RBD Workflows Pre- and Post-H18

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Hoping for a little guidance on the changes to the RBD workflows with H18.

My first exposure to Houdini was with 16.5, and I started with a lot of RBD work. I missed a pretty big chunk of the 17/17.5 RBD production cycles because I was on other non-RBD projects. Coming back to do some destruction work in H18, I'm over the moon to see that the Vellum workflow has spread to RBD/destruction.

That's the heart of the question, though…to what extent does the new workflow replace/invalidate older destruction approaches?

Don't get me wrong…I realize I can still go the previous DOPs route, etc but I was hoping to be able to narrow my focus a bit as I get back up to speed on destruction. Kind of looking for the ‘yeah, you could still do that, but now you should really do this’ sort of things. Trying not to miss anything pertinent as I get back up to speed, but also don't want to sink time into learning workflows that have been obsoleted by the sparkly new H18 tools.


Edited by MoltenCrazy - 2020年3月24日 17:23:06
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RBD workflow on H18 is so good. All of the RBD node help you for the destruction process from pre to post. My only problem is that if you are using it to a large scene with different types of materials like deforming metals, glass, etc. and breaking it using RBD material fracture your scene will start to slowdown specially when opening the scene.But over all the new RBD workflow from H18 helps me a lot. It is user friendly compare to the old workflow and you can focus on art directing or making your destruction awesome
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