access point normal in python

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i can't acces a point normal,
after add a box, and point node with “add normal” i can see the attribute in the spreadsheet, but can't acces in python, for example :

print Mypoint.attribValue(“Nx”)

don't work

but print Mypoint.attribValue(“Pw”) is working.

i'm looking for create normal, acces it, modify it in python.
Any Idea ?

thanks !
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You can't access just the x component that way. You need to do Mypoint.attribValue(“N”). If you are in a parameter you could do lvar(“NX”), the Python shortcut to $NX. The pure Python way of the parameter would be hou.pwd().curPoint().attribValue(“N”).
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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Joined: 6月 2011
thanks graham,

so for modify my normal should i use setattribValue ?
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Yes. Something like this would work:
normal_attr = geo.findPointAttrib(“N”)
for point in geo.points():
normal = point.attribValue(normal_attr)
normal = somevalue
point.setAttribValue(normal_attr, normal)

Alternatively, and probably faster for lots of points:
vals = list(geo.pointFloatAttribValues(“N”))
# 0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z.
comp_idx = 0
for i in range(comp_idx, len(vals), 3):
vals = somevalue
geo.setPointFloatAttribValues(“N”, vals)
Graham Thompson, Technical Artist @ Rockstar Games
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