proper way to slow down vellum sim

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hello new person here hitting a bit of nube a wall. what would be the best approach for a slow motion cache that doesn't disrupt the simulation?

I've tried adjusting timescale within vellum solver both with and without substeps and then also various combinations of substep adjustment between the solver and the file cache...tried recording cache while timeline was at 120 FPS and then rendering back at 24FPS..

I thought I might have had it licked speeding up FPS and actually ended up with what looked like a great slow motion cache! unhappily still looks like a stop motion render out of karma once the .ext files are imported into davinci for regular 24fps playback.

clearly I'm doing it all wrong and am confused by the documentation re. retime node so any help at all would be most appreciated

Edited by Shy1 - 2024年5月16日 16:47:16

testytest.mp4 (2.6 MB)

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perhaps there's some other reason the simulation is flickering this way unrelated to solve time?

I've attached an mp4 if anyone recognizes the issue and can shed some light
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You seem to have adjusted the right settings, your options were slowing down the time scale, or caching the sim with subframes (you need subframes both in your solver and your file cache node) and retiming it afterwards. If you say you end up with the appropriate cache, maybe your problem is with DaVinci rather than Houdini? Have you tried viewing your render in mplay?
Edited by Tanto - 2024年5月17日 10:00:20
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@Tanto thanks for responding.honestly I'm completely stumped. it's not davinci because I export in the same way there all the time with no issues. have several renders from the same project working fine.

for some reason this particular simulation seems to be causing this flickering on the material and I don't understand why.

I've tried..

no time alteration at all
no sub divisions
no cache
different materials
simplified collision geometry

can anyone help me identify the issue in the attached mp4? I'm sure I must be overlooking something quite straightforward

testytest.mp4 (2.6 MB)

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ok well if it helps any future newbies it turns out the issue was unrelated to vellum or timing entirely. seems there was a karma setting that was not loving it's context. I'm not 100% sure which exactly but over ambitious 'dicing' is high up on the suspect list
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