DOPs wire quickstart

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I'm just beginning to dive into DOPs, and so far I like what I see (documentation aside).

I'm just trying to set up a basic DOP wire network to do a bunch of guide wires that react to gravity and collide with their base geometry. basic hair on a head kinda stuff.

The gravity stuff, and their behaviour seems to be fine, but i can't for the life of me figure out how to give it a damn collision object.

I presume I need to add a Volume attribute to my network that gets used by the wirevolumecollider. I'm stumped as to how i reference my collision geometry. I tried using sopgeo but that gave me warnings so I presume I'm either wiring it wrong or it's the wrong

I'm sure it's really easy, but I guess I'm still in the POPs paradigm.

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A hip file is worth a thousand words.

Play with this, and then post any new questions that spring to mind.

WireRBDExample.hip (285.4 KB)

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Cheers Craig, that helps a lot. My mistake was presuming that the wire solver had a spot to add collision geometry.

I guess I'm still slightly confused as to how this works seeing as in your network both solvers appear to be from seperate streams merged at the bottom.

Is it the case that the rbd solver says to take that object and make it behave in an rdb manner, the wire solver gets the wire to behave like a wire, and merging just gets the two to play together?

If so would adding a cloth solver branch to the network and merging that mean that they'd all play together?
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Yes, in theory. But in reality, the wire solver doesn't know anything about cloth (or maybe it's the other way around) so cloth/wire wouldn't work. But your general description is right.

One subtlety on all this is that when you combine RBD with wire or cloth, you generally need to have the RBD stream come in first, even if it's the cloth that is affecting the RBD. I can't give you a good technical explanation why that is, but it is.
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For example, compare and contrast with these two files

clothSupportBall.hip (65.1 KB)
clothOverBall.hip (63.6 KB)

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I see what you mean.

Is it that it needs to perform the collision volume calculations first which is why the rbd gets piped in first?

Anyway thanks for the examples, that cleared things up a lot.

I like the way in clothsupportball.hip it throws the ball out. Is it supposed to do that?
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It's just following the physics… 8)

To amuse yourself (if you are easily amused), make the ball object much more dense (say 1000), and then run the simulation.
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