Hair Shader question for white/blonde hair...

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Hi there,

I'm trying to shade a fairly long haired dog which has almost white hair with lots of blonde/yellow coming through on the denser area's, especially when backlit.

I'm almost getting there with the inbuilt Hair Shader but was wondering how others are doing this?

At the minute I can turn on Transmit Objects which produces a nice backlit effect but is incredibly heavy to render. Is this essentially path tracing dual scattering?

The other option is to only use Transmit Lights to get some transmission and use the Fake Caustic options under opacity to lift the darker shadows, which renders quickly but doesn't quite have the depth of going the full Transmission route.

Are there any ways to cheat the dual scattered look? I've had a read of the papers but its a bit beyond me…

Any help is much appreciated

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For those interested I went with having Transmit Objects turned on and dropping the refraction limit right down, this gave 90% of the transmission effect I was getting with a higher limit but rendered in half the time, and then graded that AOV up in comp, along with a little bit of the fake caustics I managed to get a pretty nice soft looking hair with loads of scatter.
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