Dense.h.

Mesh to volume conversion flags.


Switch from the default signed distance field conversion that classifies regions as either inside or outside the mesh boundary to a unsigned distance field conversion that only computes distance values. This conversion type does not require a closed watertight mesh.


Disable the cleanup step that removes voxels created by self intersecting portions of the mesh.


Disable the distance renormalization step that smooths out bumps caused by self intersecting or overlapping portions of the mesh


Disable the cleanup step that removes active voxels that exceed the narrow band limits. (Only relevant for small limits)

Definition at line 59 of file MeshToVolume.h.

Voxel topology of nearest neighbors.


face adjacency (6 nearest neighbors, defined as all neighbor voxels connected along one of the primary axes)


face and edge adjacency (18 nearest neighbors, defined as all neighbor voxels connected along either one or two of the primary axes)

face, edge and vertex adjacency (26 nearest neighbors, defined as all neighbor voxels connected along either one, two or all three of the primary axes)

Definition at line 59 of file Morphology.h.

Different policies when dilating trees with active tiles.


Active tiles are ignores. For dilation, only active voxels are dilated. For erosion, active tiles still appear as neighboring activity however will themselves not be eroded.


For dilation and erosion, active tiles are voxelized (expanded), dilated or eroded and left in their voxelized state irrespective of their final state.

For dilation, active tiles remain unchanged but they still contribute to the dilation as if they were active voxels. For erosion, active tiles are only eroded should the erosion wavefront reach them, otherwise they are left unchanged. Additionally, dense or empty nodes with constant values are pruned.

Definition at line 81 of file Morphology.h.

Function Documentation

MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::Abs ( const MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData &  x)

Definition at line 3920 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::accumulate ( const IterT &  iter,
XformOp &  op,
bool  threaded = true 

Iterate over a grid and at each step call op(iter). If threading is enabled, call op.join(otherOp) to accumulate intermediate results from pairs of threads.

iteran iterator over a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::NodeIter, etc.)
opa functor with a join method of the form void join(XformOp&) and a call method of the form void op(const IterT&), where IterT is the type of iter
threadedif true, transform multiple values of the grid in parallel
If threaded is true, each thread gets its own copy of the original functor. The order in which threads are joined is unspecified.
If threaded is false, the join method is never called.
Compute the average of the active values of a scalar, floating-point grid using the math::Stats class.
namespace {
struct Average {
math::Stats stats;
// Accumulate voxel and tile values into this functor's Stats object.
inline void operator()(const FloatGrid::ValueOnCIter& iter) {
if (iter.isVoxelValue()) stats.add(*iter);
else stats.add(*iter, iter.getVoxelCount());
// Accumulate another functor's Stats object into this functor's.
inline void join(Average& other) { stats.add(other.stats); }
// Return the cumulative result.
inline double average() const { return stats.mean(); }
FloatGrid grid = ...;
Average op;
tools::accumulate(grid.cbeginValueOn(), op);
double average = op.average();
For more complex operations that require finer control over threading, consider using tbb::parallel_for() or tbb::parallel_reduce() in conjunction with a tree::IteratorRange that wraps a grid or tree iterator.

Definition at line 681 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename GridOrTree >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::activate ( GridOrTree &  gridOrTree,
const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &  value,
const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &  tolerance = zeroVal<typename GridOrTree::ValueType>(),
const bool  threaded = true 

Mark as active any inactive tiles or voxels in the given grid or tree whose values are equal to value (optionally to within the given tolerance).

Definition at line 175 of file Activate.h.

template<typename TreeT >
std::vector< TileData< typename TreeT::ValueType > > openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::activeTiles ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Return a vector with bounding boxes that represents all the intersections between active tiles in the tree and the specified bounding box.

For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call count(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active tiles.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active tiles.

Definition at line 689 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename TreeT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::anyActiveTiles ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active tiles in a tree, i.e. ignores active leaf values.

For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call anyActiveTiles(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active tiles.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active tiles.

Definition at line 663 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename TreeT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::anyActiveValues ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active values in a tree, i.e. either active voxels or active tiles.

For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call anyActiveValues(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active values.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active values.

Definition at line 645 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename TreeT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::anyActiveVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Returns true if the bounding box intersects any of the active voxels in a tree, i.e. ignores active tile values.

In VDB voxels by definition reside in the leaf nodes ONLY. So this method ignores active tile values that reside higher up in the VDB tree structure.
For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call anyActiveVoxels(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active voxels.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active voxels.

Definition at line 654 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::changeAsymmetricLevelSetBackground ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  outsideWidth,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  insideWidth,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 32 

Replace the background values in all the nodes of a floating-point tree containing a possibly asymmetric narrow-band level set.

All inactive values will be set to +| outsideWidth | if outside and -| insideWidth | if inside, where outsideWidth is the outside width of the narrow band and insideWidth is its inside width.

This method is faster than changeBackground since it does not perform tests to see if inactive values are equal to the old background value.
If a LeafManager is used the cached leaf nodes are reused, resulting in slightly better overall performance.
treeTree (or LeafManager) that will have its background value changed
outsideWidthThe width of the outside of the narrow band
insideWidthThe width of the inside of the narrow band
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 32)
ValueErrorif outsideWidth is negative or insideWidth is not negative (as defined by math::isNegative)

Definition at line 218 of file ChangeBackground.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::changeBackground ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  background,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 32 

Replace the background value in all the nodes of a tree.

The sign of the background value is preserved, and only inactive values equal to the old background value are replaced.

If a LeafManager is used the cached leaf nodes are reused, resulting in slightly better overall performance.
treeTree (or LeafManager) that will have its background value changed
backgroundthe new background value
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 32)

Definition at line 204 of file ChangeBackground.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::changeLevelSetBackground ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  halfWidth,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 32 

Replace the background value in all the nodes of a floating-point tree containing a symmetric narrow-band level set.

All inactive values will be set to +| halfWidth | if outside and -| halfWidth | if inside, where halfWidth is half the width of the symmetric narrow band.

This method is faster than changeBackground since it does not perform tests to see if inactive values are equal to the old background value.
If a LeafManager is used the cached leaf nodes are reused, resulting in slightly better overall performance.
treeTree (or LeafManager) that will have its background value changed
halfWidthhalf of the width of the symmetric narrow band
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 32)
ValueErrorif halfWidth is negative (as defined by math::isNegative)

Definition at line 234 of file ChangeBackground.h.

template<class GridType >
std::string openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::checkFogVolume ( const GridType &  grid,
size_t  number = 6 

Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid fog volume.

gridGrid to be checked
numberNumber of the checks to be performed (see below)
string with a message indicating the nature of the issue. If no issue is detected the return string is empty.

number refers to the following ordered list of checks - always starting from the top. Fast checks 1: value type is floating point 2: has FOG volume class type 3: background value is zero

Slower checks 4: all the values are finite, i.e not NaN or infinite 5: inactive values are zero 6: active values are in the range [0,1]

Definition at line 1086 of file Diagnostics.h.

template<class GridType >
std::string openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::checkLevelSet ( const GridType &  grid,
size_t  number = 9 

Perform checks on a grid to see if it is a valid symmetric, narrow-band level set.

gridGrid to be checked
numberNumber of the checks to be performed (see below)
string with a message indicating the nature of the issue. If no issue is detected the return string is empty.

number refers to the following ordered list of checks - always starting from the top. Fast checks 1: value type is floating point 2: has level set class type 3: has uniform scale 4: background value is positive and n*dx

Slower checks 5: no active tiles 6: all the values are finite, i.e not NaN or infinite 7: active values in range between +-background 8: abs of inactive values = background, i.e. assuming a symmetric narrow band!

Relatively slow check (however multithreaded) 9: norm gradient is close to one, i.e. satisfied the Eikonal equation.

Definition at line 950 of file Diagnostics.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::clip ( const GridType &  grid,
const BBoxd &  bbox,
bool  keepInterior = true 

Clip the given grid against a world-space bounding box and return a new grid containing the result.

gridthe grid to be clipped
bboxa world-space bounding box
keepInteriorif true, discard voxels that lie outside the bounding box; if false, discard voxels that lie inside the bounding box
Clipping a level set will likely produce a grid that is no longer a valid level set.

Definition at line 352 of file Clip.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::clip ( const GridType &  grid,
const math::NonlinearFrustumMap &  frustum,
bool  keepInterior = true 

Clip the given grid against a frustum and return a new grid containing the result.

gridthe grid to be clipped
frustuma frustum map
keepInteriorif true, discard voxels that lie outside the frustum; if false, discard voxels that lie inside the frustum
Clipping a level set will likely produce a grid that is no longer a valid level set.

Definition at line 404 of file Clip.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskTreeType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::clip ( const GridType &  grid,
const Grid< MaskTreeType > &  mask,
bool  keepInterior = true 

Clip a grid against the active voxels of another grid and return a new grid containing the result.

gridthe grid to be clipped
maska grid whose active voxels form a boolean clipping mask
keepInteriorif true, discard voxels that do not intersect the mask; if false, discard voxels that intersect the mask

The mask grid need not have the same transform as the source grid. Also, if the mask grid is a level set, consider using tools::sdfInteriorMask to construct a new mask comprising the interior (rather than the narrow band) of the level set.

Clipping a level set will likely produce a grid that is no longer a valid level set.
template<typename TreeT , typename OpT = composite::CopyOp<TreeT>>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compActiveLeafVoxels ( TreeT &  srcTree,
TreeT &  dstTree,
OpT  op = composite::CopyOp<TreeT>() 

Composite the active values in leaf nodes, i.e. active voxels, of a source tree into a destination tree.

srcTreesource tree from which active voxels are composited.
dstTreedestination tree into which active voxels are composited.
opa functor of the form void op(T& dst, const T& src), where T is the ValueType of the tree, that composites a source value into a destination value. By default it copies the value from src to dst.

All active voxels in the source tree will be active in the destination tree, and their value is determined by a use-defined functor (OpT op) that operates on the source and destination values. The only exception is when the tree type is MaskTree, in which case no functor is needed since by defintion a MaskTree has no values (only topology).

This function only operated on leaf node values, i.e. tile values are ignored.

Definition at line 999 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compDiv ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b 

Given grids A and B, compute a / b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty.

Definition at line 815 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compMax ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b 

Given grids A and B, compute max(a, b) per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty.

Definition at line 748 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compMin ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b 

Given grids A and B, compute min(a, b) per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty.

Definition at line 764 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compMul ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b 

Given grids A and B, compute a * b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty.

Definition at line 795 of file Composite.h.

template<DSCompositeOp , typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compositeToDense ( Dense< typename TreeT::ValueType, LayoutZYX > &  dense,
const TreeT &  source,
const TreeT &  alpha,
const typename TreeT::ValueType  beta,
const typename TreeT::ValueType  strength,
bool  threaded = true 

Composite data from a sparse tree into a dense array of the same value type.

denseDense grid to be altered by the operation
sourceSparse data to composite into dense
alphaSparse Alpha mask used in compositing operations.
betaConstant multiplier on src
strengthConstant multiplier on alpha
threadedEnable threading for this operation.

Definition at line 1162 of file DenseSparseTools.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compReplace ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
const GridOrTreeT &  b 

Copy the active voxels of B into A.

Definition at line 860 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::compSum ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b 

Given grids A and B, compute a + b per voxel (using sparse traversal). Store the result in the A grid and leave the B grid empty.

Definition at line 780 of file Composite.h.

template<typename Vec3GridT >
Vec3GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::computePotentialFlow ( const typename VectorToScalarGrid< Vec3GridT >::Type &  potential,
const Vec3GridT &  neumann,
const typename Vec3GridT::ValueType  backgroundVelocity = zeroVal<typename Vec3GridT::TreeType::ValueType>() 

Compute a vector Flow Field comprising the gradient of the potential with Neumann boundary conditions applied.

potentialscalar potential, typically computed from computeScalarPotential()
neumannthe topology of this grid defines where the solid boundaries are and grid values give the Neumann boundaries that should be applied there
backgroundVelocitya background velocity value

Definition at line 335 of file PotentialFlow.h.

template<typename Vec3GridT , typename MaskT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
VectorToScalarGrid< Vec3GridT >::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::computeScalarPotential ( const MaskT &  domain,
const Vec3GridT &  neumann,
math::pcg::State &  state,
InterrupterT *  interrupter = nullptr 

Compute the Potential on the domain using the Neumann boundary conditions on solid boundaries.

domaina mask to represent the domain in which to perform the solve
neumannthe topology of this grid defines where the solid boundaries are and grid values give the Neumann boundaries that should be applied there
statethe solver parameters for computing the solution
interrupterpointer to an optional interrupter adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface

On input, the State object should specify convergence criteria (minimum error and maximum number of iterations); on output, it gives the actual termination conditions.

Definition at line 305 of file PotentialFlow.h.

template<typename DenseT , typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::copyFromDense ( const DenseT &  dense,
GridOrTreeT &  sparse,
const typename GridOrTreeT::ValueType &  tolerance,
bool  serial = false 

Populate a sparse grid with the values of all of the voxels of a dense grid.

densethe dense grid from which to copy values
sparsean OpenVDB grid or tree into which to copy values
tolerancevalues in the dense grid that are within this tolerance of the sparse grid's background value become inactive background voxels or tiles in the sparse grid
serialif false, process voxels in parallel

Definition at line 568 of file Dense.h.

template<typename DenseT , typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::copyToDense ( const GridOrTreeT &  sparse,
DenseT &  dense,
bool  serial = false 

Populate a dense grid with the values of voxels from a sparse grid, where the sparse grid intersects the dense grid.

sparsean OpenVDB grid or tree from which to copy values
densethe dense grid into which to copy values
serialif false, process voxels in parallel

Definition at line 421 of file Dense.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveLeafVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of active voxels stored in leaf nodes.

Definition at line 436 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveLeafVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of active voxels stored in leaf nodes that intersects a bounding box.

Definition at line 447 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveTiles ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of active tiles in the tree.

Definition at line 482 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveValues ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Returns the number of active values that intersects a bounding box intersects, i.e. the count includes both active voxels and virtual voxels in active tiles.

For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call count(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active values.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active values.

Definition at line 681 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of active voxels in the tree.

Definition at line 413 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countActiveVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of active voxels in the tree that intersects a bounding box.

Definition at line 423 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countInactiveLeafVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of inactive voxels stored in leaf nodes.

Definition at line 471 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::countInactiveVoxels ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total number of inactive voxels in the tree.

Definition at line 461 of file Count.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
ScalarToVectorConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::cpt ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the Closest-Point Transform (CPT) from a distance field.

a new vector-valued grid with the same numerical precision as the input grid (for example, if the input grid is a DoubleGrid, the output grid will be a Vec3DGrid)

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 952 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
ScalarToVectorConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::cpt ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 960 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
ScalarToVectorConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::cpt ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 64 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
ScalarToVectorConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::cpt ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 71 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename VecType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetBox ( const math::BBox< VecType > &  bbox,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
typename VecType::ValueType  halfWidth = LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a box.

bboxa bounding box in world units
xformworld-to-index-space transform
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units

Definition at line 4418 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetCube ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a cube.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 143 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetCube ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a cube.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 164 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetDodecahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a dodecahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 233 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetDodecahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a dodecahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 254 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetIcosahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an icosahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 278 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetIcosahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an icosahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 299 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetOctahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an octahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 188 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetOctahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of an octahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 209 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetPlatonic ( int  faceCount,
float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a platonic solid.

faceCountnumber of faces of the platonic solid, i.e. 4, 6, 8, 12 or 20
scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface


GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 313 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetPlatonic ( int  faceCount,
float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a platonic solid.

faceCountnumber of faces of the platonic solid, i.e. 4, 6, 8, 12 or 20
scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units


GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 72 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetSphere ( float  radius,
const openvdb::Vec3f &  center,
float  voxelSize,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr,
bool  threaded = true 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a sphere.

radiusradius of the sphere in world units
centercenter of the sphere in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
threadedif true multi-threading is enabled (true by default)
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.
The leapfrog algorithm employed in this method is best suited for a single large sphere. For multiple small spheres consider using the faster algorithm in ParticlesToLevelSet.h

Definition at line 220 of file LevelSetSphere.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetSphere ( float  radius,
const openvdb::Vec3f &  center,
float  voxelSize,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
bool  threaded = true 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a sphere.

radiusradius of the sphere in world units
centercenter of the sphere in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
threadedif true multi-threading is enabled (true by default)
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.
The leapfrog algorithm employed in this method is best suited for a single large sphere. For multiple small spheres consider using the faster algorithm in ParticlesToLevelSet.h

Definition at line 71 of file LevelSetSphere.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetTetrahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
InterruptT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a tetrahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
interrupta pointer adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 97 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createLevelSetTetrahedron ( float  scale = 1.0f,
const Vec3f &  center = Vec3f(0.0f),
float  voxelSize = 0.1f,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Return a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of a tetrahedron.

scalescale of the platonic solid in world units
centercenter of the platonic solid in world units
voxelSizevoxel size in world units
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units
GridType::ValueType must be a floating-point scalar.

Definition at line 119 of file LevelSetPlatonic.h.

template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createPointIndexGrid ( const PointArrayT &  points,
double  voxelSize 

Partition points into a point index grid to accelerate range and nearest-neighbor searches.

pointsworld-space point array conforming to the PointArray interface
voxelSizevoxel size in world units

Definition at line 1295 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createPointIndexGrid ( const PointArrayT &  points,
const math::Transform xform 

Partition points into a point index grid to accelerate range and nearest-neighbor searches.

pointsworld-space point array conforming to the PointArray interface
xformworld-to-index-space transform

Definition at line 1279 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

template<typename PointListT >
MaskGrid::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createPointMask ( const PointListT &  points,
const math::Transform xform 

Return a MaskGrid where each binary voxel value is on if the voxel contains one (or more) points (i.e. the 3D position of a point is closer to this voxel than any other voxels).

pointspoints that active the voxels in the returned grid.
xformtransform from world space to voxels in grid space.

Definition at line 94 of file PointsToMask.h.

template<typename GridT , typename MaskT = typename GridT::template ValueConverter<ValueMask>::Type>
MaskT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createPotentialFlowMask ( const GridT &  grid,
int  dilation = 5 

Construct a mask for the Potential Flow domain.

For a level set, this represents a rebuilt exterior narrow band. For any other grid it is a new region that surrounds the active voxels.

gridsource grid to use for computing the mask
dilationdilation in voxels of the source grid to form the new potential flow mask

Definition at line 215 of file PotentialFlow.h.

template<typename Vec3T , typename GridT , typename MaskT >
GridT::template ValueConverter< Vec3T >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::createPotentialFlowNeumannVelocities ( const GridT &  collider,
const MaskT &  domain,
const typename GridT::template ValueConverter< Vec3T >::Type::ConstPtr  boundaryVelocity,
const Vec3T &  backgroundVelocity 

Create a Potential Flow velocities grid for the Neumann boundary.

collidera level set that represents the boundary
domaina mask to represent the potential flow domain
boundaryVelocityan optional grid pointer to stores the velocities of the boundary
backgroundVelocitya background velocity value

Typically this method involves supplying a velocity grid for the collider boundary, however it can also be used for a global wind field around the collider by supplying an empty boundary Velocity and a non-zero background velocity.

Definition at line 241 of file PotentialFlow.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgDifference ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b,
bool  prune = true,
bool  pruneCancelledTiles = false 

Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the difference A / B.

ValueErrorif the background value of either grid is not greater than zero.
This operation always leaves the B grid empty.
cancelled tiles only pruned if pruning is also enabled.

Definition at line 918 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgDifferenceCopy ( const GridOrTreeT &  a,
const GridOrTreeT &  b 

Threaded CSG difference operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs.

The CSG difference of the and level set inputs.

Definition at line 963 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgIntersection ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b,
bool  prune = true,
bool  pruneCancelledTiles = false 

Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the intersection of A and B.

ValueErrorif the background value of either grid is not greater than zero.
This operation always leaves the B grid empty.
cancelled tiles only pruned if pruning is also enabled.

Definition at line 902 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgIntersectionCopy ( const GridOrTreeT &  a,
const GridOrTreeT &  b 

Threaded CSG intersection operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs.

The CSG intersection of the and level set inputs.

Definition at line 949 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgUnion ( GridOrTreeT &  a,
GridOrTreeT &  b,
bool  prune = true,
bool  pruneCancelledTiles = false 

Given two level set grids, replace the A grid with the union of A and B.

ValueErrorif the background value of either grid is not greater than zero.
This operation always leaves the B grid empty.
cancelled tiles only pruned if pruning is also enabled.

Definition at line 886 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeT >
GridOrTreeT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::csgUnionCopy ( const GridOrTreeT &  a,
const GridOrTreeT &  b 

Threaded CSG union operation that produces a new grid or tree from immutable inputs.

The CSG union of the and level set inputs.

Definition at line 935 of file Composite.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::curl ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the curl of the given vector-valued grid.

a new vector-valued grid

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 968 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::curl ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 976 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::curl ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 92 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::curl ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 99 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridOrTree >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::deactivate ( GridOrTree &  gridOrTree,
const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &  value,
const typename GridOrTree::ValueType &  tolerance = zeroVal<typename GridOrTree::ValueType>(),
const bool  threaded = true 

Mark as inactive any active tiles or voxels in the given grid or tree whose values are equal to value (optionally to within the given tolerance).

Definition at line 199 of file Activate.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::dilateActiveValues ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const int  iterations = 1,
const NearestNeighbors  nn = NN_FACE,
const TilePolicy  mode = PRESERVE_TILES,
const bool  threaded = true 

Topologically dilate all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three nearest neighbor connectivity patterns.

If the input is not a MaskTree OR if tiles are being preserved, this algorithm will copy the input tree topology onto a MaskTree, performs the dilation on the mask and copies the resulting topology back. This algorithm guarantees topology preservation (non-pruned leaf nodes will persists) EXCEPT for direct MaskTree dilation. MaskTree dilation is optimised for performance and may replace existing leaf nodes i.e. any held leaf node pointers may become invalid. See the Morphology class for more granular control.

This method is fully multi-threaded and support active tiles, however only the PRESERVE_TILES policy ensures a pruned topology. The values of any voxels are unchanged.
treetree or leaf manager to be dilated. The leaf manager will be synchronized with the result.
iterationsnumber of iterations to apply the dilation
nnconnectivity pattern of the dilation: either face-adjacent (6 nearest neighbors), face- and edge-adjacent (18 nearest neighbors) or face-, edge- and vertex-adjacent (26 nearest neighbors).
modeDefined the policy for handling active tiles (see above for details)
threadedWhether to multi-thread execution

Definition at line 1056 of file Morphology.h.

template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::dilateSdf ( const GridT &  sdfGrid,
int  dilation,
NearestNeighbors  nn = NN_FACE,
int  nIter = 1,
FastSweepingDomain  mode = FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL 

Dilates the narrow band of an existing signed distance field by a specified number of voxels (like adding "onion-rings").

This operation is not to be confused with morphological dilation of a level set, which is implemented in LevelSetFilter::offset, and involves actual interface tracking of the narrow band.
A shared pointer to the dilated signed distance field.
sdfGridInput signed distance field to be dilated.
dilationNumer of voxels that the narrow band of the input SDF will be dilated.
nnStencil-pattern used for dilation
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
modeDetermines the direction of the dilation. SWEEP_ALL will dilate in both sides of the signed distance function, SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE will dilate in the positive side of the iso-surface, SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE will dilate in the negative side of the iso-surface.

Topology will change as a result of this dilation. E.g. if sdfGrid has a width of 3 and dilation = 6 then the grid returned by this method is a narrow band signed distance field with a total width of 9 units.

Definition at line 1923 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
VectorToScalarConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::divergence ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the divergence of the given vector-valued grid.

a new scalar-valued grid with the same numerical precision as the input grid (for example, if the input grid is a Vec3DGrid, the output grid will be a DoubleGrid)

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 984 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
VectorToScalarConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::divergence ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 993 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
VectorToScalarConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::divergence ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 121 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
VectorToScalarConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::divergence ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 128 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename Sampler , typename Interrupter , typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::doResampleToMatch ( const GridType &  inGrid,
GridType &  outGrid,
Interrupter &  interrupter 

The normal entry points for resampling are the resampleToMatch() functions, which correctly handle level set grids under scaling and shearing. doResampleToMatch() is mainly for internal use but is typically faster for level sets, and correct provided that no scaling or shearing is needed.

Do not use this function to scale or shear a level set grid.

Definition at line 433 of file GridTransformer.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::erodeActiveValues ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const int  iterations = 1,
const NearestNeighbors  nn = NN_FACE,
const TilePolicy  mode = PRESERVE_TILES,
const bool  threaded = true 

Topologically erode all active values (i.e. both voxels and tiles) in a tree using one of three nearest neighbor connectivity patterns.

If tiles are being preserve, this algorithm will copy the input tree topology onto a MaskTree, performs the erosion on the mask and intersects the resulting topology back. This algorithm guarantees topology preservation (non-pruned leaf nodes will persists). See the Morphology class for more granular control.

This method is fully multi-threaded and support active tiles, however only the PRESERVE_TILES policy ensures a pruned topology. The values of any voxels are unchanged. Erosion by NN_FACE neighbors is usually faster than other neighbor schemes. NN_FACE_EDGE and NN_FACE_EDGE_VERTEX operate at comparable dilation speeds.
treetree or leaf manager to be eroded. The leaf manager will be synchronized with the result.
iterationsnumber of iterations to apply the erosion
nnconnectivity pattern of the erosion: either face-adjacent (6 nearest neighbors), face- and edge-adjacent (18 nearest neighbors) or face-, edge- and vertex-adjacent (26 nearest neighbors).
modeDefined the policy for handling active tiles (see above for details)
threadedWhether to multi-thread execution

Definition at line 1133 of file Morphology.h.

template<typename FloatTreeT , typename InteriorTest >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::evaluateInteriorTest ( FloatTreeT &  tree,
InteriorTest  interiorTest,
InteriorTestStrategy  interiorTestStrategy 

Sets the sign of voxel values of tree based on the interiorTest

Inside is set to positive and outside to negative. This is in reverse to the usual level set convention, but meshToVolume uses the opposite convention at certain point.

InteriorTest has to be a function Coord -> bool which evaluates true inside of the mesh and false outside.

Furthermore, InteriorTest does not have to be thread-safe, but it has to be copy constructible and evaluating different coppy has to be thread-safe.

Example of a interior test

auto acc = tree->getAccessor();

auto test = [acc = grid.getConstAccessor()](const Cood& coord) -> bool { return acc->get(coord) <= 0 ? true : false; }

Definition at line 3252 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extractActiveVoxelSegmentMasks ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr > &  masks 

Return a mask for each connected component of the given grid's active voxels.

volumeInput grid or tree
masksOutput set of disjoint active topology masks sorted in descending order based on the active voxel count.

Definition at line 2339 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeType >
GridOrTreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extractEnclosedRegion ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType  isovalue = lsutilGridZero<GridOrTreeType>(),
const typename TreeAdapter< GridOrTreeType >::TreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type *  fillMask = nullptr 

Extracts the interior regions of a signed distance field and topologically enclosed (watertight) regions of value greater than the isovalue (cavities) that can arise as the result of CSG union operations between different shapes where at least one of the shapes has a concavity that is capped.

For example the enclosed region of a capped bottle would include the walls and the interior cavity.

A shared pointer to either a boolean grid or tree with the same tree configuration and potentially transform as the input volume and whose active and true values correspond to the interior and enclosed regions in the input signed distance field.
volumeSigned distance field / level set volume.
isovalueThreshold below which values are considered part of the interior region.
fillMaskOptional boolean tree, when provided enclosed cavity regions that are not completely filled by this mask are ignored.

For instance if the fill mask does not completely fill the bottle in the previous example only the walls and cap are returned and the interior cavity will be ignored.

Definition at line 2290 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeType >
GridOrTreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extractIsosurfaceMask ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType  isovalue 

Return a mask of the voxels that intersect the implicit surface with the given isovalue.

volumeSigned distance field / level set volume.
isovalueThe crossing point that is considered the surface.

Definition at line 2315 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename OpType , typename DenseType >
OpType::ResultTreeType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extractSparseTree ( const DenseType &  dense,
const OpType &  functor,
const typename OpType::ResultValueType &  background,
bool  threaded = true 

Selectively extract and transform data from a dense grid, producing a sparse tree with leaf nodes only (e.g. create a tree from the square of values greater than a cutoff.)

denseA dense grid that acts as a data source
functorA functor that selects and transforms data for output
backgroundThe background value of the resulting sparse grid
threadedOption to use threaded or serial code path
Ptr to tree with the valuetype and configuration defined by typedefs in the functor.
To achieve optimal sparsity consider calling the prune() method on the result.
To simply copy the all the data from a Dense grid to a OpenVDB Grid, use tools::copyFromDense() for better performance.

The type of the sparse tree is determined by the specified OtpType functor by means of the typedef OptType::ResultTreeType

The OptType function is responsible for the the transformation of dense grid data to sparse grid data on a per-voxel basis.

Only leaf nodes with active values will be added to the sparse grid.

The OpType must struct that defines a the minimal form

struct ExampleOp
using ResultTreeType = DesiredTreeType;
template<typename IndexOrCoord>
void OpType::operator() (const DenseValueType a, const IndexOrCoord& ijk,
ResultTreeType::LeafNodeType* leaf);

For example, to generate a <ValueType, 5, 4, 3> tree with valuesOn at locations greater than a given maskvalue

template<typename ValueType>
class Rule
// Standard tree type (e.g. MaskTree or FloatTree in openvdb.h)
using ResultTreeType = typename openvdb::tree::Tree4<ValueType, 5, 4, 3>::Type;
using ResultLeafNodeType = typename ResultTreeType::LeafNodeType;
using ResultValueType = typename ResultTreeType::ValueType;
using DenseValueType = float;
Rule(const DenseValueType& value): mMaskValue(value){};
template<typename IndexOrCoord>
void operator()(const DenseValueType& a, const IndexOrCoord& offset,
ResultLeafNodeType* leaf) const
if (a > mMaskValue) {
leaf->setValueOn(offset, a);
const DenseValueType mMaskValue;

Definition at line 385 of file DenseSparseTools.h.

template<typename DenseType , typename MaskTreeType >
DSConverter< DenseType, MaskTreeType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extractSparseTreeWithMask ( const DenseType &  dense,
const MaskTreeType &  mask,
const typename DenseType::ValueType &  background,
bool  threaded = true 

Copy data from the intersection of a sparse tree and a dense input grid. The resulting tree has the same configuration as the sparse tree, but holds the data type specified by the dense input.

denseA dense grid that acts as a data source
maskThe active voxels and tiles intersected with dense define iteration mask
backgroundThe background value of the resulting sparse grid
threadedOption to use threaded or serial code path
Ptr to tree with the same configuration as mask but of value type defined by dense.

Definition at line 569 of file DenseSparseTools.h.

template<typename IterT >
math::Extrema openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extrema ( const IterT &  iter,
bool  threaded = true 

Iterate over a scalar grid and compute extrema (min/max) of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute extrema of the magnitudes of the vectors.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel

Definition at line 354 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename IterT , typename ValueOp >
math::Extrema openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::extrema ( const IterT &  iter,
const ValueOp &  op,
bool  threaded 

Iterate over a grid and compute extrema (min/max) of the values produced by applying the given functor at each voxel that is visited.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
opa functor of the form void op(const IterT&, math::Stats&), where IterT is the type of iter, that inserts zero or more floating-point values into the provided math::Stats object
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel
When threaded is true, each thread gets its own copy of the functor.
Compute statistics of just the active and positive-valued voxels of a scalar, floating-point grid.
struct Local {
static inline
void addIfPositive(const FloatGrid::ValueOnCIter& iter, math::Extrema& ex)
const float f = *iter;
if (f > 0.0) {
if (iter.isVoxelValue()) ex.add(f);
else ex.add(f, iter.getVoxelCount());
FloatGrid grid = ...;
math::Extrema stats =
tools::extrema(grid.cbeginValueOn(), Local::addIfPositive, /*threaded=*/true);

Definition at line 370 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename GridT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::fillWithSpheres ( const GridT &  grid,
std::vector< openvdb::Vec4s > &  spheres,
const Vec2i &  sphereCount = Vec2i(1, 50),
bool  overlapping = false,
float  minRadius = 1.0,
float  maxRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
float  isovalue = 0.0,
int  instanceCount = 10000,
InterrupterT *  interrupter = nullptr 

Fill a closed level set or fog volume with adaptively-sized spheres.

grida scalar grid that defines the surface to be filled with spheres
spheresan output array of 4-tuples representing the fitted spheres
The first three components of each tuple specify the sphere center, and the fourth specifies the radius. The spheres are ordered by radius, from largest to smallest.
sphereCountlower and upper bounds on the number of spheres to be generated
The actual number will be somewhere within the bounds.
overlappingtoggle to allow spheres to overlap/intersect
minRadiusthe smallest allowable sphere size, in voxel units
maxRadiusthe largest allowable sphere size, in voxel units
isovaluethe voxel value that determines the surface of the volume
The default value of zero works for signed distance fields, while fog volumes require a larger positive value (0.5 is a good initial guess).
instanceCountthe number of interior points to consider for the sphere placement
Increasing this count increases the chances of finding optimal sphere sizes.
interrupterpointer to an object adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
The minimum sphere count takes precedence over the minimum radius.

Definition at line 635 of file VolumeToSpheres.h.

Vec3d openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::findFeaturePoint ( const std::vector< Vec3d > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3d > &  normals 

Given a set of tangent elements, points with corresponding normals, this method returns the intersection point of all tangent elements.

Used to extract surfaces with sharp edges and corners from volume data, see the following paper for details: "Feature Sensitive Surface Extraction from Volume Data, Kobbelt et al. 2001".

Definition at line 279 of file VolumeToMesh.h.

template<typename T , Index Log2Dim, typename InteriorTest >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::floodFillLeafNode ( tree::LeafNode< T, Log2Dim > &  leafNode,
const InteriorTest &  interiorTest 

Definition at line 3146 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename FogGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::fogToExt ( const FogGridT &  fogGrid,
const ExtOpT &  op,
const ExtValueT &  background,
typename FogGridT::ValueType  isoValue,
int  nIter = 1,
FastSweepingDomain  mode = FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL,
const typename FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr  extGrid = nullptr 

Computes the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input FOG volume.

A shared pointer to the extension field defined from the active values in the input fog volume.
fogGridScalar (floating-point) volume from which an iso-surface can be defined.
opFunctor with signature [](const Vec3R &xyz)->ExtValueT that defines the Dirichlet boundary condition, on the iso-surface, of the field to be extended.
backgroundBackground value of return grid with the extension field.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in fogGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
modeDetermines the mode of updating the extension field. SWEEP_ALL will update all voxels of the extension field affected by the fast sweeping algorithm. SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to fog values that are greater than a given isovalue. SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to fog values that are less than a given isovalue. If a mode other than SWEEP_ALL is chosen, a user needs to supply extGrid.
extGridOptional parameter required to supply a default value for the extension field when SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE or SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE mode is picked for mode. When SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode, the extension field voxel will default to the value of the extGrid in that position if it corresponds to a fog value that is less than the isovalue. Otherwise, the extension field voxel value will be computed by the Fast Sweeping algorithm. The opposite convention is implemented when SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode.
Strictly speaking a fog volume is normalized to the range [0,1] but this method accepts a scalar volume with an arbritary range, as long as the it includes the isoValue.

Topology of output grid is identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grid!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in fogGrid then the returned grid has all its active values set to background.

Definition at line 1859 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::fogToSdf ( const GridT &  fogGrid,
typename GridT::ValueType  isoValue,
int  nIter = 1 

Converts a scalar fog volume into a signed distance function. Active input voxels with scalar values above the given isoValue will have NEGATIVE distance values on output, i.e. they are assumed to be INSIDE the iso-surface.

A shared pointer to a signed-distance field defined on the active values of the input fog volume.
fogGridScalar (floating-point) volume from which an iso-surface can be defined.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in fogGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
Strictly speaking a fog volume is normalized to the range [0,1] but this method accepts a scalar volume with an arbritary range, as long as the it includes the isoValue.

Topology of output grid is identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grid!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in fogGrid then the returned grid has all its active values set to plus or minus infinity, depending on if the input values are larger or smaller than isoValue.

Definition at line 1837 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename FogGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
std::pair< typename FogGridT::Ptr, typename FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::Ptr > openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::fogToSdfAndExt ( const FogGridT &  fogGrid,
const ExtOpT &  op,
const ExtValueT &  background,
typename FogGridT::ValueType  isoValue,
int  nIter = 1,
FastSweepingDomain  mode = FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL,
const typename FogGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr  extGrid = nullptr 

Computes the signed distance field and the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input FOG volume.

An pair of two shared pointers to respectively the SDF and extension field
fogGridScalar (floating-point) volume from which an iso-surface can be defined.
opFunctor with signature [](const Vec3R &xyz)->ExtValueT that defines the Dirichlet boundary condition, on the iso-surface, of the field to be extended.
backgroundBackground value of return grid with the extension field.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in fogGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
modeDetermines the mode of updating the extension field. SWEEP_ALL will update all voxels of the extension field affected by the fast sweeping algorithm. SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to fog values that are greater than a given isovalue. SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to fog values that are less than a given isovalue. If a mode other than SWEEP_ALL is chosen, a user needs to supply extGrid.
extGridOptional parameter required to supply a default value for the extension field when SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE or SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE mode is picked for mode. When SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode, the extension field voxel will default to the value of the extGrid in that position if it corresponds to a fog value that is less than the isovalue. Otherwise, the extension field voxel value will be computed by the Fast Sweeping algorithm. The opposite convention is implemented when SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode.
Strictly speaking a fog volume is normalized to the range [0,1] but this method accepts a scalar volume with an arbritary range, as long as the it includes the isoValue.

Topology of output grids are identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grids!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in fogGrid then a pair of the following grids is returned: The first is a signed distance grid with its active values set to plus or minus infinity depending of whether its input values are above or below isoValue. The second grid, which represents the extension field, has all its active values set to background.

Definition at line 1891 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::foreach ( const IterT &  iter,
XformOp &  op,
bool  threaded = true,
bool  shareOp = true 

Iterate over a grid and at each step call op(iter).

iteran iterator over a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::NodeIter, etc.)
opa functor of the form void op(const IterT&), where IterT is the type of iter
threadedif true, transform multiple values of the grid in parallel
shareOpif true and threaded is true, all threads use the same functor; otherwise, each thread gets its own copy of the original functor
Multiply all values (both set and unset) of a scalar, floating-point grid by two.
struct Local {
static inline void op(const FloatGrid::ValueAllIter& iter) {
iter.setValue(*iter * 2);
FloatGrid grid = ...;
tools::foreach(grid.beginValueAll(), Local::op);
Rotate all active vectors of a vector grid by 45 degrees about the y axis.
namespace {
struct MatMul {
MatMul(const math::Mat3s& mat): M(mat) {}
inline void operator()(const VectorGrid::ValueOnIter& iter) const {
VectorGrid grid = ...;
MatMul(math::rotation<math::Mat3s>(math::Y, openvdb::math::pi<double>()/4.0)));
For more complex operations that require finer control over threading, consider using tbb::parallel_for() or tbb::parallel_reduce() in conjunction with a tree::IteratorRange that wraps a grid or tree iterator.

Definition at line 380 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename IterT , typename XformOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::foreach ( const IterT &  iter,
const XformOp &  op,
bool  threaded = true,
bool  shareOp = true 

Definition at line 394 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::ConstPtr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::getValidPointIndexGrid ( const PointArrayT &  points,
const typename GridT::ConstPtr &  grid 

Repartition the points if needed, otherwise return the input grid.

Definition at line 1331 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

template<typename GridT , typename PointArrayT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::getValidPointIndexGrid ( const PointArrayT &  points,
const typename GridT::Ptr &  grid 

Repartition the points if needed, otherwise return the input grid.

Definition at line 1343 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
ScalarToVectorConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::gradient ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the gradient of the given scalar grid.

a new vector-valued grid with the same numerical precision as the input grid (for example, if the input grid is a DoubleGrid, the output grid will be a Vec3DGrid)

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 1001 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
ScalarToVectorConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::gradient ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 1010 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
ScalarToVectorConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::gradient ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 150 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
ScalarToVectorConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::gradient ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 157 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename IterT >
math::Histogram openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::histogram ( const IterT &  iter,
double  minVal,
double  maxVal,
size_t  numBins = 10,
bool  threaded = true 

Iterate over a scalar grid and compute a histogram of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute a histogram of the magnitudes of the vectors.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
minValthe smallest value that can be added to the histogram
maxValthe largest value that can be added to the histogram
numBinsthe number of histogram bins
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel

Definition at line 343 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::interiorMask ( const GridType &  grid,
const double  isovalue = 0.0 

Given an input grid of any type, return a new, boolean grid whose active voxel topology matches the input grid's or, if the input grid is a level set, matches the input grid's interior.

gridthe grid from which to construct a mask
isovaluefor a level set grid, the isovalue that defines the grid's interior
See Also

Definition at line 105 of file Mask.h.

template<typename PointArrayT , typename GridT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::isValidPartition ( const PointArrayT &  points,
const GridT &  grid 

Return true if the given point index grid represents a valid partitioning of the given point array.

pointsworld-space point array conforming to the PointArray interface
gridpoint index grid to validate

Definition at line 1304 of file PointIndexGrid.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::laplacian ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the Laplacian of the given scalar grid.

a new scalar grid

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 1018 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::laplacian ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 1027 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::laplacian ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 178 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::laplacian ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 185 of file GridOperators.h.

template<class GridType >
Real openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetArea ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  useWorldSpace = true 

Return the surface area of a narrow-band level set.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed level set surfaces
useWorldSpaceif true the area is computed in world space units, else in voxel units.
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point or not a level set or empty.
template<class GridT >
Real openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetArea ( const GridT &  grid,
bool  useWorldUnits 

Definition at line 432 of file LevelSetMeasure.h.

template<class GridType >
int openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetEulerCharacteristic ( const GridType &  grid)

Return the Euler Characteristics of a narrow-band level set surface (possibly disconnected).

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed level set surfaces
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point or not a level set or empty.
template<class GridT >
int openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetEulerCharacteristic ( const GridT &  grid)

Definition at line 499 of file LevelSetMeasure.h.

template<class GridType >
int openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetGenus ( const GridType &  grid)

Return the genus of a narrow-band level set surface.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed level set surfaces
The genus is only well defined for a single connected surface
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point or not a level set or empty.
template<class GridT >
int openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetGenus ( const GridT &  grid)

Definition at line 542 of file LevelSetMeasure.h.

template<class GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetRebuild ( const GridType &  grid,
float  isovalue = 0,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH),
const math::Transform xform = nullptr 

Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed isosurfaces at the given isovalue
isovaluethe isovalue that defines the implicit surface (defaults to zero, which is typical if the input grid is already a level set or a SDF).
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units (defaults to 3 voxels, which is required for some level set operations)
xformoptional transform for the output grid (if not provided, the transform of the input grid will be matched)
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point
If the input grid contains overlapping isosurfaces, interior edges will be lost.

Definition at line 354 of file LevelSetRebuild.h.

template<class GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetRebuild ( const GridType &  grid,
float  isovalue,
float  exBandWidth,
float  inBandWidth,
const math::Transform xform = nullptr 

Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed isosurfaces at the given isovalue
isovaluethe isovalue that defines the implicit surface
exBandWidththe exterior narrow-band width in voxel units
inBandWidththe interior narrow-band width in voxel units
xformoptional transform for the output grid (if not provided, the transform of the input grid will be matched)
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point
If the input grid contains overlapping isosurfaces, interior edges will be lost.

Definition at line 338 of file LevelSetRebuild.h.

template<class GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetRebuild ( const GridType &  grid,
float  isovalue,
float  exBandWidth,
float  inBandWidth,
const math::Transform xform = nullptr,
InterruptT *  interrupter = nullptr 

Return a new grid of type GridType that contains a narrow-band level set representation of an isosurface of a given grid.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed isosurfaces at the given isovalue
isovaluethe isovalue that defines the implicit surface
exBandWidththe exterior narrow-band width in voxel units
inBandWidththe interior narrow-band width in voxel units
xformoptional transform for the output grid (if not provided, the transform of the input grid will be matched)
interrupteroptional interrupter object
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point
If the input grid contains overlapping isosurfaces, interior edges will be lost.

Definition at line 323 of file LevelSetRebuild.h.

template<class GridType >
Real openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetVolume ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  useWorldSpace = true 

Return the volume of a narrow-band level set surface.

grida scalar, floating-point grid with one or more disjoint, closed level set surfaces
useWorldSpaceif true the volume is computed in world space units, else in voxel units.
TypeErrorif grid is not scalar or not floating-point or not a level set or empty.
template<class GridT >
Real openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::levelSetVolume ( const GridT &  grid,
bool  useWorldUnits 

Definition at line 465 of file LevelSetMeasure.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
VectorToScalarConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::magnitude ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the magnitudes of the vectors of the given vector-valued grid.

a new scalar-valued grid with the same numerical precision as the input grid (for example, if the input grid is a Vec3DGrid, the output grid will be a DoubleGrid)

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 1052 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
VectorToScalarConverter< GridType >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::magnitude ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 1061 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
VectorToScalarConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::magnitude ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 235 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
VectorToScalarConverter<GridType>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::magnitude ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 242 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename PointListT , typename GridT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::maskPoints ( const PointListT &  points,
GridT &  grid 

Makes every voxel of the grid active if it contains a point.

pointspoints that active the voxels of grid
gridon out its voxels with points are active

Definition at line 79 of file PointsToMask.h.

template<typename GridT , typename MaskTreeT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::maskSdf ( const GridT &  sdfGrid,
const Grid< MaskTreeT > &  mask,
bool  ignoreActiveTiles = false,
int  nIter = 1 

Fills mask by extending an existing signed distance field into the active values of this input ree of arbitrary value type.

A shared pointer to the masked signed distance field.
sdfGridInput signed distance field to be extended into the mask.
maskMask used to identify the topology of the output SDF. Note this mask is assume to overlap with the sdfGrid.
ignoreActiveTilesIf false, active tiles in the mask are treated as active voxels. Else they are ignored.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.

Topology of the output SDF is determined by the union of the active voxels (or optionally values) in sdfGrid and mask.

Definition at line 1936 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meanCurvature ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Compute the mean curvature of the given grid.

a new grid

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 1035 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meanCurvature ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 1044 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meanCurvature ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 206 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meanCurvature ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 213 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::memUsage ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the total amount of memory in bytes occupied by this tree.

This method returns the total in-core memory usage which can be different to the maximum possible memory usage for trees which have not been fully deserialized (via delay-loading). Thus, this is the current true memory consumption.

Definition at line 493 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
Index64 openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::memUsageIfLoaded ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the deserialized memory usage of this tree. This is not necessarily equal to the current memory usage (returned by tools::memUsage) if delay-loading is enabled. See File::open.

For numeric (non-point) grids this really doesn't need to traverse the tree and could instead be computed from the node counts. We do so anyway as it ties this method into the tree data structure which makes sure that changes to the tree/nodes are reflected/kept in sync here.
For numeric (non-point) grids this really doesn't need to traverse the tree and could instead be computed from the node counts. We do so anyway as it ties this method into the tree data structure which makes sure that changes to the tree/nodes are reflected/kept in sync here.

Definition at line 502 of file Count.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Convert a triangle mesh to a level set volume.

a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of the input mesh.
TypeErrorif GridType is not scalar or not floating-point
Requires a closed surface but not necessarily a manifold surface. Supports surfaces with self intersections and degenerate faces and is independent of mesh surface normals.
xformtransform for the output grid
pointslist of world space point positions
trianglestriangle index list
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units

Definition at line 3759 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion.

Definition at line 3772 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Convert a quad mesh to a level set volume.

a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of the input mesh.
TypeErrorif GridType is not scalar or not floating-point
Requires a closed surface but not necessarily a manifold surface. Supports surfaces with self intersections and degenerate faces and is independent of mesh surface normals.
xformtransform for the output grid
pointslist of world space point positions
quadsquad index list
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units

Definition at line 3787 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion.

Definition at line 3800 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Convert a triangle and quad mesh to a level set volume.

a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band level set representation of the input mesh.
TypeErrorif GridType is not scalar or not floating-point
Requires a closed surface but not necessarily a manifold surface. Supports surfaces with self intersections and degenerate faces and is independent of mesh surface normals.
xformtransform for the output grid
pointslist of world space point positions
trianglestriangle index list
quadsquad index list
halfWidthhalf the width of the narrow band, in voxel units

Definition at line 3815 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToLevelSet ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  halfWidth = float(LEVEL_SET_HALF_WIDTH) 

Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion.

Definition at line 3830 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToSignedDistanceField ( const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  exBandWidth,
float  inBandWidth 

Convert a triangle and quad mesh to a signed distance field with an asymmetrical narrow band.

a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band signed distance field representation of the input mesh.
TypeErrorif GridType is not scalar or not floating-point
Requires a closed surface but not necessarily a manifold surface. Supports surfaces with self intersections and degenerate faces and is independent of mesh surface normals.
xformtransform for the output grid
pointslist of world space point positions
trianglestriangle index list
quadsquad index list
exBandWidththe exterior narrow-band width in voxel units
inBandWidththe interior narrow-band width in voxel units

Definition at line 3845 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToSignedDistanceField ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  exBandWidth,
float  inBandWidth 

Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion.

Definition at line 3861 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToUnsignedDistanceField ( const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  bandWidth 

Convert a triangle and quad mesh to an unsigned distance field.

a grid of type GridType containing a narrow-band unsigned distance field representation of the input mesh.
TypeErrorif GridType is not scalar or not floating-point
Does not requires a closed surface.
xformtransform for the output grid
pointslist of world space point positions
trianglestriangle index list
quadsquad index list
bandWidththe width of the narrow band, in voxel units

Definition at line 3877 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename Interrupter >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToUnsignedDistanceField ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const openvdb::math::Transform &  xform,
const std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
const std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
const std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
float  bandWidth 

Adds support for a interrupter callback used to cancel the conversion.

Definition at line 3892 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MeshDataAdapter , typename InteriorTest = std::nullptr_t>
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToVolume ( const MeshDataAdapter mesh,
const math::Transform transform,
float  exteriorBandWidth = 3.0f,
float  interiorBandWidth = 3.0f,
int  flags = 0,
typename GridType::template ValueConverter< Int32 >::Type *  polygonIndexGrid = nullptr,
InteriorTest  interiorTest = nullptr,
InteriorTestStrategy  interiorTestStrat = EVAL_EVERY_VOXEL 

Definition at line 3637 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MeshDataAdapter , typename Interrupter , typename InteriorTest = std::nullptr_t>
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::meshToVolume ( Interrupter &  interrupter,
const MeshDataAdapter mesh,
const math::Transform transform,
float  exteriorBandWidth = 3.0f,
float  interiorBandWidth = 3.0f,
int  flags = 0,
typename GridType::template ValueConverter< Int32 >::Type *  polygonIndexGrid = nullptr,
InteriorTest  interiorTest = nullptr,
InteriorTestStrategy  interiorTestStrategy = EVAL_EVERY_VOXEL 

Convert polygonal meshes that consist of quads and/or triangles into signed or unsigned distance field volumes.

interruptera callback to interrupt the conversion process that conforms to the util::NullInterrupter interface
meshmesh data access class that conforms to the MeshDataAdapter interface
transformworld-to-index-space transform
exteriorBandWidthexterior narrow band width in voxel units
interiorBandWidthinterior narrow band width in voxel units (set this value to std::numeric_limits<float>::max() to fill interior regions with distance values)
flagsoptional conversion flags defined in MeshToVolumeFlags
polygonIndexGridoptional grid output that will contain the closest-polygon index for each voxel in the active narrow band region
interiorTestfunction Coord -> Bool that evaluates to true inside of the mesh and false outside, for more see evaluatInteriorTest
interiorTestStratdetermines how the interiorTest is used, see InteriorTestStrategy

If interior test is not provided

Do not fix intersecting voxels if we have evaluated interior test for every voxel.

interior test was provided i.e. not null

interior test was evaluated for every voxel

If interior test is not provided

Do not fix intersecting voxels if we have evaluated interior test for every voxel.

interior test was provided i.e. not null

interior test was evaluated for every voxel

Definition at line 3317 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename TreeT >
math::MinMax< typename TreeT::ValueType > openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::minMax ( const TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true 

Return the minimum and maximum active values in this tree.

Returns zeroVal<ValueType> for empty trees.

Definition at line 516 of file Count.h.

template<typename TreeT >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::noActiveValues ( const TreeT &  tree,
const CoordBBox &  bbox 

Returns true if the bounding box intersects none of the active values in a tree, i.e. neither active voxels or active tiles.

For repeated calls to this method consider instead creating an instance of FindActiveValues and then repeatedly call noActiveValues(). This assumes the tree to be constant between calls but is slightly faster.
treeconst tree to be tested for active values.
bboxindex bounding box which is intersected against the active values.

Definition at line 672 of file FindActiveValues.h.

template<typename GridType , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::normalize ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Normalize the vectors of the given vector-valued grid.

a new vector-valued grid

When a mask grid is specified, the solution is calculated only in the intersection of the mask active topology and the input active topology independent of the transforms associated with either grid.

Definition at line 1069 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT , typename InterruptT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::normalize ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded,
InterruptT *  interrupt 

Definition at line 1078 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::normalize ( const GridType &  grid,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 263 of file GridOperators.h.

template<typename GridType , typename MaskT >
GridType::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::normalize ( const GridType &  grid,
const MaskT &  mask,
bool  threaded = true 

Definition at line 270 of file GridOperators.h.

std::ostream& openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const MeshToVoxelEdgeData::EdgeData &  rhs 

Definition at line 3910 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename OperatorT , typename IterT >
math::Extrema openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::opExtrema ( const IterT &  iter,
const OperatorT &  op = OperatorT(),
bool  threaded = true 

Same as opStatistics except it returns a math::Extrema vs a math::Stats.

Definition at line 389 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename OperatorT , typename IterT >
math::Stats openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::opStatistics ( const IterT &  iter,
const OperatorT &  op = OperatorT(),
bool  threaded = true 

Iterate over a grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values produced by applying a given operator (see math/Operators.h) at each voxel that is visited.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
opan operator object with a method of the form double result(Accessor&, const Coord&)
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel
World-space operators, whose result() methods are of the form double result(const Map&, Accessor&, const Coord&), must be wrapped in a math::MapAdapter.
Vector-valued operators like math::Gradient must be wrapped in an adapter such as math::OpMagnitude.
Compute statistics of the magnitude of the gradient at the active voxels of a scalar, floating-point grid. (Note the use of the math::MapAdapter and math::OpMagnitude adapters.)
FloatGrid grid = ...;
// Assume that we know that the grid has a uniform scale map.
using MapType = math::UniformScaleMap;
// Specify a world-space gradient operator that uses first-order differencing.
using GradientOp = math::Gradient<MapType, math::FD_1ST>;
// Wrap the operator with an adapter that computes the magnitude of the gradient.
using MagnitudeOp = math::OpMagnitude<GradientOp, MapType>;
// Wrap the operator with an adapter that associates a map with it.
using CompoundOp = math::MapAdapter<MapType, GradientOp, double>;
if (MapType::Ptr map = grid.constTransform().constMap<MapType>()) {
math::Stats stats = tools::opStatistics(grid.cbeginValueOn(), CompoundOp(*map));
Compute statistics of the divergence at the active voxels of a vector-valued grid.
Vec3SGrid grid = ...;
// Assume that we know that the grid has a uniform scale map.
using MapType = math::UniformScaleMap;
// Specify a world-space divergence operator that uses first-order differencing.
using DivergenceOp = math::Divergence<MapType, math::FD_1ST>;
// Wrap the operator with an adapter that associates a map with it.
using CompoundOp = math::MapAdapter<MapType, DivergenceOp, double>;
if (MapType::Ptr map = grid.constTransform().constMap<MapType>()) {
math::Stats stats = tools::opStatistics(grid.cbeginValueOn(), CompoundOp(*map));
As above, but computing the divergence in index space.
Vec3SGrid grid = ...;
// Specify an index-space divergence operator that uses first-order differencing.
using DivergenceOp = math::ISDivergence<math::FD_1ST>;
math::Stats stats = tools::opStatistics(grid.cbeginValueOn(), DivergenceOp());

Definition at line 398 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particlesToMask ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects the spheres described by the given particle positions and radii.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

Definition at line 991 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particlesToMask ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
Real  radius,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects the fixed-size spheres described by the given particle positions and the specified radius.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

Definition at line 1002 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particlesToSdf ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with CSG-unioned level set spheres described by the given particle positions and radii.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

Definition at line 940 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particlesToSdf ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
Real  radius,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with fixed-size, CSG-unioned level set spheres described by the given particle positions and the specified radius.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

Definition at line 957 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particleTrailsToMask ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
Real  delta = 1,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Activate a boolean grid wherever it intersects trails of spheres with decreasing radius, where the starting position and radius and the direction of each trail is given by particle attributes.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

The delta parameter controls the distance between spheres in a trail. Be careful not to use too small a value.

Definition at line 1013 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename ParticleListT , typename InterrupterT = util::NullInterrupter>
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::particleTrailsToSdf ( const ParticleListT &  plist,
GridT &  grid,
Real  delta = 1,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Populate a scalar, floating-point grid with CSG-unioned trails of level set spheres with decreasing radius, where the starting position and radius and the direction of each trail is given by particle attributes.

For more control over the output, including attribute transfer, use the ParticlesToLevelSet class directly.

The delta parameter controls the distance between spheres in a trail. Be careful not to use too small a value.

Definition at line 974 of file ParticlesToLevelSet.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::prune ( TreeT &  tree,
typename TreeT::ValueType  tolerance = zeroVal<typename TreeT::ValueType>(),
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with tiles any nodes whose values are all the same (optionally to within a tolerance) and have the same active state.

For trees with non-boolean values a child node with (approximately) constant values are replaced with a tile value corresponding to the median of the values in said child node.
treethe tree to be pruned
tolerancetolerance within which values are considered to be equal
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)

Definition at line 335 of file Prune.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::pruneInactive ( TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with background tiles any nodes whose values are all inactive.

treethe tree to be pruned
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)

Definition at line 355 of file Prune.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::pruneInactiveWithValue ( TreeT &  tree,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  value,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing any nodes whose values are all inactive with tiles of the given value.

treethe tree to be pruned
valuevalue assigned to inactive tiles created during pruning
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)

Definition at line 365 of file Prune.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::pruneLevelSet ( TreeT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing nodes whose values are all inactive with inactive tiles having a value equal to the first value encountered in the (inactive) child.

This method is faster than tolerance-based prune and useful for narrow-band level set applications where inactive values are limited to either an inside or an outside value.

treethe tree to be pruned
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)
ValueErrorif the background of the tree is negative (as defined by math::isNegative)

Definition at line 390 of file Prune.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::pruneLevelSet ( TreeT &  tree,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  outsideWidth,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  insideWidth,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing nodes whose voxel values are all inactive with inactive tiles having the value -| insideWidth | if the voxel values are negative and | outsideWidth | otherwise.

This method is faster than tolerance-based prune and useful for narrow-band level set applications where inactive values are limited to either an inside or an outside value.

treethe tree to be pruned
outsideWidththe width of the outside of the narrow band
insideWidththe width of the inside of the narrow band
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)
ValueErrorif outsideWidth is negative or insideWidth is not negative (as defined by math::isNegative).

Definition at line 376 of file Prune.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::pruneTiles ( TreeT &  tree,
typename TreeT::ValueType  tolerance = zeroVal<typename TreeT::ValueType>(),
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1 

Reduce the memory footprint of a tree by replacing with tiles any non-leaf nodes whose values are all the same (optionally to within a tolerance) and have the same active state.

treethe tree to be pruned
tolerancetolerance within which values are considered to be equal
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)

Definition at line 345 of file Prune.h.

template<typename GridT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::rayTrace ( const GridT &  grid,
const BaseShader &  shader,
BaseCamera &  camera,
size_t  pixelSamples = 1,
unsigned int  seed = 0,
bool  threaded = true 

Ray-trace a volume.

Definition at line 750 of file RayTracer.h.

template<typename GridT , typename IntersectorT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::rayTrace ( const GridT &  ,
const IntersectorT &  inter,
const BaseShader &  shader,
BaseCamera &  camera,
size_t  pixelSamples = 1,
unsigned int  seed = 0,
bool  threaded = true 

Ray-trace a volume using a given ray intersector.

Definition at line 764 of file RayTracer.h.

template<typename Sampler , typename Interrupter , typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::resampleToMatch ( const GridType &  inGrid,
GridType &  outGrid,
Interrupter &  interrupter 

Resample an input grid into an output grid of the same type such that, after resampling, the input and output grids coincide (apart from sampling artifacts), but the output grid's transform is unchanged.

Specifically, this function resamples the input grid into the output grid's index space, using a sampling kernel like PointSampler, BoxSampler, or QuadraticSampler.

inGridthe grid to be resampled
outGridthe grid into which to write the resampled voxel data
interrupteran object adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface
// Create an input grid with the default identity transform
// and populate it with a level-set sphere.
FloatGrid::ConstPtr src = tools::makeSphere(...);
// Create an output grid and give it a uniform-scale transform.
const float voxelSize = 0.5;
// Resample the input grid into the output grid, reproducing
// the level-set sphere at a smaller voxel size.
MyInterrupter interrupter = ...;
tools::resampleToMatch<tools::QuadraticSampler>(*src, *dest, interrupter);

Definition at line 486 of file GridTransformer.h.

template<typename Sampler , typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::resampleToMatch ( const GridType &  inGrid,
GridType &  outGrid 

Resample an input grid into an output grid of the same type such that, after resampling, the input and output grids coincide (apart from sampling artifacts), but the output grid's transform is unchanged.

Specifically, this function resamples the input grid into the output grid's index space, using a sampling kernel like PointSampler, BoxSampler, or QuadraticSampler.

inGridthe grid to be resampled
outGridthe grid into which to write the resampled voxel data
// Create an input grid with the default identity transform
// and populate it with a level-set sphere.
FloatGrid::ConstPtr src = tools::makeSphere(...);
// Create an output grid and give it a uniform-scale transform.
const float voxelSize = 0.5;
// Resample the input grid into the output grid, reproducing
// the level-set sphere at a smaller voxel size.
tools::resampleToMatch<tools::QuadraticSampler>(*src, *dest);

Definition at line 531 of file GridTransformer.h.

template<class GridOrTreeType >
GridOrTreeType::template ValueConverter< bool >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfInteriorMask ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
typename GridOrTreeType::ValueType  isovalue = lsutilGridZero<GridOrTreeType>() 

Threaded method to construct a boolean mask that represents interior regions in a signed distance field.

A shared pointer to either a boolean grid or tree with the same tree configuration and potentially transform as the input volume and whose active and true values correspond to the interior of the input signed distance field.
volumeSigned distance field / level set volume.
isovalueThreshold below which values are considered part of the interior region.

Definition at line 2275 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename SdfGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
SdfGridT::template ValueConverter<ExtValueT>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToExt ( const SdfGridT &  sdfGrid,
const ExtOpT &  op,
const ExtValueT &  background,
typename SdfGridT::ValueType  isoValue = 0,
int  nIter = 1,
FastSweepingDomain  mode = FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL,
const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr  extGrid = nullptr 

Computes the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input SDF volume.

A shared pointer to the extension field defined on the active values in the input signed distance field.
sdfGridAn approximate signed distance field to the specified iso-surface.
opFunctor with signature [](const Vec3R &xyz)->ExtValueT that defines the Dirichlet boundary condition, on the iso-surface, of the field to be extended.
backgroundBackground value of return grid with the extension field.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in sdfGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
modeDetermines the mode of updating the extension field. SWEEP_ALL will update all voxels of the extension field affected by the fast sweeping algorithm. SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to level set values that are greater than a given isovalue. SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to level set values that are less than a given isovalue. If a mode other than SWEEP_ALL is chosen, a user needs to supply extGrid.
extGridOptional parameter required to supply a default value for the extension field when SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE or SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE mode is picked for mode. When SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode, the extension field voxel will default to the value of the extGrid in that position if it corresponds to a level-set value that is less than the isovalue. Otherwise, the extension field voxel value will be computed by the Fast Sweeping algorithm. The opposite convention is implemented when SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode.
The only difference between this method and fogToExt, defined above, is the convention of the sign of the signed distance field.

Topology of output grid is identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grid!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in sdfGrid then the returned grid has all its active values set to background.
template<typename SdfGridT , typename OpT , typename ExtValueT >
SdfGridT::template ValueConverter<ExtValueT>::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToExt ( const SdfGridT &  sdfGrid,
const OpT &  op,
const ExtValueT &  background,
typename SdfGridT::ValueType  isoValue,
int  nIter,
FastSweepingDomain  mode,
const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr  extGrid 

Definition at line 1875 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<class GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToFogVolume ( GridType &  grid,
typename GridType::ValueType  cutoffDistance = lsutilGridMax< GridType >() 

Threaded method to convert a sparse level set/SDF into a sparse fog volume.

For a level set, the active and negative-valued interior half of the narrow band becomes a linear ramp from 0 to 1; the inactive interior becomes active with a constant value of 1; and the exterior, including the background and the active exterior half of the narrow band, becomes inactive with a constant value of 0. The interior, though active, remains sparse.

For a generic SDF, a specified cutoff distance determines the width of the ramp, but otherwise the result is the same as for a level set.

gridlevel set/SDF grid to transform
cutoffDistanceoptional world space cutoff distance for the ramp (automatically clamped if greater than the interior narrow band width)

Definition at line 2159 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<class GridType >
OPENVDB_DOCS_INTERNAL void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToFogVolume ( GridType &  grid,
typename GridType::ValueType  cutoffDistance = lsutilGridMax< GridType >() 

Threaded method to convert a sparse level set/SDF into a sparse fog volume.

For a level set, the active and negative-valued interior half of the narrow band becomes a linear ramp from 0 to 1; the inactive interior becomes active with a constant value of 1; and the exterior, including the background and the active exterior half of the narrow band, becomes inactive with a constant value of 0. The interior, though active, remains sparse.

For a generic SDF, a specified cutoff distance determines the width of the ramp, but otherwise the result is the same as for a level set.

gridlevel set/SDF grid to transform
cutoffDistanceoptional world space cutoff distance for the ramp (automatically clamped if greater than the interior narrow band width)

Definition at line 2159 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename GridT >
GridT::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToSdf ( const GridT &  sdfGrid,
typename GridT::ValueType  isoValue = 0,
int  nIter = 1 

Given an existing approximate SDF it solves the Eikonal equation for all its active voxels. Active input voxels with a signed distance value above the given isoValue will have POSITIVE distance values on output, i.e. they are assumed to be OUTSIDE the iso-surface.

A shared pointer to a signed-distance field defined on the active values of the input sdf volume.
sdfGridAn approximate signed distance field to the specified iso-surface.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in sdfGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
The only difference between this method and fogToSdf, defined above, is the convention of the sign of the output distance field.

Topology of output grid is identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grid!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in sdfGrid then the returned grid has all its active values set to plus or minus infinity, depending on if the input values are larger or smaller than isoValue.

Definition at line 1848 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename SdfGridT , typename ExtOpT , typename ExtValueT >
std::pair< typename SdfGridT::Ptr, typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::Ptr > openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::sdfToSdfAndExt ( const SdfGridT &  sdfGrid,
const ExtOpT &  op,
const ExtValueT &  background,
typename SdfGridT::ValueType  isoValue = 0,
int  nIter = 1,
FastSweepingDomain  mode = FastSweepingDomain::SWEEP_ALL,
const typename SdfGridT::template ValueConverter< ExtValueT >::Type::ConstPtr  extGrid = nullptr 

Computes the signed distance field and the extension of a field (scalar, vector, or int are supported), defined by the specified functor, off an iso-surface from an input SDF volume.

A pair of two shared pointers to respectively the SDF and extension field
sdfGridScalar (floating-point) volume from which an iso-surface can be defined.
opFunctor with signature [](const Vec3R &xyz)->ExtValueT that defines the Dirichlet boundary condition, on the iso-surface, of the field to be extended.
backgroundBackground value of return grid with the extension field.
isoValueA value which defines a smooth iso-surface that intersects active voxels in sdfGrid.
nIterNumber of iterations of the fast sweeping algorithm. Each iteration performs 2^3 = 8 individual sweeps.
modeDetermines the mode of updating the extension field. SWEEP_ALL will update all voxels of the extension field affected by the fast sweeping algorithm. SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to level set values that are greater than a given isovalue. SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE will update all voxels corresponding to level set values that are less than a given isovalue. If a mode other than SWEEP_ALL is chosen, a user needs to supply extGrid.
extGridOptional parameter required to supply a default value for the extension field when SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE or SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE mode is picked for mode. When SWEEP_GREATER_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode, the extension field voxel will default to the value of the extGrid in that position if it corresponds to a level-set value that is less than the isovalue. Otherwise, the extension field voxel value will be computed by the Fast Sweeping algorithm. The opposite convention is implemented when SWEEP_LESS_THAN_ISOVALUE is supplied as an argument for mode.
Strictly speaking a fog volume is normalized to the range [0,1] but this method accepts a scalar volume with an arbritary range, as long as the it includes the isoValue.

Topology of output grids are identical to that of the input grid, except active tiles in the input grid will be converted to active voxels in the output grids!

If isoValue does not intersect any active values in sdfGrid then a pair of the following grids is returned: The first is a signed distance grid with its active values set to plus or minus infinity depending of whether its input values are above or below isoValue. The second grid, which represents the extension field, has all its active values set to background.

Definition at line 1907 of file FastSweeping.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::segmentActiveVoxels ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::Ptr > &  segments 

Separates disjoint active topology components into distinct grids or trees.

Supports volumes with active tiles.

volumeInput grid or tree
segmentsOutput set of disjoint active topology components sorted in descending order based on the active voxel count.

Definition at line 2503 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename GridOrTreeType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::segmentSDF ( const GridOrTreeType &  volume,
std::vector< typename GridOrTreeType::Ptr > &  segments 

Separates disjoint SDF surfaces into distinct grids or trees.

Supports asymmetric interior / exterior narrowband widths and SDF volumes with dense interior regions.

volumeInput signed distance field / level set volume
segmentsOutput set of disjoint SDF surfaces found in volume sorted in descending order based on the surface intersecting voxel count.

Definition at line 2552 of file LevelSetUtil.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::setValueOnMax ( TreeT &  tree,
const Coord &  xyz,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  value 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the maximum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active.

This is typically significantly faster than calling getValue() followed by setValueOn().

TreeT can be either a Tree or a ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 291 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::setValueOnMin ( TreeT &  tree,
const Coord &  xyz,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  value 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the minimum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active.

This is typically significantly faster than calling getValue() followed by setValueOn().

TreeT can be either a Tree or a ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 283 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::setValueOnMult ( TreeT &  tree,
const Coord &  xyz,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  value 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the product of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active.

This is typically significantly faster than calling getValue() followed by setValueOn().

TreeT can be either a Tree or a ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 307 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename TreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::setValueOnSum ( TreeT &  tree,
const Coord &  xyz,
const typename TreeT::ValueType &  value 

Set the value of the voxel at the given coordinates in tree to the sum of its current value and value, and mark the voxel as active.

This is typically significantly faster than calling getValue() followed by setValueOn().

TreeT can be either a Tree or a ValueAccessor.

Definition at line 299 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::signedFloodFill ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1,
Index  minLevel = 0 

Set the values of all inactive voxels and tiles of a narrow-band level set from the signs of the active voxels, setting outside values to +background and inside values to -background.

This method should only be used on closed, symmetric narrow-band level sets.
If a LeafManager is used the cached leaf nodes are reused, resulting in slightly better overall performance.
treeTree or LeafManager that will be flood filled.
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)
minLevelSpecify the lowest tree level to process (leafnode level = 0)
TypeErrorif the ValueType of tree is not floating-point.

Definition at line 267 of file SignedFloodFill.h.

template<typename TreeOrLeafManagerT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::signedFloodFillWithValues ( TreeOrLeafManagerT &  tree,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  outsideWidth,
const typename TreeOrLeafManagerT::ValueType &  insideWidth,
bool  threaded = true,
size_t  grainSize = 1,
Index  minLevel = 0 

Set the values of all inactive voxels and tiles of a narrow-band level set from the signs of the active voxels, setting exterior values to outsideWidth and interior values to insideWidth. Set the background value of this tree to outsideWidth.

This method should only be used on closed, narrow-band level sets.
If a LeafManager is used the cached leaf nodes are reused resulting in slightly better overall performance.
treeTree or LeafManager that will be flood filled
outsideWidththe width of the outside of the narrow band
insideWidththe width of the inside of the narrow band
threadedenable or disable threading (threading is enabled by default)
grainSizeused to control the threading granularity (default is 1)
minLevelSpecify the lowest tree level to process (leafnode level = 0)
TypeErrorif the ValueType of tree is not floating-point.

Definition at line 253 of file SignedFloodFill.h.

template<typename IterT >
math::Stats openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::statistics ( const IterT &  iter,
bool  threaded = true 

Iterate over a scalar grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values of the voxels that are visited, or iterate over a vector-valued grid and compute statistics of the magnitudes of the vectors.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel

Definition at line 362 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename IterT , typename ValueOp >
math::Stats openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::statistics ( const IterT &  iter,
const ValueOp &  op,
bool  threaded 

Iterate over a grid and compute statistics (mean, variance, etc.) of the values produced by applying the given functor at each voxel that is visited.

iteran iterator over the values of a grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::ValueOffIter, etc.)
opa functor of the form void op(const IterT&, math::Stats&), where IterT is the type of iter, that inserts zero or more floating-point values into the provided math::Stats object
threadedif true, iterate over the grid in parallel
When threaded is true, each thread gets its own copy of the functor.
Compute statistics of just the active and positive-valued voxels of a scalar, floating-point grid.
struct Local {
static inline
void addIfPositive(const FloatGrid::ValueOnCIter& iter, math::Stats& stats)
const float f = *iter;
if (f > 0.0) {
if (iter.isVoxelValue()) stats.add(f);
else stats.add(f, iter.getVoxelCount());
FloatGrid grid = ...;
math::Stats stats =
tools::statistics(grid.cbeginValueOn(), Local::addIfPositive, /*threaded=*/true);

Definition at line 379 of file Statistics.h.

template<typename GridT >
GridT::template ValueConverter< float >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::topologyToLevelSet ( const GridT &  grid,
int  halfWidth = 3,
int  closingSteps = 1,
int  dilation = 0,
int  smoothingSteps = 0 

Compute the narrow-band signed distance to the interface between active and inactive voxels in the input grid.

A shared pointer to a new sdf / level set grid of type float
gridInput grid of arbitrary type whose active voxels are used in constructing the level set.
halfWidthHalf the width of the narrow band in voxel units.
closingStepsNumber of morphological closing steps used to fill gaps in the active voxel region.
dilationNumber of voxels to expand the active voxel region.
smoothingStepsNumber of smoothing interations.

Definition at line 245 of file TopologyToLevelSet.h.

template<typename GridT , typename InterrupterT >
GridT::template ValueConverter< float >::Type::Ptr openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::topologyToLevelSet ( const GridT &  grid,
int  halfWidth = 3,
int  closingSteps = 1,
int  dilation = 0,
int  smoothingSteps = 0,
InterrupterT *  interrupt = nullptr 

Compute the narrow-band signed distance to the interface between active and inactive voxels in the input grid.

A shared pointer to a new sdf / level set grid of type float
gridInput grid of arbitrary type whose active voxels are used in constructing the level set.
halfWidthHalf the width of the narrow band in voxel units.
closingStepsNumber of morphological closing steps used to fill gaps in the active voxel region.
dilationNumber of voxels to expand the active voxel region.
smoothingStepsNumber of smoothing interations.
interruptOptional object adhering to the util::NullInterrupter interface.

Definition at line 178 of file TopologyToLevelSet.h.

template<typename FloatTreeT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::traceExteriorBoundaries ( FloatTreeT &  tree)

Traces the exterior voxel boundary of closed objects in the input volume tree. Exterior voxels are marked with a negative sign, voxels with a value below 0.75 are left unchanged and act as the boundary layer.

Does not propagate sign information into tile regions.

Definition at line 3048 of file MeshToVolume.h.

template<typename ValueT , typename OpType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::transformDense ( Dense< ValueT, openvdb::tools::LayoutZYX > &  dense,
const openvdb::CoordBBox &  bbox,
const OpType &  op,
bool  parallel = true 

Apply a point-wise functor to the intersection of a dense grid and a given bounding box

denseA dense grid to be transformed
bboxIndex space bounding box, define region where the transformation is applied
opA functor that acts on the dense grid value type
parallelUsed to select multithreaded or single threaded Minimally, the op class has to support a operator() method,
// Square values in a grid
struct Op
ValueT operator()(const ValueT& in) const
// do work
ValueT result = in * in;
return result;
NB: only Dense grids with memory layout zxy are supported
template<typename ValueT , typename PointwiseOpT >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::transformDense ( Dense< ValueT, openvdb::tools::LayoutZYX > &  dense,
const openvdb::CoordBBox &  bbox,
const PointwiseOpT &  functor,
bool  parallel 

Apply a point-wise functor to the intersection of a dense grid and a given bounding box.

Definition at line 739 of file DenseSparseTools.h.

template<typename InIterT , typename OutGridT , typename XformOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::transformValues ( const InIterT &  inIter,
OutGridT &  outGrid,
XformOp &  op,
bool  threaded = true,
bool  shareOp = true,
MergePolicy  merge = MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES 

Iterate over a grid and at each step call op(iter, accessor) to populate (via the accessor) the given output grid, whose ValueType need not be the same as the input grid's.

inItera non-const or (preferably) const iterator over an input grid or its tree (Grid::ValueOnCIter, Tree::NodeIter, etc.)
outGridan empty grid to be populated
opa functor of the form void op(const InIterT&, OutGridT::ValueAccessor&), where InIterT is the type of inIter
threadedif true, transform multiple values of the input grid in parallel
shareOpif true and threaded is true, all threads use the same functor; otherwise, each thread gets its own copy of the original functor
mergehow to merge intermediate results from multiple threads (see Types.h)
Populate a scalar floating-point grid with the lengths of the vectors from all active voxels of a vector-valued input grid.
struct Local {
static void op(
if (iter.isVoxelValue()) { // set a single voxel
accessor.setValue(iter.getCoord(), iter->length());
} else { // fill an entire tile
CoordBBox bbox;
accessor.getTree()->fill(bbox, iter->length());
Vec3fGrid inGrid = ...;
FloatGrid outGrid;
tools::transformValues(inGrid.cbeginValueOn(), outGrid, Local::op);
For more complex operations that require finer control over threading, consider using tbb::parallel_for() or tbb::parallel_reduce() in conjunction with a tree::IteratorRange that wraps a grid or tree iterator.

Definition at line 589 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename InIterT , typename OutGridT , typename XformOp >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::transformValues ( const InIterT &  inIter,
OutGridT &  outGrid,
const XformOp &  op,
bool  threaded = true,
bool  shareOp = true,
MergePolicy  merge = MERGE_ACTIVE_STATES 

Definition at line 607 of file ValueTransformer.h.

template<typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::transformVectors ( GridType &  grid,
const Mat4d &  mat 

Apply an affine transform to the voxel values of a vector-valued grid in accordance with the grid's vector type (covariant, contravariant, etc.).

TypeErrorif the grid is not vector-valued

Definition at line 126 of file VectorTransformer.h.

template<class GridType >
bool openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::uniqueInactiveValues ( const GridType &  grid,
std::vector< typename GridType::ValueType > &  values,
size_t  numValues 

Threaded method to find unique inactive values.

gridA VDB volume.
valuesList of unique inactive values, returned by this method.
numValuesNumber of values to look for.
false if the grid has more than numValues inactive values.

Definition at line 1292 of file Diagnostics.h.

template<typename TreeT , typename OpT >
size_t openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::visitNodesDepthFirst ( TreeT &  tree,
OpT &  op,
size_t  idx = 0 

Visit all nodes in the tree depth-first and apply a user-supplied functor to each node.

treetree to be visited.
opuser-supplied functor, see examples for interface details.
idxoptional offset to start sequential node indexing from a non-zero index.
This method is single-threaded. Use the NodeManager or DynamicNodeManager for much greater threaded performance.
Functor to offset all the active values of a tree.
struct OffsetOp
OffsetOp(float v): mOffset(v) { }
template<typename NodeT>
void operator()(NodeT& node, size_t) const
for (auto iter = node.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
iter.setValue(iter.getValue() + mOffset);
const float mOffset;
// usage:
OffsetOp op(3.0f);
// Functor to offset all the active values of a tree. Note
// this implementation also illustrates how different
// computation can be applied to the different node types.
template<typename TreeT>
struct OffsetByLevelOp
using ValueT = typename TreeT::ValueType;
using RootT = typename TreeT::RootNodeType;
using LeafT = typename TreeT::LeafNodeType;
OffsetByLevelOp(const ValueT& v) : mOffset(v) {}
// Processes the root node.
void operator()(RootT& root, size_t) const
for (auto iter = root.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
iter.setValue(iter.getValue() + mOffset);
// Processes the leaf nodes.
void operator()(LeafT& leaf, size_t) const
for (auto iter = leaf.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
iter.setValue(iter.getValue() + mOffset);
// Processes the internal nodes.
template<typename NodeT>
void operator()(NodeT& node, size_t) const
for (auto iter = node.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter) {
iter.setValue(iter.getValue() + mOffset);
const ValueT mOffset;
// usage:
OffsetByLevelOp<FloatTree> op(3.0f);
Here is an example when migrating from using the deprecated Tree::visit()
method. The main difference between the Tree::visit() method and this new method is that the Tree::visit() method expected an object that can visit tiles, values and nodes. In contrast, the visitNodesDepthFirst() method visits only nodes and expects you to provide iteration over tiles and voxels.
Tree::visit() operator methods:
template <typename IterT>
bool operator()(IterT &iter)
typename IterT::NonConstValueType value;
typename IterT::ChildNodeType *child = iter.probeChild(value);
if (child)
// If it is a leaf, process it now
if (child->getLevel() == 0)
return true;
// Otherwise, we want to keep digging down
return false;
// No child, this is a constant node!
if (iter.isValueOn())
b.min() = iter.getCoord();
b.max() = b.min().offsetBy(IterT::ChildNodeType::DIM);
// No need to dig further as there is no child.
return true;
bool operator()(typename GridType::TreeType::LeafNodeType::ChildAllIter &)
{ return true; }
bool operator()(typename GridType::TreeType::LeafNodeType::ChildAllCIter &)
{ return true; }
tools::visitNodesDepthFirst() operator methods:
using LeafT = typename GridType::TreeType::LeafNodeType;
template <typename NodeT>
void operator()(const NodeT &node, size_t)
// iterate over active tiles
for (auto iter = node.beginValueOn(); iter; ++iter)
b.min() = iter.getCoord();
b.max() = b.min().offsetBy(NodeT::ChildNodeType::DIM);
void operator()(const LeafT &leaf, size_t)

Definition at line 229 of file NodeVisitor.h.

template<typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::volumeToMesh ( const GridType &  grid,
std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
double  isovalue = 0.0 

Uniformly mesh any scalar grid that has a continuous isosurface.

grida scalar grid to mesh
pointsoutput list of world space points
quadsoutput quad index list
isovaluedetermines which isosurface to mesh
TypeErrorif grid does not have a scalar value type

Definition at line 5199 of file VolumeToMesh.h.

template<typename GridType >
void openvdb::OPENVDB_VERSION_NAME::tools::volumeToMesh ( const GridType &  grid,
std::vector< Vec3s > &  points,
std::vector< Vec3I > &  triangles,
std::vector< Vec4I > &  quads,
double  isovalue = 0.0,
double  adaptivity = 0.0,
bool  relaxDisorientedTriangles = true 

Adaptively mesh any scalar grid that has a continuous isosurface.

When converting to polygons, the adaptivity threshold determines how closely the isosurface is matched by the resulting mesh. Higher thresholds will allow more variation in polygon size, using fewer polygons to express the surface. Triangles will only be created for areas of the mesh which hit the adaptivity threshold and can't be represented as quads.

Do not use this method just to get a triangle mesh - use the above method and post process the quad index list.
grida scalar grid to mesh
pointsoutput list of world space points
trianglesoutput triangle index list
quadsoutput quad index list
isovaluedetermines which isosurface to mesh
adaptivitysurface adaptivity threshold [0 to 1]
relaxDisorientedTrianglestoggle relaxing disoriented triangles during adaptive meshing.
TypeErrorif grid does not have a scalar value type

Definition at line 5185 of file VolumeToMesh.h.