d. henry


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United States

Houdini Engine


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Issue With Contraint when trying to make an Suv Collide 2020年12月30日22:51

Hi guys happy holidays. To keep this short. I’m working on my first vehicle collision. I have an SUV model that I would like to fall head first on a ground plane to cause a collision. Unfortunately in my connect adjacent pieces node when I adjust the search radius for the constraints the truck will either fall to the ground plane but will also have some crazy weird artifacts. If I adjust it a bit higher the truck seems to be constrained on the rotor of the truck and would start colliding in mid-air, it basically dangles without falling to the ground plane. More than likely, I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, but just in case I wanted to see what you guys have to say..because at the moment I’m stumped. Thx for your time.
Below you will find some screenshots of what I’m talking about, and a link to watch a two second flip book.

The.hip file is extremely large coming in at 84mb. I can post that if anyone asks. The truck model unfortunately i can't post with the .hip file. I don't have permission to share it. Just in case anyone asks. Thx for you help.

Here is a link to watch the issue https://vimeo.com/495936066/42ce57e5f6 [vimeo.com]

Day 3 | Elements: Water 2020年7月11日17:55

My 2nd ocean Sim screenshot. Created in Houdini indie. Rendered in mantra.

Day 3 | Elements: Water 2020年7月10日19:53