Andrew Cheu


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VFX Artist


United States

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Houdini Particles in UE4 2016年6月20日12:56

Hey Everyone, I've been convinced to switch over to Houdini and have been using it as a core tool in my vfx specifically particle and fluid simulations. and ive recently been using UE4 as a platform for real time visuals. My question for everyone is has anyone found a working pipeline for visualizing houdini particles in UE4?

I know theres an FGA exporter for DOP networks, but that can be a little stubborn when I've started using multiple DOP networks that work together to create a specific look. and also tweeking the vector field scale and palcement in cascade can be a little frustrating to match the sim in houdini.

Any other way of exporting particles from Houdini to UE4? I am sure this would solve tons of issues and open up a lot of opportunities between the two.

Any help would be great!


Houdini Particles in UE4 2016年6月20日12:42

Hey Everyone, I've been convinced to switch over to Houdini and have been using it as a core tool in my vfx specifically particle and fluid simulations. and ive recently been using UE4 as a platform for real time visuals. My question for everyone is has anyone found a working pipeline for visualizing houdini particles in UE4?

I know theres an FGA exporter for DOP networks, but that can be a little stubborn when I've started using multiple DOP networks that work together to create a specific look. and also tweeking the vector field scale and palcement in cascade can be a little frustrating to match the sim in houdini.

Any other way of exporting particles from Houdini to UE4? I am sure this would solve tons of issues and open up a lot of opportunities between the two.

Any help would be great!
