Detail attributes to control the output names of UV Sets

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Hey guys, in a previous post, when multiple UV sets were implemented, this was noted:

If a mesh is inputted into Houdini Engine, the original Maya UV names are stored in a set of detail attributes (maya_uv_name and maya_uv_mapped_uv). When the mesh is outputted back into Maya, these detail attributes are used to name the output UVs. This should preserve the original names of the original UVs.

I have two questions:

a- If there are no UV Sets coming from maya, and I add UVSets in Houdini, can I use these attributes to determine how to name my houdini generated UV Sets in Maya? or does it just work with incoming UV Sets?

b- what are the equivalent detail attribute names for color sets? (are these documented anywhere?)

Thank you!
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a- If there are no UV Sets coming from maya, and I add UVSets in Houdini, can I use these attributes to determine how to name my houdini generated UV Sets in Maya? or does it just work with incoming UV Sets?

When the geometry is outputted into Maya, the Maya plugin refers to these attributes to determine how these geometry is outputted into the Maya world. So, inside the asset, you can indeed modify maya_uv_name and maya_uv_mapped_uv to control how the UV sets are named when the geometry is outputted back into Maya.

And the current uv set in Maya is set at:

b- what are the equivalent detail attribute names for color sets? (are these documented anywhere?)

You can see the color equivalent ones by inputting a Maya mesh that has color sets. They are mapped to:

And the curernt color set in Maya is set at:

I have actually been working on some basic docs that would have these documented. I'm hoping I can make them available soon.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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Hey Andrew! thank you for this! this is very useful

Looking forward to your docs too. Are those going to be part of the Houdini documentation or a separate plug in doc altogether?
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It'll be a separate documentation like the HDK and Houdini Engine docs.
Andrew / アンドリュー
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