urgnt:problm with breaking

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Hi im tryin to apply a break and tryin to keep the inside surface..but the geometry goes weird. I dont know why.Could anyone tell me the solution for it.I have attached the file below

build2dummygeo.hipnc (1.1 MB)

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is ther a bug in houdini break node??

i done one test just by
clickin a grid in shelf and applyin break and then by creating geometry node and creating a grid inside that and applying break for that.The former dint work and had weird extrusions outside,but the latter worked.Is that a houdini bug or wat is the actual problem??
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whithout looking at it, but from what you're writing, you cant break things that have no thickness, so a grid wont work, use a box or extrude the grid.
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Joined: 1月 2010
but the prblm i get s i get very weird pieces of geometry when i apply the break operation and i also find that there are no surface solid inside.
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32 posts
Joined: 1月 2010
but the prblm i get s i get very weird pieces of geometry when i apply the break operation and i also find that there are no surface solid inside.
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