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Houdini Engine for Maya » Getting object level transforms into my OTL
- awong
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That should be possible with 13.0.469 and up. See the attached asset. The asset basically promotes a path parameter, and uses the path in the Fetch Object node. In order for Engine to recognize the path parameter as an input, you need to set the “Op Filter” to “Any SOP”.
Houdini Engine for Maya » Changing Topology Mesh Motion Blur?
- awong
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The current way that colors are being output doesn't allow the name to be changed. It's the same reason there can only be one color set power mesh right now. It'd be great if we can change that, but it's not so trivial.
Houdini Engine for Maya » Changing Topology Mesh Motion Blur?
- awong
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I see two ways of getting point velocities to work.
1. Inside the asset, use VOP SOP to deform the the points based on the velocities and time. This is probably the cleanest way to do it.
2. Maya mesh has something called “Motion Vector Color Set”, and some renderers support it. The renderer basically uses a color set as velocities, and deform the mesh based on the velocities. This is similar to using VOP SOP, but it's done by the renderer. Inside the asset, you'd have to output velocities into “Cd”, and then set the mesh's “Motion Vector Color Set” attribute to “colorSet1”.
1. Inside the asset, use VOP SOP to deform the the points based on the velocities and time. This is probably the cleanest way to do it.
2. Maya mesh has something called “Motion Vector Color Set”, and some renderers support it. The renderer basically uses a color set as velocities, and deform the mesh based on the velocities. This is similar to using VOP SOP, but it's done by the renderer. Inside the asset, you'd have to output velocities into “Cd”, and then set the mesh's “Motion Vector Color Set” attribute to “colorSet1”.
Houdini Engine for Maya » Changing Topology Mesh Motion Blur?
- awong
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Is your asset a file SOP that reads in files? If that's the case, your files need to include the motion samples needed for motion blur.
For example, when you render frame 5, your renderer might need frame 4.8 and 5.2. So the geometry files that you read in need to include 4.8 and 5.2. If you only have integer frames (like 4, 5, and 6), that's not enough for deformation blur.
Regarding changing topology, the Engine plug-in definitely supports it. However, most renderers still require the motion samples to have matching topologies to render deformation blur. For example, within frame 4.8 and 5.2, the topologies need to be the same.
The attached OTL file is a grid that grows outwards, and it has a noise pattern applied. The grid's topology changes every integer frame, but the deformation happens in between frame.
For example, when you render frame 5, your renderer might need frame 4.8 and 5.2. So the geometry files that you read in need to include 4.8 and 5.2. If you only have integer frames (like 4, 5, and 6), that's not enough for deformation blur.
Regarding changing topology, the Engine plug-in definitely supports it. However, most renderers still require the motion samples to have matching topologies to render deformation blur. For example, within frame 4.8 and 5.2, the topologies need to be the same.
The attached OTL file is a grid that grows outwards, and it has a noise pattern applied. The grid's topology changes every integer frame, but the deformation happens in between frame.
Houdini Engine for Maya » maya batch render problem?
- awong
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Yes, I was able to reproduce the problem and found a fix. It should be fixed in tomorrow's build (13.0.520).
Houdini Engine for Maya » houdini engine in both maya 2013 and 2015
- awong
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The plugin files are actually installed. It's just that the installer didn't find Maya 2015, so it didn't configure Maya 2015 to find it. The plugin files are in the Houdini installation directory:
You can manually configured Maya in two ways:
1. MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variable
You can set the environment variable through Maya.env file or through your OS. If you use the Maya.env file, you'll need to add a line like this:
# Linux
# Windows
MAYA_MODULE_PATH=C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 13.0.516\engine\maya;%MAYA_MODULE_PATH%
# Mac OS X
MAYA_MODULE_PATH=/Applications/Houdini 13.0.516/Houdini Engine/maya:$MAYA_MODULE_PATH
2. Maya Module File
This is what the installer does. There should be a Maya module file in the Houdini installation directory:
It's a text file that contains the full path to where the Maya plugin is. Something like:
+ houdiniEngine 1.5 /opt/hfs13.0.516/engine/maya/maya2015
Copy the file to the modules directory inside the Maya installation:
# Linux
# Windows
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\modules
# Mac OS X
You can manually configured Maya in two ways:
1. MAYA_MODULE_PATH environment variable
You can set the environment variable through Maya.env file or through your OS. If you use the Maya.env file, you'll need to add a line like this:
# Linux
# Windows
MAYA_MODULE_PATH=C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 13.0.516\engine\maya;%MAYA_MODULE_PATH%
# Mac OS X
MAYA_MODULE_PATH=/Applications/Houdini 13.0.516/Houdini Engine/maya:$MAYA_MODULE_PATH
2. Maya Module File
This is what the installer does. There should be a Maya module file in the Houdini installation directory:
It's a text file that contains the full path to where the Maya plugin is. Something like:
+ houdiniEngine 1.5 /opt/hfs13.0.516/engine/maya/maya2015
Copy the file to the modules directory inside the Maya installation:
# Linux
# Windows
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015\modules
# Mac OS X
Houdini Engine for Maya » Inputs and outputs of the houdiniAsset node
- awong
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This post is a summary of what inputs and outputs are supported for the houdiniAsset node.
inter-asset is supported. This means you can connect one houdiniAsset to another houdiniAsset. Since this connection is made directly within the Engine (i.e. Houdini), everything that an object outputs inside Houdini is sent to the other asset's input.
nurbsCurve is supported.
mesh is supported. UVs, normals, and color sets are transfered to the Engine.
particle is supported. It's possible to connect both a regular particle node or a nParticle node to the asset. Per-particle attributes are all converted. The following Maya attributes are mapped internally to the Houdini equivalent: position->P, velocity->v, acceleration->force, rgbPP->Cd, opacityPP->Alpha, radiusPP->pscale.
inter-asset is supported. See above.
mesh is supported. Basic mesh data is outputted. Normals and UVs are also outputted. There's also basic material support so that textures are extracted and saved to disk. The material parameters that are outputted are: ogl_amb, ogl_diff, ogl_alpha, ogl_spec, ogl_tex1
instancer is supported. Instance geometry in Houdini can be outputted as Maya particle instancer or transform instances. The transform for the instances are outputted. It's possible to switch between the two by toggling “Use Instancer Node”, which is just under “Asset Option”.
fluid is supported. Due to some limitations of Maya API, it's currently only available on Maya 2014 and up. We should be able to have the same support on Maya 2013.5 (extension) too. However, Maya 2013 and older would require a completely different implementation, so there's no support in the older versions yet.
One important thing to note is that Houdini volumes are individual grids, whereas Maya fluidShape contains a fixed number of grids. And currently, multiple Houdini volumes can be mapped to each Maya fluidShape by specific volume names, which are connected to the their respective grids on the Maya fluidShape. The mapped volumes are: density, temperature, fuel, vel., Cd.
particle is supported. Any Houdini group primitives that contain only points (no face, and no vertices) are outputted as Maya nParticles. All point attributes that are either float3, float, or int will be outputted to Maya. The following Houdini attributes have Maya equivalent, so they're mapped to the equivalent Maya names: P->position, v->velocity, force->acceleration, life->lifespanPP, Cd->rgbPP, Alpha->opacityPP, pscale->radiusPP.
Note that when outputting custom attributes, the corresponding attribute needs to be added to nParticle node in order for the values to be accessible/visible on the nParticle node.
curve is supported. Note that each Houdini curve is outputted as one curve node in Maya. This works fine for small number of curves, such as outputting guide curves from an asset. However, it's not very practical to output fur and hair this way, because of the large number of curve nodes that would have to be created inside Maya.
inter-asset is supported. This means you can connect one houdiniAsset to another houdiniAsset. Since this connection is made directly within the Engine (i.e. Houdini), everything that an object outputs inside Houdini is sent to the other asset's input.
nurbsCurve is supported.
mesh is supported. UVs, normals, and color sets are transfered to the Engine.
particle is supported. It's possible to connect both a regular particle node or a nParticle node to the asset. Per-particle attributes are all converted. The following Maya attributes are mapped internally to the Houdini equivalent: position->P, velocity->v, acceleration->force, rgbPP->Cd, opacityPP->Alpha, radiusPP->pscale.
inter-asset is supported. See above.
mesh is supported. Basic mesh data is outputted. Normals and UVs are also outputted. There's also basic material support so that textures are extracted and saved to disk. The material parameters that are outputted are: ogl_amb, ogl_diff, ogl_alpha, ogl_spec, ogl_tex1
instancer is supported. Instance geometry in Houdini can be outputted as Maya particle instancer or transform instances. The transform for the instances are outputted. It's possible to switch between the two by toggling “Use Instancer Node”, which is just under “Asset Option”.
fluid is supported. Due to some limitations of Maya API, it's currently only available on Maya 2014 and up. We should be able to have the same support on Maya 2013.5 (extension) too. However, Maya 2013 and older would require a completely different implementation, so there's no support in the older versions yet.
One important thing to note is that Houdini volumes are individual grids, whereas Maya fluidShape contains a fixed number of grids. And currently, multiple Houdini volumes can be mapped to each Maya fluidShape by specific volume names, which are connected to the their respective grids on the Maya fluidShape. The mapped volumes are: density, temperature, fuel, vel., Cd.
particle is supported. Any Houdini group primitives that contain only points (no face, and no vertices) are outputted as Maya nParticles. All point attributes that are either float3, float, or int will be outputted to Maya. The following Houdini attributes have Maya equivalent, so they're mapped to the equivalent Maya names: P->position, v->velocity, force->acceleration, life->lifespanPP, Cd->rgbPP, Alpha->opacityPP, pscale->radiusPP.
Note that when outputting custom attributes, the corresponding attribute needs to be added to nParticle node in order for the values to be accessible/visible on the nParticle node.
curve is supported. Note that each Houdini curve is outputted as one curve node in Maya. This works fine for small number of curves, such as outputting guide curves from an asset. However, it's not very practical to output fur and hair this way, because of the large number of curve nodes that would have to be created inside Maya.
Edited by - 2015年5月29日 16:43:54
Houdini Engine for Maya » Maya 2015 Crashes cooking basic otl file
- awong
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Hm, interesting. There might be some library conflicts. When Maya crashed on OS X, there's usually a crash report. Would you be able to send me the crash report? That'd be helpful for debugging the problem.
Edited by - 2015年2月2日 15:33:06
Houdini Lounge » 13 install fails on startup
- awong
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Can you check if your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is set to anything?
If it is, try prepending $HFS/dsolib to it. In bash, it'd be something like:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/opt/hfs13.0.198.21/dsolib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”
If it is, try prepending $HFS/dsolib to it. In bash, it'd be something like:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=“/opt/hfs13.0.198.21/dsolib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH”
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