Сергей Катаев

Сергей Катаев

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Welcome! 2015年4月3日16:50

Thanks. Clear now.

Welcome! 2015年4月3日11:40

As I understand, you want to export you base models to Houdini, modify them there and send to UE4?
Import Houdini tools into 3dsmax, modify base models, export them to UE4 and still maintain procedural tools?

So there are 2 options:
1) Have houdini tools in 3ds max installd
2) Have houdini installed

Second option - clear. Not certain about the first. Are such tools or plugins available for 3ds max? Or it's better to move to houdini for making the assets?

Welcome! 2015年4月3日7:20

Hello, may I ask question here, because I didn't find any related theme.
The assets for the engine, they can only be made inside Houdini app? What about if I'm a 3ds max user, but I need procedural workflow for my base models, and finally put them to unreal via houdini engine.