Houdini 20.5 Reference Stand-alone utilities


Generates an HTML page containing render statistics from an EXR image.

On this page


This command lets you specify an EXR file rendered by Karma, and generate an HTML report showing the render statistics saved in the image file.

See render statistics for more ways to view render statistics.

Single vs. multi mode

The command has two modes for generating the output:

--single (the default) generates a single, self-contained HTML file, with the stylesheet, script, and all thumbnail images included inline. This is most convenient because it creates a single file that can be viewed anywhere, but it uses a bit more space because every report has its own copies of the resources and the images are base-64 encoded.

--multi generates an HTML file, and a directory of thumbnail images, and copies over the stylesheet and script as separate files. This may be useful if you generate a lot of reports and want to have them all reference the same shared resources.

Tips and notes

  • Images generated by Karma XPU are missing some statistics compared to Karma CPU.

  • Where the command takes AOV names, you can also use numbers to specify the AOV index, for example 0 for the first AOV.

  • You can customize the title and subtitle of the report with the --title and --subtitle options. This may be useful for displaying site-specific information.

  • The template this command uses to generate the HTML is specific to render stats saved by Karma, and is not built to be customized (other than by the --title and --subtitle options). Future versions will probably modularize the template to be easier to modify and re-use.


renderstatsreport [options] infile.exr [ outfile.html ]
  • If you don’t specify an output file, the command creates an HTML file with the same name as the input file, in the same directory.

  • If the second argument is an existing directory, the command creates an HTML file with the same name as the input, in that directory.

  • In --multi mode, the command creates a

renderstatsreport example.exr ~/reports/example_report.html


File options

--create-dirs / --no-create-dirs

--single / --multi

Whether to save a self-contained HTML file, or an HTML file and a directory of images (see single vs. multi above). The default is a single file.

Thumbnail options

-t ‹level / --thumbnails ‹level

How to generate AOV thumbnails for the report. You can explicitly specify which AOVs get thumbnails with the --include-aovs and --exclude-aovs option.


Do not generate any AOV thumbnail images.


Only generate thumnails for the first AOV and heatmap AOVs.


Generate thumbnails for all AOVs except non-visual AOVs such as CryptoMatte data planes. This is the default.


Generate thumbnails for all AOVs.

-s ‹size / --thumbnail-size

The width (in pixels) of the AOV thumbnails.

-F png|jpg / --thumbnail-format png|jpg

The image format to use for AOV thumbnails. The default is jpg. (Technically this can be any format the OIIO library can output, but it has to work in the browser.)

-i ‹aov_names / --include-aovs ‹aov_names

If you specify this option, the command will only generate thumbnails for the AOVs in this comma-separated list of names.

renderstatsreport example.exr -i C,directdiffuse,directemission

-x ‹aov_names / --exclude-aovs ‹aov_names

If you specify this option, the command generate thumbnails for the AOVs specified by the --thumbnails option, except the AOVs in this comma-separated list of names.

--thumbnail-dir ‹name

In --multi mode, the name of the directory to create (in the same directory as the HTML file) containing AOV thumbnail images. The default is aov_thumbnails.

--color-space ‹name

Convert AOV thumbnails to this color space. The default is sRGB.

-H ‹aov_names / --heatmap-aovs ‹aov_names

For AOVs in this comma-separated list of names, the command generates the thumbnail using a false color gradient. You can specify the gradient using the --colormap` option.

renderstatsreport example.exr --heatmap-aovs loadtime,shadertime

--colormap ‹name

The name of the color map to use for “heatmap” AOVs. Alternatively, this can be a comma-separated list of floating-point R,G,B triples. See the oiiotool documentation for the available values. The default is magma.

renderstatsreport example.exr --colormap plasma

renderstatsreport example.exr --colormap .25,.25,.25,0,.5,0,1,0,0

--heatmap-scale ‹fraction

For “heatmap” AOVs, the command scales the brightness values by this fraction before applying the color map. The default is 0.9.

renderstatsreport example.exr --heatmap-scale 1.0

Template options

--title ‹string

Use this string instead of the standard page title. This may be useful to add site-specific information to the report.

--subtitle ‹string

Use this string instead of the standard subtitle. The subtitle sticks to the top of the browser view when the page scrolls. This may be useful to add site-specific information to the report.

-r ‹dir / --resources ‹dir

The directory where the command will get its CSS and Javascript files. The default is $HFS/houdini/config/RenderReport.

-p ‹prefix / --prefix ‹prefix

If you specify this option, the script does not copy resource files (such as stylesheets and scripts), and any links to resources in the report will be prefixed with this string. This may be useful if you keep the report on a web server, to have all reports link to the same resources on the server instead of having separate copies for each report.

renderstatsreport example.exr --prefix http://example.com/render-report/resources/
See also

Stand-alone utilities

  • abcconvert

    Convert between Alembic formats.

  • abcecho

    Print information about an Alembic file.

  • abcinfo

    Print information about an Alembic file.

  • chchan

    Copies channel collection to/from action channel format.

  • chcp

    Copies channel collection file to another format.

  • chinfo

    Prints information about a channel collection file.

  • claudio

    Copies CHOP data (clip) to/from audio formats.

  • clchan

    Copies CHOP data (clip) to/from action channel format.

  • clchn

    Copies CHOP data (clip) to/from channel collection format.

  • clcp

    Copies CHOP data (clip) to another format.

  • clinfo

    Prints information about a CHOP data (clip) file.

  • dsmconvert

  • dsmmerge

  • dsparse

    Parses and displays dialog scripts.

  • gabc

    Convert between Alembic and Houdini geometry.

  • gconvert

    Convert between Houdini polygon formats.

  • gdxf

    Converts DXF polygons to/from Houdini format.

  • geodiff

    Display Geometry Differences.

  • geps

    Converts EPS files to Houdini polygon format.

  • giges

  • ginfo

    Prints polygon file statistics.

  • glightwave

    Converts LightWave files to/from Houdini format.

  • gpdb

    Converts .pdb files to/from Houdini format.

  • gplay

    Geometry viewer.

  • gply

    Converts .ply files to/from Houdini format.

  • gptex

    Makes a ptexture image file from a geometry file.

  • greduce

    Reduces polygons in a file.

  • gwavefront

    Converts .obj files to/from Houdini format.

  • hcollapse

    Collapses a directory structure.

  • hcpio

  • hexpand

    Expands hip files into a directory structure.

  • hkey / License Administrator

    Opens a graphical user interface for viewing and managing licenses and license server options.

  • hoiiotool

    Swiss-army knife of image operation tools.

  • hotl utility

    Command line utility to work with .hda/.otl files.

  • hrender

  • hsc

  • hscript

    Command line HScript interpreter.

  • hserver

    Houdini communicates through this proxy server to the sesinetd licensing daemon.

  • htexcache

    Query or modify the disk texture cache.

  • husk

    Command line utility for rendering a USD file using Karma or some other Hydra client.

  • i3dconvert

  • iautocrop

    Crops images based on pixel values.

  • icineon

    Convert images from 10-bit Cineon format to an 8 bit format.

  • icomposite

  • iconvert

    Converts an image of one type to another type.

  • icp

    Isolate a region of an image in a new image.

  • idenoise

    Removes noise from an image file.

  • idiff

    Display Image Differences.

  • iflip - Flip Image

  • iinfo

    Outputs information about an image.

  • ilut

    Generates a lookup table (LUT) from standard channel formats or another LUT.

  • ilutcomp

    Generates a single lookup table (LUT) from from two LUTs.

  • ilutinfo

    Prints information about a lookup table (LUT) file.

  • imaketx

    Creates mipmapped .exr or .rat textures from image files.

  • imdisplay

    Sends an image to an mdisplay window.

  • iprint

    Prints the RGBA values for an image as text.

  • iquantize

    Reduces the number of colors in an image.

  • isixpack

    Generates an environment/reflection map from six images representing the six sides of a cube, or a cross image.

  • itilestitch

    Assemble a series of image files with crop windows into a single image.

  • izg

    Converts Z-depth images to 8-bit grayscale images.

  • Launcher

    The Houdini Launcher downloads, installs, upgrades, and uninstall Houdini and its components.

  • mcacclaim

    Converts an Acclaim motion file to a Houdini script and channel file(s).

  • mcbiovision

    Converts a BioVision motion file to a Houdini script and channel file(s).

  • mcmotanal

    Converts a Motion Analysis TRC motion file to a Houdini script and channel file(s).

  • mcp

    Convert an image sequence to a movie file.

  • minfo

    Prints information about movie files.

  • mqserver

    Message Queue Server for PDG/TOPs

  • py23convert

    Convert Python 2 expressions in HDAs to Python 2/3.

  • renderstatsoverlay

    Generates a (possibly scaled down) version of a rendered image with render statistics baked in.

  • renderstatsreport

    Generates an HTML page containing render statistics from an EXR image.

  • sesictrl

    Sets Houdini license server options from the command line.

  • sesinetd

    The Houdini license server. This program runs in the background managing Houdini licenses.

  • siminfo

    Prints simulation cache file statistics.

  • spiff

    Display Text Differences.

  • spy

    Shell utility for navigating the UNIX filesystem.

  • usdview

    Command line utility for viewing and inspecting USD scenes.

  • vexcache

    Query or modify the VEX compile cache.

  • vexexec

    Execute a cvex shader.