Network rendering

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I'm trying to render this scene using multiple computers. To avoid any access/permission-related problems, I've put the actual HIP file on a Win98 computer in my network to let the two Win2K-SP4 powered computers, with hserver running of course, render it from there.

I've tried rendering my HIP file, seems to work but in the render display pane I only see “local” host listed. Is this right? I'm not really noticing anything, speed-wise, either.

What am I missing or what could I be doing wrong?
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Sorry for interrupting, but I was going to ask another question about network rendering, so instead of starting a new topic of the same subject I decided to post my little question here…

I'd like to learn If it is allowed network rendering in Houdini Apprentice version? So, if I setup another apprentice version to another machine with networking mode, is it possible to get a non-commercial version for it and then render from my computer again with a non-commercial version using the other machine as a rendering node?

Thanx in advance and apologizes again for inconvenience,

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Calosus: check out the PDF reference manual “Outputs(ROPs)” - and read Render Outputs/10. Mantra Output OP/10.2 Parameters Standard Page and the Remote Rendering section. This describes the basic things you need to do to get network rendering. You don't mention if you're running Apprentice - not sure if a training version would allow something as production-oriented as network rendering. However, the issue of where the hip is stored isn't really relevant to network rendering - that's a separate topic - you need to put the names of the systems you want to render on in the mantra call as per the docs.

Diya: Not sure you can do that with a training cut of the software. Wouldn't make sense for them to allow it since the purpose of it is for an individual to learn Houdini, not run it on multiple systems. Still, I don't know for sure - I'll leave it up to SESI to confirm.


John Coldrick
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