File SOP not loading .ply [SOLVED]

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Recently the File SOP doesn't load .ply anymore. I've tried in another machine with same Houdini version (16.5.473) and it works fine. Tried the usual, restart, uninstall and reinstall Houdini. Windows 10.

I tried to open with gplay and it doesn't work either. But when I use gply.exe to convert the .ply to .bgeo from command line, it works fine and converts.

I could load .ply with no problems until a few days ago. I did install some software, Microsoft Visual Studio and some packages with it. Could that be the issue?
Edited by perpen - 2018年7月5日 19:34:36
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So apparently a blank file named “Program” at C:\ was causing the issue. I am not sure what software put that there, but Windows was complaining about it every time I restart. I deleted it. Now Houdini can load .ply again. The weird world of computers…
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