Alexandra López


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Houdini Engine


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VDB for collisions 2017年10月14日0:03

Is there a way to use an OUTPUT DOP to save the simdata collision from inside the dop object?

I hope it makes sense.


I just found this supper useful threat… well, I guess you probably found the solution for this issue after all this years since this was posted in 2014… but for people out there who might come across this the way I get the particles out of the DOP network is by putting a dopimportfields outside the DOP network. In the dopimportfields node you add the DOP network path and in the Default Object you use your flip object.

Suggesting Houdini to a company. How should I approach this? 2016年11月21日17:05


My name is Alex, I'm currently a Junior studying Visual Effects. Last summer I worked at a company called iD Tech, which is basically a summer camp for kids and teens to learn programming languages, robotics, animation and other cool up-to-date technologies. I was an instructor in modeling and animation with Maya and 3D printing and as I was teaching I saw so much potential in integrating the possibilities of teaching kids how to make their codes a beautiful visual piece.

With that said, I'm wondering what should I say to this company if I want to suggest them to teach Houdini to kids. Should I tell them to buy licenses or to use Houdini apprentice? or would Side FX be interested in this camp were Houdini can be taught at very young age and potentially purchased by those kid's parents?

Also, is this a good idea? Am I too crazy because we have to teach them how to do everything in one week?