No printf() Output from VEX SOP

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I'm running Apprentice 9.1.124 under Windows XP and am unable to get console output from embedded printf() statements in a VEX SOP. I've searched through the vcc command line options to no avail. The console is able to receive commands, for example -E causes a code dump.

I been unable to find a solution in the Help file or forum archives, so any help would be appreciated.
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Can someone at least confirm whether this is working for them in Windows XP?

The ability to debug when writing VEX code is not trivial and I can't do much until this issue is resolved.
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did you start houdini from a console?
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Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure whether I'm going down the right track here. This is new territory to me and I'm assuming that you're referring to CShell.

Upon launching CShell from the Command Line Tools prompt, I'm being asked for environment variables. According to the Readme file in the Houdini root directory, these should have been set up automatically. I've tried unsuccessfully to source the setup script.

Another beginner in need of guidance…
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Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure whether I'm going down the right track here. This is new territory to me and I'm assuming that you're referring to CShell.

Upon launching CShell from the Command Line Tools prompt, I'm being asked for environment variables. According to the Readme file in the Houdini root directory, these should have been set up automatically. I've tried unsuccessfully to source the setup script.

Another beginner in need of guidance…

Assuming you have a default installation of Houdini on WinXP, if you open Command Line Tools from Houdini's Start Menu (Start -> Applications -> Side Effects -> -> Command Line Tools), you are ready to work.
Type: houdini - to run the program, mplay, gplay, iconvert any thing you need.

All variables are already set for you. Now, as I understand you run csh previously which is not necessary. In fact csh apparently has a different set of environmental variables since it ignores my personal settings saved in $HOME for example.

The problem is that command line has nothing to do with printf() on Windows, since Windows cmd is not a terminal and Houdini doesn't use it for messaging. It uses Houdini Console which should pop up any time you use printf()
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The problem is that command line has nothing to do with printf() on Windows, since Windows cmd is not a terminal and Houdini doesn't use it for messaging. It uses Houdini Console which should pop up any time you use printf()
Thanks for helping to clarify this for me.

Here's an example of what's happening:
I create a Point Map node and in the Type Properties > Code folder add a printf() statement so that I have
int trial = 0;
printf(“trial = %d”, trial);

When I hit Test Compile, a “Compile was successful” message appears but the console doesn't.

If I e.g. enter -h into the vcc command line, the console appears listing the command line usage options. printf() is still ignored if I now test compile with the console open.
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Your example works as expected.
I strongly recommend you to upgrade Houdini at least to newest production build

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Unfortunately, updating to 9.1.179 hasn't solved the problem. Did the example work correctly for you under Windows XP?

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to test this, it helps me to narrow down the problem.
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