Amit Khanna

Amit Khanna

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Houdini Engine


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Crowd Agent shapes: Style Sheet is not picking anything up 2021年1月19日19:06

Hey guys,

Is there a way to do this using vex/python as opposed to applying materials through data tree?

For regular assets, we set shop_materialpath to shader path through a custom Python HDA. If I have to do the same for Crowd Agents how can I access this 3 levels deep packed geometry in python so I can map my shaders to geo shapes?

I would like to leverage the existing system to apply lookdev published for the crowd agent assets if possible. Also we are not rendering with Mantra so will need to write crowds to Alembics, thus hoping I can apply my shaders through shop_materialpath.


Get all lights used by a ROP - abs paths, bundles, instanced 2020年5月11日8:51

Hey guys,

So I wasn't able to find exactly what I was looking for but made it work using node.evalAsNodes().
I had to process the instanced lights by checking where the instance source is specified at /obj parm level or at geometry level.


Get all lights used by a ROP - abs paths, bundles, instanced 2020年4月29日13:31

Hi Guys,

Is there a way to get a list of all lights being used by a rop?

If a user has specified absolute paths to the lights, then I can get them through evalAsNodes()
but if they are in bundles, I will need to expand these bundles.

Above that, at least for renderman, instanced lights are specified in Force Objects parm and not in the lights section.
Do I need to scrape both Objects & Lights parms on a ROP?

I can hack my way to get the data I want but thought there must be a way a ROP collect and expands this data?
