BUG - attribute transfer pop crashes houdini

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Hello! I think i have found a bug.

I have a popnet that uses a AttribTransfer node (one of many), everything works fine … until i want to make a digital asset or a null or any other node that i want to add attributes to from the popnet network (like add attributes in the “edit parameter interface” or to a digital asset). Houdini crashes everytime when im trying to list the attributes inside the popnet.

In my original file i pinpointed the node that causes this is the attribTransfer, if i delete that node from the network i can now list the popnet and choose what attributes i want to add.

Try this in the file provided:
1. select node NULL_PARAMETERS
2. go into “Edit Parameters Interface” and under create parameters choose tab “from nodes”
3. now list whats inside of popnet (the + icon)
4. now it crashes.

I have tried this on work with houdini (master licence) and houdini 9.5 on linux 64bit and on my laptop with windows vista on (HD apprentice licence) and i get same crash on all of them.
In windows console win it says: 3628: Fatal error: Segmentation Fault when it crashes.

3628: Fatal error: Segmentation Fault

attribtransfer_bug.hipnc (41.0 KB)

Magnus Pettersson
Lead Effects TD @ Storm studios
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http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=15603 [sidefx.com]
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Joined: 3月 2009
ah thanks i posted the bug there too
Magnus Pettersson
Lead Effects TD @ Storm studios
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