Rotate point normals 45 degrees on curve

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Hi everyone,

As a beginner in Houdini, I love it but having some problems using sweep node and point normals. The main idea is to extract curve and sweep on it using a custom shape built in illustrator. Every time the extracted curve is messing up normals.

As you can see the top bar with shorter than the sides due to normals rotation. How can I rotate normals 45 degrees within a curve that has 90 degrees angles? Or use another way to approach this. I have used Polyframe node, changed normal name to N or up, same to tangent name and bitangent ether to N or up, but it did not help.
With this, I want to create a door casing and continue building the doors and other details based by that extracted curve.

Door Construction []

I have experience working with 3Ds max and in general 3D knowledge. sadly i got stuck here DD

Thanks for any help )
Edited by Simon Pagas - 2018年12月10日 12:02:00

houdini normals 1.JPG (57.1 KB)
houdini normals 2.JPG (76.8 KB)

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Try polyextrude if all you want is a straight surface.

door.hip (80.2 KB) []
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You provably want N as from the vector that is perpendicular to the curve tangent and the normal to the plane the curve lies on. Resample node has a shortcut to get the tangent vector and you already know the plane normal (the direction the door is facing). In a wrangler you can then write, (for example):
vector up=set(1,0,0);
@N =cross( n@curvedir, up);
B.Henriksson, DICE
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