End effectors on fbx exported joints

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Hi I'm in the process of building a tool that exports simulated geometry from Houdini to a game engine, and the joint count tends to fly away sometimes.
The engine has limits on amounts of joints on the skinned mesh, and it would be good to keep it down in general, and the way the tool works right now is that the end effectors doesn't influence anything so at the moment i remove them manually in Maya before i can import them into the engine.
Is there a way to tell Houdini to not export the end effectors to FBX to keep the joint count to a minimum?
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Joined: 3月 2017
I see that this is an older question, but for anyone who lands here searching like I did, there's an “Export End Effectors” toggle in the options menu when exporting through File>Export>filmbox FBX
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