I also tried the high precision mode in your HDA but to my surprise result were worse. So for now, I'm afraid will stick with how i did before
I've not had much time to work on 1.3 since my last update. I'm going to try to get back to it this week.
The polyslice's main purpose is to allow for precision cuts. Like cutting floors, walls or curves and cleanly injecting points, For this, it works very well and at this resolution the snapping features work at their best.

The node works per primitive to inject points, and then performs a slice per affected primitive if required in a second stage. Because it runs per primitive, cutting high resolution geometry for this reason is slower.
I've also constrained the data I feed to the poly-split SOP to allow it to perform sequential cuts cleanly.
However, if set to a low snapping strength, the tiny segments that are created in corners and on near perpendicular edges are harder to keep clean. This is why I created the high precision mode preset. But even with that,its a tricky issue.
So as a result, slices like in your example picture really push the cutting capabilities to their limits.
You could probably get your above example with a VDB to polygon tube shape, and then use a boolean to cut out the overlap with the original mesh.
Also I notice that in the example picture you seem to have set the Poly-slice into Poly line mode as your input source; because every cut is output as a polygon edge... Which won't give you the result you are looking for either way...
Maybe you did this to visualize the issue better ?

In the the end though...
The Poly slice's main purpose isn't to replicate the Boolean sops raw speed and cutting capabilities.
But to create specific, precise cuts, such as on many of the low res cases in the example file.
The high resolution cutting of complex surfaces like in your picture is slower and more sensitive to errors, because the lowered snapping strength and tolerances make the final result less predictable. It could run into tiny cuts that are below the snapping precision of some of the component nodes, like the intersect stitch, or the poly-slice itself and this is a hard limit where the node becomes more prone to errors.
I'm working on making cutting like this more reliable.
But I won't be able to make it any faster, at least, not without overhauling the node for this specific purpose or creating an alternative cutting method in the asset...
So basically, the Poly-Slice works best with higher snapping strength and tolerance values to guide the cutting behavior, so it avoids creating these tiny cuts altogether.