Up resing sim in Houdini / adding extra detail ?

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Can someone explain to me how to up res simulation in Houdini ? Someone told me that I can add more detail to the sim if I resimulate it. Basically like adding extra wrinkles to the general Vellum cloth sim, adding extra detail in the water sim or extra fracture in RBD and so on. But using a first pass of the sim to layer on top. So how does one drive one sim with the other or layer on top?
Thank you
Edited by Nikodim Fomich - 2021年8月17日 00:26:47
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There are a number of Youtube tutorials that you should watch, just do a search and you'll find a few. I think even Entagma touches on this.

Personally I find the process a bit tedious and I think you're better off just spending a bit extra time simming at a higher resolution than running an uprez after the fact.

For my Houdini tutorials and more visit:
https://www.youtube.com/c/RightBrainedTutorials [www.youtube.com]
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@Midphase, thanks Kays. It's a new concept to me as I always do spend a lot of time and do only regular sim but recently someone mentioned how up res-ing is good for huge sims where you would need more detail and missing a computational power to get high level of detail in one pass. But then again I guess wedging could come in handy too. Anyway thanks I will watch the video you provided.
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