Llinux LD_LIBRARY_PATH and mantra startup

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today i have found some strange thing on Linux.

when i put to $HOME/.bashrc something like that:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\opt\compile\libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

… and then start xterm, and then cd to houdini, source houdini_setup_bash, and “houdini” -

Houdini is run ! But when i try to render i get:
sh: line 0: exec: mantra: not found

when i try to start mplay (listen for render):
Spawn Error: : No such file or directory
Error running mplay
Argument list:
0: mplay
1: -render


When i remove from bashrc my custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH env - all work nice.

How can i without losing Houdini, set my custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables? What i do wrong? My program is don't work from command line without this env set…

Linux: OpenSUSE 11.4
Houdini: Houdini 11.0.765
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I assume you mean “/opt/compile/libs” because backslashes don't work well in Linux (or within Houdini). Some things I can think of checking out:
- Try putting /opt/compile/libs AFTER the pre-existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Try changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH AFTER you source houdini_setup
- Try running mplay directly from the command line
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edward, Thanks!

sorry for writing “\” instead of “/” - that was mistake only ))

1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/compile/libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - i try set path before:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:\opt\compile\libs
but result is the same. Because $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in my system return nothing..

2. changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH AFTER you source houdini_setup

That works nice. first i call source houdini_setup_bash, then do export LD. - but… i want put LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanently to .bashrc..

3. mplay directly from the command line and i see something strange!

~> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/compile/libs
~> cd /opt/hfs_11/
~> source houdini_setup_bash
The Houdini 11.0.765 environment has been initialized.
~> mplay
(and mplay started and ask some files)
~>mplay -k
started again and listen for flipbooks - and when i create some pre - mplay catch it nicely.
When i try to start mplay FROM houdini:
Error running mplay
Argument list:
0: mplay
1: -flipbook
When i try render with mantra:
sh: line 0: exec: mantra: not found
Spawn Error: : No such file or directory

something very interesting is coming when i have called custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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I seem to recall back when testing 10 or 11, there was a claim that LD_LIBRARY_PATH would simply be ignored by Houdini. We recently came across a similar problem when one of the guys here had a declaration for that, we just got rid of it and all was well again. Hate the bloody thing, myself. Is it possible to get Houdini to utterly ignore it? Or is it one of these deep-rooted things that have proven difficult to code around?


John Coldrick
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2. changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH AFTER you source houdini_setup

That works nice. first i call source houdini_setup_bash, then do export LD. - but… i want put LD_LIBRARY_PATH permanently to .bashrc..

I just realized that in Houdini 11, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is never modified. So I don't see why this should make a difference. Try the two cases and output the values of LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH prior to starting Houdini.

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i will try some later… I have some problems with slow CIFS reading on my openSUSE 11.4, and this unsolved, i post the bug report, but nothing solved, and can't use it now. I will hope we can continue later….
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…and finally, no problems with Ubuntu 10.04

just put custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH to .bashrc
and all work nice..

it is certainly not a solution, but for many reasons I had to remove the OpenSUSE 11.4 and switch to Ubuntu 10.04.

by the way “LD” problem was solved
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Just ran into this here too. In case it helps anyone in the future, the issue for me was definitely related to python & associated libs.

Final solution:

source houdini_setup
setenv PYTHON_HOME where-my-python-actually-is
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH something-awesome:${HFS}/python/lib
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Ahh, this drove me nuts!

My linux-fu wasn't strong enough, so I just changed over to Linux Mint (~Ubuntu). Too bad, as I did like OpenSUSE..
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