Limited number of cloth constraints??

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I seem to have run into a problem with being limited to only a few constraints.

In the attached HIP file, I have two objects that are being seemed together by 8 SbdSpringConstraint SOPs. If bypass two of them it works, otherwise nothing happens at all.

Anyone run into this problem? I hope there's a work around.

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By importing the cloth halves as two separate objects I was able to get all but one of the seam constraints working. Doesn't matter which constraint is bypassed, there just needs to be one pair of points that is not constrained.

The work around would be to run the sim for a few frames on the whole cloth then switch to a sim on the constrained cloth with one pair of points uncontrained.
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Thanks for the help. Separating the cloth into two objects cleared the problem up!
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Did you manage to get all the constraints working? Like I said I got all but one working, so there still seems to be an issue here. Do you tink you could post your new version of the solution?
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I didn't run into the problem of having to always have one constraint turned off.

All the constraints in my sim are working, but I am having problems with self collisions and solver failures. I'll post something when I have that stuff worked out.
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The problems I ran into were from having to many seam points and not enough points on the rest of the geometry. This is because the polygons created by the ClothObject were too long and thin, which caused collision failures and errors even when substeps and self collisions were turned up.

The attached file is a working version, but with the one limitation of having to bypass at least one seam constraint. Your right MichaelC, I thought I had it and then it slipped out from under me.

If anyone figures out why connecting all seams is a problem, I'd love to know.

Attachments: (13.4 KB)

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