Hqueue Server and opening ports

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I am trying to set up a couple of machines for render nodes in a corporate network - ie lots of security restrictions. My IT wont allow me to directly open ports 5000 and 5001 per all of the Hqueue setup directions I have seen. Instead they are insisting that allowing the apps (client and server) to communicate through Windows Firewall is the same thing. So we made sure to allow Hqserver and Hqclientservice to have access to private networks. Well I am still having trouble getting the clients to see the server and my IT help wants to give up like I dont know what I am doing. I am able to ping the client from the server but the client is unable to ping the server. I also have client running on my server machine and it is able to see itself. Would anyone have any suggestions for a knowledgeable reply to my IT team as to where to look next? Personally I am questioning the equivalence of opening ports vs allowing the app through the firewall but my networking knowledge is pretty limited. Any suggestions much appreciated. Jeff
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Been digging and I found this command -> netstat -ano | finder -i SYN_SENT
Which when run on the client I believe reports that port 5000 is still being blocked?

TCP 10.x.x.x:59695 192.x.x.x:5000 SYN_SENT 6544

The server is not consistently reporting any blocked ports. If it does it is port :443
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I finally got this to work by getting my admin to explicitly open the ports just like in all the directions.
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