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GEO_PrimVolume Class Reference

#include <GEO_PrimVolume.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for GEO_PrimVolume:


class  serializeT

Public Types

enum  StorageType {
using serialize = serializeT< float >
- Public Types inherited from GEO_Primitive
using NormalComp = NormalCompT< float >
using NormalCompArray = NormalCompArrayT< float >
using NormalCompAttr = NormalCompAttrT< float >
using NormalCompBuffered = NormalCompBufferedT< float >
using NormalCompD = NormalCompT< double >
using NormalCompArrayD = NormalCompArrayT< double >
using NormalCompAttrD = NormalCompAttrT< double >
using NormalCompBufferedD = NormalCompBufferedT< double >
- Public Types inherited from GA_Primitive

Public Member Functions

int evaluateNormalVector (UT_Vector3 &nml, float u, float v=0, float w=0) const override
bool getBBox (UT_BoundingBox *bbox) const override
void addToBSphere (UT_BoundingSphere *bsphere) const override
void enlargePointBounds (UT_BoundingBox &box) const override
bool enlargeBoundingSphere (UT_BoundingSphere &b, const GA_Attribute *P) const override
UT_Vector3 baryCenter () const override
 For a volume the barycenter is the same as the point. More...
UT_Vector3 computeNormal () const override
 Return a normal vector for the primitive. More...
UT_Vector3D computeNormalD () const override
bool saveH9 (std::ostream &os, bool binary, const UT_Array< GA_AttribSaveDataH9 > &prim_attribs, const UT_Array< GA_AttribSaveDataH9 > &vtx_attribs) const override
bool loadH9 (UT_IStream &is, const UT_Array< GA_AttribLoadDataH9 > &prim_attribs, const UT_Array< GA_AttribLoadDataH9 > &vtx_attribs) override
bool saveVoxelArray (UT_JSONWriter &w, const GA_SaveMap &map) const
bool loadVoxelArray (UT_JSONParser &p, const GA_LoadMap &map)
bool loadRes (const UT_JSONValue &jval)
bool loadStorageType (const char *storagename)
bool saveBorder (UT_JSONWriter &w, const GA_SaveMap &map) const
bool loadBorder (UT_JSONParser &p, const GA_LoadMap &map)
bool saveCompression (UT_JSONWriter &w, const GA_SaveMap &map) const
bool loadCompression (UT_JSONParser &p, const GA_LoadMap &map)
bool saveVisualization (UT_JSONWriter &w, const GA_SaveMap &map) const
bool loadVisualization (UT_JSONParser &p, const GA_LoadMap &map)
void transform (const UT_Matrix4 &mat) override
void reverse () override
 Reverse the order of vertices. More...
GEO_Primitivecopy (int preserve_shared_pts=0) const override
void copyPrimitive (const GEO_Primitive *src) override
void copySubclassData (const GA_Primitive *source) override
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset getVertexOffset () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset getPointOffset () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector3 getPos3 () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPos3 (const UT_Vector3 &pos)
int detachPoints (GA_PointGroup &grp) override
GA_DereferenceStatus dereferencePoint (GA_Offset point, bool dry_run=false) override
GA_DereferenceStatus dereferencePoints (const GA_RangeMemberQuery &pt_q, bool dry_run=false) override
bool isDegenerate () const override
 Is the primitive degenerate. More...
void unitLengthToUnitPair (float ulength, float vlength, float &uparm, float &vparm) const override
void unitLengthToUnitPair (float ulength, float vlength, float &uparm, float &vparm, float tolerance) const override
void unitToUnitLengthPair (float uparm, float vparm, float &ulength, float &vlength) const override
fpreal calcVolume (const UT_Vector3 &refpt) const override
fpreal calcArea () const override
void setVertexPoint (GA_Offset pt)
void assignVertex (GA_Offset new_vtx, bool update_topology)
void stashed (bool beingstashed, GA_Offset offset=GA_INVALID_OFFSET) override
void setTupleSize (int comps)
int getTupleSize () const
 Returns the number of components (or the tuple size) for this volume. More...
void setStoresIntegers (bool ints)
bool getStoresIntegers () const
 Returns true if this volume stores integers. More...
StorageType getStorageType () const
 Return the current storage type of the volume. More...
void setStorageType (StorageType store)
bool isScalarVolume () const
 True if this is a traditional scalar volume. More...
const UT_Matrix3getTransform () const
void setTransform (const UT_Matrix3 &m)
void getTransform4 (UT_Matrix4 &matx) const
void getTransform4 (UT_DMatrix4 &matx) const
void setTransform4 (const UT_Matrix4 &matx)
void setTransform4 (const UT_DMatrix4 &matx)
void getLocalTransform (UT_Matrix3D &x) const override
void setLocalTransform (const UT_Matrix3D &x) override
 Set the local transform. The default implementation does nothing. More...
const UT_Matrix3getInverseTransform () const
 Converts from world space to local space. More...
void getInverseTransform4 (UT_Matrix4 &matx) const
float getTaperX () const
void setTaperX (float t)
float getTaperY () const
void setTaperY (float t)
bool isAligned (const GEO_PrimVolume *vol) const
bool isWorldAxisAligned () const
GEO_PrimVolumeXform getSpaceTransform () const
void setSpaceTransform (GEO_PrimVolumeXform xform)
GEO_PrimVolumeXform getIndexSpaceTransform () const
template<typename T >
GEO_PrimVolumeXform getIndexSpaceTransform (const UT_VoxelArray< T > &vox) const
UT_Vector3 toVoxelSpace (const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
 Converts from world space to 0..1 voxel space. More...
UT_Vector3 fromVoxelSpace (const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
 Converts from 0..1 voxel space to world space. More...
void toVoxelSpace (UT_BoundingBox &box) const
 Converts from world space to 0..1 voxel space. More...
void fromVoxelSpace (UT_BoundingBox &box) const
 Converts from 0..1 voxel space to world space. More...
void setVoxels (const UT_VoxelArrayF *vox)
 Copies the given voxel array and makes it our own voxel array. More...
void setVoxels (const UT_VoxelArrayV2 *vox)
void setVoxels (const UT_VoxelArrayV3 *vox)
void setVoxels (const UT_VoxelArrayV4 *vox)
void setVoxels (const UT_VoxelArrayI *vox)
void setVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayHandleF handle)
void setVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2 handle)
void setVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3 handle)
void setVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4 handle)
void setVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayHandleI handle)
void stealVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayF *vox)
void stealVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayV2 *vox)
void stealVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayV3 *vox)
void stealVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayV4 *vox)
void stealVoxels (UT_VoxelArrayI *vox)
UT_VoxelArrayHandleF getVoxelHandle () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleF getVoxelHandleF () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2 getVoxelHandleV2 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3 getVoxelHandleV3 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4 getVoxelHandleV4 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleI getVoxelHandleI () const
template<typename BASE >
UT_COWHandle< UT_VoxelArray
< BASE > > 
getVoxelHandleByType () const
template<typename BASE >
< UT_VoxelArray< BASE > > 
getVoxelWriteHandleByType ()
template<typename BASE = float>
UT_COWHandle< UT_VoxelArray
< BASE > > 
getHandleToVoxelsWithoutLoading () const
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF getVoxelWriteHandle ()
 This is a handle that you can write to and affect the volume. More...
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF getVoxelWriteHandleF ()
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV2 getVoxelWriteHandleV2 ()
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV3 getVoxelWriteHandleV3 ()
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV4 getVoxelWriteHandleV4 ()
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleI getVoxelWriteHandleI ()
template<typename OP >
void dispatchToReadHandle (OP &op) const
template<typename OP >
void dispatchToWriteHandle (OP &op, bool force_load)
template<typename OP >
void dispatch (const OP &op) const
bool indexToPos (int x, int y, int z, UT_Vector3 &pos) const
void findexToPos (UT_Vector3 index, UT_Vector3 &pos) const
bool indexToPos (exint x, exint y, exint z, UT_Vector3D &pos) const
void findexToPos (UT_Vector3D index, UT_Vector3D &pos) const
bool isInside (UT_Vector3 pos) const
bool isInsideStrict (UT_Vector3 pos) const
template<typename T >
bool isInsideStrict (const UT_Vector3 &opos, const UT_COWReadHandle< UT_VoxelArray< T >> &vox) const
bool isIndexInside (int x, int y, int z) const
 Returns true only if index is inside. More...
template<typename T >
bool isIndexInside (int x, int y, int z, const UT_COWReadHandle< UT_VoxelArray< T >> &vox) const
 By passing in a specific read handle, we can accelerate. More...
bool posToIndex (UT_Vector3 pos, int &x, int &y, int &z) const
bool posToIndex (UT_Vector3 pos, UT_Vector3 &index) const
bool posToIndex (UT_Vector3D pos, exint &x, exint &y, exint &z) const
bool posToIndex (UT_Vector3D pos, UT_Vector3D &index) const
fpreal getValue (const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
 Evaluate the voxel value at the given world space position. More...
void getValues (float *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3 *p, int num) const
void getValues (double *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3D *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector2F *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3 *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector2D *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3D *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector3F *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3 *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector3D *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3D *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector4F *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3 *p, int num) const
void getValues (UT_Vector4D *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3D *p, int num) const
void getValues (int32 *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3 *p, int num) const
void getValues (int64 *f, int stride, const UT_Vector3D *p, int num) const
UT_Vector3 getGradient (const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
UT_Vector3 getGradient (const UT_Vector3 &pos, const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandleF &handle) const
fpreal getValue (const UT_Vector3 &pos, const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandleF &handle) const
template<typename TYPE >
TYPE getValueByType (const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
template<typename TYPE >
TYPE getValueByType (const UT_Vector3 &pos, const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandle< TYPE > &vox) const
fpreal getValueAtIndex (int ix, int iy, int iz) const
 Evaluate the specific voxel indexed from 0,0,0. More...
void getValuesAtIndices (float *f, int stride, const int *ix, const int *iy, const int *iz, int num) const
void getValuesAtIndices (int *f, int stride, const int *ix, const int *iy, const int *iz, int num) const
void getValuesAtIndices (double *f, int stride, const exint *ix, const exint *iy, const exint *iz, int num) const
void getValuesAtIndices (exint *f, int stride, const exint *ix, const exint *iy, const exint *iz, int num) const
void getRes (int &rx, int &ry, int &rz) const
 Returns the resolution of the voxel array. More...
void getRes (int64 &rx, int64 &ry, int64 &rz) const
fpreal getVoxelDiameter () const
UT_Vector3 getVoxelSize () const
 Returns the length of the voxel when you take an x, y, and z step. More...
fpreal calcPositiveDensity () const
fpreal calcMinimum () const
 Compute useful aggregate properties of the volume. More...
fpreal calcMaximum () const
fpreal calcAverage () const
bool isSDF () const
bool computeHeightFieldProperties (int &a1, int &a2, int &axis, fpreal &scale) const
bool computeHeightFieldProperties (int &a1, int &a2, int &axis, fpreal &scale, const UT_VoxelArrayF &vox, const GEO_PrimVolumeXform &indexxform) const
void setBorder (GEO_VolumeBorder border, fpreal val, int component=0)
GEO_VolumeBorder getBorder () const
fpreal getBorderValue (int component=0) const
fpreal getCompressionTolerance () const
 Control the compression of these objects. More...
void setCompressionTolerance (fpreal tol)
void recompress ()
const GEO_VolumeOptionsgetVisOptions () const
void setVisOptions (const GEO_VolumeOptions &vis)
void setVisualization (GEO_VolumeVis vis, fpreal iso, fpreal density)
fpreal getVisIso () const
fpreal getVisDensity () const
fpreal getVisTiles () const
void setVisTiles (fpreal tiles)
GEO_VolumeVis getVisualization () const
GEO_VolumeTypeInfo getTypeInfo () const
void setTypeInfo (GEO_VolumeTypeInfo info)
const GA_PrimitiveJSONgetJSON () const override
serialize getSerialize () const
template<typename T >
serializeT< TgetSerializeByType () const
CE_GridgetCEGrid (bool read, bool write) const
UT_SharedPtr< IMX_LayergetIMXLayer (bool read, bool write) const
void flushCEWriteCaches () override
void flushCECaches () override
void stealCEBuffers (const GA_Primitive *src) override
 Steal the underlying CE buffer from the source. More...
void setBorrowedIMXLayer (const UT_SharedPtr< IMX_Layer > &l)
bool hasBorrowedIMXLayer () const
void setBorrowedCEGrid (CE_Grid *grid)
bool hasBorrowedCEGrid () const
bool isFullyLoaded () const
bool enlargeBoundingBox (UT_BoundingRect &b, const GA_Attribute *P) const override
bool enlargeBoundingBox (UT_BoundingBox &b, const GA_Attribute *P) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from GEO_Primitive
GA_PrimCompat::TypeMask getPrimitiveId () const override
void copyAttributesAndGroups (const GEO_Primitive &src, bool copy_groups=true)
void copyAttributesAndGroups (const GEO_Primitive &src, GA_AttributeRefMap &gah, bool copy_groups=true)
void copyAttributesAndGroups (const GEO_Primitive &src, GA_PrimitiveWrangler &wrangler, bool copy_groups=true)
 NOTE: The copying of groups only works if src is in the same detail. More...
void copyAttributeData (const GEO_Primitive &src)
void copyAttributeData (const GEO_Primitive &src, GA_AttributeRefMap &gah)
void copyAttributeData (const GEO_Primitive &src, GA_PrimitiveWrangler &wrangler)
void copyAttributeValues (const GEO_Primitive &src, GA_PrimitiveWrangler &wrangler)
void copyGroupMembership (const GEO_Primitive &src)
virtual void realToUnitPair (float ureal, float vreal, float &uunit, float &vunit) const
virtual void unitToRealPair (float uunit, float vunit, float &ureal, float &vreal) const
bool evaluateBaryCenter (GA_Offset result_vtx, GA_AttributeRefMap &map) const
bool evaluatePoint (GA_Offset result_vtx, GA_AttributeRefMap &map, fpreal u, fpreal v=0, uint du=0, uint dv=0) const
int evaluatePoint (UT_Vector4 &pos, float u, float v=0, unsigned du=0, unsigned dv=0) const
bool evaluateInteriorPoint (GA_Offset result_vtx, GA_AttributeRefMap &map, fpreal u, fpreal v, fpreal w=0) const
int evaluateInteriorPoint (UT_Vector4 &pos, fpreal u, fpreal v, fpreal w=0) const
virtual void computeInteriorPointWeights (UT_Array< GA_Offset > &vtxlist, UT_Array< float > &weightlist, fpreal u, fpreal v, fpreal w) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GEO_DetailgetParent () const
virtual bool getVisibleBBox (UT_BoundingBox *bbox) const
bool enlargeVisibleBoundingBox (UT_BoundingBox &b, const GA_Attribute *P) const override
virtual UT_Vector3D baryCenterD () const
template<typename T >
UT_Vector3T< TbaryCenterT () const
virtual void isolate ()
 Method to isolate a pasted surface. More...
bool hasEdge (const GA_Edge &edge) const override
 Method to determine if a primitive has an edge (undirected). More...
virtual bool vertexApply (bool(*apply)(GA_Offset vtx, void *), void *data=0) const
GEO_Vertex getVertexElement (GA_Size i) const
virtual GEO_MetaPrimcastToMetaPrim ()
virtual const GEO_MetaPrimcastToMetaPrim () const
virtual int parametricBBox (float u, float v, float *u0, float *u1, float *v0, float *v1)
virtual float uvDist (float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2) const
int bboxIntersectRay (const UT_Vector3 &rayorig, const UT_Vector3 &raydir, int maxtries=10, float tmax=1E17F, float *distance=0, UT_Vector3 *nml=0) const
virtual bool isQuadric () const
virtual void normal (NormalComp &output) const =0
virtual void normal (NormalCompD &output) const =0
virtual GEO_Primitiveconvert (GEO_ConvertParms &parms, GA_PointGroup *usedpts=0)=0
virtual GEO_PrimitiveconvertNew (GEO_ConvertParms &parms)=0
virtual void clip (UT_Vector3 normal, float distance=0, GA_PrimitiveGroup *clipgrp=NULL)
virtual int intersectRay (const UT_Vector3 &o, const UT_Vector3 &d, float tmax=1E17F, float tol=1E-12F, float *distance=0, UT_Vector3 *pos=0, UT_Vector3 *nml=0, int accurate=0, float *u=0, float *v=0, int ignoretrim=1) const
virtual bool hasGuideEdge (int edgeid, UT_Vector3 &a, UT_Vector3 &b) const
virtual bool hasXsectPoint (int pointid, UT_Vector3 &p) const
fpreal calcPerimeter () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from GA_Primitive
virtual ~GA_Primitive ()
virtual const
getTypeDef () const =0
const char * getTypeName () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_DetailgetDetail () const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset getMapOffset () const
 Gets the offset of this primitive in the detail containing it. More...
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Index getMapIndex () const
 Gets the index of this primitive in the detail containing it. More...
getIndexMap () const
 Gets the index map for primitives in the detail containing this primitive. More...
GA_Index getNum () const
void swapOffsetValue (const GA_Defragment &defrag)
 For defragmentation, we need to update the offset. More...
bool isPrimary () const
getTypeId () const
GA_PrimitiveFamilyMask getFamilyMask () const
bool isFamily (unsigned family_mask) const
bool hasLocalTransform () const
 Whether the primitive has a transform associated with it. More...
virtual void getLocalTransform4 (UT_Matrix4D &matrix) const
virtual int64 getMemoryUsage () const
virtual void countMemory (UT_MemoryCounter &counter) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Size getVertexCount () const
 Return the number of vertices used by this primitive. More...
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset getVertexOffset (GA_Size primvertexnum) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Index getVertexIndex (GA_Size primvertexnum) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset getPointOffset (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPointOffset (GA_Size i, GA_Offset ptoff)
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Index getPointIndex (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector3 getPos3 (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector3D getPos3D (GA_Size i) const
template<typename T >
UT_Vector3T< TgetPos3T (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPos3 (GA_Size i, const UT_Vector3 &pos) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPos3 (GA_Size i, const UT_Vector3D &pos) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector4 getPos4 (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector4D getPos4D (GA_Size i) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPos4 (GA_Size i, const UT_Vector4 &pos) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void setPos4 (GA_Size i, const UT_Vector4D &pos) const
GA_Range getVertexRange (bool harden=false) const
 Get a range of all the vertices accessed by the primitive. More...
GA_Range getPointRange (bool harden=false) const
bool isPointUsed (GA_Offset ptoff) const
void addPointRefToGroup (GA_PointGroup &grp) const
void edgeApply (GA_EdgeApplyFunc apply, void *data=nullptr) const
void edgeApplyIndex (GA_EdgeApplyIndexFunc apply, void *data=nullptr) const
virtual void iterateEdges (GA_IterateEdgesFunc apply_func) const
virtual void iterateEdgesByVertex (GA_IterateEdgesByVertexFunc apply_func) const
bool findEdgePoints (GA_Offset ptoff0, GA_Offset ptoff1, GA_Size &vtx0, GA_Size &vtx1) const
void copyUnwiredForMerge (const GA_Primitive *src, const GA_MergeMap &map)
const GA_IntrinsicManagergetIntrinsicManager () const
virtual void getAdjacentBoundaryVertices (GA_Offset vtx, GA_Offset &prev_vtx, GA_Offset &next_vtx) const
virtual bool supportsHedge () const
virtual GA_Offset releaseVertex (GA_Offset vtx)
virtual int isVisible () const
virtual unsigned getNumSecondaryDetails () const
 A primitive may support any number of secondary details. More...
virtual const GA_DetailgetSecondaryDetail (GA_Index i) const
virtual GA_DetailgetSecondaryDetail (GA_Index i)
GA_Index getNumSecondary (GA_Index detail) const
const GA_PrimitivegetSecondaryByIndex (GA_Index detail, GA_Index i) const
GA_PrimitivegetSecondaryByIndex (GA_Index detail, GA_Index i)
const GA_PrimitivegetSecondaryByOffset (GA_Index detail, GA_Offset o) const
GA_PrimitivegetSecondaryByOffset (GA_Index detail, GA_Offset o)
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool isVertexListTrivial () const
bool isPointListTrivial () const
template<typename FUNCTOR >
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void forEachVertex (FUNCTOR &&functor) const
template<typename FUNCTOR >
SYS_FORCE_INLINE void forEachPoint (FUNCTOR &&functor) const
bool vertexApply (bool(*apply)(GA_Offset vtx, void *), void *data=nullptr) const
GA_LocalIntrinsic findIntrinsic (const UT_StringRef &nm) const
GA_LocalIntrinsic findIntrinsic (GA_GlobalIntrinsic h) const
GA_GlobalIntrinsic findGlobalIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
const char * getIntrinsicName (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
GA_Size getIntrinsicTupleSize (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
bool getIntrinsicCollapseSingletons (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
GA_StorageClass getIntrinsicStorage (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
bool getIntrinsicReadOnly (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
const UT_OptionsgetIntrinsicOptions (GA_LocalIntrinsic h) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_String &val) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_StringArray &val) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_OptionsHolder &val) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Array< UT_OptionsHolder > &val) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, int64 *v, GA_Size size) const
GA_Size getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, fpreal64 *v, GA_Size sz) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, float &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, int &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector2 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector3 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector4 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix2 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix3 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix4 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, double &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, int64 &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector2D &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector3D &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Vector4D &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix2D &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix3D &v) const
bool getIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, UT_Matrix4D &v) const
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const char *value)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const UT_StringArray &value)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const char **val, GA_Size s)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const UT_OptionsHolder &value)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const UT_Array< UT_OptionsHolder > &value)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const UT_OptionsHolder *value, GA_Size s)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const int64 val)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const fpreal64 val)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const int64 *val, GA_Size sz)
GA_Size setIntrinsic (GA_LocalIntrinsic h, const fpreal64 *v, GA_Size sz)

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename OP >
static void dispatch (StorageType storage, const OP &op)
static const char * getBorderToken (GEO_VolumeBorder border)
 Get the border options in terms of GEO's values. More...
static GEO_VolumeBorder getBorderEnum (const char *token, GEO_VolumeBorder def=GEO_VOLUMEBORDER_STREAK)
static const char * getVisualizationToken (GEO_VolumeVis vis)
 Control how we display this in the viewport. More...
static GEO_VolumeVis getVisualizationEnum (const char *vis, GEO_VolumeVis def=GEO_VOLUMEVIS_SMOKE)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GEO_Primitive
static GA_PrimCompat::TypeMask getPrimitiveMaskH9 (const char *maskstr)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GA_Primitive
primCompatMaskFromTypeId (int type_id)

Protected Member Functions

 GEO_PrimVolume (GEO_Detail *d, GA_Offset offset=GA_INVALID_OFFSET)
 ~GEO_PrimVolume () override
virtual void clearForDeletion ()
virtual void swapVertexOffsets (const GA_Defragment &defrag)
 Defragmentation. More...
virtual bool savePrivateH9 (std::ostream &os, bool binary) const
virtual bool loadPrivateH9 (UT_IStream &is)
bool loadVoxelDataH9 (UT_IStream &is, UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF voxels, int version)
void resetAndAllocateHandles ()
GA_Offset vertexPoint () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleFgetMyVoxelHandleF () const
 Gets the handle to our voxels. More...
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2getMyVoxelHandleV2 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3getMyVoxelHandleV3 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4getMyVoxelHandleV4 () const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleIgetMyVoxelHandleI () const
bool evaluatePointRefMap (GA_Offset result_vtx, GA_AttributeRefMap &hlist, fpreal u, fpreal v, uint du, uint dv) const override
int evaluatePointV4 (UT_Vector4 &pos, float u, float v=0, unsigned du=0, unsigned dv=0) const override
bool evaluateBaryCenterRefMap (GA_Offset result_vertex, GA_AttributeRefMap &hlist) const override
bool evaluateInteriorPointRefMap (GA_Offset result_vtx, GA_AttributeRefMap &map, fpreal u, fpreal v, fpreal w=0) const override
int evaluateInteriorPointV4 (UT_Vector4 &pos, fpreal u, fpreal v, fpreal w=0) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GEO_Primitive
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GEO_Primitive (GA_Detail *d, GA_Offset offset=GA_INVALID_OFFSET)
 ~GEO_Primitive () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GA_Primitive
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Primitive (GA_Detail &detail, GA_Offset offset=GA_INVALID_OFFSET)
void setNumVertices (GA_Size nvertices)
GA_Offset allocateVertex (GA_Offset point=GA_INVALID_OFFSET)
 allocateVertex() will call wireVertex() if the point given is not -1 More...
void destroyVertex (GA_Offset vertex)
void wireVertex (GA_Offset vertex, GA_Offset point)
void registerVertex (GA_Offset vertex)
SYS_FORCE_INLINE int64 getBaseMemoryUsage () const
 Report approximate memory usage for myVertexList for subclasses. More...
void countBaseMemory (UT_MemoryCounter &counter) const
void copyVertexListForMerge (const GA_OffsetListRef &src_vertices, const GA_MergeMap &map)

Static Protected Member Functions

static GA_PrimitiveFamilyMask buildFamilyMask ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from GEO_Primitive
registerIntrinsics (GA_PrimitiveDefinition &defn)

Protected Attributes

bool myStoreIntegers
int myChannelCount
UT_VoxelArrayHandleF myVoxelHandleF
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2 myVoxelHandleU
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3 myVoxelHandleV
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4 myVoxelHandleP
UT_VoxelArrayHandleI myVoxelHandleI
GA_SharedDataHandlePtr mySharedVoxelData
UT_Lock mySharedDataLock
bool mySharedDataHandleLoaded
bool myCEGridAuthorative
bool myCEGridIsOwned
UT_SharedPtr< IMX_LayermyIMXLayer
bool myIMXLayerAuthorative
bool myIMXLayerIsOwned
- Protected Attributes inherited from GA_Primitive
GA_OffsetList myVertexList


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GEO_PrimVolume &d)
static const int theSharedVoxelMagic =('V'<<24)|('o'<<16)|('x'<<8)|('l')
bool registerSharedLoadData (int dtype, GA_SharedDataHandlePtr data) override
bool saveSharedLoadData (UT_JSONWriter &w, GA_SaveMap &save, GA_GeometryIndex *geo_index) const override
bool getSharedVoxelKey (UT_WorkBuffer &key) const
allocateSharedDataLoader ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from GEO_Primitive
static const UT_Array
< GA_AttribSaveDataH9 > & 
 Convience objects to pass as arguments to saveH9()/loadH9(). More...

Detailed Description

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 934 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 332 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GEO_PrimVolume::GEO_PrimVolume ( GEO_Detail d,
GA_Offset  offset = GA_INVALID_OFFSET 

NOTE: The constructor should only be called from subclass constructors.

GEO_PrimVolume::~GEO_PrimVolume ( )

NOTE: The destructor should only be called from subclass destructors.

Member Function Documentation

void GEO_PrimVolume::addToBSphere ( UT_BoundingSphere bsphere) const

Enlarge the bounding sphere with the primitive's bounds. By default, this will enlarge the bounding sphere by the primitive's bounding box (i.e. getBBox()). It may be possible to have a tighter bound (i.e. the vertex hull for many primitives is a much better metric).

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

static GA_PrimitiveDefinition::SharedDataLoader* GEO_PrimVolume::allocateSharedDataLoader ( )

Methods to save/load shared voxel data

void GEO_PrimVolume::assignVertex ( GA_Offset  new_vtx,
bool  update_topology 

This method assigns a preallocated vertex to the quadric, optionally creating the topological link between the primitive and new vertex.

UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::baryCenter ( ) const

For a volume the barycenter is the same as the point.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

static GA_PrimitiveFamilyMask GEO_PrimVolume::buildFamilyMask ( )

Definition at line 996 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcArea ( ) const

If the method isn't known, or doesn't make sense, we return 0.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcAverage ( ) const
fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcMaximum ( ) const
fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcMinimum ( ) const

Compute useful aggregate properties of the volume.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcPositiveDensity ( ) const

Computes the total density of the volume, scaled by the volume's size. Negative values will be ignored.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::calcVolume ( const UT_Vector3 ) const

If the method isn't known, or doesn't make sense, we return 0.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

virtual void GEO_PrimVolume::clearForDeletion ( )

Private interface The clearForDeletion() method is called just prior to the detail being cleared out. This allows the primitive to simplify its data structures, knowing that topology doesn't need to be maintained (i.e. unwiring all vertices);

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::computeHeightFieldProperties ( int a1,
int a2,
int axis,
fpreal scale 
) const

Determine our orientation if we are to be considered a heightfield. Returns false if we shouldn't be treated as a heightfield.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::computeHeightFieldProperties ( int a1,
int a2,
int axis,
fpreal scale,
const UT_VoxelArrayF vox,
const GEO_PrimVolumeXform indexxform 
) const
UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::computeNormal ( ) const

Return a normal vector for the primitive.

Implements GEO_Primitive.

UT_Vector3D GEO_PrimVolume::computeNormalD ( ) const

Implements GEO_Primitive.

GEO_Primitive* GEO_PrimVolume::copy ( int  preserve_shared_pts = 0) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::copyPrimitive ( const GEO_Primitive src)

Implements GEO_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::copySubclassData ( const GA_Primitive source)

Copy all subclass data from source to this.

The vertex lists of source and this must already be equivalent in some manner, though possibly referring to different vertices.

If some subclass data is dependent on the vertex list contents, (such as GEO_PrimPolySoup::myPolygonVertexList), it should be mapped based on the correspondence between the two. GEO_PrimPolySoup is currently the only primitive type with this sort of dependence, so it's probably best not to add more.

NOTE: This must be safe to call on different primitives in parallel at the same time.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

GA_DereferenceStatus GEO_PrimVolume::dereferencePoint ( GA_Offset  point,
bool  dry_run = false 

Before a point is deleted, all primitives using the point will be notified. The method should return "false" if it's impossible to delete the point. Otherwise, the vertices should be removed.

Implements GA_Primitive.

GA_DereferenceStatus GEO_PrimVolume::dereferencePoints ( const GA_RangeMemberQuery pt_q,
bool  dry_run = false 

Implements GA_Primitive.

int GEO_PrimVolume::detachPoints ( GA_PointGroup grp)

Implements GEO_Primitive.

template<typename OP >
void GEO_PrimVolume::dispatch ( const OP &  op) const

Definition at line 707 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

template<typename OP >
static void GEO_PrimVolume::dispatch ( StorageType  storage,
const OP &  op 

Definition at line 711 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

template<typename OP >
void GEO_PrimVolume::dispatchToReadHandle ( OP &  op) const

This function calls operator() on op with a COW read handle to this volume's actual voxel array handle. operator() must be templated to support different handles: template <typename t>=""> void operator()(const UT_COWReadHandle<UT_VoxelArray<T>>&);

template<typename OP >
void GEO_PrimVolume::dispatchToWriteHandle ( OP &  op,
bool  force_load 

This function calls operator() on op with a COW write handle to this volume's actual voxel array handle. operator() must be templated to support different handles: template <typename t>=""> void operator()(const UT_COWWriteHandle<UT_VoxelArray<T>>&); If force_load is true, voxel data is first fully loaded; otherwise, the handle is used as is.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::enlargeBoundingBox ( UT_BoundingRect b,
const GA_Attribute P 
) const

Enlarge a bounding box by the bounding box of the primitive. A return value of false indicates an error in the operation, most likely an invalid P. For any attribute other than the position these methods simply enlarge the bounding box based on the vertex.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::enlargeBoundingBox ( UT_BoundingBox b,
const GA_Attribute P 
) const

Enlarge a bounding box by the bounding box of the primitive. A return value of false indicates an error in the operation, most likely an invalid P. For any attribute other than the position these methods simply enlarge the bounding box based on the vertex.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::enlargeBoundingSphere ( UT_BoundingSphere b,
const GA_Attribute P 
) const

Enlarge a bounding sphere to encompass the primitive. A return value of false indicates an error in the operation, most likely an invalid P. For any attribute other than the position this method simply enlarges the sphere based on the vertex.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::enlargePointBounds ( UT_BoundingBox box) const

Enlarge a point bounding box for implicit primitive bounds. If a primitive (such as a sphere) has a bounding box larger than its point hull, then it should implement this method. Otherwise, it can rely on the default behaviour.

NOTE: If you make a custom primitive type whose bounding box may be larger than the bounding box of the points referenced by vertices of the primitive, you must override this function in order for the detail's bounding box to be correctly computed. It does not suffice to override GEO_Primitive::getBBox(), since GA_Detail::computeQuickBounds will find the point bounding box of the entire detail, and then call enlargePointBounds on all primitives except polygons, tetrahedra, polysoups, and other primitive types that are known in advance to not exceed their point bounding boxes.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::evaluateBaryCenterRefMap ( GA_Offset  result_vtx,
GA_AttributeRefMap map 
) const

By default, this will call evaluateInteriorPointRefMap with u=.5 and v=.5. This is likely not the perfect solution. At the current time, this is only used in POPs to birth points at primitive centers.

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::evaluateInteriorPointRefMap ( GA_Offset  result_vtx,
GA_AttributeRefMap map,
fpreal  u,
fpreal  v,
fpreal  w = 0 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

int GEO_PrimVolume::evaluateInteriorPointV4 ( UT_Vector4 pos,
fpreal  u,
fpreal  v,
fpreal  w = 0 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

int GEO_PrimVolume::evaluateNormalVector ( UT_Vector3 nml,
float  u,
float  v = 0,
float  w = 0 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::evaluatePointRefMap ( GA_Offset  result_vtx,
GA_AttributeRefMap hlist,
fpreal  u,
fpreal  v,
uint  du,
uint  dv 
) const

Implements GEO_Primitive.

int GEO_PrimVolume::evaluatePointV4 ( UT_Vector4 pos,
float  u,
float  v = 0,
unsigned  du = 0,
unsigned  dv = 0 
) const

Evaluate the position for the given parametric coordinates (with the given derivatives). Return 0 if successful, or -1 if failure. The default implementation returns {0,0,0,0};

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

Definition at line 1060 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::findexToPos ( UT_Vector3  index,
UT_Vector3 pos 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::findexToPos ( UT_Vector3D  index,
UT_Vector3D pos 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::flushCECaches ( )

Remove all CE caches from the GPU, possibly writing back if necessary.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::flushCEWriteCaches ( )

Any modified CE cache on the GPU will be copied back to the CPU. Will leave result on GPU.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::fromVoxelSpace ( const UT_Vector3 pos) const

Converts from 0..1 voxel space to world space.

void GEO_PrimVolume::fromVoxelSpace ( UT_BoundingBox box) const

Converts from 0..1 voxel space to world space.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::getBBox ( UT_BoundingBox bbox) const

Compute the bounding box of the primitive. Return 0 if unable to compute bounds (1 on successful computation). This function should always initialize bbox, even if returning false, in which case, the bbox->isValid() may be false, representing an empty bounding box. This function should also not use any initial value of bbox, so it does not need to be initialized beforehand.

Implements GEO_Primitive.

GEO_VolumeBorder GEO_PrimVolume::getBorder ( ) const
static GEO_VolumeBorder GEO_PrimVolume::getBorderEnum ( const char *  token,
static const char* GEO_PrimVolume::getBorderToken ( GEO_VolumeBorder  border)

Get the border options in terms of GEO's values.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getBorderValue ( int  component = 0) const
CE_Grid* GEO_PrimVolume::getCEGrid ( bool  read,
bool  write 
) const

Acquire a CE grid and cache it on the GPU. If marked for writing, the CPU version will be overwritten. Note that the getVoxelHandle does NOT auto-flush these! NOTE: If someone else fetches a non-read grid, and you fetch it as a read grid, you will not get any copied data.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getCompressionTolerance ( ) const

Control the compression of these objects.

UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::getGradient ( const UT_Vector3 pos) const
UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::getGradient ( const UT_Vector3 pos,
const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandleF handle 
) const
template<typename BASE = float>
UT_COWHandle<UT_VoxelArray<BASE> > GEO_PrimVolume::getHandleToVoxelsWithoutLoading ( ) const

Returns a voxel handle without trying to load the shared data This should only be used for the loader DO NOT USE! IF YOU THINK YOU SHOULD YOU'RE PROBABLY WRONG

Definition at line 663 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_SharedPtr<IMX_Layer> GEO_PrimVolume::getIMXLayer ( bool  read,
bool  write 
) const

Acquire an IMX layer for this volume. If marked for reading, it will have identical data to this volume. If marked for writing, this volume's data will be overwritten.

GEO_PrimVolumeXform GEO_PrimVolume::getIndexSpaceTransform ( ) const

Returns the POD class which can convert to and from voxel index space coordinates. Note: The transformation is not the same as posToIndex getIndexSpaceTransform().toVoxelSpace(pos) == posToIndex(pos) + {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}

template<typename T >
GEO_PrimVolumeXform GEO_PrimVolume::getIndexSpaceTransform ( const UT_VoxelArray< T > &  vox) const
const UT_Matrix3& GEO_PrimVolume::getInverseTransform ( ) const

Converts from world space to local space.

Definition at line 554 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::getInverseTransform4 ( UT_Matrix4 matx) const
const GA_PrimitiveJSON* GEO_PrimVolume::getJSON ( ) const

This method returns the JSON interface for saving/loading the primitive If the method returns a NULL pointer, then the primitive will not be saved to geometry files (and thus cannot be loaded).

Implements GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::getLocalTransform ( UT_Matrix3D matrix) const

Return the local transform matrix for the primitive. Some primitives don't store transforms (see hasLocalTransform()). The default behaviour is to make the transform an identity.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleF& GEO_PrimVolume::getMyVoxelHandleF ( ) const

Gets the handle to our voxels.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleI& GEO_PrimVolume::getMyVoxelHandleI ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2& GEO_PrimVolume::getMyVoxelHandleV2 ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3& GEO_PrimVolume::getMyVoxelHandleV3 ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4& GEO_PrimVolume::getMyVoxelHandleV4 ( ) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset GEO_PrimVolume::getPointOffset ( ) const

Definition at line 442 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

SYS_FORCE_INLINE UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::getPos3 ( ) const

Definition at line 447 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::getRes ( int rx,
int ry,
int rz 
) const

Returns the resolution of the voxel array.

field3d/f3d_io.C, GEO/GEO_VoxelTranslator.C, SOP/SOP_Surface.C, and standalone/geo2voxel.C.
void GEO_PrimVolume::getRes ( int64 rx,
int64 ry,
int64 rz 
) const
serialize GEO_PrimVolume::getSerialize ( ) const

Definition at line 936 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

template<typename T >
serializeT<T> GEO_PrimVolume::getSerializeByType ( ) const

Definition at line 938 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::getSharedVoxelKey ( UT_WorkBuffer key) const

Methods to save/load shared voxel data

GEO_PrimVolumeXform GEO_PrimVolume::getSpaceTransform ( ) const

Returns the POD class which can convert to and from 0..1 voxel space coordinates.

StorageType GEO_PrimVolume::getStorageType ( ) const

Return the current storage type of the volume.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::getStoresIntegers ( ) const

Returns true if this volume stores integers.

Definition at line 526 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

float GEO_PrimVolume::getTaperX ( ) const

Definition at line 557 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

float GEO_PrimVolume::getTaperY ( ) const

Definition at line 559 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

const UT_Matrix3& GEO_PrimVolume::getTransform ( ) const

Definition at line 538 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::getTransform4 ( UT_Matrix4 matx) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getTransform4 ( UT_DMatrix4 matx) const
int GEO_PrimVolume::getTupleSize ( ) const

Returns the number of components (or the tuple size) for this volume.

Definition at line 520 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

GEO_VolumeTypeInfo GEO_PrimVolume::getTypeInfo ( ) const

Definition at line 862 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getValue ( const UT_Vector3 pos) const

Evaluate the voxel value at the given world space position.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getValue ( const UT_Vector3 pos,
const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandleF handle 
) const

By passing in a specific read handle and inverse transform we can accelerate the getValue()

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getValueAtIndex ( int  ix,
int  iy,
int  iz 
) const

Evaluate the specific voxel indexed from 0,0,0.

template<typename TYPE >
TYPE GEO_PrimVolume::getValueByType ( const UT_Vector3 pos) const

Definition at line 779 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

template<typename TYPE >
TYPE GEO_PrimVolume::getValueByType ( const UT_Vector3 pos,
const UT_VoxelArrayReadHandle< TYPE > &  vox 
) const

Definition at line 784 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( float f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3 p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( double *  f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3D p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector2F f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3 p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector2D f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3D p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector3F f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3 p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector3D f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3D p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector4F f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3 p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( UT_Vector4D f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3D p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( int32 f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3 p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValues ( int64 f,
int  stride,
const UT_Vector3D p,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValuesAtIndices ( float f,
int  stride,
const int ix,
const int iy,
const int iz,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValuesAtIndices ( int f,
int  stride,
const int ix,
const int iy,
const int iz,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValuesAtIndices ( double *  f,
int  stride,
const exint ix,
const exint iy,
const exint iz,
int  num 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::getValuesAtIndices ( exint f,
int  stride,
const exint ix,
const exint iy,
const exint iz,
int  num 
) const
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GA_Offset GEO_PrimVolume::getVertexOffset ( ) const

Definition at line 437 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getVisDensity ( ) const

Definition at line 858 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getVisIso ( ) const

Definition at line 857 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

const GEO_VolumeOptions& GEO_PrimVolume::getVisOptions ( ) const

Definition at line 853 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getVisTiles ( ) const

Definition at line 859 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

GEO_VolumeVis GEO_PrimVolume::getVisualization ( ) const

Definition at line 861 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

static GEO_VolumeVis GEO_PrimVolume::getVisualizationEnum ( const char *  vis,
static const char* GEO_PrimVolume::getVisualizationToken ( GEO_VolumeVis  vis)

Control how we display this in the viewport.

fpreal GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelDiameter ( ) const

Computes the voxel diameter by taking a step in x, y, and z converting to world space and taking the length of that vector.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleF GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandle ( ) const

Returns a handle to a voxel array containing our data. This is should be thought of a copy of the data - changing it will not change the underlying data, casting this to a write handle will write to the newly created handle, not the one stored in this volume.

field3d/f3d_io.C, GEO/GEO_VoxelTranslator.C, SOP/SOP_Surface.C, and standalone/geo2voxel.C.
template<typename BASE >
UT_COWHandle<UT_VoxelArray<BASE> > GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleByType ( ) const

Definition at line 629 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleF GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleF ( ) const

Definition at line 619 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleI GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleI ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleV2 ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleV3 ( ) const
UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelHandleV4 ( ) const
UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelSize ( ) const

Returns the length of the voxel when you take an x, y, and z step.

UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandle ( )

This is a handle that you can write to and affect the volume.

field3d/f3d_io.C, and standalone/gengeovolume.C.
template<typename BASE >
UT_COWWriteHandle<UT_VoxelArray<BASE> > GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleByType ( )

Definition at line 644 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleF ( )

Definition at line 679 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleI GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleI ( )
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV2 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleV2 ( )
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV3 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleV3 ( )
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleV4 GEO_PrimVolume::getVoxelWriteHandleV4 ( )
bool GEO_PrimVolume::hasBorrowedCEGrid ( ) const

Returns true if this volume primitive has a compute grid that is externally owned. NOTE: this method should only be used to query presence of a borrowed compute grid; getCEGrid() will automatically make a copy if needed.

Definition at line 984 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::hasBorrowedIMXLayer ( ) const

Returns true if this volume primitive has a compute image that is externally owned. NOTE: this method should only be used to query presence of a borrowed compute image; getCEImage() will automatically make a copy if needed.

Definition at line 973 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::indexToPos ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
UT_Vector3 pos 
) const

Convert an index in the voxel array into the corresponding worldspace location

GEO/GEO_VoxelTranslator.C, and standalone/geo2voxel.C.
bool GEO_PrimVolume::indexToPos ( exint  x,
exint  y,
exint  z,
UT_Vector3D pos 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::isAligned ( const GEO_PrimVolume vol) const

True if the two volumes have same resolution and map the same indices to the same positions.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isDegenerate ( ) const

Is the primitive degenerate.

Implements GA_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isFullyLoaded ( ) const

Returns true if the volume is fully loaded. If it has a pending CE grid (hasBorrowedCEGrid) or shared data to load, returns false.

Definition at line 987 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isIndexInside ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Returns true only if index is inside.

template<typename T >
bool GEO_PrimVolume::isIndexInside ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
const UT_COWReadHandle< UT_VoxelArray< T >> &  vox 
) const

By passing in a specific read handle, we can accelerate.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isInside ( UT_Vector3  pos) const

Returns true if the given point is entirely inside the volume's definition, ie, if posToIndex would return true.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isInsideStrict ( UT_Vector3  pos) const

Returns true only if strictly inside. This means only actual voxel samples will be used for interpolation, so the boundary conditions will be unused

template<typename T >
bool GEO_PrimVolume::isInsideStrict ( const UT_Vector3 opos,
const UT_COWReadHandle< UT_VoxelArray< T >> &  vox 
) const

By passing in a specific read handle, we can accelerate isInsideStrict()

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isScalarVolume ( ) const

True if this is a traditional scalar volume.

Definition at line 535 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isSDF ( ) const

Determines if we should be treated as an SDF. This means our function will continue to increase outside of the bounding box according to the distance to the bounding box.

Definition at line 828 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::isWorldAxisAligned ( ) const

True if we are aligned with the world axes. Ie, all our off diagonals are zero and our diagonal is positive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadBorder ( UT_JSONParser p,
const GA_LoadMap map 
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadCompression ( UT_JSONParser p,
const GA_LoadMap map 
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadH9 ( UT_IStream is,
const UT_Array< GA_AttribLoadDataH9 > &  prim_attribs,
const UT_Array< GA_AttribLoadDataH9 > &  vtx_attribs 

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

virtual bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadPrivateH9 ( UT_IStream is)
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadRes ( const UT_JSONValue jval)
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadStorageType ( const char *  storagename)
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadVisualization ( UT_JSONParser p,
const GA_LoadMap map 
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadVoxelArray ( UT_JSONParser p,
const GA_LoadMap map 
bool GEO_PrimVolume::loadVoxelDataH9 ( UT_IStream is,
UT_VoxelArrayWriteHandleF  voxels,
int  version 
bool GEO_PrimVolume::posToIndex ( UT_Vector3  pos,
int x,
int y,
int z 
) const

Convert a 3d position into the closest index value. Returns false if the resulting index was out of range (but still sets it)

bool GEO_PrimVolume::posToIndex ( UT_Vector3  pos,
UT_Vector3 index 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::posToIndex ( UT_Vector3D  pos,
exint x,
exint y,
exint z 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::posToIndex ( UT_Vector3D  pos,
UT_Vector3D index 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::recompress ( )
bool GEO_PrimVolume::registerSharedLoadData ( int  dtype,
GA_SharedDataHandlePtr  data 

Methods to save/load shared voxel data

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::resetAndAllocateHandles ( )
void GEO_PrimVolume::reverse ( )

Reverse the order of vertices.

Implements GEO_Primitive.

Definition at line 427 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveBorder ( UT_JSONWriter w,
const GA_SaveMap map 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveCompression ( UT_JSONWriter w,
const GA_SaveMap map 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveH9 ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  binary,
const UT_Array< GA_AttribSaveDataH9 > &  prim_attribs,
const UT_Array< GA_AttribSaveDataH9 > &  vtx_attribs 
) const

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

virtual bool GEO_PrimVolume::savePrivateH9 ( std::ostream &  os,
bool  binary 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveSharedLoadData ( UT_JSONWriter w,
GA_SaveMap save,
GA_GeometryIndex geo_index 
) const

Methods to save/load shared voxel data

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveVisualization ( UT_JSONWriter w,
const GA_SaveMap map 
) const
bool GEO_PrimVolume::saveVoxelArray ( UT_JSONWriter w,
const GA_SaveMap map 
) const
void GEO_PrimVolume::setBorder ( GEO_VolumeBorder  border,
fpreal  val,
int  component = 0 
void GEO_PrimVolume::setBorrowedCEGrid ( CE_Grid grid)

Set a "proxy" compute grid that we may reference for our data, but not modify. Upon first request, the data is then copied to a main voxel array.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setBorrowedIMXLayer ( const UT_SharedPtr< IMX_Layer > &  l)

Set a proxy compute image that we may reference for our data, but not modify. Upon first request, the data is then copied to a main voxel array.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setCompressionTolerance ( fpreal  tol)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setLocalTransform ( const UT_Matrix3D matrix)

Set the local transform. The default implementation does nothing.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

SYS_FORCE_INLINE void GEO_PrimVolume::setPos3 ( const UT_Vector3 pos)

Definition at line 452 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setSpaceTransform ( GEO_PrimVolumeXform  xform)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setStorageType ( StorageType  store)

Changes this volume to the specified storage type. Resets the primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setStoresIntegers ( bool  ints)

Changes this volume to one storing integers. Calling this function resets the primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setTaperX ( float  t)

Definition at line 558 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setTaperY ( float  t)

Definition at line 560 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setTransform ( const UT_Matrix3 m)

Definition at line 539 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setTransform4 ( const UT_Matrix4 matx)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setTransform4 ( const UT_DMatrix4 matx)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setTupleSize ( int  comps)

Sets the number of components for the volume. comps is internally clamped to be between 1 and 4. Calling this function resets the primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setTypeInfo ( GEO_VolumeTypeInfo  info)

Definition at line 863 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setVertexPoint ( GA_Offset  pt)

Definition at line 501 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setVisOptions ( const GEO_VolumeOptions vis)

Definition at line 854 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setVisTiles ( fpreal  tiles)

Definition at line 860 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setVisualization ( GEO_VolumeVis  vis,
fpreal  iso,
fpreal  density 
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArrayF vox)

Copies the given voxel array and makes it our own voxel array.

void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArrayV2 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArrayV3 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArrayV4 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( const UT_VoxelArrayI vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayHandleF  handle)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2  handle)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3  handle)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4  handle)
void GEO_PrimVolume::setVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayHandleI  handle)
void GEO_PrimVolume::stashed ( bool  beingstashed,
GA_Offset  offset = GA_INVALID_OFFSET 

Stash (deactivate) or unstash (reactivate) the primitive.

Stashing a primitive will set its offset to that specified, typically GA_INVALID_OFFSET. Primitives are only stashed as part of clearing a detail, so there is no need to explicitly deallocate vertices. It is safe to delete a stashed primitive.

Unstashing a primitive will re-register that primitive with its parent detail at the specified offset (or a new offset if GA_INVALID_OFFSET).

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::stealCEBuffers ( const GA_Primitive src)

Steal the underlying CE buffer from the source.

Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::stealVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayF vox)

Takes ownership of the voxel array, caller should not refer to vox any more.

void GEO_PrimVolume::stealVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayV2 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::stealVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayV3 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::stealVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayV4 vox)
void GEO_PrimVolume::stealVoxels ( UT_VoxelArrayI vox)
virtual void GEO_PrimVolume::swapVertexOffsets ( const GA_Defragment defrag)


Reimplemented from GA_Primitive.

UT_Vector3 GEO_PrimVolume::toVoxelSpace ( const UT_Vector3 pos) const

Converts from world space to 0..1 voxel space.

void GEO_PrimVolume::toVoxelSpace ( UT_BoundingBox box) const

Converts from world space to 0..1 voxel space.

void GEO_PrimVolume::transform ( const UT_Matrix4 mat)

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::unitLengthToUnitPair ( float  ulength,
float  vlength,
float uparm,
float vparm 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::unitLengthToUnitPair ( float  ulength,
float  vlength,
float uparm,
float vparm,
float  tolerance 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

void GEO_PrimVolume::unitToUnitLengthPair ( float  uparm,
float  vparm,
float ulength,
float vlength 
) const

Reimplemented from GEO_Primitive.

GA_Offset GEO_PrimVolume::vertexPoint ( ) const

Definition at line 1023 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const GEO_PrimVolume d 

Definition at line 1095 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

Member Data Documentation

CE_Grid* GEO_PrimVolume::myCEGrid

Definition at line 1047 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::myCEGridAuthorative

Definition at line 1048 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::myCEGridIsOwned

Definition at line 1049 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

int GEO_PrimVolume::myChannelCount

Definition at line 1037 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_SharedPtr<IMX_Layer> GEO_PrimVolume::myIMXLayer

Definition at line 1051 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::myIMXLayerAuthorative

Definition at line 1052 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::myIMXLayerIsOwned

Definition at line 1053 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::mySharedDataHandleLoaded

Definition at line 1045 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_Lock GEO_PrimVolume::mySharedDataLock

Definition at line 1044 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

GA_SharedDataHandlePtr GEO_PrimVolume::mySharedVoxelData

Definition at line 1043 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

bool GEO_PrimVolume::myStoreIntegers

Definition at line 1036 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleF GEO_PrimVolume::myVoxelHandleF

Definition at line 1038 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleI GEO_PrimVolume::myVoxelHandleI

Definition at line 1042 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleV4 GEO_PrimVolume::myVoxelHandleP

Definition at line 1041 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleV2 GEO_PrimVolume::myVoxelHandleU

Definition at line 1039 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

UT_VoxelArrayHandleV3 GEO_PrimVolume::myVoxelHandleV

Definition at line 1040 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

const int GEO_PrimVolume::theSharedVoxelMagic =('V'<<24)|('o'<<16)|('x'<<8)|('l')

Methods to save/load shared voxel data

Definition at line 408 of file GEO_PrimVolume.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: