Alberto Fonseca

Alberto Fonseca

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Houdini Engine


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Recent Forum Posts

Just starting out - Is Houdini right for me? 2014年10月29日5:31

Great, thanks for the links! It looks like their fundamentals video is a good place to start.

Just starting out - Is Houdini right for me? 2014年10月29日2:06

I downloaded Houdini Apprentice to try it out and figure I'll go through some of the introductory videos to start learning.

A question I have regarding your comment on modeling:

Just working with Houdini only for static models (not procedural) is a little hard and complex , But it's just for first .

Besides the tutorials here, what would you recommend for learning static modeling with Houdini? As I mentioned I haven't really modeled with any other tool so I don't know the basics and it looks like some of the tutorials here will be more advanced. I don't mind a steeper learning curve but the right guidance will be helpful as a tackle this.

By the way, nice portfolio and thanks!

Just starting out - Is Houdini right for me? 2014年10月23日21:01

Hi, I just learned about the Houdini tools and they look really interesting. I'm an indie game designer with a coding background but no art skills. I'm looking to explore 3D modeling/effects for the first time and was wondering if this is the right tool to start with. I've heard the learning curve can be high compared to other tools but I haven't used any others so thought I'd ask for some perspective here.

Is this the right tool for someone starting out wanting to learn 3D modeling for the first time? Would it be better to start with another tool such as Blender, etc.? I am attracted to the concept of procedural tools coming from a coding background which is why I ended up here.

If I dive into Houdini it would probably be the apprentice version to see how it goes and then maybe get the indie version. I'm using Unity for my own projects so that would be where the output of any work would go.

Any advice is appreciated.
