Peter Claes - showreel 2009 (houdini)

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Hi guys,

I've put together a new showreel with some of the work I did during my MSc in Computer Animation and Visual Effects during 2008-2009 at Bournemouth University and wanted to share it. Some of my final year Ba work is in there too. []

You can find a higher quality version here: []
or []

For my Masters project I am looking into houdini fluids & pyrotools. This project should be done by the end of August 2009 and is not yet included in the current reel.

I added some of my fluids stuff in a separate reel here: []

After 3 years of Ba and 1 year of MSc in computer animation I am finally looking for a job .
I hope to start working as an effects technical director in October 2009. I have got a EU passport and I am planning to relocate by the end of August (I am currently living in Bournemouth, Uk), probably to London, perhaps elsewhere.

So if you know anyone that can use a houdini effects td from October onwards, please send me an email or PM.

Here is my website & Cv: [] []

kind regards,
Peter Claes
Edited by - 2009年8月18日 03:05:59
Cg Supervisor | Effects Supervisor | Expert Technical Artist at Infinity Ward []
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your reel is really amazing.
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amazing reel Peter, I like the particle wave effect. A tutorial on the particle wave would really be nice.

All the best Peter.
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amazing reel Peter

Thanks for the comments!

I like the particle wave effect. A tutorial on the particle wave would really be nice.

You are kidding, right ?
if not, then please have a look here as that stuff is from my tutorial dvd . []
Cg Supervisor | Effects Supervisor | Expert Technical Artist at Infinity Ward []
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Awesome stuff Peter. Definitely have to get that technical effects DVD.
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Very nice Peter. Some really cool stuff on there. I especially like the feather tool and the flocking scene.
Wish you all the best with your hunting for a TD job. Im sure you will find one soon.


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I thought I post a little update with my fluids reel.
(codec is xvid, I'll put it on youtube soon) []

Some of that stuff might be poored into some tutorials soon.
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That's really nice dude.
I really like the little pieces inside the jam, I wonder how you managed to do that. I've downloaded the case studie and ‘I on it’. ;-).

Wat leuk dat je uit Belgie komt :-), ik woon in Noord-Holland en werk in Amsterdam bij The Ambassadors VFX.
Toen ik met de Technical Effects DVD van 3d-buzz bezig was had ik echt niet verwacht ie afkomstig is van een ‘onze’ zuide buren'.

Sorry guy's, I just discovered that Peters origin lies in Belgium. Since I'm from The Netherlands that's close. A certain number of people do still think The Netherlands and belgium belongs to Germany, which I can guarantee, is not the case ;-).
Nick Nimble

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Hi Nerox,

yes, Belgian indeed . (en vanuit Vlaanderen ).
It's not such a big country, but there are a few people that have gone quite far in industry (Tom Kluyskens is another Belgian who did great work).

Also you might be glad to know Coen Klosters (who gave a presentation on the pyrotools - masterclass) was an intern at Sidefx and help develop some of the demos for the pyro effects and he is Dutch .

I will be putting my thesis on fluids online soon. It should be an interesting read. Might follow up with some video tutorials as it is interesting stuff and hopefully it will help to get more people into it.

Ambassadors VFX looks like good place to work, is Houdini used in the pipeline?
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That's good to hear.

Well we don't use it jet. I'm the ‘company’s Houdini dude', but since I'm still working four day's a week in the VTR…

I'm starting to find my way around in Houdini, partly because of my countless hours afterwork and weekends/holiday's. They allowed me to be one day p/w in the 3d department to practice and study Houdini/fx which is a great help.
Though I find it really hard to make the big jump, mainly because ‘they’ say: We want to see results. So I say: Give me a change. The ‘next’ day ‘they’ pass by:, Nick our entire 3d department bites the dust on this one. Show us your magic!
('They' basically tie me to a chair, can hardly move a finger, and I'm asked to do a dance. Not just a dance, but a ‘blow us a way’ dance.)

One of my colleague's mentioned that I life/breath Houdini. So in terms of dedication/ persistence I'm oke ;-).

I'm not planning on giving up, but the VTR is so boring: ow yea another dvd! With a menu? unbelievable. You want a really ‘nice’ MPEG1, 4.23736 mb? You got to be kidding me ;p.
The handicap is that ‘they’ say I'm pretty good at it, probably due to my dedication / persistence.

I'm still going for a fulltime 3d job later-on this year. Can't wait to sent Sidefx an email: sent me a license! I'm on it.
Nick Nimble

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Hi Peter, very cool stuff!

I'd like to know more about your scene with the many floating spheres on fire emitting smoke. Do you just have ONE huge Voxel Grid that encompasses the whole scene with the spheres? What's the best way to go about doing something like that? Just yesterday I was playing around with a basic, sphere as an rbd, falling onto the ground (on fire definately)… The only thing i could think of to do was make a voxel grid the size of the ENTIRE path the fluid might possibly travel, which is fairly large! Just want to make sure i'm getting this right. Is that what's needed to do? What kind of scale were you working in? How large was your voxel grid and resolution in your low-res sim?

EDIT: OOPS, I guess it wasn't this post where you had the “floating” spheres that were on fire… hmmm not sure where i saw that!

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Hi Jonathan,

that scene you are talking about is part of the promo videos made by Coen Klosters, but I'm pretty sure he used a single big volume, since they are flying all over the place there is practically no other way of doing that. (also not sure - but they might be interacting with each other)

The grid I did for my particle triggered explosions is about 150 or 180 in high resolution. I think that if I were to do it as “a fly through” then I would probably sim 2 or 3 explosion simulations seperately and instance/copy them with perhaps a different displacement shader on them to vary the look a little and different orientations. That way you would actually have high close up detail.
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oh okay that's where I saw it. I guess I saw so much fluid work from you, you were the first one to pop in my head!

Appreciate taking the time to respond to my question! And just curious, what size dimensions is that voxel grid? *length width height*???? Secondly, do you recall about what your “low voxel” divisions were at?

And, good idea on the “instancing” and tweaking the shader!
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Why don't you have a look at some of my scene files and tools, they are posted along with my thesis here: []
Cg Supervisor | Effects Supervisor | Expert Technical Artist at Infinity Ward []
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