How do deform animated geometry

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Quite new to houdini, enjoying it very much.
I see a lot of animated mesh deformation videos on instagram recently. For instance this account has many of them. []
I want to learn the general logic behind these animations. I can do things like voronoi fracturing an object, or filling it with a growing spaghetti line but I can only do this to static geometry. I think there is a method to make those things for dynamic geo as well. Is that a trick? I hope this is a clear question.
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There is many methods for doing that.
One of them is using Point Deform Node.
You can fracture your geo in single frame ,Then deform this fractured geo based on deforming geometry by Point Deform.

In some different situations Point Deform doesn't work correctly.Specially when two part of geo are so close to each others.(e.g hands and body)

In this case you can do same thing via Point VOP and using XYZ Distance. []
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