Particles emiter

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Hi im new with Houdini ,i m learning about the particles and i have a stupid question theres two ways to create a emiter,the first its i menu particles and create a emiter ,ant the second one its from pop network ,the result its the same i think so one yo see in the view scene and the other yo have to change particles view ,my question its what the diferent betewn two methos.

than so much and sorry fot my english
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hi there,

basically the Particle SOP is a more simplified version of the Pop Network.
Within the POP Network you are able to create a whole bunch of other nodes like groups, forces, attributes etc. so if you're aiming for complex particle animations go for the Popnet, sometimes it's sufficient to take the particle SOP though, depends on what you're wanting to create!

all the best,

Manuel [] []
Manuel Tausch
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hi there,

basically the Particle SOP is a more simplified version of the Pop Network.
Within the POP Network you are able to create a whole bunch of other nodes like groups, forces, attributes etc. so if you're aiming for complex particle animations go for the Popnet, sometimes it's sufficient to take the particle SOP though, depends on what you're wanting to create!

all the best,


hi Manuel you have a typicial spanish name ,the first thank yo for answer me,i understand you so you said me in the Particle SOP we cant add oyhe nodes like groups or forces??
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hehe yes it's very spanish )
ok, to be a little more clearly, the particle SOP makes you very limited. There is a forces tab as you can see, but only to add some noise, wind or gravity. But there are a lot more forces than that, just create a POP SOP and jump into it by doubleclicking, hit the tab key and you will see that there really are a lot of nodes that will help you building fancy particle systems such as events, groups, forces, attributes etc.
Of course you can also group particles in SOP Level with group nodes, that's possible.
In my opinion the particle SOP is a bit obsolete, I never use it! [] []
Manuel Tausch
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hehe yes it's very spanish )
ok, to be a little more clearly, the particle SOP makes you very limited. There is a forces tab as you can see, but only to add some noise, wind or gravity. But there are a lot more forces than that, just create a POP SOP and jump into it by doubleclicking, hit the tab key and you will see that there really are a lot of nodes that will help you building fancy particle systems such as events, groups, forces, attributes etc.
Of course you can also group particles in SOP Level with group nodes, that's possible.
In my opinion the particle SOP is a bit obsolete, I never use it!

OK thanks a lot its all clear,i have one more question ,if you want i dont want steal your time,i have to make something effects transform object into ink like the video of the link ,any advice im a littel lost []

thank so much again
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