Bendy Bones

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Recently I have been getting to grips with Houdini's rigging tools. Finding information is quite limited or tutorials are from old versions so had several headaches getting things running.

I was interested in the Bendy Bones that can be seen in Blender, look very handy and I am sure these can be recrated in Houdini. []

Anybody had any luck creating anything like this?

Will later versions of Houdini have a wider range of rigging tools?


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Hi Duncan,

Have you tried checking out the “Bones from Curve” tool, with the ‘Kinematics’ dropdown set to ‘Follow Curve’? This should get you most of the way there. You can always set up different deformation control for the curve itself if you need to customize further,

Hope that's useful

Henry Dean
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Something like this?

Play the animation, to see it in action.

It is the “Bones from Curve” set to “Follow Curve”
and a simple expression on the Bone length parameter…

maybe use deltamush and subdivide to smooth it out

maybe use an expression on Bones “Capture” Tab
Tab “Deform Region”… to stretch%squash
Edited by matthias_k - 2017年10月28日 18:46:00

bone_thing.hip (263.6 KB)
bone_thing_with_deltamush.hip (266.9 KB)
bone_thing_with_stretch.hip (270.6 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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Awesome HIP files some great stuff in there and managed to get some good movement using your method.

When using standard curves instead of the path tool you dont get any twist on the spline. Looking at the pathCV thats created via the path tool I can see a CHOP network inside but there isnt any nodes in there? Whats happening here to create the twist?
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The twist is created inside the “Path CV” nodes,
I don't know why you get a CHOP Node in the Path…
English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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