how to use RBD solver with emitted particles?

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Hi poeple,
I'm wandering how to use the rigid bodies solver with a series of boxes emitted from a surface, I'm using a POP for emit particles from a sphere and after using a copy to assign a box to the particles so I get an emission of boxes and when I connect a RBD houdini treats the emission as a unique object so only the first box emitted has a good dynamic or the entire flow of boxes takes the movement of the first box

I'm missing something for sure, can someone help me?
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You can use an RBD point object.

First create a pop net and add a source POP.
Attach a kill POP after the source pop.

Go into DOPs and add an rbd point object.
From there, use your pop net as the points in the rbd point object.
Then override the geometry in the rbd point object to use any geometry in /obj

Should be working fine.
You can lower your volume samples if you are using volume based collision detection to speed up the sim.

Hope this helps,
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sorry mightcouldb1 but I'm not getting the results that you say, can you post a simple example scene?
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The easiest way is to use the Shelf Tools. Set up your RBD network, your particle network and go to the Create Particles shelf. Click on the POP Object tool, select your particles in the viewport and hit Enter.

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You can use an RBD point object.
Go into DOPs and add an rbd point object.
From there, use your pop net as the points in the rbd point object.
Then override the geometry in the rbd point object to use any geometry in /obj
By default, the RBD point object only “births” once, at the creation frame. To get it to birth on every frame, set the creation frame to $F. The points-input's points should only be there for a single frame, so back in SOPs, delete any particles whose age is greater than one frame (or easier is to create a ‘birthgroup’ group in the source POP and use that).
Antoine Durr
Floq FX
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Hi poeple,
I'm wandering how to use the rigid bodies solver with a series of boxes emitted from a surface, I'm using a POP for emit particles from a sphere and after using a copy to assign a box to the particles so I get an emission of boxes and when I connect a RBD houdini treats the emission as a unique object so only the first box emitted has a good dynamic or the entire flow of boxes takes the movement of the first box
And BTW, the RBD point DOP wants points, not boxes. You point to the box separately (also in that DOP) to tell it what kind of geometry to stamp onto each point.
Antoine Durr
Floq FX
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