Quadro K5000 Mac Pro

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Joined: 11月 2012
Hi, is there a good inversion to buy the nvidia quadro k5000 for my macpro 5,1?
Really have display issues using my Ati HD5770 under 10.8.2.
What configuration you recommend?
Thanks in advance.
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Putting any money into an old mac pro is probably not a good investment at this point. Especially at Apple's inflated pricing for gfx cards. I have one too and am waiting for the new macpro to see which direction to go. For the money of the quadro you can probably get a new PC that will run circles around the mac for 3d.

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I would have to agree. The Quadro K5000 is a solid graphics card, but using it on the Mac would cripple it with Apple's OpenGL driver. The native Nvidia driver is faster, more fully featured, and more stable than Apple's GL implementation. Unless you have a strong preference for OSX, consider a Windows/Linux workstation with this card instead. (In fact, if you were to dual-boot your current Mac with Windows or Linux, you'd find that even the 5770 would perform much better).
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Joined: 11月 2012
thank you very much. must install windows 7.
Houdini will support open gl 3,2 in a future?
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